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The schooner Joseph Sims was towed / out at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, and set soil for Havelock. where she will load ri cnr<*o of timber for L-ytte'.ton. Tho Union Com-pan-v's steamer Tuieri. which 15 taking the Peherua's run for a trip arrived here ve.=terd.-iy morning from Dunedin. via Oamn-ru and Timani, and wi'l sail at 1 p-m- to-dnv for Wellington. AVe-st-port, and Grevmouth. The Union Comtwnrr's vessel Pohn-ua got out of Grevmouth nt 7.15 a.m. r.r, Sa.'en-d:.v. with a- load of coal for Lv.fte.ton. She is due here early this m-ornrrg. After d.s-ohar<-ing, tho vc?se' will prowed south >n order to pick up her running in the coastal car-ro service. The Union Company s steamer Kotuku left Grevmouth nt 7.30 a.m. on Saturday for Lvtte'tor.. The vessel is due here caTly this morning, and after discharging a part cargo

of timber, will go on to Wellington to put oui ti.e reiusinaer. 'the Harbour Board ha.? ccmlnci.ctd iiiyiug the foundations for the iow icvei ughl at the heuus. It is expected that by the time tho light arrives at Wellington from Home everything will be in readiness at_ tne heads to receive it. Tho Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus lim-lied discharging arid sai.ed at 4.4,3 p.m. on S.auiday for Westport, where she will ioad ii.uotner curgo o"f coal for Ljyt.-.tor., being due Uie-k here late Ui-iuoitow n.eiii or on >-, ediieeaay morning. Xno New Z-Oii.-uid Oomp-ar.y's slciau-r R-uksi.i, niter a quantity "of cargo, sai.ed on .Saturday ufierncon for Wa.taia to loud frozen u.t-u-t for Loudon, The vessel cikl.j at Wellington. Picton, Timaru. and Lyt to. ton to load further cargo. fc-ho was originally announced to sail finally from Lytle.'tou, l-.ut wiii now make Wellington her latt port, sailing thence- for .London aljoirt the 25th inst. lira Canteibury Steamship Company's steamer Ripple is due hero to-day, with a consignm.em of lambs from Gisborne. The ishaw, S«iviii lonio is expected to ?ail ailiout Wednosdsiy or 'Thursday for Napier ajid Gisborne. She will return" here about _ the both, and will sail about the 17th far Weiiiington, whence she Bails finally fox London on May 21th. Captain Bondali, who is supervising tho salvaging of tho sunken Slate ecu! hulk Enterprise, at Weiim-ton, hud lifted tho vessel about six feet off tho bottom on Friday evening by meaJis of six slings hanging Irom tho salvaging hulks Alameda arid Coronrandel. Captain BendajJ expected to have -the Enterprise on the Biirfaoe on Saturday, and to complete, pumping operations that evening without discharging the coal from the hulk. Tho Union Company advise, that the N&vua is to relieve the Hairrcto, which vessel is tabled to loavo Auckland on the 29th May for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney. The new stc-Hjuer Atua is now on her \\uy from the Clydo to Fiji via Durban and Sydney. In older to enable the Navua to loavo Auckland on the date mentioned above., it bias been decided to despatch the Monia from Dunedin for Westport and Suva. Sho is duo at Suva on tlie 23rd May. aad will return direcrt to Wellington., thence proceeding to Lyttelton ar.d lAtnedin, while tho Nuvti*. which is exnypt-td to leave Suva on the iMth May. will Wrs% Auckland cwrgo only. Tho pilot at Patea reports that the channel is straight, bearing south-south-west from tile fl-igriafT, with about lift at high water springs and Bft at high water neaps. Tlio cntranoo is good, about 15(>ft between the eastern wull and training wnJI. The river is in the same condition as last month. The top beacon wns shifted about 4ft to tho eastward on April I,lth. It is announced that the steamor Pondo wiii be tho nejet vessel to leave New Zealand under ilia contract for a<rt service with Canada. She -pails from this colony about the end of June next. Another shipping rcorrd is being esfs.b-1-iehed by Hariand and Wolff, oMJeifast, Ireland. The White Star liner Adriatic, now in course of construction, will have a tonnago of 2.-J,o<Xl ( a length of 710J feet, and a depth of 40 foot. She will bo the largest vessel in the world. The New Zcalaiid Shipping Company's atoumor Paparc-a is to leave London on tho 10th inst. for Wellington and Lyt-telt-cn. via Capetown and Hobart. The Tessel ia due at Wellington a.bout July 7th, at Ly.telton about a week lateT. It is reported that the Norwegian steamer Thodo Fag-ekirxl, 4.152 tons has been fixed to ioad timber at Banbury". West Australia, for Wellington and Ljttelton. The scow Wbangarou. left Port Maicnuarie on Wednesday, Apr--! 2.*)tb, with a cargo of hardwood for Grey-mouth. Tho Brit i-yh barque Birkdale, 1.183 tons register, which left Durban on March 21st, fc-r the Semaphore, for orders, has been chartered to load wheat at Meibourr.* to tho West Co-art South America at 163 fid, if to Cal-lao 17s. opt.ou Ne-wcu.stic to Valparaiso with cc-.i.l at 17s 6d, option an Australian port to United Kingdom or Continent 2>ls 6d wheat. Tho Norwegian barque OliTia arrived at Hospital Bay. Tasmania, from Port Pirie on the 17th April to load timber for Lyttelton. The barqneniine Jap, when leaving Sydney on April 23rd, under sail for Clarence River, was bcoalmed when between tho Heads, and drifted dangerously near to tho rocks at North Head. Assistance wn« sent, and the vessel toweu clear of danger. - and continued hor voyage to the Clarence River, where she loads hardwood for Lyttelton. The barque Lain*., which left Hospital Bay, Tasmania, on Wednesday for New Zealand, is reported to be bound to Napier and Auckland, with a cargo of hardwood. A glnring inaccuracy in the mapping of the New Zealand const, near Cnpe Kidnnppers. was recently reported by one of tho Union Company's capt'ir.s. The matter has been investigated since by Captiin Billons, of the' Hinen co, and Cniilain Dn-vid. of tho Corinthic. Both agreed that the co* in this particular pa.r! hius been wrongly charted. They find th? distance between Cape Kidnappers aid Bavo Island to bo eleven anil a half miles, instead of thirteen miles, as is shown on the Admiralty chaTt. The cargo shipped from New Zc-.iland for the United Kini-dom by (he New snd African Company steamer E»sex was as follows: —r>9..>,)0 onrcascs of lamb. 15.110 carcases mutt.n. l'*,l 70' ft timber. 1.127 ingots spelter. 21.12 br.lcs fli'x. 77.11 sacks oi-ts. 1.191 •-i'eks peas. 4T-25 ea.-e*> preserved ments, 2104 lx-.xes 'butter. 7170 lvox 1 "* boned beef. KS nunrters. fr.vzcn beef 107 ca=<>s cheese. f!74 b'les wocl. IR7 sacks wheat. 156 ba'es twine, 301 dumns tow. X"2 bt'es tow, 7fi*> en sea k-u.ri "tim. I>l o->sks nelfs. IC4 casks tallow. 110 boxes dross. .10 cases <rencr»! SO casks ole«>, 4 bales leather. 3 bales hair. Go boxes veal.

The Karitane was to leave Westport at 7 o'clock yesterd-iy maruing for Wei.mgton. The New Zealand and Airican Steamship Company's stoainer Dorset, which is inaugurating the reduced frci.fhts a.nd far« 9 to Ljiicoh. is t:> proceed from tho Blurt to Tima-u. Lytte!t->n. Napier, and Wellington, ar.d is dir.> st the last-nxn-tioned port alx>ut tbe Itth inst. As the Dorset ts not to call at Picton as previously an-anecd. the vessel v,-.1l s.ii We.l.ngton hon.eward l>vtir.d .it d.iybreak on the 2Uth inst., two days earlier than preyicusly aii-n..-unce.:L ; Mr Thorns.-* Whitmor-.', lately weighman under the Swansea .F.r.g.) ILirbaiu Trust, has patented a new form cf stenuwhip propeller, for which, it is said. £25 I'OO been offered by a syndicate oi well-known capitalibta. The propeller consis-ta of a single spiral blade, breeder than the type in use. fixed on a cone-shaped base. Tests are said to h-ive yielded a-«tcu'.shing results. The scow Eunice is at present cargo at Dunein for Gr.-ymouth. at:d niter dischara-ing at her de«titu.t.on will proceed to Kairara to load timber for Dunedin. Tlie head office of the Union Steam Ship Company has been advised by Mr James Mills, who is on his way to Vancouver thut the Maheno maintained "a speed ol" Ij\ knots an hour, as far as Honolulu —the port from which Mr Mil's cabled. Considering that, in <;e:i?nil. the Pacific currents set against steamers &n the "up " run, this ia accounted very freed rum-intr. Tlie U.S. ar.d A. ste.imer ATtlgownn, from New York, via Me.bourne and Sydney, 13 due at Auckland U>-ii:'--rri.w. and after discharu'iir.' purt car-.'., there, comes te Wellington. ' Lyttelt. 11. Pert Civdmers. ThJ Arrljowon is d*e" h'-re ab-.-ut the inft. The W:,'-;;-tn from Akaroa, yin the Bars, on S.iturd.iv af'.eruoon. and will sail to->'i:-lit for i'ort R/binsan, Knik ura ami Wellington. The Uni->n C jin.p-Hiv's bi? cargo sb amer Anarimn. wliieli left Calcutta oji April 7th for New Zealand. vii and Snnir.ran.a-. missed Code Island on Saturday. end should reach Auckland at the end of this week or early next week. After discharging her at Auckland. Weliingt n. Lyfte'ton and Diuied : n. the vessel i.y announced te- leave Dunedin on May r S'.h lor x'enan-j. Sing.i'-ore ar.d Cilnitta. The vessel whicli is fitted with twin screws, will both pasix-ngers and c»rgo for the a.l> »ye ports. The New Zcs'nnd Shipping Company's steamer Ton;r-.iriro. fr -m". via Cape-t.-nvn and Hobart, is duo at Wellington this morn insThe Union Company's steamer Kamona arrived shortly after ' no:>n yesterday from We--t*->ert. via Timaru. The vessel has « part cargo of coal te. land here, and is expected to suil to-nvorrow for the West Coast. A* Wellington telegram -it-.te? that the warship Pioneer is to nrrive there to-day, when the Pegasus will leave for Fiji. CHART ROOM GOSSIP. Mr J. Benton, chief efficer of the Jfaniixiuri, has been granted holiday leave, and his place has been taken by Mr' Healey. Captain 11. Smith, who is row in command of the auxiliary sc-vw Iv ho. h-as had a long oonnection with New Zenlond coastal tradino*. Years ago he hnd command of the T? B. Tavlor, now a eos! hnlk. which was then trading out. of Ws-tiganui. Captain Mncdonald is now in charge of the Wa ; kare. It is understood that Captain Rolls is to Teioin tbe Tarawera. Mr Wallace, second officer of the \V ailraw. left that vessel 'at Wellington on Saturdnv. and proc«d#d to Lyttelton f-r orders. His olace has be*n tnken by tire third officer of ihe vessel, and Mr Carson, of the Rotoiti, bus joined ?s third. . The Auekhind "Stur" says Captnan John Grubb, of the tug Ohinermin. vra.« seriously hurt by a hi? sea-that broke on board the vessel 'when she was attempting tofow the bsrquentine River Hunter into recently. , , Captain E. Phi-Mips, who ha-s l>een Bihojre for some time on sick leave, rejoined the M-anuka at Sydney. Captain, Mornsby. whi> was relieving'him, has resumed, command of the Monowai. . , r C-aptddn MftT-ciel. Superintendent of ileroantUe Marine at Lyttelton. has been appointed inspector for the rdjustrnent of compasses at Lvttelton. Cai.tam Marcicl is at present absent on holiday leave. Captain G. G. Smith. Superintendent of Mercantile Murine at Wellington. h.i* been annointed inspector for the adjustment cf there. . Ceotaiu T. Kckford. of the Blenheim trader Opawa. left Auckland by the Sierra on Saturday, en route, for England, via ban Francisco. „ . . The appointment is announced of>ta.n W Tinney Iwte of the Aorcre, as h.rlyiurnmstCT and pilot at Pati-n. Captain Tmnev. who h-a* been in the joint service of tlio Anchor Ijin« and Messrs W. and G. Turnbull and C>. during the past fittoen years, recently accepted the p"sili° n nf fcti-ng-pilot at Pates when tho Mc Captain Petersen wr.s drowned. ~.,,. ,i ■ 1 Mr Page hns joined the Ii .wra a.s third oflicer. Mr Lockie pro<-oed,in.g to Auckland foT orders. , ... Ravin"* recovered from his recent lllnessi, Captain luis resumed command of the Tutanek-ai, and Mr George Hooper (chief officer of the Hinc-ino), who temjjorari.y filled the pofiti-'n. is at present on shore awaiting an opportunity to rc]oin the Hinomo? "It has been rumounvl fsavs _ tho D-aily Times") that Mr Hooper is to be nl-accd in coiumand of the training ship Soarrow, now lying at Wellington, but noth ; Ti" definite has transpired so far. It would appear that the recommiM'tniing ot the Sparrow is h-d-red about with much, official and A<lmira!ty aoiiling-wax. and somo time will probe.blv elapse before the vessel is read/ to fulfil the useful -work to which she ha.-*- Won relegtited. Captain 1). S-avident, of. the barque ITirotha. who has been appointed harbourmister and collector of Customs at Ivaipara, in st.cce»s,on to left Kai-p-irn at the end of March for Adelaide, from which port he is prob-.-bl;.' on his way bae-s to tike up his new duties. Among the th : r 4 v-two candidates were masters wi'h the highest qualifications iittainnble, but Captain Savident's appointment was pro.b-a.lviy in-fiir-nced by his nr.irv years faniiliar.ty with Kaipara harbour and its extensive rnnuiicaThe Now Zealand branch of the Merchant Service" Guild held their fifth annua! n.eetin<- at Wellingt--,-n on Friday. Mr Orton Sevens occrupirxl the chair, and there •kbotit. t«"o tV-Jien members present The membership roll wn>* rerortinl to total -8. The balance-beet showed the assets were valued at £:i> Hs UH. which included £27i' = 3 lid in on-di at the bnnk en the general account, and 2s lid in cash and interest at the Post Otlice Savings Bunk—amounting •>!to"*e',';cr to £*»2 10s Cd increase On tho previous year's account at the Larks. ConiT.'tul'itorv refercr.-eo was made by the chairman to the balance-sheet and general process of (he Association during th» p? year' Tl-.e iV.I ">wing c flu-era wr-re re-clec-tod-—President. -■!■' ° r ' or - Stevens; vi«nresdent, : Cantain G. T. Hull: secretary mid treasurer. Captain D. J. Watson; auditor-, Messrs O. S. Watkin-- and G. B. Hull. Forty members v.*erc appointed-as a Management Committee.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12497, 7 May 1906, Page 9

Word Count

SHIPPING NOTES. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12497, 7 May 1906, Page 9

SHIPPING NOTES. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12497, 7 May 1906, Page 9


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