PRpPERTIES FOR SALE. ELECTRIC' TRAMWAY EXTENSION. ST. ALBANS EAST. DIRECT TO ■ KENSINGTON ESTATE. rnHE RATEPAYERS of th* j Tramway Area having decided in favour of further Tramway Extension, Purchasers' of Sections in this Estate will enjoy every benefit to be derived from j i * ' an Electric Tram service. KENSINGTON ESTATE has other advantages. It adjoin* 't ■ St Albans Recreation Ground, ' and is convenient to the public school. It is an admitted fact that Kensington Estate is the highost, best drained, and healthiest portion of the city, every section being Ift to 4ft above the side channels. Good flowing artesian wells can be obtained on any part of th* property. A laTge number of section* have already been sold, and the balance are for sale at low prices, from £55 each and upwards, on easy terms, Interest 5 per cent. Plans and further particular* from CHARLES HILL, Solicitor, 185 Hereford street, 1008 Christchurch. RICCARTON, Lower, adjacent tram service —Full i-acre, high section, excellent 6roomed Residence, built of extra heavy timber by day labour, and well finished, with good furnishings, bath, h. and c.,' pantry, scullery, copper, tubs. .Price asked £575, as the owner is anxious to quit; An additional acre of land can be had at low cost. J. G. Bannerman, 117 Colombo street. " LICENCING NOTICES. ' NOTICE OF AIPPLIOATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE.I REUBEN OGDEN, of _a_rist<sbui_h, beT ing the holder of ft Publican's Lioenee in respect of -the houee and premises situate at Chris-chtirah known *« the SHAMROCK HOTEL, do hereby give notice tha* I desire to obtain, and will, at _>c next Licensing Meeting" to be holden at Ct__ristdh_rch on the arglvth day of Maroh, apply for the TRANSFER of the said License from myself to THOMAS ARTHUR OLOUDESLEY, my appointee. Dated the 18th day of December, 1905. REUBEN, OGDEN. J. S. BARRETT, SolicitoT, 207 Hereford street 2696 iNOTICE OF APPLICATION! FOR TRANSFER OF MCBNSE. I- HUGH ___N.NEDY, of Rakaia, being • the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house amd premise* situate st Rakaia, do "hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at tho next Licensing Meeting to be holdon at Rakaa* on the 2nd day of Maroh, 1906, APPLY for the TRANSFBB. of the said LICENSE from myself to THOMAS appointee. Dated the 12th day of February, 1906. ( - HUGH __E-NWBDY. Garriok, Cowliabftw snd Fidier, Solicitors, Christohurcsh. 2903 HOTELS. PALACE HOTEL. MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ENLARGED, IMPROVED. AND BEFURNISHED. Ideal Site, Heart of CSty. Quiet Neighbourhood. TARIFF—Ba Par Day. Luggage expraia (Steven*) meats all train* and steamera. 941 LEVIATHAN EOI Z ; I Opposite Railway Station, DUNEDIN. P.O. Box 113. Telephone 67. JAMES CONNOR ... Managing Director. Tha Favourite House with tha Travailing Public Up-to-date in Every Detail, Moderate Charges. TARIFF—From 4s 6d par day; 91s par week. Permanent Boarder* by arrangement T_* Lunch from 13 till 2 ia unequalled ia tha colony. ONE SHILLING. Firs Escapes throughout the building. -Tight snd Day Porters. SGM CITY BUFFET PRIVATE HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET. (Near Reece'*, Ironmongers). FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Permanent Boarder* and the Travelling Public. Hot. Cold, and Shower Baths. Close to Railway Station snd General Post Ctnce. ■ TRAMS PASS DOOR. I__ncheon from Noon to 3 p_n. Letters aad Telegrams will nearr* Prompt Attention. Telephone No. 670. i JAMES HOWEY. . Proprietor.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12427, 14 February 1906, Page 11
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