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All tho Canterbury rivers were In good order for fishing yesterday. Mr Maxwell, C.E., consulting --e'lfc gineer to the Tiniaru Harbour Board, is at present in Tiniaru for the purpose of inspecting tho eastern breakwater extension works. Ho is to make a special report to the Harbour Board.- • At Ohoka yesterday, Constable Rings arrested a man on a charge of vagrancy. Tho man is said to believe that he has supernatural powers, and that when he roads the Bible in a certain tone of voice it is heard by his co-religionists in Christchurch. "In tho old days," said the Hon. J. T. Peacock in the course of his observations to the Tramway Board yosterday, in support of the proposal to widen the road under theSumner cliffs, " I used to gallop along that bit of tho road in order to get over it as fast a*s possible, and it used to be known as 'Peacock's gallop;'"
A record of the rainfall at Balmoral Station, in the Amuri County, kept by Mr W. Thomson for five years, gives thp following figures:—ln 1900 the total for 143 days on which rain fell was 33.25 in; 1901, 124 days, 28.49 in; 1902. 140 days, 30.90iu; 1903, 120 days, 33.03 in; 1904, 135 days, 40.4 Gin. The heaviest monthly fall was in October, 1900, totalling 7.96 in, and the least was in July, 1902, amounting to .30in. The highest record "for; 1901 was January, 4.56iri; for 1902, November, 4.70 i n; for 1903, January, 4.43 i n; and for last year December,.4.46in. At Clyde, Central Otago, the total,rainfall for last year was 10.23 in. 7 :
Tho defendant in the; maintenance case heard at the Lyttelton Magistrate's Court on Wednesday was George? Marshal], not* John as published. The city wore a holiday appearance yesterday afternoon, the streets being partially deserted, many having gone to witness tho Lyttelton regatta.; 1; ;/ The excavations fbr>he : tramway;line from High street into Cathedral square, reached that portion of Colombo street between the junction of High street and tho southern end of the square yesterday afternoon. ; ';.', : :■'.:..-.■ , The receipts from the sale of the trees felled in the Christchurch Domain at a cost of £200 are expected to realise £90 in excess of that amount. Much of this, surplus has, however, been expended in planting new trees. '.■'■■....■•.-.■.■■* Meetings of creditors will be held as follows next week:—Percy Denton-Car-dew, vocalist, at 11 a.m. onrWednesdayj and Thomas Hooper, labourer, Tamai Hamlet, at 11 a.m, on Thursday. It is' proposd to organise an automobile rim to be attended by City Councillors, who willbe given practical experience of the rate, of speed of motor cars. Needless almost to say, the tests will be made outside the city boundaries, whore the city by-laws do not apply.. That there is to be some subdivision, partial or the whole, of the Swyncombo Estate, and submission to public conjpotition, is well founded, says the Ivajkoura "Star," but there is conflict of statement as to areas and locality. In all probability the vendors will make announcement on the matter before long. A Press Association telegrani states that the New Zealand Egg-Laying Competitions Association, recently formed in Blenheim, decided last night to pro, ceed with its competition, whether the Government support, which has been .applied for, is granted or not. Arrangements for finance were adopted, and it was decided to procure a site at once.
An Auckland telegram states that while "riding a horse at Wilson's Beach, Romuera, yesterday, a young woman named May White was thrown through tho animal sworving, and was dragged for somo seventy or eighty yards with 'her foot in the stirrup leather before the girth gave way a, She was picked up unconscious, and expired shortly afterwards. At the Oilman: Magistrate's Court yesterday Captain Wray inflicted a fine of £2, or fourteen days, on Alfred Millon arid George McKonzie, for having liquor in their possession, whilo subject to a prohibition order. John Ward, for procuring liquor for a prohibited person, was fined £5 or one month's imprisonment. Richard Diver, for procuring liquor while prohibited, was fined £2 or fourteen days. A meeting of the Board of Governors of Lincoln Agricultural College wae hold yesterday, tho Hon. 1H C. J. Stevens presiding. There were also present Mossrs E. Richardson, W. P. M. Buckley, T. Harrison, and W. Lowrie (director). The chairman reported that ho had interviewed the Premior in reference to lotting the Hakatoramea runs ia conjunction with the Crown lands adjoining, and Mr Seddon had promised to look into tho matter. Messrs Buckley and Knight were requested to make the annual valuation of the farm stock. Accounts totalling £640 10s 4d were passed for payment. In the course of conversation with Sir Joseph Ward at Auckland yesterday, Mr :Lawry, M.H.R., stated that the time of the arrivallif the steamers at Onehunga was somewhat close td'tho express, and it sometimes happened that the steamers missed connection to Rotorua. Sir Joseph stated that -before leaving Wellington he had-given instructions to have a fresh time-table prepared, altering tho time of departure of the express from Wellington to, 8 o'clock instead of 9.20" a.m., as at present. This would" mean: that .steamers .would leave New Plymouth an
hour and, twonty minutes earlier. This alteration would also involve an. alteration in the service in the Middle.lsland, and this was being attended to. The change would come into operation on .the Ist of March next. : The Patriotic Funds Act, passed in 1903, came into operation on the Ist of the present month. Ifc provides for the winding up of those funds of which the trustees are satisfied that all claims have been mot. The Government has to approve of the method in which it is prpposed to dispose of any residue in hand at the time of winding up. The Hon. C Louisson, chairman of the local Patriotic Fund. ■ informed a representative of "The Press" that there is little likelihood of the local fund being closed, as, in addition to fresh claims which are being received weekly, a number of cases previously relieved promise to become almost a permanent charge on the fund. In these cases the recipients are practically incurable and unable to earn their own living. It was Louisson's action that the coming into operation of the Act was postponed, the idea being to give the committees of the different funds an opportunity of considering their position, and of getting in all possible applications. The Political Labour League (according to our Wellington correspondent) is still making strenuous, but apparently futile, efforts to become recognised aa a ; factor in the . political, lire of the colony. Its ambition is to form a third party in Parliament, ■to hold the balance of power, and its chief prophet, the Hon. J. Rigg, M.L.0., is suspected of desiring to cast off the tiammela of Councillorship, renewable every seven years, and become a representative of Labour in the House. Incidentally, the speakers at the meetings organised by the League appear to take malicious pleasure in puHing the beard of Mr Seddon, whom they charjjo with vacillation and utter neglect of the interests of Labour. So far tho meetings have been poorly attended, and the movement cannot be said to be advancing by the proverbial leaps and bounds.
The annual meeting of tho voluntary contributors to the funds of tho Samaritan Homo was held at the City Council Chambers last evening. Mr C. Hastings Bridge presided,- jfjid. there were about a dozen subscribers present. Mrs Dnnkleyv who retired by rotation, was re-elected a trustee to represent the voluntary contributors. The. annual returns showed that Q4 raon and 68 women had boen admitted during tho year, while 16 men and 28 women wore in tho Homo when* the year, started. Sixty men and 68 women had been charged during the twelve months, leaving 20 men and 29 women remaining on December 31st. The annual report stated that chronic cases had been found a great difficulty during the and the necessity of a hospital for consumptives and also for incurables was becoming increasingly felt.'' The chairman mentioned the desirability of having the institution proclaimed an Inebriates' Home, and said that person-ally'-ho could not see any difficulties the >-ay. " Mr C. H. Winny thought that [the. Home was : doing a:splendid work at tt minimum edst, and deserved more support from tho general public than it recoivod. ; j Mrs Hoimos, who was injured in the Hanmer buggy accident, is still in a precarious condition. \ Sh'q passed a fairly good night'on Wednesday../ Miss Fugh, who broke' a small bone in her ankle, is progressing fairly well; "Mrs Holmes might have escaped J injnry if the reins had riot been buckled, but' her feet were caught in the loop, and i she was dragged thus behind jthe | vehicle across a rough gravel Trate/- j course. It, seemed, impossible at, first j that she could eurviyb the experience: '%
:and>;ft;- partygpf f Wends intend leaving; tiwnorrowi" on; •fcruis6"6ij .the ;-M«r^*erwa^^und^M:^|^g^l| stonyhas been askedto becdnie a candidate forl a seat on the Harbour Board to repreeenfc the Woplston, Sumner,' and New Brighton districts. It,«; jpanobable that Mr IJidiardaori will consent to the request. /;;.'■■■:'' •':" : u '■' '^s'^>U^' r ?~'' The Seventh Day Adventist* haWeommoncod erecting their tcntsfut^ the, Aehburton Domain, where they intend \ ; to; Hold religioos meetings ■ from i January. 20th to I'ebrparySth. : ;; • £ The treasurer of the United Distrii* CJharitable Aid Fund deeires to »cknowledge an anonymous donation towards the support of the home for aged poorat'Woolston. .. An alarm of fire was given at Lyttelton yesterday afternoon,. and, proved to be caused by a chimney which bad taken firo at the residence of Mr Oleen in St. David street. The, blaze was extinguished before any damage was done. • A corner block of land situated at the intersection of Taranaki street and Courtenay Place, Wellington, was offered yesterday at auction; The block, which has a frontage of 85 feet 6 inches to Taranaki street, and 80 feet 5 inchet to Courtenay Place, was knocked down, to Messrs Whitworth Bros., butchers, for £3000. The inspector of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals seized a horse yesterday ' which bore apparent signs of neglect, and removed it to the Society's paddock. The owner had repaired the harness j with wire, which caused sores on the ' horse's side. It is expected that the animal will have to be destroyed.
Mr Arthur E. G. Rhodes and Mr R. M. Macdonald, who wero on the City Cotincil when stops were taken in connection with the municipal abattoirs, visited the abattoirs yesterday in company with the Mayor (Mr C. M. Gray), "Mrs Gray, Councillors Cooper, Forrester and Payling (members of the Abattoirs Committee), and. the Town Clerk (Mr H. R. Smith). "Do you wish to ask him anything?" queried the" Stipendiary Ma?<(itrate yesterday of n judgment creditor who had just.called his debtor for examination,. " Not particularly/ , was the; somewhat vague reply. "What did you bring him here for then?" asked the Magistrate. The creditor thereupon threw off his attitude of indifference and proceeded to put a number #f questions relative to the financial position of his debtor. ' V A man was voyaging down the Avon yesterday evening in a small boat heavily laden with two sacks of freshly cut grass, and had reached that part of the river near the Manchester.street bridge, when his vessel, foundered. The boat sank in about a couple of feet of water, and her passenger after some difficulty and at considerable personal discomfort jettisoned his cargo and dragged his vessel on to the bank. The run of the Canterbury Automobile Association to Leeston and back was
held in £no weather yesterday afternoon. About twenty cars took part m the run, which started from in front of the City Council Chambers at ' half-past two o'clock. Many new care were included in those which took part, but Mr Arthur E. G. Bhodes's recently-imported automobile attracted the greatest interest. It, is a very handsome car with a tonneau body, covered in with windows oneach, side. It led the procession, the_oecupants 'including Mrs Gray, the Mayor (Mr C. M, Gray), and Mr Rhodes, R. M. Macdonald'B new car, also covered in, was greatly admired, ana followed the leading can The occupants included Mr Macdonald (who wm his own chauffeur), Mrs Rhodes, and Councillors Payling, Cooper and Forrester. The route taken to the abattoirs waa via Worcester street west, Rolleston avenue, Park ten ace, Park road, to the Rrocarton road. At the abattoirs those in the first two care alighted and inspected the buildingß, the remainder; o£ the care going onto Leeston. ■". ■ ■ '•■'• ■ '.< ■. At St". Peter's Presbyterian Church j last evening tho Rev. T. McDonald was formally inducted to the charge in the presence of a large corigregation. :The Rev. Dr. Erwin,,-in opening the proceedinga, • invited any who objected ito the incoming pastor to slate their _objectionsl None being forthcoming, tbe Church officers, accompanying the newpastor, entered, from the vestry. Devotional exercises followed, and tlw> Rev. W. McDonald, of Kaiapoi, preached on the "Disease of Sin." The Rev. Dr. Erwin conducted the induction ceremony, and gave the Rev. T. McDonald the fight ■ hand of ; fellowship, after making the usual declaration. The Rev. P. J. Riddle, of Rakaiaj•■ then addressed the new paster on, the importance, privilege and responsibility of the sacred ministry. The Rev. P.
Wilson, ,of Papanui, subsequently gave an address on "Congregational Life," aild at the. close of his remarks announced: that a : tea j meeting arid social would be held to ''■■ nighfc to welcome Mr McDonald. Aβ I the congregation left the church' -ibe i now pastor exchanged greetings /with ! the members. . I There is no condition of grain to which the reel of a McCormick, binder cannot be adjusted. It can be raised high or dropped low, swung forward or back without any unusual effort.; 4 At the Automobile Club's run to Leeston yesterday afternoon, Mr Oatbs drove a very handsome 16-h .p. Rambler Motor Car, just landed a few days ago from the St. Louis Exhibition. The car, was muoh admired for its beautifully smooth running. ' 1 A great sacrifice in dress materials is now being made by Black, Beattie and Co., which are reduced to half the usual price, also a large variety of blouse lengths in muslins, flaked zephyrs, cotton and -woollen delaines, figured satteens, etc., etc., which ore .boinjr cleared at special prices. Trimmed millinery also at special ~ Kid, gloves Is 6d per pair, a very wide selection of sunshades at all prices. A visit of inspection will well repay buyers. \ ,18 Tho contractors entrusted with the additions, and alterations to the ehov I rooms and various departments at the [ D.I.C. have, already made • a good com • i moncoment. So far the work is con«
fined to the outside buildings, which I wilj eventually form part of the interior. The show rooms and departments will be handed over to -the workmen .in a few days, -which the I .management will duly, announce.' > 79 I If yon are in want of a windmill and ! pumping outfit for large or small service, or a lawn mower or binder twine j it will pay you to call on Booth, Mac- j donakl and Co. .., . :; 2977 Christmas and New Year presents, useful and ornamental—Water sets, b* glasses, jugs, and tray, engraved, 6s Sd; wine sets, 8 pieces, 7s 9d; tea seta 8s 9d, dinner sets 17s 8d; cheese, fruit, butter, salad, bread, and bacon dishes,' in fancy china ware,, from 2s Cd;V also electro-plated ware cruets, biscuit, butter, jam. dishes, good value/at Tfletcher Bros.', Lower High street. ". 4007 For repairs to all kinds of bicycles, both English and American, the; best; place is Boyd and Son's,' ■: 'Gloucester street (opposite Rink Stables),.where they have every," appliance and- convenifor making satisfactory repairs at lowest prices. . Agents ..fortwo;' of England's -best bicycles -at English prices. ' "-- ">'■ ■.:-:-->•-; 3(j ; Fifty-four •' cars /. are ' tnrned /"flut daily ready for use at the Oldsrnobilo Factory. Their: latest Tonneaii car arrives in Christohurch to-day. ! Mc'Clelland and Matthews. 'Aconts, next , U.S.S. ; Co. - _ :, +&% 5- ;i i■ ■ : '. 7 W
ti*ftt 6*Je to^ley,: positive olftarance of entirafafc^ special cieariitg lots at^fenormoue -,raisewipt*; Lbweif price* onfrecord.' Men'e Tuacan Btitwre for Iβ 6d, lace;oollare.;and etolesvsa: 7i 6d)for ;2i 6d,-bliM!lt Jrid?elo>*B 4s 6d ftn;;le-lld, Jap: , -elks*»U> colonre Iβ, blouse «lke 4a lid spot M : for "millinery 35e lor 15e lldy JaT*¥»naraar Iβ 9dfor U t dreje eVirta 17a W^for-8f lid, oKildren'a eoata •nd 6dfor 3s 1W» tnnuned picnib feate 5e lid W»d black oatxioh tip! Sβ 6d for 9d.;| Bemthj Sale;; S > V:' :: hj ';&:* Nimmo and Blair?e »ent flowered and mairelionily colborW gladiolus are unsurpassed, 8s doaen, 5s half-doeen, Is each Nimmo and Blair, Dunedia. 1
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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12091, 13 January 1905, Page 4
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2,780NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12091, 13 January 1905, Page 4
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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12091, 13 January 1905, Page 4
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