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I A man was arrested in Christchtirch upon a charge of assaulting another man and robbing him of £-5. For the wool sale which opens in Timaru tomorrow, 10,000 bales have been catalogued. The Elgin School Committee decided at ita rotating on Tuesday to close the school for harvesting for six weeks, from Friday next. South Canterbury rivers are still yielding an abundance of good fish. All the streams are now in good order, and the big fish are taking ireely. Upwards of three hundred children were entertained at tea on Tuesday evening by Mr James -Miller in the Salvation Army Barracks, Lyttclton, to celebrate his recent marriage. The Mayor of Timaru received a wire from the Hon. K. J. Seddon yesterday, fixing the date of his visit to Timaru for the end of January, or the first week in February. The Ashbui-ton post office clock is expected to arrive within the course of a day or so, and will be erected under tho snpervhion of Mr Schwartz, of the. Public Works Department. Tho annual meeting of the Burgesses" Association will be held in the Industrial Room on Wednesday, February 24th. The Association is free from debt, and has paid rent in advance up to March next. The annual retreat of the Eonian Catholic clergy of the diocese commenced last night at, the Pro-Cathedral, and will continue till Monday. The Eev. Father OFarrell, of the Redemptist Order, is conducting the retreat. Harvest prospects all over South Canterbury (writes a correspondent) are exceedingly bright this year. Tho grain is ripening rapidly, and a start will probably be made with cutting in twelve or fourteen days. 'fhe Timaru Borough Council has just let a contract for the improvement of Caroline Bay, the amount of the accepted tender being £866. This is for forming an esplanade 60ft wide and 3ft deep. A start m Jo be made with the work to : day. The Committee of the A. and P. Association have decided upon the recommendation of the Sheep Committee to hold a. show of rams in connection with the Bam Fair in March next. Prizes will be awarded in the various clasiee. The Burgesses' Association having called official attention to the inconvenient and dangerous custom of using the police vaii for the conveyance of dead bodies to the morgue, the Chief Health Officer and the local inspector of police have promised to see what better arrangements can be made. The Premier has received a cable message from the Agent-General stating that the Foreign Office lias authorised tho British Charge D'Affaire at Mexico to sign the postal convention under which letters from New Zealand ehall pay a peony postage instead of 2£d. An alleged racing swindle, said to be on all fours with one exposed in Christchurch some time back, is being investigated, says a Wellington; correspondent. Local and southern bookmakers are known to have lost heavily over the races concerned, which took place in the Wellington district. Alfred Holmes Palmer has been farther remanded to the 29th insrt. by the Ashburton Magistrate's Court, on a charge of assaulting David Calder, with intent to commit grievous bodily harm, at Mount Somere on December 15th, Calder being still too ill to appear. Defendant was granted the same bail as before. News has been received at Auckland of the death at Brisbane.of Fred. Warbrick, the well-known footballer. <ffe was the youngest member of the Maori football team which visited England in 1888-9. This is the fourth brother who visited England on that occasion who has -passed away within two yeans and three months. ' A correspondent writes that after tUe Little River train had left Lincojn June-' tion on Saturday night, the guard proceeded through the train in the. course of hie duties, collecting the tickets, y Iα one carriage a number "of grass seeders were en route for Banks Peninsula. Aaked<or his ticket, one of the party gave the guard a heavy blow on the mouth. The police were communicated with, but, it ia stated, so far have taken no action. Mr J. Studholme again raised the question of judging by points at the Ashburtou A. and P. Association's meeting on Tues* day, urging that a trial should be made of the system. He thought that the public should have an opportunity of eeeing how the judges arrived at decisions, which were often questioned. After considerable discussion it was decided to recommend the incoming committee to " give the educational method of judging a trial in one class of stock, in preference to purebred cattle or cheep."

The Ashburtort A. mi P. Association, tA its'meeting on Tuesday afternoon, decided to recommend the incoming tommittee to appoint separate sub-committees is the several Show sections, and to include plana of the grounds in all future catalogues, also to do away ■with th« tendering for "privileges" at future.Shows, and to substitute instead a. scale of price* to be charged for refreshments. The new committee arc also recommended to allow two-1 year-olds to compete for championships, to make proper provision for future horseshoeing competitions, and to arrange that the annual horse parades be held in tie Society's grounds. Further, they are. advised to make provision for accommodating members' traps on the ground, the fee to be 10s 6d, and a special portion of the ground to be set aside for that purpose. A letter was read yesterday at the meeting of the Committee of the A. and P. Association, with reference to the establishment of a poultry-laying competition for the colony similar to the one held at the Hawkesbury College, Sydney. The Christchurch Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Club suggested tho appointment of a subcommittee to meet delegates from the club on a date to be fired, at the A. and P. Rooms, to discuss the matter. Proferaor Lowrie, of Lincoln College, and ■Mγ D. D. Hyde. Government Poultry Expert, would attend. Professor Lovrie explained that any one could enter for the competition, and the food was weighed, and the eggs weighed till the end of the year. It was really the competition of one breed against the other. The Hawkesbury College had now 70 pens going, and the profit made amounted to 9s 4d per head, after paying for the food. etc. He wa3 going to brin;? the matter of holding the teat at Lincoln College before the Board of Governors !et their meeting. Merers Lowrie and M. Murpliy were appointed as delegates from the Commutes of tha A. and P. Association. A satisfactory increase of business is annourxr-d in the thirtieth annual report of the Cbristcharch Building and Land Society. The amount secured by irortra«!3,* it is stated, stands at £33,549 13s 6df as against £76,213 fes 8d last year. The Board has tkcided to pay 7 per cent, per onnusa on "A" cepital shares, end erecut "B" subscription shares at came rate. Interest at the rate of 34 per cent, per n.arum lias been credited to ' D" subscription share.? with Kulo 52. After apportioning interest as aforesaid, taere remains the substantial balance of £261 los 6d to carry forward to next year Darirnj the year the directors, in order to meet the increasing business, decided to strengthen the permanent capital. According!? 500 "A" shares of £10 each were issued, and immediately subscribed at a premium of £1 12a 6d per share. The premium afotesaid amounted to £312 10s. out of which £800 has been transferred to the reserve lund, bringing that fund to ! Messrs Heary Allison and Cyril Julian Mountfon retire by rotation from I the "Board, both of whom are eligible f'<r re-ekction, and have given the requisite notices of tfaesr candidature. The ,-cuort i will come before the Board's annual meetI ing, which ia fixed for the 18th, instant.

At a meeting of the Cure Bowing Clab - $ at Kaiapu oa Tuesday, it wa. deeMed to hold note for the clnb'» trophies t?ft£-'-V* raary, after tho local regatta.; ..-;' A Wellington telegram states that'tlh*"'three Chintso isolated at Somes Island under suspicion of suffering from cental- • " gioua disease, are still detained theti. Large numbers of graes-seeckrs have loa • daily arriving at Little River, en route t« vtho Bays. The cocksfoot crop wifl b» -~ light, as compared with tost of last year. t Mr S. Nutt, of Little River, hat stows ' '. rome very early peaefcee in a valler at * tho back of his house. A young trte'va*' - laden with very fine fruit, the peaches being fully ripe ten days ago. ,' Tho imports into Gisborne from places beyond the colony in the past year totalled £67,304, as compared with £39,902 ia the previous year. The export* tojplaces bovond the colony were £541,07? as compared with £39i,039 in 1902. '" ." A defendant ia a prohibition order case yesterday explained to the Bench that he had not'wasted his mouey ia purcha*, ing drink, for he possessed none to wa»te, find what alcoholic refreshment be Lai had was paid for by friends. The order, nevertheless, was granted. The evidence, of a lad given at the Magistrate's Court yesterday, therein ho detailed the pr«x>edare he bad adouud " in dealing with an alleged horae thai, led Mr Donneliy, who was defending tne accused, to reinutk that the boy would be on acquisition to the police force. Mr D. J. McGowan, who retires from tho Agricultural Department at the end of the week states, that as a result «f » ■ recent visit to South Canterbury, he thinks there will bo> a, considerable increase m th» butter output this season in comparison - with last year. As to cheese, Southland will ship Home increased quantities. The fact that members of the Hospital Board are not provided with copies of tho Act and its amendments, under which they worked, waa drawn attention to by ill Dohson at tho special meeting of the ißoard yesterday, and on his motion, * seconded by Mr 'Hamilton, it was decided „ that members should bo supplied villi' ' copies of the Act and its amendments. A horse attached to » spring trap bolted from Messrs Scott Bros.' yard, Manchester ' * street, and raced up Colombo street, through tho Square, and along Hereford street into - Antigua street, where the cart struck * tree, and was overturned. The hone. was practically uninjured, and little damage was done to the oart. The tun,*' out was the property of Mr Thomas Heiw shall, of Papunui. > ' During the proceedings at the Hospital - - _ Board meet ing yesterday, the secretary aaktd - how many members intended visiting Bottle Lake Hospital in the afternoon. Dr. Mason remarked that, in the trxcam*' ' stances, it would be just as well if uicjj- '\ did not go—the "circumstances'* being the presence of a "suspicious case of supposed smallpox" at the hospital. The members concurred in this view of the Batter. It is stated in Wellington thai ■ the . fire insurance companies con« template a reduction in premiums evry shortly. This " is ascribed tq - ~ the prospective competition by the Govern* ■ - ment offioe, although the insurance mert ,•- spoken to cay that if a : reduotion is made, it will be due to the fact thatthe Companies ' have had & good year, there having been r .t few fires, which may or may not be doe tn' \l the prosperous state of the country, or the 7' improved equipment of the fire tervicea. < »' Derry'e Private Band will play the fou!, [ lowing programme on the Rotunda, Yfy," toria square thin evening:—March, : % "Under Freedom's Flag" (Nowawie*--ski); waltz, "Reign of Beauty" (Rim* mer); selection, "Coonlwtd ,, (Bigwood); \ piccolo solo (Bandirmfttt? Hutton), "The ;j Woodbird" (Schmidt-Berler); descriptive J .fantasia (by special desire), "The Smithy i-?> ,1 in the Wood" (with full effects) QBm3m& i "* cake walk, "Cotton' Blossoms" ' | intenoezza, "Bustle Revels" (Hans); "With Swoid/wid Lance" (Starke). - ; -:;'3s^ Mr,J v L. 'Wilson presided over a> nleet-' i Tuesday in the Kaiaput"°~« Borough' Council Chamber, to consider the ojj ijuestion of holding a regatta on the Wai* •'<& makariri. Mr W. E. Parnham, tecretarygg| to the regatta- of 1893, read the' balttw-jS?!? sheet, which showed a credit balance of -■ £25 19s 2d. It was resolved that aquatia "i sports be held on the river on February' 13th.' The officers elected were:—Patron, Mr R. Moore; commodore, Mr J. Mayor; judges,. Messrs J. Sims, 0. .„* Buddo, and J. L. Wilson; atartere, M«sr» r " n % R. JS. Wright and J. Winter bourn; mittee, -Messrs W. Simpson, J. Barnard, ;"r, P. J. Fowler, W. Blackwell, J. Hollaad|?, J A. <Pearce, and H. Featherstone. ,£ It iB understood that at the meeting Monday night of officers commanding coift* 9| panics in this city, the proposals of the .q Defence Department in connection tho rebuilding of the drill alied were cat*.";; | cussed. These were thatthe by contributions or by raising the money; from outsiders, should «xmtribut» is *-fl certain proportion to the total cost of ti«tj'-| structure. The matter was fully di*cas»Yi?g sed, the deciaion arrived at being that Department's proposals could not tamed. This decision is now being Eentod to the Defence authorities, *ttd ; je probable that officers commanding cc-Kw^,?? s paniea will meet tlie Minister for Defeno* and diecuss tlie matter with him trtom arrives in this city. ■ >■ ■S^ Tlie Technical Association Classes neom* -'' f| mence work on Monday, 25th inrt. addition to the old classesj thirty-05* »f>i number, new classes will be formed forjijp •Engliah, geometry, and two dress-cutting; .&£» classes for the Langer and TFrisco but no class will be started unlej* there are at least twelve applicants. All ;§ dents are required to register their nanw* ! . vr | ,with the eecretary on o? before Wedn*K*-;;if! day next, the 20th rest. The propose to avail themselves of the nearregulation recently gazetted by the -"g vernment, which provides for fwe instrec* ; •£ tion in not less than two,' or more tfaaa' .5 four, subjects, Engh'ah bring one of subjects taken by each pupil, the osdj, - t condition being the holding of a sixth «tan- „-, dard certificate from any public tchooL ,j The managers are arranging classes for tw '.-; following subjecta:—Engtiffl, algebra, geo*- ?■■ metry, mensuration, coma»trcial arithnie« ; , :-.* tic, book-keeping, and shorthand. • -•§ Apropos, of the remarks ntade by- lit 'j* Haselden, S.M., on Tuesday, regardioy--^ charitable aid metliods, was ft sta-temetHr-.; ■■■ niaue at the special meeting of tne Bo«* f, prtal Board yesterday by Jlr J. HamiKon'', >i Xive- subject of tlie treatment of IECUTitWf*.. % was under discussion ond ilr Ham3t<« - said that Dr. Crooke, the house J x had brought tinder his notice the case- ct ;v| an old lady nt present in the _ hoepitau taking up a. bed requirsd by others, bet -*.c Mho really did not require bosprtal treat- * metit. Iα fact the old lady ought to 0* M I accommodated outside, and tbi* was no* ; r\i \ done be«iuw> the Charitable' Aid Board. '& J would not provide the dia>rctico between. '~W t die amount of pension received by the <w-,.g| j lady and tlie cost, of the oatede accdmr -^ I modation. She 3u;d beer, admitted to lie _vg hospital on the recominsadation of 1i« <* Charitable Aid Board's medical cineer. Eβ Knjjgeiti-d that BKinbew o£ the Hiwpitsl Bourd who were also members of «• # ,O Charitable Aid Board, should bring tW'^l m3.tfc;r up at the meeting of the last msua -^ Board. * * '1|

D.I.C. Sale—Unusual preparations «•_' d being made for the opening day of XM.U] Great Summer Clearing Sale ot tbe D.IC*. on Tuesday next. la addition to the immense stocks of high-class good 3 to W oik'nexl in all departments, a number ** :v J large end important colonial purchasesi *» IM being brought into stock and marked -tfalmost unheard of values, all to .be cirarea | duriii: tbe 21 days' sale period. Tfle «a» .-| oitalo-me will be dbtributed in Monday* •■■% i«ne of this paper, firing details of mMJ leading lines to be disposed of. .TheOOf» f .-j may's war«boase mil be c!oe«l all «**J-yj Monday complete prepaiatione. the jpeniag <by. , _ . -^i llr Edward Hope, «urg«oa 1^ irt '*J?V| commenced practice at 45 Hereford «OT« Eaat. Telephone No. 136 L --.i

«,«,*. Beatiie and Cot. are making a ■ of r^"- 1 I >aaaißa liats . an< * toUte arrival aro clearing them at -<*es price*. Men'e 15.", T%,1 lfe 6d each. Inspection invite. li. JTcConnick reaper and binder can ■ l Utoeafed n P on t() I)arvest {U:tl *> ye . * mskr all conditions to the satisfacowner and with ease to the Cwintrr readers and others riionld note A»tß*at3' 3 P^ 31 arailce ]<J of al ' Sir stock of drapery and ciothin? is now • Pfcii -inns. *tU-u r,; °- s - " ilk a™ l " srool £J£Tk» W'for 12s lid; job blouse •ffSrth 3» 6d to 4, lid. oil at Is s**iid jj, lid ynrd; mod.:! millinery 63s «1 17s 6d": children , * millinery 10s 6d t It lid- "fancy rtrsirs, 5.* 6-1 to 7.<« 6d, calawsfi 3* 6d for Is lid ; crash "*2u B 6d f<-r 9s lid; ICO samples • g££.Yo be cL.ired at Is lid. 2s lid ' Hd- «i!k bloats 21s for l<?s lid; Kgtoie* a,d d W .M& lid for 2s '• " itiLiZ Beath's genuine sale. S*c bari• "Z Ü bka and windows. Groat sacrifice. ■. I™* 24- - by JLII-Ii s nijnecr-Miy that ' ■ jT«n» <° the coasts. Stewart, Daw!r i. m> organtv.l thai you can buy P-, W ants quickly r.T:d «»ti«actonlv. i- loTnecd x:oi. peturii; old scylcs or in any w.-.y inferior to tuoss sliown v to*moft crliirii It, is our aim ;-. to d«3e thow wh« l«-->v- confidence m iv, - ; - Ldto forward to lh'.-ni \hv flioitv;st styles ?.=■■ 2 bed Tala« from om siotks W nt* -- : 'teSteirart., Dswm: s free catalogue of '■■. gifie and pr?f-eittation.«. 8047 £■' Bluet Beattie and Co. are now slinwitg -;- _,„. chejee- variety of suiniw-r sunshades ■■ L all the lat-st styles. Floral designs, 3 Sripa. etc., bom- the balance of their £'■■ stock, whi.-h they ar« ckaring at S ipetial prices to suit tveryoue- 8282 ?.■; •'DentoV may 'porc'use-d from any ■■ clwuiists for 2»per bot,it. As a cleanser and beautifier of the •'■■-'■ teeth it is unsurru.-Red, being ex- •:: «edinely pk-asant and rofrething. Try

Jleurs Turnbull and Jones, Ltd., are Ktpaitd to indent and buy motor cycles H/cars to onl< ' r - Ha vijt S an efficient •tsjf arid well equipped works, they are i/rturtd to undertake all kinds of re£ot~ Mr K. T. Turnbull is leaving ihertly for the purpose of obtaining the UK* m English, American, and Continental eotor practice. 32 For New Zealand and world-wide patI at* oOMult Henry Hughes, Patent Agents, I ST Hertford street. P. M. Newton, Badger (16 years' experience). Free Buanhlet, "Advice to Inventors," on apphution. 'r* a Hieheet class modern dentistry. Dr. SUtk B.Sc, N.Z. University, D.D.S., "" United Btat«*.,Gold end other fillings a jnjcaltr. 186 Colombo •treet (corner Pnnos can be purchased on the one, two, a tiiw-jear hire system from 30 guineas; '* era" to"* 1 M (P™***- lowest prices. ' Rupert terms. R. Francis, The Musical ■* v aSuinee, 159 Manchester street, Christ"tkech. * jferb bser, 8 gallons for 7d, made from * ace bottl* of Fletcher's extract of herbs. Cnfct I* per gross, by bale 9£d, green gaga Iβ per lb, hops Sd per lb, brown ' «pr 2W, itring 3d and 6d ball. Fletcher -" Ban., direct importers, lower Highb street. C - 2868 * ' If you bave the faintiest suspicion that "\ jror eyes are not just right, if they bother yon m «ny way, it's best to have them Biained at once. Do not go to the (rcnje optician or spectacle seller, for be Ti cable to distinguish between opticil defects and diseases, but consult John ItProcter, 180 High st««et, Christchurcb, vl» vDI give yon a thorough examination tm «! charge. 2145

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11791, 14 January 1904, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11791, 14 January 1904, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11791, 14 January 1904, Page 4


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