V RESULT OF THE BALLOT. front of McDonald's Hall, at Waiau, the ballot waa taken to decide the future owners* of tho 32,426 acre* of the Highfield Station acquired by the Government by purchase under the Lands for •Settlement Consolidation Act irom Messrs H. Wharton «iTd Co. at £2 18* per a/re. Tbe land lies between the Waiau and Lottery and Stanton rivers, at altitudes varying from 200 ft to 2836fb above eea level, and has been laid out a* follows:—Ten town allotments from half to one acre in extent, tlie upset rents of the former being £1 each, and for the acre lots from £1 5s to £1 10s. Twenty-five mixed agri : cultural and pastoral farms, of which seven were areas from 7 to 5"! acres, and the remainder blocks from 180 to 993 acres. The upset price of the smaller farms ranged from 8a to 15s per acre, and of the larger areas from 2s 9d to 8s 3d per acre. All on the lease-in-perpetuity tenure. Ten grazing runs, the largest being 6366 acre9,and the smallest 1272 at rentals varying from 2s Ud per acre per annum to 4s per acre, for twenty-one years leases. Those prices were said to compare favourably with the letting of 4197 acres of Lyndon cut up into eight farms in February, 1901, and 15,845 acres of the same estate taken under the Lands for Settlement Act later, and let by ballot in April, 1902, in six farms of 467 to 833 acres at 2s 9d to 5s per acre, and three small grazing runs 3000, 3684, and 4020 acres taken up at from Is to 2* 7£d per acre. In tlie disposal of similar land at Cheviot in November, 1893, when 33,474 acres were balloted for, 50,000 aciwrbeing mainly arable, the rents were from 2s to 10s per acre, the majority being: over 4s. The rural land *eld for cash at Cheviot brought from £3 15s to £12 per acre. For the Cheviot grazing farms (17,531 acres) let in May, 1834, the annual rents ran from Is 9<l to 3s 6d per acre. The 3346 acres of Horsier Downs estate disposed of in May, 1897, were let at from 2s to 9*. The total half-yearly rentals being £536. making an average per acre of 5s s£d. These prices may serve as a comparison with those of Hiirhfie!d, now the Annan Settlement.
Yesterday's ballot attracted a, largw audience, tlie majority present bein? tli* /xiou.i applicants. Fine weather favoured the event, and gave visitors a good impression. Perfect arrangements had been made by the Crown lands Commissioner, "Mr T. Humphries, who, with the members of tlie Land Board, Messrs A. 0. Pringl<>, J. Stevenson, snd J. Allan, had a difficult ta;"k in dealing with wvercl wlWe applications had to b* disallowed. In some instances the particulars given were too vogue, ik others the information was not backed by sufficient evidence, and in one cape, it is said, wilful perjury was committed, of which the authorities intend to take conusance. The office staff, Messrs F. W. Ttunt, J. (I Anderson, and W. McN:ib. carried out their -part cf the work excellently, and as a result the drawing waa ■over in an hour and 0. linlf. Mews R. W. Chaffer and A. E. Bean acted as ncrutineors except for one block in which they were interested, when two other gentlemen acted. Only two small sections, it may be noted, went to the local residents. Mr Humphries, Land Commissioner, in opening the proceedings, said there were a total of 290 applications. Four were too late, six had been voluntarily withdrawn, in nine cases the applicants did not come up for examination, one claim was informal, and fifty-three applications for various causes were disallowed. Some were not landless as represented, and others either had meaa<j beyond the limit, or did not give enough evidence of their positions, and their prospects of raising the money which might bo borrowed to assist them. In any case where an applicant was nob eligible for the group he had applied for the Board had shown its desire to place him for some other chance. (Hear, hear.) Of the whole number 222 applications were approved, and seven would obtain their land without ballot. For the runs for a group of four, three had applied, and« got their land, and tho fourth run would still bo open. «Mr F. W. Wilkin got his selection of rnn, 1683 acres, without opposition, anl Mr C. F. Ball also gained a run of 1189 acres. Mrs Melinda Gale also gained a 290 aero farm unopposed. Tlie 3970 acre run hod three applications, brothers, two of whom retired in favour of Mr James Little, to whom it was allotted.
After this address tho ballot went along merrily. In subdivision O there was a close contest between Messrs Baker and Pettigrcw. In subdivision D a married woman beat her husband's claim. It was here that most of the local residents were applicants, and some disappointment was felt as the marbles came out in favour of outsiders. There wa» the largest ballot for subdivision P, though the total of sixty had been reduced by disallowances to forty-one.
Of ten town, allotments only one was asked for, of the twenty-five farms four small ones remain, and of the ten grazing runs one has been applied for several times for a second ballot
At tho closo of tho balloting, a gentleman who had witnessed a New Zealand Government land disposal for the fir&t time proposed a voto of thanks to the Commissioner, Board, and staff for the fairness they displayed, Biid their prompt and busineftsilike methods. This was seconded, and carried with three cheers.
Mr Humphries and members of the Board said !£ waa pleasant to hear the cheer, and the happy remarks of tho speaker, for their effort was to do their best. Tboy regretted do many would be disappointed, but they had acted with a grace which did them credit. Ho announced that applications would liavo to reach the Land Office by noon on Saturday (today) for the next ballot of sections not taken.
The result of the ballot was as follows : —
TOWN ALLOTMENTS. Town allotments ot an acre each:— No. 1. Rental 30s a year. No applications. No. 2. Rental 255. applications. No. 3. Rental 80s. No applications. No. 4. Rental 2_s. No applications. Four allotments of hail acre each all at rental of £1 per annum:— No 5. C. A. Oldrnan, blacksmith, Waiau. "" AGRICULTURAL ANiD PASIIORAL LAND. Farm* for lease- ia (pestpetuity (with improvetoeats inolux-ed iv, pica of the sections).. s' Sec. 11, Block VI.. 601 acres, rent 3s 6d per acre, ««i £52 lis 9d; 700 ft and IOOOnt sibove sea-level, 193 acres flat *nd ai-dnl'ating, in old gtaeu; 132 acres oi dowca, ia ti_vuak, 76 acres of pastoral stony rlrcir-fltijs, ai.d 175 acsto of pastor-l steep f_ces and flats on tho Wan-die Stream. Watered iby (tie LoVtery and Wandle rivers, fronts ou the KaiJcsum road, six miles and a quarter from Waiau. I.upjpraiKj-.'tr, 255 chains of fejiciitg, valued at i' 63 16» 6d. 12 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, E. Blake, agent, Sydenham. Sec. 12. Block VI.. 414 acres, rent 4s per acre, haif-yx-arly rent SAX Ss; tOClft aod 900 ft abovj st.i-tav.el, 300 flares of flat and undulafchig, in old grass, with patches of scrub; 31 acres of fiat in gr&sa. 8 awes flax aid raupo aswinip; 72 acres of-giulliea an»d eteep lucm, «v.d 3 acres of Pinna insignis pla-)b_ticm. Watered ily the AEaaoii and Ix>tU9ry livers, frooits on lit* Kafikoura road, five iniiles and a half _ r om Waiau. lispr.vemdnts, 3134 chains of fencing, valued at £62 12s Id. 52 application!; 11 disallowej. Winner, K. Pettigrew, labourer, Pigeon Bay. Sec. -13. Block X.. «20 acres, 3s 4'd per acre ihalf-yeariy rant £4$ 17s; 570 ft and 850 ft ulxive se_~lev_L £50 aoros cf flat and unin old gw-sa, witib psitohes of scrub; '£) acre- ol wraftngx 4« acres cf lis* 'pastoral land, 114 sores of pastoral river flats, ard SO acres of pastoral gsolhea aod sleep faces. W*.*«m_ by the Mason and Lottery rivers, fronts on the KaOcoom road, four miles from Waiau. Improvements. 251 chains of fencing, valued at £104 7s Cd. 12 applications. 5 disallowed. Winner, F. Paxsons, farm labourer, Kaikoura. Sec. 14. Block X.. XI., XIV., 893 sores, 3s 3d per acre, half-yearly rent £80 13s 7d; 850 ft and 900 ft above sea-ieveL Eighty acres of rich agricultural fiat, in grass, th* remainder pastoral hilly land, rather steep, on Stanton river faces, snd growing good cocksfoot ia tbe Bourne. Well ~ watered by tbe Bourse, Waiau. and Stanton rivers. Frontage on Hawkswood road, four mile and a half from, Waiau. Imoroveme-ts, 233 chains fencing, valued at ill- 7s W; 153 oitiaj o. tin* Is rah-
bit-proof fencing. 53 applications, 11 disallowed. ~-%**uer, J. "Fitspatncs:, farmer. Sydenham. Sec. 15, Blocks IX, X., and XIV., 957 acres, rent 2s 3d i>er acre, iilf-yearly rent £67 17s Id; 511tt and 1508 ft above sea-level. All pastoral hii's, except 64 acres of river Cat ncsir the Mason, and.about_l3 acres oi ploughablfl terrace- fi»t near the homestead. Contains some iimestece country. Watered by the Mason and * t*r* springs Fronta&o on the Kjiaonra road, about on© rnue and a half irom Waiau- lmprovemEnts, 583 ctrcin«> fencing, valued it riUO 10* lOd.—-i>2 applications. 11 disallowed. Winner, Mrs Uunbar, farmers
wife, Ashburton. Sec. 16, Block XIV., 363 acres, rental 6s per acre, halt-yearly rcnUl £51 9a; iitOa and 903f» above sea-level. Seventy acres c£ ncli agricultural fiat, 227 acres of good agricultural downs, and CG acres o£ pastoral iaces too steep to ba cultivated. Fiat in stubbie, the downs in fa-i.ovr aner turnips. Watered by the Bourne siretiu and creeks, is on Hawkswood road, and Jcur mi:ts irom Waiau. Improvements, 257 chains fencing, valued at £'87 19s 4d. 37 o-pplicaUons, 7 disallowed. dinner, P. iveraca, blacksmith, Loburn. Sec. 17, Block XIV., $08 acres, rent C* Cd per acre, half-yearly rent £i& bs Cd; 320tt and oCOfi above sea-level. Ninety acres of lioh flat, in glass; 153 acres agricultural dcwas, fallow after turnip*; remainder pastoral land, with steep faces and broken land along Bourne eras*, « its native eta.c. Permanent water in the Waiau and Bourne stream, Hawkswood road intersects it, and distant Jour miles from Waiau. Improvements, 103 chains fencing, valued at £04 8s 9d. 37 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, iirs At. lJoud3, houac-wtfe, Sydenham. Sec. 16, Block XIII., lfe3J acres, 8» 3d per acre half-yearly rental £33 Is 8d; 400:t and 750 ft above sea-level. Thirteen and a half acres good fiat, 2 acres in pine and -willow plantation, remainder in grass; 150 acres of .Bait and undulating' downs, ol which 38 acres «ra in grass, and 112 acres in oat stubble, or fallow after turnips, and 26 acres thickly coveted with tussock and cocksfoot, too tteep for ploughing. Watered by race and springs. Un Hawkswood road, distant about 10 chains irom Waiau. Improvements consist of 2 acres of plantation and 19j chains of fencing, valued nt £67 la 6d. 27 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, lira urccken, Hoon Hay read. Sec 19 Block Xlli., &»' acre*, rental 7s per 'aero, half yearly rent £11 l«s; 7001t and Bioft above sM-levol. About I'jO acres downs and C 7 acres of luily land not Buituble ior ploughing. "Now in grass. Water in the creeks, but doubtful it supply is perifiuiient. On Hawks wood road distant a. mite irom Waiau. Improvements, 2&4J chains fencing, valued at £50 Cs 10J. 27 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, 11. Storer, contractor, Kaiapoi. Ses 20, Biock XIX., 343 ocrea, rent 7s per acre, half-yearly reni i'i>L Is; uiOft and 830 ft above sealevel, 2GJ acres of good agricultural uov>-;j£, liie remainder pastoral consist;:!* of steeper face* and tiwampy creeks, ifostly cultivated, end now m l'-ngiish giaiß. Probably permanent water iv two creeks. On Hawksffood road, and one mile and a half from Waiau. Improvements consist cf 202J chains fencing valued at £65 7a. 37 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, G. Gordon, timber cutter, Springfield. Seo. 21, Block .\.IX., 230 acrea, Cs Sfd per acre, half yearly rent £1S ids 9d; 430:t and 800 ft above sea-level. Comprises 225 acrts cf good agricultural downs and G5 acres of yiisicral Bleep faces and swampy creeks. jdost has been cultivated, and now in English grass. Probably permanent water in some creeks. On llav.-k3v.ocd read, U-o miles and a quarter from Waiau. Improvements consist of 1424 chajns of fencing, valued at £5-2 12s 6d. 37 applications, 7 disallowed. Y» inner, ilrs Gale, 'J.'imaru. Sec. 2-2, Block XIX., 201. ccren, 7s Od per acre, half-yearly rent £&$ U$ lid; 3ioft and 000 ft above sea-level. Comprises 73 acres of rich flat, 60 acres of good down, and 48 acres pastoral, consisting of 37 acres of steep faces, and 11 acres low but excellent pasture land on Waiau river. Down la«d in crop this year, now in grass, the flat in English grass. Permanent water in Waiau river. On Hawkswood road, about three miles and a half from Waiau. The improvements consist of 15EJ chains of. .fencing, valued at ±'47 18s. 39 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, A. W. Kountree, labourer, Styx. Sec. 23, Block XIV., 160 acres, 7a Od per acre, half-yearly rent £33 15a; 350 ft and 600 ft above sea-level. Comprises GCJ acres of rich flat, 8 acres ia young plantation and cocksfoot grass, 90 acres of downs, iv grass, and the remainder is pastoral and steep faces. Permanent water in Waiau river, and possibly in eomo creeks. On ■Hawkswood rood, and about two miles end three-quarters from Waiau. Improvements consist of 1751 chains of fe-acing .".' Ji ?S re n J of youn S Plantation, valued at £ W MfCd. 39 applications, 7 disali? . 'r, ,Y fmnel , «*• J- Bwds, shepherd, Port Robinson. Sec. 24. Block XIV., 343 acres, 7s per acre, half-yearly rental £00 18s; 340 ft and 62411 above sea-level. 200 acrea of rich flat, 80 acres light and stony flat. 40 acres of good down; remainder is pastoral, steep ten-aces, etc. .Nearly tho whole in erasf Permanent water in the Waiau river; On Hawkswood road, and two miles and a bail Horn Waiau. Improvements, 126J chains of fencing end an acre of younz plantation, valued at £45 15s. 18 applications, 4 disallowed. Winner, Mrs E roster, Addington. Sec. 25, Block XIV., 405" acres, rental 6s lid 380 ft and 6ooft above sea-level. Comprises SO acres good flat, ia cocksfoot; 181 acres of light and atony, ia gre*s, : 130 acres downs, in old grass; remainder pastoral and terraces in native state. Permanent, water in tbe Wwau river, and possibly springs. On Hawkswood road, and ono mile and threequarters from Waiau. Improvements, 1.-MJ chains fencing, valued at £51 Bs. 18 applications, 4 disaLowed. Winner, J. J. Kennedy, farm labourer, Eanaiora. Sec. 26, Block XIII., 476 ncres/ 4. 6d per acre, half-yearly rental £53 lis; 375 ft and <00ft above sea-level. Comprises 223 acres of light flat, in. grass; 150 acres of good dawns, in old grass; remainder is paßtoral. Permanent water in the Waiau river, ond probably rermanent springs. On Hawkswood road, and one mile and a quarter from Waiau. Improvements 146 chains fencing, valued at £46 155.—15 applications, 4 disallowed. Winner, Mrs Harriet Saasom, Kaiapoi. Sec. 27 Block XIII., 478 acres, 6s per acre half-yearly rental £71 14s; 380 ft and 700 ft above sou-level. Comprises 223 acres of flat, varying from inferior stony to fairly good light soil; all in grass; 200 acres of good downs; remainder pastoral and river-bed flat, and 85 acres of pastoral faces. Permanent water in the Waiau river. Oa Hawkswood road, and one mile •from Waiau. Improvements consist of •„ 130 chains fencing, valued at £ 39 lis 6d. • 18 applications, 4 disallowed, v, inner, W. E. Horrell, farmer, Woodend; Sec. 23,- Block XIII., 272 acres. 7e 6d per sere, hidi-yearly rent £51; 400 ft and 700 ft above sea-level. Comprises 89 acres of light flat In grass: 6 acres 1 rood of flat; 190 acres of good, .downs, in grass and clover; remainder pastoral terracs faces in native otete. Permanent water in Waiau river and creek. On Hawkswood road, and adjoin* Waiau Township Reserve. Improvements consist of.-141 chains of ' fencing, valued at £55 19s 6d.- 27 applications. 3 disallowed. Winner, L. . Grant, farmer, Timaru. Sec. 29. Block XIII., 34 acres 8 roods. 8s per acre, half-yearly rent £8 19a; <L>o ft above sea level. Light soil and stony in places. Watered by Mason river and by polluted stream from Highfield wool-scouring works. On Ksikoura road, a quarter of a mile from Waiau. Improvements, 'it chains of fencing, valued at £30 12s Od. -—-1 application, disallowed. Sec. 30. Block XIII, 19 acres, 8s per acre, half-yi!*rly rent £3 lCs; flat agricultural _ land: 430! t above sea level. Lis&t ond stony in places. Watered by Meson river. On Kaikowa road, 10 chains from Waiau. Improvements, 75 chains of fencing;, valued at £38 3s 3d 1 application, disallowed. Sec. 31. Block XIII., 22 acres 3 roods 18 perches, 12n per acre, half-yearly rent £6 17e 2d: flat.4softebove'sea level. Soil
e-ood. section now in stubble and $t_*s. «' Watered by race. On Kaikoura road, half a mile from Waiau. Improvements, an acre of shelter nHntotion and 30J chains of fencing, valued nt £U Is 7d. 13 at>-
plications, 3 disallowed. Winner, P. Shanahan, labourer, Sydenham. Sec. 52. Bldck XIII ~il acres 2 awds: 12s per acre. hali-year!y rent£J9s i flat. 440 ft sbcve s«a level. Soil go-d.' now in eras". Watered by race. On Kaikoura road, half mile from Waiau. Improvements, art acre of plantation and K&\ chains of fencing, valued at £18 Ss 4d, 13 applications, 8 • "Winner, J. Chapman, lacourer. Hawarden. - Sec. 38. Block XIII.. 18 acres .roods 88 • perches. I'?* per acre, ialf-yearly rent £5 0s 2d; flat, 430 ft abova ae* level. Soil good quality, now in gram". "Watered by » race. On Kaikoura road quarter mile from Waiau.' Imnrovementn, shelter .plantation and 45! chair's of ferci"*. vahi'd »t £1? In. 13 applications, 3 disallowed Winner, V. G. Oldrcan, wool-presser. Woiau. See. St. B-ock XIII-. 9 ecres 1 rood 17 perch**, 15s per acre, half-yearly rent £3 10* 3d; flat 425 ft abo-e sea-level. Soil pood now in grata. Watered by race. On Ksfkoura road, 15 chains from Waiau. Improvements, au : sere of shelter plsmta■tion and 274 chafes fencing; valued at £8 IB* 9d. No. application. Sec. 35. BlocJc XIII.. 7 seres and 3* perches, 15« per acre, half-yearly tent 43 14* 2d; flat, 420 ft above ses-Jsvel. Soil good, now
in grass. 2Co water. On tbe J&kours road. T3 cbttina from Waisin. Improve- 1 . merit*. 19 chair* ienciag. valued at £3 4a ' —No appiica'ffbn. SMALL GRAZING SUNS. For lease for 21 years. Sec. 1, Blocks 11. and 111., 16E3 acres, 8s 3d per acre, bs'Nytarry rent £136 Its lid; paj>:oral land, liMXtit snd 2225 ft above tca-levi-l; 1453 teres o! burnt-biuh downs snd billo, w.tb small fiats along the vVandle, mos-.iy cnrffciKQWß with cocsiioot ana other grasies. *~;0 acre* jrata end partly riurut bush. Watered by Wandle river i-.nd other streams. Fronts oa the KaiLouj/i roid, o.cvca miics ficm Waiau. Improvements, 342 chains el" fencing, valued at £7a 6s. 1 applications, 2 disallowed. Winner, F. AY. Wiikin, journali»t, ChtistJ!!rurch. Sec. 2, Hiock 11., 1272 acres, Ss Cd per aero, faalf-year.y rent £111 lis; IOOOit and WOOSt above sea-level; 847 acres of burnt-bush uewns acd biliS, with, amall flats along Wandle river; surface-sown with, cocksfoot, and other grasses, 345 acrba oi downs and bills in tussock and fern, and 87 acres of green and partly burnt bush. Watered by Wandle and other streams. Frunia aa Kaikoura road, ten miles Irom Waiau. Improvements. ISO chains of boundary iencmg, shoep yards, and hut, valued at £37 os.- >io application. Sec. S. Blocks 11. and HI., lltO acres, *» per acre, half-yearly rent £118 18s; 1000H and ISSOft Above searlevel; about 789 acres of burnt-bush downs and &ull4, surfacesowu 400 acres ol good volcanic hi.i, -n tussock and ciaes. watered by Mason river and other streams. Ftonts on Kaikoura road, ten mile« from Waiau. Improvements, 2i7 chains of boundary fencing. valued at _£77 17s Cd. 4 applications, U auailowed. Winner, C. F. i>ut;, shepherd, Waddington. Sec. 4, Blocks 111., IV., VII., and VIII., 6366 acre«. £5 ljd per acre, half-yearly lent £334 17s 7d; l'2soft and QStOft above tea-level; 100acresoilutand burnt bath; acres of hills, well grassed, and 45ki6 acres of hihs, in tussock, with patches of bush end scrub. Watered by Mason and Loader rivers and other streams. Fronts on Kaikoura road, 12J milea from. Waiau. Improvements, 642; chains of boundary fencing, valued *t £187 16s Sd; 136J chains cf this i* rabbit-proof fence, valued at £1 59 per chain. 10 applications, 2 dirallcwed. Winner, T Peaoh, labourer. Ashley. Sec. 5. iJ.ocks 11. and VI., 1433 acres, 23 9id { haif-yeirly rent £101 8s 2d, agricultural and pastoral 7joft ond 13C0ft above sealevel, 70 acres of flit agricultural land, in old grass, and 1383 acres of pastoral downs and hills, with flat* along Wandle river. Patches of stunted manuka end fern, all over the section. Watered by Lottery and Wecdla rivers and other streams. Fronts on the- Kaikoura road, 6] miles from Waiau. Improvements, 432 chains of fencing, valued at £187 17a 6d. 15 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, T. Wilson, farmer, St. Albans. Sec. 0 Blocks 11., 111., VI.. and Vll., 3570 acres, 2s ljd per acre, half-yearly rent £iJ9 W* Sd; agricultural and pastoral, ' 630 it. and 2840 ft above sea-level. Comprises luo acres of fiat agricultural, in old grass, and 8780 acres oi pastoral hillu, partly limestone. Some fern and manuka scrub, and a few patches of birch bufh; porta are broken up b; deep rock crevices. Watered by Mason and Stanton rivers and other streama. Fronts oh the Kaikoura road, fcovtn inileo from Waiau. Improvements, 623 chains cf fencing, valued at £211 12p; 122 chains of this is rabbitprnof fence, valued at £1 6s per chain. 3 applications. Winner, J. Little, rheplierd, Dalmeny. See. 7, Blocks VI., Vll., and X., 2032 acres, 2s 7-Jd per acre, half-yearly rent £134 8s Id; agricultural and pastoral, 700 ft and l'j.Wfl above sea-level. Comprises 70 acres of flit and -undulating- agricultural land iv tussock, and 19C2 acres of pastoral hills, in tussock, parts surface-sown. Fetches of fern ana stunted manuka. Watered by Mason and Stanton rivers and other streams. Fronts on Kaikoura load, 2 mile from Waiau. Improvements, SSSi chains ©f fencing, valued at £175 16* 3d. 15 applications, 7 disallowed. Winner, J. Lee, junr., book-keeper, Christchurch. 1 Sec. 8, Blocks VI., VII., X.. and JCI., 8823 seres, 2s 8d per acre, half-yearly rent £238 16s 9d; agricultural and pastoral, 630 ft and 1860 ft above tea-level. Comprises 150 acres, of good agricultural downs about the bomestead, 33 acres ploughed and cropped, now in gT«ss, remainder of the run past-oral bills and downs, limestone with clay subsoil, well covered v/itb tussock, native grasses, fern, and cocksfoot, with scrub, manuka,, and birch in patches. Corse aud ' eweetbriar rather bad over •, considerable area. Watered by Mason, Stanton, and "Bourns rivers and several small streams. Frontacre on the Kaikoura road, five miles from Waiau. Improvements, cottage and men's hut, badly dry-rotted, sheep-yards, 2 acres of plantation, and 837 chains of fencing, valued at £458 17» 8d; 596 chains, of the fencing is rabbit-proof. 6 applications. Winner, P. J. Hart, lahbiter, Linwood. Sec. 9, Blocks X. and XI., 1520 acres, 2a BJd per acre, half yearly rent £102 18s 4d; pastoral, C2oft ar.d 1500 ft above sea-level. 22 acre* good ewamp and 60 acrea of stony flat. Contains a little limestone land, and some easy slopes. All in native state. Watered by Bourne river and streams and springs. "Proutago on tha Kaikoura road, four miles and a half from Waiau. Improvements, SlB chains of fencing (of which 58 chains are Mbbitproof, valued at £136 9s applications, 19 disallowed. Winner, E. H. P. Burbury, farmer, Timaru. Sec. n o. Block* X. «nd XIV.. 1349 acres, 2s ejd per acre, .half-yearly rent £91/ 6s W; agricultural and pastoral, 450 ft and 1000 ft above sea-level. Comprises 80 acres of good ploughable flat. Remainder pastor*! hills and downs, slopes easy, frontage to the Mason is steep. Land has not been cultivated. Well watered by Mason river acd etreaais. Frontage on the Kaikoura roud. three milea from Waiau. Improvement*. 309 chains of f»ncin?, veined-at £35 17s. CO applications, 19 disallowed.. Winner, J. B. Crampton, farmer, Amberley.
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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11752, 28 November 1903, Page 8
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4,095THE ANNAN SETTLEMENT Press, Volume LX, Issue 11752, 28 November 1903, Page 8
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