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Oar GreymouUi correspondent telegraphs that it is proposed to establish a siato quarry on th« i'aparoa Rwnge, near Blackball. The slate is eaid to oe very good. A short sitting of the Government Lend Valuation Assessment Conrt for the Borough o£ Timaru vis held yesterday. Very few objections were beard. TJhe reductions allowed aggregated £225.. The total capital value is £1866,587, and the unimproved value £524,168, the value of improvements being £542,419. , There are some blighted hopes in-tfo* matter of grain yields around Gore this war (says the "Southland Times"). One man bought 703 sacks to hold his crop, nr.d did not rise half of them. There is still jrram to cut and stooks bedot the fields in every direction. Sunday-w indeed a die* aon with the farmer jusb now: Captain Charles Henty, who recently arrived from England on "a visit to relatives at. states that his father, t-ho late Mr G. A. Hentv, kit anions his effects the MSS. of three completed .stories of adventure, which will be issued from the prw» in the enduing autumn by London pubcif-lwrs. Tbe last of the stories was -written in eighteen days, and was completed just a wwk befoVe the illness which resulted in the author's death. Mr Hawkins, warden at Greyinouth. occasionally finds himself in a quandary. During some Court proceedings in that town the other day, h<? said: 'Truly tlw ways of tho legislator are past, finding out As warden J am not allowed to grant more than thirty acres for gold inining purposes without .inferring the matter to the Minister, yet- I an> empowered to grant tbree-hutidi'txl-acro mineral leases and fix the amount of royalty to ba charged on the products of these large areas of my own motion." The Public Works Department has received the following tender* for platelayers' cottages contract on the Oinihi section of tho Waipara-Cheviot Rnilway: —^Accepted— J. P. Petersen (Invorcargill) £1495. Declined—F. G. Childe. (Cheviot) £1539, F. Butler (Temuka) £1700. Gulliver and Rogers (Rangiora) £21C0, T. Ballantino (Christchurch) £2130, Graham and Grew; (Ghristclrjrch) £2226. W. Bowen (Christchurch) £2310, A. Bain (Dunlin) £2517. With reference to the paragraph dealing with the Tasmanian apple export, published in yesterday's issue, Sir J. C. Blackmore, Government Pomologist, points out that tho export nory amounts to upwards of 300,000 bufhels yearly. In the near future, however, owing to the extended area of orchards, Ta.smu.niau grower* will have to find markets for the disposal of a .million bus Ms. They are trying at present, by co-operation, to 'set a reduction in the freight rates, ito enable thorn to sell their fruit in London at 8e a bushel, so as to open up a market with tihe middle olassss of'tha United Kingdom. They hope to get the freight reduced from 3s 6d to 2s 8d per case.

Tho CominihUee appointed for dietributing the Mayor's Winter Fund, in coal and blanket* for the poor of Ghristehurch and suburbs, desires to commend tho objects of tihis fund to the benevolence of the public. Last winter some 450 gifts of coal, and 175 blankets, w«re distributed, and the fund haa been inifeiafc&d this year by a donation of £100 from tiie Mark* Trustees. The Committee i* tfiorouglhly representative, comprising lady members of the various religious denominations, who will investigate all applications, with a view to selecting the most necessitous and deserving. Further donations will bo received by the Mayor, and . gratefully acknowledged, on behalf of the aged and needy.

Mr John.Orr, of Atfijtourton, who has recently paid a'rieit to the Gwborne district, states that cheap as the land is in that district, it i$ not half a* cheap; as the Canterbury land is at double the price. Sheep and lambs cannot be' fattened nearly so quick in the Gisborne district as in Canterbury, and when they are fattened they bring only about half the price of " prime Canterbury." The distance and difficulty in getting etock to the markets ia botih great and expensive. After ,his trip to the nortfi, Mr Orr is convinced than ever that Canterbury cannot be equalled by any other province m the colony for the paatoral β-nd agricultural industries. , , ■ .' A characterietfo etory of the late Hon.: W. Swaason is told by. Mr J. Townley, Mayor of Gieborne. Hβ says that many years ago ho and another member of a local body were appointed a . deputation to interview Ministers and membere at Wellington during tine sitting of Parliament. The Gieborne delegates were introduced to Mr Swanson amongst others, whereupon Mr Townley fiteied ibis case, and said that they were riot asking for any favour, but simply wanted justice for G«borne. "Justice!" exclaimed Mr Swaneon; "Justice 1 My good fellow, there is no such thing as Jtutice here. Buttonhole Ministers and members, and get tshem if you cat* to give you what you want; but don't talk aboiif juntic*; yeu won't get that here!" Mr Townley might ha-ve added that the advice would be jn»t »» sound now as it was tifoen.

A meeting of the members of the Dairymen's Association was held in the Temperance Hall fast night. Mr C. Burgees was in Uie ©hahr, and. there were about twenty members present. Gases of alleged breaches of the agreement not to sell milk under 4d per quart after May let were discussed, end ilie .president and treasurer were appointed to interview tine men alleged to be selling under price, after signing the agreement, asd to inform them that -unless they raised their price*, action would be taken at once. Power was also given to the president to commence proceedings if fcuch were found necessary. The wholesale wioe of milk to milkmen woe fixed at lid per gallon. The chairman stated that the wholesale price of cretin "was 7e 6d a gallon, and the reto'.l price Iβ 3d per pint. A botnw of £2 2e was voted to the secretary fo* h\a eervicce during last year.

The Auckland electric tram service teemi to be causing some excitement in that city. About midnight on Friday Newtnerket was startled by tome of tie overhead, wires taking fire. A resident who resides on his 'busin«« premise*,'noticing the flames, got out of bed, and was going to ring up the Tram Company's office, when he noticed the back of -hie chop had taken fire. This was caused through the lead g.iepiping being fused; end the escaping gas taking fire-; By the help of a few willing hands, danger in this quarter (saya a local paper) was soon averted. The electric current seemed to connect with the iron verandaih roofs and piping, and one of the tram impeetoiw who got on to one of the verandahs received' a nasty shock. The "New Zealand Herald," describing another incident, states that whilst a douuie-dk'cksr Iramcar wae going up Parnell on Saturday afternoon, tlie overhead wire broke down, end the alacrity with which the pAß»eng<*re on top of the car sped to places of safety is d-eecribed by onlookers a* -.very- nmntinj;. At KingslarxJ the same afternoon two cart came into collision, bnt fortunately no one wae hurt, and the damage to neither cat , was material. During th* hearing of tte action brought in Xapicr by Captain Hamilton against the Bank of New Zmland and tha Assets Realisation Board to have the conveyance of the Matvgatoro Estate to the defendants set aside, plaintiff edd that in 1681 the Bank was the wooer and he was the wooed. The Bank was very anxione to get bis account* and co were other banks; it amounted, to being run after. If he wae in the street, and ive caw a bank manager on the other side and he came across, witoess knew exactly what tlie teak manager wa#s going to say. Dr. Flndlay : The courtship didn't last very long. tto the lOtir June, 1881, ihey took over tho and M«xca»tole Company's securities. They had no fiocmer trot you than tliey weat*d to g«t rid of yon. How wae that? Bad ta»t«, probaWy? Witness: 1 riiould ear they didn't kaow their own busln**?—they"never did know bow to conduct it. ittcy certainly took one'e account, but then wanted to get rid of you. That went on coaei«tent|y, bnt as fifln'tt as there waa a prosper of jpaying them off, they Wanted to gei you back igain. Dr. Fmdlay: Like the maiden who M-anta to make sto*, and breaks off the match now and again. Plaintiff also stated that alter he left the estate he and hex family {ived under some sheets of bark close •Jo tie property - .

TV case of the Union Timflxr OowJISmI pany v the,, New Plymouth Sasfrfcnd Company, n claim for £460 on a *ory note, which was tofore fbo Court in New Plymouth on Wednesday, hii*/«i|sßJ beta settled out of court. "mo The Cbxi&tchurch Reiailew Niad Trader* wg*-> Association' hold a mectiug, on Tu««dar 8 evening, to decide the question of rioting '?s|pf on Empire Day, and decided to observe th& 'JxSyt , day n* a. , close holiday. A communjeatioa to that effect was cent to tho Mayor. • $& >> The first caea of relief by the newly. *|| / formed Shipwreck Relief Society to dk- ><% tressed seamen waa dealt with last. wcefTp £ (telegraphs our _Dunedin correspondent) :§f' in connection with the burning of the. •*■£% -;' whooner Brothers at the Bluff. Branch. -If k committee are to be formed' in all th» ,J st »i ptincipal seaports and inland towns in the «3j "'' colon}'. "■■ ' , "'. x l 'i' Although some five or mx months h«* tjtf - elapsed since'the outbreak of the scarlet fever epidemic, th<ero nix» »t tlia present "Jlj-* time 36 caeca under treatment in th* general *o£x - aiKi temporary hospitals (t«h\rraphs a Wei' lington correspondent). Originally tie casee were of a mild type, bat atv novr mott I IVTj» virulent. The hospital authorities state that they have mere ajvplications for ad» miexion than the institution has room &*., .-isl" s Preference in given to «nses whWi funoot be Isi'tj isolated in private houses, but; tho iuthorfties say that on the oxperience of th« six monthti there is a neucasaty for a prop« v;> JJ fever hospital on account of the risk «&. ' >» tailed by the treatment of infectious distm '- \¥ in a, general hospital. "* 1.. -% At the banquet g,iven in (honour of the*'; j Premier in the Grcu».d Hotel, Rotorua, on 1 Wednesday, replying to the toast of "Our -'JGuest," the Premier «ud New Zealand *n* J ". wealthily endowed in regard to its ca.pacitv "* ! scenery, land, and climat«. Though ti ' •-.-■ present a country with a small pcputatiah, ? ' it pleased great poesibiliik*. uuil onlj / required development. It. m-:«s too little $ ' laioM'n, and if the teeming populations o{ 'ig Huropa and America were with » tho of the country ther woojd ,S ' flock to it in greater mupbers, andßotorta- , 's, ; uot be able to ho.d a p«It v ¥ of the people who -would come to m» "ii« it, . I The vestry of S& Savioor'e >'% Lyttelton have presented a handsom* meter to Mr Inman, parser of the in recognition of his cervices towards ing fnnds for the erection of tho new day school building. Mr \V. Shanaghaji," formerly of Went Lyttelton, butuaw ol.gM Hamilton, has presented the new Sunday'l^'l school of St. Saviour'e -with a> Tery hand. & A some harmonium. The vestry met Wedneedav, and passed a hearty vote bttfej thanks to him. The 'Sunday-school t*a<i*'jtPr ere hare presented a pair of'handsome taius and a dozen chairs to the school, <H)il'^l ; have been accorded a hearty vdte of th*u)ai'% '- by the vestrymen. \ At the first annual meeting of shut. ' holders in the Mavfield Saleyords pany, iff W. Oakley, chairman of tors, presided, and there wtte .' \ eharehqldere present. The diroctore'; pert was read, giving a short history -ofejf; . the yards from January 24tJh, 1902, a meeting wne called to consider the tiou of forming a. company, up to £h» BMit time. During "the time tic have been in use about 39 000 aheep h*w!|| -' been offered for sale, and slightly ovfg|3£ 15,000 sheep were put through tn« dqi r ' during the same period. The sheet showed the assets of the CfompAß*g3& ' to be about £500. The profit account showed* a credit balance' ot|?BwM Oa 9d. The direoton did nob paying a dividend this year, 60 being required to i>e taken up befoteSSyM Company would be in a position to re»sij£jM its profit and loss balance. Th*-repitft,if and Iwlance-sheet were adopted. It'.WwM ' resoled to dkpoee of the 60 ehrtres oe poneible, and it wa« raggeeted premium Should bo put- on the eh«e*,|p|||f soon as enough capital was Messrs W. G. Gallagher, T. G. H. Sewell were elected directon tywM ensuing year. »* '"''^^w Wo would eepecdalty draw tion to "ExcelsioT" ploughs. furrmv £11 10«, three-furrow. dSI&, Morrow, Baes*n *nd Go. r-MT^ One eight horse-power Tange v««Wg §£■ ' 1001b certificate, also 10-horee - Sparrow, all new five yean ago, jfor reasonable. Apply to Oatos, Co., Ohrestcfcuroh.--(Advt.) " - ■ J||| A Window Attraction! A 'Window .Xppgj traction at Strange*. Wβ are juet making a epeoial window "Orient" underwear for gent*. Ihi* . tiftil underwonr i* of pure wool, been manufactured expressly to 'our "offKha by tbe Kaiapoi Woollen Company. It state of Pants and Shirts. Prioee, SaffyM: i 6s 6d, and 7s each. Staraoge and Chrietchurch. "3t*|| ' Fancy Baaket*—Just opened up, -JmljftfJl mense aeeortment. AU eiree and from Is each. John Hall and Co., Clock Tower. # , 18®; Art Daky wool work taught free. }UM chiop* 2a 6d. All materials 111)17' be ba&M for Daisy work. Also new style of «j| , painting taught in two lesson* at 124 Higu| street, opposite A. J. Wbite'e. 3l§ If you have the fainteet *uepicioa ■ thlii* your eyes ore not juet right, if they yoa in any way, it'e beet to uamiocd at onoe. Do not go average opticioa or epectacU seller, for HfiP ; is unable to dietinguieh between | defect* and disease*, but consult JohAJMI f Procter, 180 High etreet, OhrietefiuriKl I who will giro you a thorough \ free of charge. ! i Wanted Known—Jeweßery eale, foe \- month, of watches, clocks, rings, broocJM§|| f and el! other classes of jewelfory, /i, greatly reduced prices. -K. ■ ' Watchmaker and Jeweller, 165 Coloa«^. A very nice display of re&dy-mad* dri Wk ing is now being made by Black, B4*t Wμ and Coy. in one of their window*, jj|ft prising the latc&t novelties in rain-pft Wjl overcoats, covert coats, men's suits .» . juvenile suitw, Which hare all the *]$$e|§ ' ance of being tailor-made. 12 h i "Jenniss Mirier" Boots aad Sbettgii Those numerouK ladies who have ing the arrival of these celebrated models of footwear, will be pleased that by the steamship Jeseno foil all the different ehapee have now ; opened up, and may be obtained cut the aj|tj m agency, D.I.C. Wβ adyfee all wi» comfort, and are looking for dttrabuj>£||jE combined with economy, to giw splendid makes one trial. For m-e D.1.0. advertiesement on page 6 of *e||j| issue. sl&sMi Lamps, Lamps.—Fletcher Bros. large stock of reading, hanging, and """"I j|, ' lamps, and we guarantee to give c value than any other firm in »& See best show in wwdow for pricti '01J reading lampa-complete -with shade 3* fStfSaE'' hand lamps (brass or glass) Iβ each, neye from 3d, wicks Id; also lamps wwl burn without chimney. Flrtcher Direct Importers, Lower High e l ** 6^'***^^

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11590, 22 May 1903, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11590, 22 May 1903, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11590, 22 May 1903, Page 4


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