AMUSEMENTS. /~\ D D F E LL O W S ' H A L l_ DEAN'S WAXWORKS COMPANY. TO-DAY. at 2.30. Afternoon Performance —Children 3d. TO-NIGHT. *S"EW ARTISTES. ADMISSION SIXPENCE. Band Concert from 7to S p.m. 4437 OPERA HOUSE. Sult-Lesspo . . . R J. Oswald. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. OSWALD DRAMATIC COMPANY. A Crowded and Enthusiastic Audience Greeted -tho First Pcrtormacco of MY PARTNER Lifo in. » Ca—'arni-n Camp. FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY. MY PARTNER. MY PARTNER. Prices—Dres* Circle. 2s (Ladies ar.d Children Is); Stalls, ls (Ladies and Children Cd); Pit. 6d. Lock cut for the New "UNCLE TOM'S 4411 <"ABl_N__ pHRISTCHCRCH MUSICAL UNION. CANTERBURY HALL. ' j FIRST SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT, TUESDAY, sth MAY. HANDEL'S ORATORIO. "JUDAS MAOCABiE" S." SOLOISTS: Miss Phoebe Parsons, A.R.C.M., Mrs E. E. Barber. Messrs J. Hopkins, Geo. March. Subscription for the Season—ONE GUINEA. Five Concerts, Fifteen Tickets. ADMISSION TO THE PUBLICFront Stalls ?s Gd. Tickets at Gundcrsen's and from foe uuderaisnied, Canterbury" Hall. Back Seats ls, at Walker's and Eslick'e. THOS. GARRARD. 425-2 Hon. Secretary. CHORAL HALL. THURSDAY, MAY" 7th. COMPLIMENTARY FAREWELL CONCERT To MISS M. E. BUSH. Ur-der the DUticrrtrahed Potrouapo of his Exc'lle-cy tho G-cvcmor and Lady Ranfurly. Rt. Hon. R. J. Sed'dcn. Hon. W. Hall-Jorjea, Hon. C. Louisson. Hon. E. C. J. Stevens, his Worship thr- Mavcr, Mr A. W. Rutherford. M.H.R.. Mr C. Lowis. M.H.R.. Mr T. E. Taylor, M.H.R-. Mr W. Tanucr. M.H.R ; , Bishop Grimes, Arohdeaoou Scott, Revs. W. Bc_u, R' A. Woodthorpe, M.A., and W. Baumber. Rshbi Zticbanah, Mr A. E. G. Rhodes, Mr G. G. Stesd. Reserve Se_t3 Cs, Ur.rK-c.ved 2s. Box Plaai row open at Milner and Tho_ipeon's. Ticke-rs can be obtained mt Mi_rcr ami Thompson's, D.I.C, Spousloy and Co., J. Hfrrio, Petersen and Co., Sandstein. tho letdim? Stationers, ___ W. Ruth aod Scrs'. 4427 CT. PAUL'S CHURCH, PAPANUI. GIFT AUCTION. In Aid of FUNDS towards Cost of RENOVATING CHURCH, will be held at the CHURCH SCHOOLROOM. On THURSDAY NEXT, 7th MAY*. Doors open from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock. 7 o'clock to 10 o'clock. Admission Free. AH Cordially Invited. 4407F' BLIGH'S GARDENS. New Brighton. Ideal Pleasure Resort. Afternoon teaa, tennis, boating, croquet. Best accommodation for boarders and for week-end parties.' All particulars on application to MISS COWPER (late of 31 Oambridg. terrace), New" Brighton. SHOOTING SEASON. -W-OBEL'S SPORTING , BALLISTITE CARTRIDGES. CHEAPEST. SMOKELESS. ■ ■■-" *-"c_na_c_fi>. shot: ; fsos. GEORGE CROLL (Late Inspector of Machinery"). CONSULTING ENGINEER, 140 a HEREFORD STREET, Engineers and Engirt. Drivers Prepared for Examinations. 5385 PARA" BICYCLE TYRES (best Para, rubber), tho moat reliable tyre to be had; rarely punctures. Only 16s; extra weight 20s, cash prico. Motor, Sulky, or amy special tyres made to order. Mitton and Co., Cycle Engineers and Tyre Man-lecturers, 224 Cashel 8435 ENTIPLAY'S, Meyers', Terry's, Greathead'a Medicines.Tasmaru-n Eucalyptus Oils, Gould's Pure Homooopathics, etc. Wholesale and Retail. THE MEDICAL AGENCY, 110 Manchester street, next Union S.S. Co. F WH. HARGREAVES AND COY. Established 1862. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL MERCHANTS. BEST HOUSEHOLD, WESTPORT, NEWCASTLE. GREY and MALVERN COALS. COKE AND FIREWOOD Delivered in any quantity iv town and I suburbs. AT LOWEST RATES. OFFICES: No. 60 Cathedral square. Telephone No. 769. RAILWAY SIDING: South belt. Telephono No. 682. 3339F REDUCTION IN PRICE OF FLOUR AND OATMEAL. WE ARE NOW SELLING BEST FLOUR--231b bags for ... ... Ss 601b bags for 5s IOJd 1001b bags for lis 6d 2001b bags for ... ... 22a BEST OATMEAL 251b hags for ... ... ... 3a 21 WARDELL BROS, and CO. THE TEA YOU DRANK IN THE OLD COUNTRY. ALL RED BRAND. "\TOW procurable from Grocers and Storeis keepers. Try the la lOd Quality. All Tea—no oonporis. BELL CYCLE CO., 170 HIGH STREET. MAKERS of the RELIABLE BELL CYCLE. Also, NOTED PLACE FOB ALL REPAIRS. Near Clock Tower. F DEWAR'S WHISKY, as auppliod to tha Royal Family, can be obtained from all the leading Hotels in Canterbury. "CHEESE. VTEW STILTON. 2s PER LB. NEW GORGON-OLA, ls 8d PER LB. WARDELL BROS. AND CO. NO COUPONS. With the Tea You Drank in the Old Country. \LL RED BRAND. Now procurable from -IV Grocers and Storekeepers. Try the ls lOd Quality. ' SPECIAL NOTICE. NOW ON SALE. 1000 PAIRS BEST SAMPLES, Ladies' and Gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES. All at One-third off Usual Prices, At the D. L C.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume LX, Issue 11573, 2 May 1903, Page 1
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