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The West pert Coal Company's output lest weak was 7734 tons 16 cwt. Tho banquet to be tendered to the Premier at'Waimate has been postponed till Wednesday. Derry's Band played a programme of t_cred music in the Kaiapoi Domain yesterday. There was a large attendance of the public. It is estimated (telegraphs our Dunedin correspondent) that about 800 persons listened to the Premiers speech at Gore en Friday night. There were fourteen reporters present, and the local telegraph operators put through 22,000 words, finishing their task at 4.30 a.m. This is - record for Gore.

Mr H. D. Bell has decline- the ««,,*_ & nade him to contest the Wellington Maw V» All the Dnnedin city taurrwavg W m Good Friday, in order to give t_» _3 - § i holiday. or *' J There was n large gathering in VictorSquare yesterday, when the Woolsto_B_s played an excellent programme of m__/ . The Art Exhibition was largsrr »i tended, on Saturday, both afternoon u_ evening. The Exhibition will be 0 »_ again to-day and to-night. * At the Police Court on Saturday, beW Mr R. Bestham, S.M., James H<_ki«Z: alias Chnbbs, and Henry Fred Gr*«_j_J were each fined 10s and costs for drunfca, ness. At. the banquet to Mr McNab, atGora. nn Friday. Mr McNab described P«_Jj ment as the first g-Tt'cmen's club in tk» colony, where there were no class d»t_e! tions. Tbs directors of the Wellington Opm House Company recommend tho payment of a dividend of 7 per cent, for thei. jn. ending March 3L-*. Tlie rents of the Ho_. "or the jvar amounted to £2441. On Friday his I<ordship the Bishop he_ a conrirniaiimi tiervice in the Kaianni Church of England, when tliirty-tvo candidates were presented by the Rev. 1 Holland, Vicar. His Lordship aite-rmrdi delivered an interesting address. A picnic by rail to Waikari had ben promised the Rangiora Borough School children on Saturday, and railway carriages were in readiness. As heavy tux set iv, the children were entertained _ tho Volunteer Drill Hall. During the quarter ending March elevq ocean liners loaded frozen itieat and prodnci in the Wanganui roadstead, taking wr*. from Wanganui 122,704 sh«ep and laait, 7937 bales of wool, and 1918 casks of taUoir and pelts, valued at over £170,000. Ht Harbour Board wharfage alone on __t shipments wp.s £550. Mr W. B. Ixingstaff, a son of Mr W. Longs!aft", one of the oldest settler) in the Leeston district, died yesterday, _, te« a severe, illntsa. Deceased vr&i __. iiocted with a number of public institn*" tions in the Leeeton district, and occupfoi a prominent position in athletio circles, A special meeting of the C_rietc"u_<"tCity Council will bo held at tha City Council cliambcra on Wednesday, at 7.Jfl p.m., when in addition to the mayor |q*' councillors of the City Council tier* »H be present the mayors and councillors <* the amalgamating boroughs. The busine* to be dealt with is to make provistontlarrangements for carrying on the worked the united City of Christchuroh until t_k. next general election of councillors, -' l"he news tliat the Levels estate 4_f been purchased by the Government *_ received in Timaru on Saturday with gen*. - ral satisfaction (writes our The acquisition of this estate has beet",.. looked forward to for years by South 0». terbury residents, and especially by TW aru people, who believe that it will _i thfi means of very materially adding to U_ size and importance of their town. ■ It is estimated (says the Done-if; "Star") that by thirteen hotels ne_|»* deprived of their licenses and by an <MX ditional loss of £5 on each of the remtin- '* ing bouses by the Bubstitution of U»f o'clock for eleven o'clock licensee, the G"t/~ revenue will be depicted to the extent d~ something like £750. It is -_tettto_T that to meet this deficiency the Fh__»-. Commit tec propose to invite the city «■,:". lioitons to draft a Bill (which the Gtay- J i ernment will be asked to take charge G*C. Giving them authority to raise the «_}_".*> license on the remaining hotels—the I»"y probably being made £60, in lieu of JS4J? as at present. " "{V Mr J. Smith occupied the clwut at la*, annual meeting of tho North C_3terb_f| Poultry Club. It was stated thai t_tf membership had increased to about 80. %Vh receipts were £115 6s Bd, and the bd_x*| in hand £12 14s lOd. Officers were dee;*; ted* as follows: —Patrons, Messrs BudM and Rutherford, M.H.Rs., and nine othil gentlemen; president, Mr .1. B. Wife-ipij-y vice-presidents, Messrs Wilson a_iJß*{< cliff; treasurer, Mr BlackeM-; secrettrfcV Mr Bell. It was decided'to hold tie nua" show and arrangement* were I—« for same. Votes of thanks to the }3ja~i : - giora Brass Band, and ladies who #_»—J" the annual supper were passed. (c The incessant rain in North Canterb—J. for a number of hours each day oa _«»- day, Wednesday and Saturday last "weeljr--I—_ improved graziers' prospects in (jß»t. and turnips (writes our cori—uwrrierili;' Those who have not stacked well or » : tamed proper rain covering for their i-da are having an anxious time. The crop' of red clover seed," peas and beana are ceK», tain to be affected by the irnin, a_ds©|ol of the late crops of bay have tnStm hardly. It is not expected that _«•' potato crop will feel the influence, of'tltr past few days' weather. For bi_-_f up land for autumn crops the rain *_ just the thing. It has improved _t shingle-made roads. * •* Detectives Bailey and Nelson eir«W* a man at the Marine. Bo{4y Sumner, on Saturday afternoon,' a provisional warrant on uuflpfcjw of being concerned, as an agent, in n*""4"L at Bradford, England 1 . He is ta_3/fS" have been in the colony, chiefly at DoWj din and ChrLstcharch, since the end *" last December, or beginning of J—"—*r"j» p It is stated that the man admitted S»' identity, and that t-emamo under wlu—ifc.'i was arrestee" "was seen olsacnl—swatch. *(*f is said to have been an English ">lfe&_f Commissioner Tunbridge states tirtW amount of the sum implicated in the + leged frauds is not known by the M< Zealand police, who arc ignorant altt<"«*' all other paiticulans in . regard to <j>* case. Tho arrest was mode on '$*' strength of a personal description of. «*- ------suspected man telegraphed some time from Wellington. ' 'y We have to acknowledge receipt of t, copy of 'Mitchell's '* Newspaper F"4Directory" for 1903. This is tin flrfr eighth annual vmie of a work t_it "— My world-wide reputation. Besides the PVr 1 in which are recorded names and p_"tw"r, la is of all newspapers and peiiodicak[»''j all parts of the Empire space is given to'tfct same in format ioa regarding pa** l *-?'; foreign countries. In this respect *"*? "■ a most valuable book for advertiser*. *<*~-- newspapers it. lias a particular 9 * acciunt, of the special articles which •** one of its features. An contribnMt - a vseful articl') on-deg.-il decisions coocerV.y ing newspaper matters, ar,r>ther deals "«** s - I the rise of the sporting press, a Mr Michae] MacDonagh. M"ith Correspondents." Mr K. E. W-I'ttf?.'; writes on the commercial union of the wfr; pire, Mr W. P. Reeves on "AMtraW* ' Shipping and Immigration Laws," *W* . there are also several interesting South Africa. "" : Two St. Albans school bojs. TO®; ! Bain, aged 14. son *>f Mr Wm- Bai», m' of Reid and Gray, and Donald Green, «gj ! 13, sen of Mr J". K. Green, of the W". graph Department, have just returned M!, a somewhat lengthy pedestrian tour. i ing three weeks' holiday from school wf; sct«ut on foot with fneir swacs, forKa"*'*, titta, reaching there after four days' triflr ""ing. After spending a week with £•*** they walked back -.gain to arrivint- here en Saturday nfU-vtiooa. ! youngbters readied Dur*_udel» distance of 25 miles, in one day, but »*. | ceived rather a shock by bt;ing * a ****~l ! charge by a local tradesman, -ihooccww them of being escapees fiom R ur * lliam expressed the intention of sending t«w back by the next train. The dejected J*"bad some dithcultv in assuring their cap"".: cf their bona fides, but were ev f t "' , 'r released. Their next, stage was «•.•*"'* where they were again under *usp>f™' / and decided to throw up the tour. and"" turn home. Picking up fresh ««»ft however, they determined to push oa, *r next day reached Ashburton eaiely. *»» fourth day brouirht them to their d«tiwj tion. without further incident. **■.■?£. total distance travelled w.v» some 160 mi"«j and the lads averagiw" about 20 m"»j.; day, they showed considerable gnt powers of endurance, especially «« "Ss had to contend against the heat lence of nor'-westers. i'____

T>e rt'dinarv meeting of the City Coun '(ilwillnotbe^Mdtl-s'ovcniriK.

John Leary w.i.- charged at Lyttelton on 'Kittiraav v/tTi righting on Norwich Quay, i<un T oVF'.'cno sind resisting the n<>]i«.v: .Lillys Barry was diarged with f .htin's 1.' ,;,r . v » '•^ < »" ! "e Sinclair yd.i charged with inciting J.eary «> resist tbe police, _3-i Cii-irl..-' Miiid w-i.? charged with tufing obscene language. J ev.dence of si riumb ? - of wit !;«•«"• >'i"v,-.:d that there bad b«n a rlisgrarefti! Keitc. The case against Hind was- but Hia others woro g r /.l £5 e.u'h. v.itii v: • (uUrn.uivei of a montli'-" iir.prispnmrnt, Lcary bring sent,^l w to an a!d.-!io::i! tuo months on tli>.' charge of resisting t!i- polico.

]n "Humane Swim- Note>," in the an- ■ iu*l rP|V.'t of tho Itoyal Humane Society - New /«:aliir. I. re Urtuce is made to the ■act that tl.e ."uisrr.iiujian Royal Humane Rocjerv (.till contim ws to make awards in \r.w -ealand. "We. certainly think," the vriter continue*, "that, our Society haa <jt»blwbfd a fair and ju*t claim for exclujjre control in the matter of making awnrd.s 'iVr !i'"-" in our own lenitnry. When the Austi>hu : i;_i Society v.-n.i established, ■•J,, I>yal Soei«-iy *■ f England at once wit.h-A-fW fiom Ai-iraliii.ia. A ■wan hi have been ~jjjnlicited in at least one instance, and>!v i ;l "lire, !U " <! l iaVl ' Rood reason t«i beliove that, the Aus' ralawian Society i'm been ii":'* 1 •! into jrr.v.ning a medal durinz tfa" l ) '"' t • VT '' r Ul ~ ,<>v ' e;i ' !inc '-" \t the I.aiKl T'e-ard's meeting on Friday it was rtsoivt.l :•> oiler tin un-old lands in tl)p. Win*l r, iv t<.« ru-iiip fi>r le.ive in nine fi.jjir.ite hlorl'-x a.s already subdivided, the jjp.rt jvnt'ii's to b-. 1 . Is iwr acre. Th« Waipura B<«< 1 Bu.ud applied i':r pn-mi*sinn to expend aWi.t £50 of fourths from mikill waging mts i»-S. 36516, Cuta Peaks, upon the improve me r.t of the branch road of ac--cc*". Tho pro;;n.«-ed expenditure was ap- - proved of. The. Wooiston Borough Council applied for ass-iM-ance in the recovery t ,f rni'-S duo. by lerUiiu Crown tenant* in in.? T.'iin-i Hamlet, the tame having hen Kited for without mkti-vs. It was r.solved to notify the defaulters that unlcs-s payment was made within ."50 days the Board would (•nt—iuW fa to dealing with their cases ».*» provided by section 124 of the Land Act, 1892.

Tbe " D.iisy " road carts are entirely njiat we represent fiiem to be. We don't get. any by false alarm. Morrow, J!.is-,ett, and Co. 4 You know what an impression a perfectly written without error letter makes upon you. J' is readable, inviting, and wholesome. You are almost inclined to read it twice. That is exactly the port of work which has made fame for the, " New Century,'' and planed it at the head of the typewriter ranks in three years. 1569 Tlie D.I.C. havo received the first deliveries of new blankets from tho mills, . just in time for the cold weather now set )n. There ar-j enormous stocks lo select from, all of purtfit wool, and all at prices tlie most, moderate. Everyone fchould now lav in their winter stock, and pay a visit of inspection to this popular resort, the D.I.C. 11 Foolish lampless cyclists. Why risk being lined 20s and costs, when Oales, Lowry, arid Co. can supply you with "Bobby dodger" lamps at 2s 6d, others at all prices up to 15s for the very best- 4746 Beath and Co., Ltd., are now making a, grar.d display of latest novelties for the coining set—on. New mantles, millinery, costumes, mantles, jackets, dresses, silks, -velvets, blankets, quilts, furs, gloves, hosiery, also new hats, ties, collars, ana clothing of every description for gents' wear. Beath and Co., Ltd., Argyle House, Christchurch. Wanted to sell, lady's B.S.A. bicycle, just been enamelled. Both new tyres. Adams Sun Cycle Depot, 3t> Jjower High street, opposite A. J. White's.— (Adyt.) Tho latest creations in ladies' jackets and paletots for the autumn season, manufactured by tho Kaiapoi Woollen Company, aro now on view in the leading showrooms. Tho utiiveisal opinion is that for elegance, style, nnd beauty, no imported garments can compare with these. Tlie lovely cloths are soft und warm, while each garment has tha stylish, tailor-made effect peculiar to all Kaiapoi goods. . See that winter purchase bears the special Kaiapoi ticket, which is the guarantee of reliability. 39 No middle profit; factory prices, and high-class workmanship. Jones and Sons, practical pewellers and manufacturers, near Bank of New Zealand, High street. 6 For influenza and cold in the head take Woods' (Ireat Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s 6d.—(Advt.)

Jam Jars.—Mason's patent with air-tight screw tcq*, quarts, usual prico 4s 6d, now .reduced to 3a 9d per dozen. Half gallon »iw>, utiUiil price 7s, now reduced to 6s; also full size glass tumblers at 2s dozen. John Hall and Co., Limited, opposite Clock Tower.—(_dvt.) 3,000,000 Envelopes, well assorted; 2000 reams note and letter papers, good and "neap; folio papers, every size and quality. Thousands account books, all sines and bindings, now on salo by H. J. Wood aud Co., at unprecedented:; y low prices. Office requisites and stationers' sundries of best-quality. Large new stock of photo, albums and photo, frames. Thousands of new books, just landed, also immense as■wrtraent of cheap reading. A great sale of fancy goods upstairs. Inspection invited by H. J. Wood and Co., Stationers' Hail, High street. Remember tho whole stock Is to be sold off. 2352

Wanted Known—Jewellery salo, for one month, of watches, clocks, rings, brooches, and all other classes of jewellery, sold at ereatly reduced prices. K. Urieshaber, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 155 Colombo street. 7463 If you have the faintest suspicion that your eyes aro not just right, it they bother you in any way, it's best to have, them ixamincl at once. Do not go to tho average, optician or speclaelo seller, for he is unable to distinguish between optical defects and diseases, but consult John R. Procter, 130 High street, Christchurch, who will give you a thoiough examination «ree of charge. " 2115 Preserving jars and jam jars at Fletcher Bros. Mason fruit jars. Is lld, h 3d. 3a oil. rubber rings 6d dozen, also extra lids, tie over jap, lib Is 3d, 21b Is lld, jelly tumblers Is 3d, tin top Is sd, l* lld, all per half dozen. Wood er-pooi-4d, 6d, 9d. Largest assortment of fruit wd jam jars in Christchurch at lowest prices shown m window. Packed and delivered. Fletcher Bros., direct importers. Lower Hich street.—(Advt.)

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11551, 6 April 1903, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11551, 6 April 1903, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11551, 6 April 1903, Page 4


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