At the present time there are lflp m^ patients in the Wellington district hospital. fc/* At Lvttelton last night Can-table Con- | - nell arrested a man on a charge of steehng |-*, • a watch at Wellington, the property of a |.**. Kaikoura residtent. , |* ' Our Leeston correspond-nt writes thai"* ■% owing to the variable weather, the °_**-**"* >/* of the fishing season has not been a s*wc«f* f. ■ Very few fish have been caught in «• I •- Selwyn river, and sport in the Rakaia a" | N , not yielded very satisfactory results. |^ The entries for the Amberley hor** . X ; breeders' show, which is to be hew v>- ( |, morrow, number 270. The V*9*?Mn#J* g- f eludes driving and jumping competotooij, , » and judging from the interest taken in w* a,event there will be a large attendance trf |L the publio. : |||
A false alarm of fire was given from Victoria street at 8.30 o'clock hurt, night. Tn the report of Mr T. E. Taylor's remarks at the- City Council meeting on "Monday evening, tho profit made by the ■municipal authorities of Glasgow on the electric trams for the year should have been stated as being £279,310. A Napier telegram states-that the s.s. Hawca which, with the disabled barque Samuel Plimsoll in tow, was blown north by Sunday night's gale, was sighted from Ihe signal station at Napier at about four o'clock yesterday afternoon, passing the bay. A large number of leading -resident, of Wellington and Nelson have accepted invitations for the opening of the Blenheim-S-'d-bn railway on Friday. Sir J. G. Ward and Messrs Hall-Jones, Duncan and "Mill.-* will be present. Mr Duncan will t'ontinue the journey overland to Ohristchuroh. A new flour mfll in Blenheim has been complete-- and is now in full swing. It is one of the mills in the South Island not attached to the Flour Millers' AssociatJon. Three flour mills are now in existence in Bl«vnhei_i, and another one, to be Independent of the Association, will be erected shortly. A class for the teacJiingi of the ironworkers' branch of Technical Institution wta opened at Leeston on Monday night There was only a very small attendance. r~,(r J. Anderson, who has been appointed instructor by the Department, gave an interesting tuidrexs, demonstrated by practical illiwtration, on ironwork. Tlie work9hop is large and roomy, and conveniently fitted with forget*, bellows, and anvils, and «ll things conducive to the success of the branch. A meeting of the Council of the Liberty league was held yesterday evening, when there was a large attendance of members. It was reported. that over one thousand •names had been added to the roll by members of the League during the past two months, and also that arrangements were made to have a series of lectures delivered on the subject of "Personal Liberties*' prior to the election. Several matters of interest to the Council were discussed, and a number bt new members proposed. At a meeting of the Waimakariri Harbour Board, it was decided to obtain ten jddjtkaial flags for th_ signal code. The Lyttelton Harbour Board is to be informed that the £500 debenture would be ptid in December. The signalman reported that on October Ist there waa a depth of eleven feet on the bar. Tbe recedpti_»_nted to £7 2s, and the credit was reported to be £116 2s 9d. An offer from F. Smith to remove Beswick's old wharf in return for the material was held over. The Board decided to attend) to the boat landings, in view of the opening of the boating season. A Press Association telegram from Dunedin states that the Arbitration Court •ward in the tramways dispute hits the City C-orporation very hard. If the service is continued on the present lines it wot_d involve an additional outlay in working expenses of £2760. The total profit last year ma only* about £1000. It is tfhought the cars for church-goers on Sunday mornings will be at once dropped. The dim-tars of the Moriungton Compan|y, in view of -tihe inareased expenditure, have decided to stop (Sunday oars from the 19th, and the other two Cable Companies are expected to fallow suit. Tlur expenditure of tihe Charitable Aid Botflrd far ths montib of Septen-ber was as foßowst—lnstitution relief—__-.burton Home: 69 persons relieved, cost £183 3s 3d. Female Refuge i 16 women and 3 infants, £26 16s Bd. Memorial Home: 62 relieved, £94 4s lid. Orphanage: 35 •relisved, £60 4s 6d. Armagh street Depot: 13 relieved, £15 19s lid. Out- *-* <$oor relief: Number of cases -relieved 343, number of persons 1066, cost £461 18s 4d. Destitute boarded out (37) £47 3s Id; maintenance of children at industrial schools (38) £63 4s 2d; general expenses, £69 12s 9d; miscellaneous expenditure, £6 6s I<L..-. The total number of persons relieved -was 1364, at a cost of £962 10- Bd. The special expenddtare on Mie new homo at A*_b_rtoa was £631 10s 3d, <u»l the total expenditure £1684 0s lid. .A new catalogue of the books in the Circulating Department of the Canterbury Public Library has been issued, and will 'be greatly appreciated by the subscribers •to that popular institution. It consists of 400 pages, and by means of a supplement is made to include books added to the end of September. It ia arranged • ', 6a a different plan from "that employed in - previous catalogues. Kis simply an .sh-jhabeticaJ" list of the books in the library, the subjects of the books and th* authors being fntermixed instead of a .jepaiafe index being employed for each. hatha authors and subjects are indicated .if a difference in type there is no practical Inconvenience in this arrangement—in"jlMd, it may be said that the advantages of Tiaving wily one index to refer to instead of two outweigh the disadvantages. ***A point in the new catalogue about which .there is likely to be more divergence of pnhdon is that the ctHferent departments - * tf the library—fiction, travels, history, • , 'md so forth—are not separately indexed J tain previous editions. To casual readers Ibis .may not be any decided objection, but to the student the old plan was very much port convenient. From an introduction ' " Ijaiihet catalogue, we learn that tbe total wnaber.of books at present in the Orwlrting Library is 20,623. The number «, xuk ReTerence Library is 13,820. <Ju showing how the drought has affected jj* lodder supply of New -tenth Wa_es, jw present price of _»y in the Wentworth ; «ttact ranges from £10 to £15 pes* ton. Complaints are made by the masters of 25"**-*, coming to AueMand that their apY*o*m ia not reported by the lighthouse- ' J**- 1 *!"-**** '**> Cape Maria Van Diemen, Mr H. G. Ell is asking for returns to the amount of -oterest * paid by ESs"*' towfa in the last ten Veai_. The 'mwakaim Board had no dd__c_*ty with nj'Wturn. It had expended only 2s 6d Will its bankers for interest. \ t _^"*-.- , P Meeting of the Sydenham ■"*•■ Borongh Council on Monday, it was decided ; M aocept the tender of Messrs Ashby, ' ' _I_**''■ , ' **"°' * w ***•* P-l* 6B ' hydrants, :- «c., for the Sydenham water supply. The ;- , " M»ttn*t of the tender was £9546 ls sd. *. < ■ fl%e Awakino -correspandent of the Wai- ••*» "S__i_" states that run-ours are crorrent ■, ' Were of a gold discovery of considerable ; - wportance Living been made on the coast. '-'■ \. *J "* «aid a -large-sized reef haa been ■- '-r_***d» its lay apparently being from the inteaior to the coast. Hestrs Field and Royds, of Cbriatchnrch, v . £__**•* *V &* TamoAia, which left Wl- e"agton for Sydney yesterday, 100 fat bul- !_!_■"* aild 50 ° fttt Bnee P- The bullocks were b-wght in Southland and taken on board .*< •*-*»« Bluff. Half of the sheep were also *^-___ afc t-3e - ,a * me P 01 ** and the. balance • axe from Hawke's Bay. A (rial of the power of the Kaiapoi ,• 'wm__, fire engine was held on Monday **"»Bg, when Superintendent Havman had --"***■ tooee taken up the bell-tower. A • ■wong ,jet was played, the pumps working ' t *"*••»J*. *nd proving how greatly the power * sri-S^ 1 * )D JP- M * las •'*** eia improved, and the • work on tne levers lessened. .' . A recently-adopted commercial code of ■'•'* Si!?** *ignailing has necessitated tbe Hart J** B**8 ** Boards and ports -adding at least the s*B" -for a, c, i, o, v, x, y, and z. The *"»M__Gca*riri Board, whicli has about one .■ _ jv* 1 * 5 - over its bar in six months, has, ia JWer to comply with tne law, to obtain these -signals, and pay a signalman £52 . *' year to hoist them. ■•'' t- *^ e - , * x Tanner, who proposes construct- ' «_■-' aa a '- rs * l 'P *** soon as he can get together - _ *na necessary funds, commenced (says the ;. Auckland "Star") his lecturing tour at j Waihi. Mr Tanner delivered an able adj-,- i *»*"e_s on aerial navigation, dealing with the „-, Mject from its infancy. He stated that, j, *hfle at an altitude of some 5000 ft over the _"",. Bydney Harbour, he could discern objects '-•{,, on the bottom of the sea quite distinctly, '•■ . Wd he ihinks that photographs could bs y-ft »as obtained of any object at the bottom t iy m the means of an improved lens. The U£" • *w, he said, of the Sydney Heads and surli?- jwnding country at that height was someIE wing magnificent.
Already the names of several candidates for the Tramway Board are spoken of.
The Hawera "Star" states tost Mr Percy Denton, well known in Christchurch as a singer, is in a dying condition at the Wellington Hospital* It* will be remembered that Mr Denton lately met with a serious accident.
The Timaru Main School Committee has decided to c_ccu__rise the principal School Commi-tees of the colony with a view to bring pressure to bear upon Parliamentary candidates to pledge themselves to do their best to secure an increased building and incidental aHowanoe for School Committees.
The preparations for the carnival in th»» Canterbury Hall, in aid of the Veteran-' Home, are being pushed forward with a good deal of vigour. There will be an excellent display of costumes in connection with -he poster advertising idea. As this is unique here there is considerable interest evinced.
Mr Justice Cooper, president of the Arbitration Court, complained yesterday of the fact that union secretaries* had got into the habit of filing with the Clerk of Awards only one copy of tlie union's demands. He asked the secretaries to lodge in future, for tho use of the three members of the Court, three type-written or printed copies of the union demands, together with three copies of the list of the parties cited.
The presbytery at St. Mary's, Manchester s-reet, formerly the residence of the late Mr J. P. Jameson, and one of the oldest dwelling houses in the city, has just been pulled down, and a new and suitable building will be erected on the old site. Tlie contractors are Messrs Graham and Greii,', and it is hoped that Archbishop Redwood will lie present at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone.
Never in tlie history of the colony has there been such an amount of re-building of hotel property in such a short space of time as is now, and has lately bean, the case in Christchurch. Warner's and Tattersall's have recently been re-built, and the following hotels in brick and stone are now in course of erection: —Royal, Clarendon, Provincial, Carlton, Prince of Wales, Zetland Arms, and Criterion. It is understood that, in addition to these, a contract has been let for re-building the White Hart block.
An occurrence of a rather .rare complaint known as oerebro spina, meningitis is reported from Mang-maire, near Pahiatua. in almost epidemic form, inasmuch as six member of one family are prostrafted. It is not in the list of notifiable diseases, as it is not considered infectious in the ordinary sense. The Public Health Department _* investigating tlie case, wSich it regards as something almost plhenomenal. Usually tbe death-rate from this disease is about 80 per cent., but in the present instance all the patients are doing well.
A society, according to a Canadian correspondent, has been formed among the Chinamen in Canada, having for its object the adoption of ways of Western civilisation. One of the first conditions is the reimoval of the queue, which is held to be the strongest test of a change of allegiance. Large num/hers have already made the sacrifice, although there are thousands who have not yet joined the new movement. Chinamen are now vesty numerous throughout Canada, and to a large extent the lamndry business is passing into their hands. Many are also employed as domestic servants, and tbe success of this experiment in the older parts of Canada has led to a large demand of late.
Some of the later shipments of New Zealand oats, that came to South Africa are not turning out well, says the "Otag-o Daily Ti__es'VJ©___uie_burg correspondent. The Miguel de La-Tinaga, from Port C_i_l__ers and the Bluff, finished discharging at Durban last week. The bulk of her cargo had heated badly, and will be of little use. This is one of the cargoes that was offered for sale" in bulk in the ship's hold. It is fortunate no buyer came forward, for he would hardly have taken delivery. As it is, the -happers will have a long-suffer-ing Government to deal with. The waste that is going on in connection with some of the military foodfctt__s that "have reached Africa since peace was proclaimed is shameful. Whole cargoes are known to have been dumped in the sea sooner than tihe authorities would take less than wth&t they ocm--idered market value for the goods.
The "Triad" far October is quite up to itihis periodical- usual high standard. Tbe various articles on musical, s_ierffific, and other matters are calculated to impart considerable knowiledge, and readers of this popular journal cannot fail to be pleased with the manner in -which most of the information is supplied. Some good iMustrations and a prize competition help to enhance the interest the "Triad" so well deserves. 8
Size of Fran_es.---The new Star cycles are supplied in three size frames, "22," '•_4," and "26.'" For heavy riders coltision bar* are fitted to the "24" and "26" for special orders only. All standard machines are supplied with single frames and without collision oars. Call and inspect. Easy terms arranged to suit customers. Adams Star Cycle Co., 70 Manchester street, and 198 Colombo street, near Cathedral, (Ihristdinirch. 5
Messrs M. Sand-tain and Son, of Cashel street, who have been in business in this' city as watch-Oaksrs and jewellers for over forty years, have just entered upon a new era of management, and _»ye determined to merit the continued support of the public. To this end they have made an allround reduction in the price of gold, silver, and other watches, sterling silver and E.P. goods, greenstone, and on all their large and varied stock. An inspection' of stock and prices is invited.
20,000 books to be sold at large -reduction off English published prices. We axe informed that Messrs H. J. Wood and Co. intend selling off the whole of their large and valuable stock at unprecedentedly low prioes. The part-ners-ip expirinc by effluxion of time, and the goodwill and lease 'having been acquired by a syndicate, the premises are to be pulled down, and large new building erected, for which the plans are now in hand. This will be the largest sale of books and stationery ever held in the colony. 6232
Wanted known—Best value given in town in wedding, keeper, and engagement rings, in watches, and all classes of jewellery. K. GrieshaW, manufacturing jeweller, 155 Colombo street. V_B7
H you have the faintest suspicion that your eyes are not just right, if they bother you in any way, it's best to have them examined at once. Do not go to the average optician or spectacle seller, for he is unable to distinguish between optical defects and diseases, but consult John R. Procter, lot) High street, Christehurch, who will give you a thorough examination free of -harge. 2115 Boyd and Son, GJoucester street, are devoting their large appliances and staff almost exclusively to bicycle repairs. Results, very best work at lowest prices.— (Advt.) We are short of ladies' hiring bicycles, and will allow full value for any make as port payment for new up-to-date Zeafandias, and arrange easy terms for balance. Oates, Lowry, and Co.—(Advt.) Seeds that will grow.—Nimmo and Blair's Vegetable Seeds, 80 varieties, 3d per packet Flower seeds, 100 choice varieties Id per packet. Seed potatoes, Early Rose, Ruby, Lapston, and Bath Kidneys, Snowflake, etc., etc. The trade supplied. Fletcher Bros,, Sole Agents, High street, Christchurch. See large advertisement.—(Advt.)
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11398, 8 October 1902, Page 6
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2,758NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11398, 8 October 1902, Page 6
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