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LICENSING NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I JOSEPH BOWES, of Governor's Bay. » being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate M Governor's Bay, known as the Ocean View Hotel, do hereby give notice thet J desire to obtain, and wilf, st the"next C.iurt Meeting to be holden at Lytteiton qn the fifth day of JUNE. !902. apply for » TRANSFER ci the slid License from my*,eH to jvDTVARD' JOHN BROWNJK, roy appointee. Dated the sth day of May, ISW2. JOSEPH BDWES. DOUGALL and UPHAM, Solicitors, 2709 Chriatchurch mid Lytte.ton. NOTICE OF APPLICATION" FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. lEDWARD.'jOHN BROWNIE, of GotJ ernor's Bay, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the nest Licensing Court to be holdon at Lyttelton on the fifth d«y of JUNE. 1902, apply for Certificate mithoTmng the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a at Governor's. _Bay. known as the Ocean Viflw Hotel, containing 17 rooms (exclusive oX those required for the use of the family). Dated the sth day of May. 1902. E. J. BROWNIE. DOUGALL and UPHAM, Solicitors, 2800 Christchurch and Lyttelton. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. T\7E, MARY ANN~Ii{URPH¥c «uid WIL- »» ' LTAM both of Christchuroh, Executors of the will of the lato Jemca Murphy, of the Shamrock Hotel, Chrietohurch, and fls such being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house md premises situate at H.-ph m;d Manchester streets, Christchnrch, do hereby give notice that we dosire to obtain, find will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be ho.'den at Christchurch, on tho 4th day of JUKE, 1902. apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from ourselves to i our appointee. MARY ANN MURPHY. Datsd the Bth day of May, 1902. MARY ANN MURPHY. WILLIAM QUINN. M. PONNELLY. Solicitor, Christchurch. 2940 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. T MARY ANN MURPHY. Shamrock-Hotel, ■»•» of Christchttrch, HotelVeeper, widow, do ' hereby giro notice that I desire to obtain, and •will at the next Licencing Meeting, to be holden at Christchurch, on the Fourth say of JUNE, 1902. apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at High street p.nd Manchester street, Christchurch, and known as the Shamrock Hotel, containing forty-six rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the Bth day of M«y. 1902. ■■'■■ : ': MARY ■'■ANN MURPHY. M.- DOM-TELLY,- ' . i__ L SoJicitor, Christchurch. 2950 CITY COUNCIL, RESOLUTION IMPOSING SPECIAL ' RATE. Fis Hereby Publicly notified that the following: RESOLUTION was ADOPTEID by the Christchnrch City Council, at a Special Meeting of the said Council held on the 9th day of May, 1902, at 7.30 o'clock p.m.:—. ■'..' ■ .■ ■ . - - - . ■ I In pursuance and in •exercise of the powers vested in .it by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1900. the Slaughtering 'and Inspection | Act, 1000,' and the Local bodies Loans Act, i 1901, the Christchurch City Council horebv resolves as follows: — Thet for the purpose of providing interest and other charges on a loan, of Fifteen Thousand Pounds (£15,000) authorised to be raised by the Christchurch Cit? Council under the provisions of tho Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1000. and the Local Bodies Loans Act, 1901, for the purposes of establishing an Abattoir for the City and the contiguous districts of Limrood, St. Albans, New- .Brighton, Sydenham, Siimner -and Woolstonin common, tho said Council hereby makes and "levies a Special Annual Recurring Rate of Three Farthings in the Pound .on a uniform scale upon tho annual rateable valuation of ail rateable property in the City of Christchurch comprising all that area in the Provincial District of Canterbury bounded, {towards the north by original Sections Nob. 6, 45, 206, 237. 0438. 2153, 286 and 2§7. Christehurch Survey Die-. trict.; towards the west and north generally by the North Avon road to Section ~ No. 19T. Block XI.. Christchurch Survey District; theece hv a road intersecting that section to the road which forms the north-western boundary of a Sub-aivision at the said section 197 containing five- acres and two roods; thence te-wnrds the north- weet by the • latter road to r< subdivision of Section No. 197 aforesaid cantainirc three acres and thirty-five perches; thence again towards Ihe north by the latter subdivision and its southern boundary-line produced , to Avon; thence towards the east and south-east and-south by the eajd River Avon tc a point in line with the -westprn boundary line of original Section No. 28 'of the said Christchurch Survey. District; thence again towards the cnsV by a risht line across the River Avon aforesaid to the north-western corner of the said Section No. 26; thence by Section No. 26 aforesaid end original Sections Nos. 175 and 69 to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line to.the northernmost corner of original Section No. 13. Christchnrch Survey Miß*rict; thence by the said 'Section No. 13 again, towards the souHi by Section No. 13 aforesaid and original Sections Nos. 176, 70, 17, 66, and 73. Christehnrch Survey District aforesaid, to Lower Lincoln road; thence again, towards ths r.orth-west by the said Lower Lincoln road to the River Avon aforesaid; thence again towards the went by a ricrht line across that river Uo'the western side .§f Antigua street; jukl thence by the. -western side of the said Antigua, street and hv the River Avon aforesaid to. Section No. S aforesaid as appearing in the Valuation lioll ot the said City from time to time and for tho time beine in force. Such Special Rate shall be ah annual,requiring rate during the'currency of s\ich loan rjarab:e"at the office of the-, Council in, the City of 1 Christchnrch on- tho 10th. day of June. 1 in each and every year during th-o cur- • ',: rency of such' loan', beirsr a period of j thirty-two years conxtnencire on the 10th day of June. 1902, or until all moneys owins in- respect of the said loan with interest shall have been paid otf and discharged. 4 That a Special Meeting of this Council he celled for MONDAY,-the Oth day of June,'l9o2. at 7.30 o'clock, in the after-noon.-to bo held at the Council's Ofßce, Oxford terrace, for tho purpoeo of Confirming the foregoing resolution. . By order. H. R. SMITH. Town Clerk. City Council Chambers, Christchurch. 10th , May, 1902. 3093 HOTELS. ARINE HOTEL, SUMMER—T. FOXhar-, ing Leased the above well-known Mote', has completely furnished it throughout. Visi-i tors to Sumner, tbo ideal seaside resort or Canterbury, will find'at. the-MARINE HOTEL all the Appointments of a First-clftsa Hotel, 1 together with evsry conifort and. the best Oi' attention. ■ Suites of Rooms and Extensive Lawn for Families. Good Billiard Table Charges Strictly Moderate. 2671 B~U R X B'S TATTERSALL'S NEW HOTEL, TS NOW OPEN <o the GENERAL PUBLIC, and is fitted up with every Modern Convenience,- including Electric Light. First-class Luncheon served Daily from 12 and 2 p.m. for Is. CITY BUFFET PRIVATE HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET (near Recce's Ironmongers); FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Permanent Boarders and the Travellinp Public. H°t, cold, and shower baths. Close to Railway Station and General Pos Office. TRAMS PASS DOOR. Luncheon from Jfoon to 2 p.m. Letters and Telegrams will Receive PrompJ Attention. Telephone No. 676. JAMES HOWEY, Proprietor. JOHN WALLER AND SON, TIMBER iSD COAL. MERCHANTS. rUAM STREET, TTAVE IN STOCK Every Description of XX BUILDING MATERIAL, including very LARGE STOCKS of SEASONED TIMBER, kept -under cover ready for immediate nae. Cement. Galvanised Iron, Lead. Doors. j Saahea. Btiiiclcre , Ironmoneere, I Fencing Material, etc. - COALS AND FIREWOOD. We f,re prepared to QUOTE PRICES for Building Materials delivered in town or any part of the Province.
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11271, 12 May 1902, Page 8
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1,269Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11271, 12 May 1902, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11271, 12 May 1902, Page 8
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