PUBLIC NOTICES. OOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO. Established 1867. Representatives for TRUSTEES. EXECUTORS, AND ABSENTEES. TyE UNDERTAKITthe MANAGEMENT of TRUST, ABSENTEE, and PRIVATE ESTATES, and the Collection of Bents and Interest MORTGAGES Wβ hare Money available for investment on Mortgage of Lands, in any cams, at current ! rates, and Prepare Mortgages and Transfers under the L.T. Act at schedule rates. j GOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO., ' 193 Hereford street, Christchurch. I FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. A BOUT 200 REAM?"PRINTING PAPER -"■ (Pink Tone.) SOJia x 52in—7-2lb per ream. Particulars and Price on application to MANAGER, TRESS CO., LT&., j 21S1 Ohristchurch. SUTHY. ALIAS GEORGE SUTHERLAND, ■£*■ Hairdresser and Tobacconist, High street, next Empire Hotel, Wishes the public of Christchurch to know that he is the same who has had their support on t-he Cycle track. He now solicits their patronage at his Elegantly Furnished Saloon above. Senior Football results posted every Saturday evening. _____ TO INVESTORS. THE SYDENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL effers for SALE DEBENTURES of the value of £1500, in sum 3of £10!) and £30, beaming interest at Four per centum per annum, being part of the Public Works and Water Loans sanctioned by the Ratepayers. April 30th, 1002. CHAS. ALLISON, 2181 To—n Clerk. pUILERT AND TOO" LS. RAZORS, STROPS, ETC. J. P. BROWN, IMPORTER, CHRISTCHURCH. ■ (Opposite A. J. White's) 1077 NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. I HAVE taken Mr J. H. UPHAM into PARTNERSHIP with mc, and my Business will in future be carried on at Canterbury street, Lyttelton, and at Christchurch, under the style of DOUG ALL and UPHAM. J. J. DOUGALL, Solicitor. 9 Cathedral square. 2186 "CAFB DE PARIS." Under New Management. MR E. W. SOFIELD begs to inform his Friends and Patrons that he has taken over the above. Hotel, r.hd that the premises are undergoing extensive alterations and repairs, necessitating ihe dosing of bedrooms for one month, after which, he is" confident that the -accommodation he -will be able to offer io visitors and tourists will be second to none in New Zealand. Nothing but the Best Brands of Wine*, Spirits, Beerß, and Cigars in stock. DINING huOM OPEN. Breakfast from 8 to 9.30, Is 6d. Luncheon from 12 to 2, Is. Tea from 5 to 7, 1? fid. 2176 "PLEASE SEND _?OR TOMATOES. 341b for 4s. Delivered at Christchurch Station. . GRAPES, 9d per lb. TO. GIMBLETT, The Grower, SHOP—LICHFIELD STREET.. F "HORSE COVERS. HORSE COVERsT* BEST CANVAS, fitted with Leg Straps, 12a 6d upwards Just to hand, ex Athenic, a Consignment of ENGLISH HARNESS, in TAN and BLACK, £6 to £8 10s. C. HO WELL, 156 Cashel street, nest Tattersall's Hotel. F1175 PUBLIC NOTICE. TITR T. G. R U S S E l> L, Barrister and Solicit*, HAS REMOVED To offices in the New Public Trust BuiMings, opposite Post Office, Cathedral square. 2205 MR G. P. WILLIAMS, M. INST., C.E., Hydraulic Engineer, Engineer to the' Waimakariri-Ashley Water Supply Beard, Formerly District Engineer for Canterbury in the Public Works -department. TS prepared to advise local bodies and others JL upon matters of water supply or other works. Address—"UPPEß RICCARTON." 4852F I Al. HOTEL. EDWIN FOX . , . PROPRIETOR. T?VERY CONVENIENCE for BOABDERS. g All Meals, Is. Dinner, 12 to 2. if? Only Beet Ijrand of Liquor on Hand. ELECTRIC LIGHTING THROUGHOUT. " Night Porter in Attendance. T HAVE TWO SPECIAL SUMS of £8000 and £1500 to LE2TD on farm Lands,' in Sums of £300 and upwards, at. 4J per cent. CHAS. HILL, Solicitor, 194 Hereford street. uWrELLAS~ UMBRELLAS. LADIES will be pleased to learn that we have received, ex the β-s. Athenic, a splendid assortment of Silks, Handles, etc of the choicest variety. These goods were specially selected for the winter by our Mr G. F. Year, recently from London. G. C. YEAR AND SOX, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturers, 191* Armagh street, next Colombo street. > 1064F "pHOTOS sent to F. W. DAVEY, 87 Lower ' High street, will be Enlarged to 12 x 15, and Framed 24 x 30 for 12s 6d, delivered FREE within 50 miles of Christchurch. F9459 MRS G. F. MASON (First-class Certificate from Madam Dean London). ' TTTCIENIC FACE MASSAGE and MANIXI CURE. Ladies , and Children's HAIRCUTTING. SHAMPOOING and HEAD MASSAGE. Sole Agent for Dr. Wilson Gibb's Electric Massage Rollers. Yaponr Bath Cabi--216 COLOMBO STREET, Next Coatcs and Co., JeweHers. $ E. C. Fountain. Gibson Fountain. DENTIST. p O UN T A I N BROS., X ~ 215 COLOMBO STREET. Consulting Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. OEWING MACHINES of Every Make Repaired, Duplicate ParU, Needles, and Superior Oil, »o!d at Singer's, 141 Colombo street. F4854 "LOBE SAUCE wuFgivi _ your~raeas~a genuine relish.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11262, 1 May 1902, Page 1
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