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Constable Field arrested a roan yesterday on a oharge of having deserted his wife.

There was spirited bidding for a number of Esquimaux dogs sold at Wellington on Saturday.

Mr H. Wafshaw won the final in these coml grade. trnnis tournament at the Colosseum on Saturday night, beating Mr H. A. I'enn by ten games to eight.

The Xew Zealand rifle team for Bisley will leave the colony about April 24tli. The personnel of the team has not yet been finally decided.

A deputation from the New Zealand Anxatcur Swimming Association waited on the City Council last night, and urged the necessity of establishing tepid baths. Tho question was referred to the Works Committee.

Mr Buchanan, ex-member for Wairarapa, will be a candidate lor his old seat at the next election. Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that there in ah:o N a chance, ■of the Hon. Mr Mitchelson's re-ent?iing polities.

The City Council last night adopted the proposal of the Works. Committee with reference to the fr'oheme. of wat*r supply proposed by thnm, which includes laying down mains covering four miles of streets" to ba afterwards incorporated in the general system of water supply.

It waa's-ted at the mreting of ths Board of Governors of Canterbury College'yesterday that the new wing of the Public Library wculd ba completed within a fortnight or so. The Registrar stated that the addition, at ex'pens-rs in connection with the new wing would probably be from iSZQO to £250 per annum. ■ '

Dr. Pomare, who recently visited the Chatham Islands, informs the Gisborne "Herald" tha,l there are onT.y twenty Morions, the original inhabitants of 'the Islands, left, and with one exception they are all old. The youngest member of the community is expected to h-.•actually the last of his race, for there is no full-blooded female Monori with whom he can marry. Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that as an outcome of the case heardi last week, in which, Harcourt apd) Company charged R. J. AiLken, a former employee, with the theft of moneys, the' charge being dismissed by a Bench of Justices, Mr Jellicoe, at tha instance of Aitken, has issued a writ claiming £516 damages for malicious pro?ccutioti.

- Our correspondent at Graymouth states that close upon 100 men were'throwni out of employment at the. Brunner mine en Saturday, owing to the mine only working ono shift. It is believed that this is only tem-pr-iary, owing to the change in ownership, which has or will take place ere long. The coal trade, however, is very dull at present, the Westpdrt bunkers bring full waiting for a market A gtfod number of Brunner miners left per steamer to-day for other parts of the colony, r

The dtath is announced in ! 'The Times," at of ninety-four, of Mrs K. I_. Bowen, widow of the RWerend Christopher Bowen, and the mother botfc of the lata <Lord Bowen, and of Mr Edward Bowen, of Harrow, the latter of whom t?he survived by only .ten months. > : - The'-de-ceased lady wasan aunt of the' Hon. _C* ->•*•_*_ Times" t»ys that she was "a woman not orf.y of considerable, ability, and of .striking force of character, but of sing-ular pewonal charm,"

Busbey House, which was opened by the Prince a£ Wales a .fow' days ago as a. National Physical Laboratory,, is situated in Bu*b*y Park, near Hampton Court Palace. It was a Royal residence, and was for eom_ years occupied by the Dowager Qujsen Adelaide. Subsequently it wasient by"the late Queen Victoria to the Dec d'Aumale,on* of the Orlcanist Royal Family. It has now been handed over to. the nation, ar.d wiD! be ■used as a sort of adjtinct to Kew Observatory. :.■•'"'■'.'"

At a- meetina of the Committee, of the Uhnstchuroft C'h-i'ldrens' Aid Society votes of thanko were passed to all those wtfo had assisted in making the recent garden party a success. Reference was made to the discussion which took place, at the meeting of the CJiaritable Aid Board on a motion to provide better supervision over the children in homes supported by tha Board, and the following resolution was passed: —-"That this Committee desires io express its regret that the Charitable Aid Board has not seen its way to take steps for th© bettor moral training of the future citizens under its care." The seeretarv was instructed fo forward a copy of this retiolution to the Chairman of the Charitable Aid Board-

A Press Association telegram from W«L lington states that an extraordinary phenomenon has occurred 1 on the Wangaehu road, nine miles east of Masterton, where about fifty acres of splendid hillside land (owned by Mr. Donald McsKeazie), with a gradient of about one in twenty-five, moved forward, ca&ting itself into the ravine below, and thus cutting olf communication between Wangaehu and Mastert—_ The nature of the soil is clay on papa rock, and tiro cause of the slide is attributed to a disturbance of the base of tha hill by the waters of the river, and the construction of the road, assisted by iihe denudation of the forest and foliage. The value of •tbo land is estimated at.from £8 to £10 per acre. To re-establish the roady communication wfiP cost £1000. A slid* of such proportions during a period of drought is regarded by engineers as remarkable.

At r.ast night's meeting of th-2 St. Albans Borough Council, the Lighting and Sanitary Committee referred in its report to th? draft def „ of contract in connection with the Gas Company's cnVr to light the borough for «:ven vcar- at a. charge of £3 10s per lamp. The Committee «dvi,«sd that the contract be signed, on condition of the Council's approval of one ckvuse, which it recommended for further consideration. The claws in question allows the Corporation .to erect lamps in any place where the company may refuse to do" so, owing to the distance from its gas mains bring over 66ft. The Council appointed the Mayor (Mr T. H. Davey) and the Chairman of' the Committee (Cr. G. Hyde), to interview the Gas Company respecting this provision. At the City Council meeting last night, Cr- Morris askod the Chairman of the Fire Brigade. Committee whether they intended to institute an enquiry into the fire at Girton College. Cr. Gray said that the matter had not yet come before the Fire Brigade, but. might do so on Wednesday injur, mere were ocrtain circumstances which mirht be enquired into, but there were also a- number of circumstance * with regard to other fir«s which were most unfortunate. The ho_e wia.s rat in siveial places by licece-ed conveyances, tl»e drivers of which )_d been summoned. A good deal of tin— hid *o__ lo*t in this way. He would submit the who's matu v r"io.the Fire Brigade Committ-Ht en Wednesday _iii{!lit, and'if there wsi-t> any matUrs necessitating an enquiry no doub: it wotild be held. At a later .rage of the proceedings Cr. Mcrris mored—"That the- Fire Brigade Committee institute a tearcbing fr.quiry into the conduct of the Firs Breads at the fire in Madras sttct on Saturday, March loth, and report t© '-he Council." Cr- Wood seconded the motion, which was agreed to.

Yesterday, before tho Registrar of '■-•: the Supreme Court, Alfred Whitworti w«4 adjudicated a bankrupt c-r consent. Mr - T. W. Stringer appeared in support of t_ e ■[ petition, and Mr Widdowson for WhitwottLu

Despite the exceedingly heavy rainfall on Sunday *nd early yesterday, none of the city side channels were choked, and tj) B w;iter drained off very well indeed. The Avon was, as might be "expected, pretty higjj' but nothing in the way cf floodinc has h_ yet occurred.

The suggestion haa been made that at the last of the municipal b:ind concerts for the season the programme shall bo composed of requ*sts from those who desire certain pieces to be played. "During th a season there have been a good many of thtesa' requests, which have been compiled with.

The many friends of Mr Bland Holt, not a".one in Christchurch. but in New Zealand will bs glad to learn that in a private Wer recently received he speaK* of his health "a* being quite restorrd. * His hiisb-nj, \ na also been very successful. Both Mr and Mrs Holt are looking forward to nicHing J heir New Zealand friends once more at no distant date.

Mr Mackenzie. lh& Curator of tha Kaniwi Lake hatchery, has been experimenting for the past few months with whitebait, and has securing ii small quantity of ova. He is sending specimen* tt nq particulars of his experience to. the _\'ew Zealand Institute.

A new dining-car was included in the express train for tho South yesterday, ft is an improvement on those previously used which were only run tentatively, in order to ascertain what was the best "style. The new car lias a number of improvement* amongst them being a lavatory and a porch,' the latter preventing persons" entering i_d the dining portion of the car direct from the platform.

_ esterday a Justice of the Peace who has perhaps witnessed more signatures than half a dozen in the Commission, had his first experience in a form for permitting a person to land in South Africa, A wandering Thespian, who intends in a- couple or three months to seek "fresh fields and pastures new" in South Africa, brought hint the form, which after a tittle cogitation waa filled up. This is, it is understood, the first cif tho kind signed here.

Our Afhburton correspondent writes:—«A rare and ancient, vellum document i». been rescued from a Wellington rubbish heap. It is a twenty-one years' lease, of a certain tenement, drawn up between one John Toke, of Codington, in the county of Kent, _and John" Oliver and William Oliver, staiioners, of London, and i.» dated Lady Day, February 26tjj, 1765, in the reign of George the Third, 139 rears ago. It is beautifully written, apparenely: with a steel penjutd in indelible ijj«ek ink. Tho orthography is faultless, and eaph.letter* and figure is drawn with the Krc&test.accu-l racy. It is now in the pofe?*sion of- an-' Ashburton gentleman, anq-was given to" him by his brother, who accidentally saw it lying on the ton of a heap of rubbish at the back of a house which was changing hands.

The first annual meeting of the New Zealand Methodist Local Preachers' Mutual Aid Association will bo held at the Durham Street Church, commencing at II a.m., on Saturday next. Delegates will b« pre--sent from the. Dunedin, Asbburton, Wei--lingtbn, N and Christchurch Branches. On Sunday, tho numbers of th* Council will conduct serviceti in various city, suburban,, 'and country Methodi- churches, and the collect ion will in neariy all cases be given, to'tlw funds of the Association. On Monday evening, a public meeting will ba held in'the Durham Street Schoolroom, , when addresses will bs delivered by the R*v. D.\ Morlev and Me**rs C M. Luke (Weillngton), J. T. Smith'■ (Christohurch), H. Field (Wellington), W. Harding (Ashbu. ton), and H- Hopper (Mosgiel). '

The generally prevalent idea that imny Church of _ngland clerg\ymen in New Zealand are. .in receipt of starvation stipends can hardly bo correct- if some re-' marks made by Bishop Julius at Sumner on Sunday are to ba taken, seriously. Speaking of the amount which Stunner could for a resident, clergyman, a division of the Hcathcote pari sh to take place, one of the churchwardens «flid that £225, and perhaps" more*, might ba available, and' for that ha thought the terviceß of a 'young clergyman oouW.fbe After ridiculing the idea., and quoting'- supposed" advertisement for a parson, the Bishop said he really could not think of offering a gentleman only £225 a, year,. even to live and work in Sumner. .

To close consignment, Boyd and Son, Gloucester street, are selling first claw JadteV bicycles, fitted witli Carter's gear-case, built by best English firm, £16 10s.— (Advt.)

America's Leading Corset.—ln our advertising columns Messrs Beath and Co., Ltd., invite ladies to meet Madame Halm. American Corset SpeciaUet, and ' demonstrator of the W.B. erect form system, who will bo in attendance at their "corset fitting rooms on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, this week, to fit and give advice as to the W.B. erect form modal bast suited to their special requirements. No charge will be made for fitting, kindly call whether -you wish to purchase or not. Benth and Co.. Ltd., stock mod—a in the W.B. erect form corsets to suit any style of figure. 32

Our Wedding Rings still retain their charm to make their owuets happy. We are also making specially liberal wedding presents. Every purchaser will rcc_ye a piece of silver plate, such as a butter dish, napkin rings, kniyea and fork*, photo, frame, cruet, etc- We wish —.hnpttw upon your mind that marriage is not a failure if you buy your Wedding Biag from Butcher, Jewe/ler, Hisjh -trce_*-Advt.

Only half the number of bicycles are now imported compared with five years ago. Cvclista now realise they get a better artfc cle in good colonial-made machine-—espe-cially Atajanfas and Ze&landias, made by Oates, _awry, and Co., thue giving employment to our own people, and keeping the money in the colony.—(Advt.)

1000 cvcla lamps just landed for Easter trade. 'Prices from 2s 64 to 15s. Oates, Lowry and Co. 1 * Zealandia, Cycle; Work*, Maneheater street.—(Advt.)"

Artist- and photographers, if you would excel, kaep abreast of the time*. Novelties in cameras and photographic implements; also artiste'colours, caovaJ«es, etc., direct from man—acturers. Call to-day-The P.O.P. (facing Clock Tower).—Advt. Repairs Cycles.—We are repairing cycles'' at 70' Manchester street, and 198 Colombo jtreet, near Cathedral, Christchurch. Adams St*r Cycle Company, Christchurch.^—Advt.

Wanted Known—Best value given in town in wedding, keeper, and engagroent rings, in watch—;, and ■ all classes of jewelleryK. Grieidtaber, manufacturing jeweller, 155 Colombo street. 7387

Pianos from 30 guineas, organs from JO guinea*. Lowest prices, easiest terms. Milner and Thc_ip_on. Don't buy elsewhere until you have seen our stock- ZVw

We cordially invite all our friends and customers who want high-class nk-»» marble and other clocks, watches, engagement rings, etc., one-third less t_»n ordinary prices, to see our Etockfc _»• Clarke and Co., 148 Colombo street. W« are also best for watch, clock, and jewellery repairs. Note address—_larke. and Cy.— (Advt.) Bell Cycles—The most reliable "J* honest machine built in New Zealand. Manufacturers, Bell Bros. t 170 High street, jusi past Clock Tower. Special attenUffo to repairt. oaz °

The number of accidents that have recently occurred through bike accidents, kicks from hort-es, and sprained ankles have served to emphasise this fact—that, wherever pain or inflammation is present Loafbyi Koolibah stands unequalled. Hundreds oi testimonials prove this.—(Advt.)

Preserving Season.—Fletcher Bros, have all kinds of jam and fruit jars, lib si*e, Is 3d; 2!b size, Is 9d; Mason, 2s 3d; tumblers from Is 3d half-dozen. Fletcher Bros, allow no one to under-einhem- High Street. —(Advt.) Benjamin Gum enjoys a very large sale in New Zealand, and that its Jam." is spreading is proved by the fact that the proprietors of the popular'cough remedy have rhis season secured order* from Westralia. Brisbane. Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Fiji.— Advance New Zealand.—(Advt.) China tea sets, plated ware, clock*, and a. numerous assortment of useiul articles sre given away at Wardell- tea coupon

«-• «.n.n- at i«*rtl«#al« prices by 100 Wire t>ett-n. »_ * _~, IJd rd , 2m m«h 18 " w . *heepne«m*.««i , ln) r,gest made. 2^d; tin? , 2ft «:n »•?•,,£ 9dV g_.vani.ed. 12s black fencing w>f. l -f cwt coi ,. Bd: hog wl -' j„, 3d lb; also calv-tised , *L i, mesh at rock bottom ,_ »tAck -_.„•_ y eltiDg Merchants, _ig- , street.-^ art -

MR BEN TILLETT IN NEW YORK for'dersble has been caused of Übrur &?P » *£ York by a dispute regarding Mr Ben lil- '£__ remuneration. According t* one of -ILkSt" Mr Robin**. Mr Tillett was t recX2ldol for three dayy* labour * *° *£*" ,he New York dockers. As a S S. Mr Tillett expended ten ___L over the work, and sent in a b;U SmSoI. -hereupon the Federation r* faLd t« !»▼ the amount. Another dele2?dlclarU that th- docker* enamp.on ffi«d 250d0l for three days' work m Ww&on. and >aid it «* rn«»rtedl h* nad cbarH <>ne New York I won Wdol ft? an *3dre« which 1«,m«1 three minute. St. Complaint- *- f the same St a Lan_n telegram in an English £per, h»ve been arriving from all parts L tb» eountrv, ar.d the fact that a labour SMwntativi should be guiitv of overcharging is creating a considerable amount of indignation among the labour community.

AN INTERESTING WORK. The'authorities of the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, have undertaken the publication of the scientific remits of the Southern Cmr expedition to the Antarctic. The work, according to thf London correspondent of the "Scotsman " will be based on the collections brought home by the Southern Cross, the Km- p«t of which have been presented to Bhe Museum by Sir George Newmw. The. Series of m.iU is said to be very fine and ot great scientific interest, m that the were carefully c-lkcted by be Jate Mr Hanson, the -lolosirt of the expedition, with the special object ot showinz tbe seasonal variations which tb-e ani-m-a undergo. It is expected that the work will b* finished in time to send copies M"the Scientific staff on board the Discovery by the relief ship which w to sail for the Antarctic in August mext.

LOBO CARLISLE AND THE CANTEEN. Lord Carlisle's name under an article on "Publifrhouw Trusts" in the "Monthly Review" tor February reminds an English paper of i story about th* early-Victorian Lord C-lis'a who was Irish Secretary in the Melbourne Ministry, and afterwards was Lcrd'Lieutensnt Like his successor, Lord Crewe, the Lord-Lieut—iant waa fomething of a pe*t, and was noted for his amiable waya. He wed to stroll about the Phoenix Park in a shabby old coat and chat in a friendly why to stranger*- One day be shared_btnehin theptrk with someschoolboyii end a young R.I.C. recruit from the adjoimng depot. They watched 1 a boya' cricket match and Lord Carlisle kept the ieor*. no one e-rpecting who he was. The match over, ho utrolled with the CowrtabuJ»rym*n to the depot gate*. "Come into the canteen and have a drink." said the friendly recruit. "No, thanks," apologised Lord Carii-es "larort hurry to the Vioe-Regal Lodge; you know, we have a ball to-night."


By the death of Mr Frank H. Peavey a Jraft for £200,000, the largest single cheque, it to „«i4, ever pwd out for life insurance, hn bwn handed to the executors by the Mutual Life Company, of N«w York. A Lentkm paper b-ievts that no British company will take so heavy a risk, and indeed in the present case no doubt a largeportion of ti» amount w*» nadewi-en. The premium waa 48,000d0- (rath- under £9700), and th« poMey was issued April 88th, 1900, so that only two anrwal paynwota bad been made. Mr Paavey waa fifty, and appeared to be an excellent life to a special Board of -hviidaw who toj appointed totsaj»i_e hini. Botha went to Chicago on a busi- »-• trip, caught cold, and died in * few <fays of niwumoai*. He made W« fortnue in wheat, but oo tlw death ofMrH. D. Cable, m piano miter,;he bought » controlling '/Interest in that firm.

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Press, Volume v, Issue 11232, 25 March 1902, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume v, Issue 11232, 25 March 1902, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume v, Issue 11232, 25 March 1902, Page 4


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