ABBJL V kiU— February 1. Ruapehu, b.s., 7705 tone, Mayoss, from London, via "Wellington. Kew Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Ie Anau, e.s., 1652 tons, Bernech, Dunedin. Passengers—Misses Johnston,'Dβ Lautour, Haflow, Chapman, Glass, Inwood, Salee, and Bruce, Meadamea Vincent, Brown, Farrell end two children, Whinkham an a infant, Anderson, and Bruce, Professor Scott, Rev. Ooates, Dr. Dβ Lautonr, Messrs Welsford, Caffin, Boss. Riccardi, Seville, Fletcher, Dβ Xi&utour, Paterson,' Brown, Murray, Scott and two boys, ■ Bertl, Oldrey, Winter, Tales, Littlejohn, Miller Davies, and Bruce, and fourteen eteerage. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Rotomahana, c.c.. 1763 tons, Manning, from "Wellington. Passengers — Misees Mouall, Stunner, Bean, M'liachlan, Howdon, BaTker, OlUver, Daiy, Gahagan, Wilkinson, Dalziel Dennehy, Maronfcank, Fraser, Lindsay, Watt, Aschmann, Goldsmith, Shirtclifie, Pearson, H«rous,- Duff, D'Arcy, Platta, and Dupie (2), Mesdamee Blair, Buckley, Stunner, Wallace, Bean, Litchfield, Howdon, Blackxnore, Biasett, Parsons* Walton, CottreH, Marchbanks, Watt, Atkinson, Alexander, Whattaker (2), Taylor and infant, Dyer, Wighion, Glasgow, and Tripe, Drs". Mason, Jennings, Downes, and Collins, Majors H&yhurst and Owen, Messrs Glassons, Lightband, Blair, Morrison, Stunner, Dupre, Chartres, Threlkeld, Piper, Wallace, Blackmore, Glen; Parsons, Hunt, iuch, Garratt, Taylor, Toft, Walton, Marshall, M'Cherry, Hercua, Mills, Naismith, Watt, Young, Moore, Wragg, Stewart, Baker, Rod&ers, Alexander, Smith, Glasgow, Rogers, Gilrnth, Chambers, end Brown, and thirtysix steerage. Union Steam Ship Company, - agents. Warrimoo, e.s., 3326 tons, Chatfield, from Sydney, via Auckland. Passengers—Misses Ward, Clother, Metson, Hamill, Pasley, Archer, Coles, Slack (2), Jensen, Watt, Pernham, Murray, Colline, Staunfon, and O'Kane, Mesdasmse Foster, Otley, penniston, Fox, Forbes, Muir and child, Gaisford, Slack, and Stevenson, Messrs Foster, Cliffordi Parkinson Forbes, Kennedy, Steverg, Petersen, Pavitt, Archer, Dovedale, M'Clurg,-Dowdall, Fraeer, Smith, Russell, Stevenson, Solomon, Cheeee, Butecost, Davis, Barry, Ferguson, Scott, Gaisford, Wilkinson, Richards, Given, Collins, Aitken, and Came. Union Steam Ship Company, agent*. h " .... .„ <* Cygaet, 5.c.,.120 tons, Murray, feoie- Akaioa. : Pitcaitbly-and Co., agents,-'-• Upoln, 5.8.,, 1141 ions, Holle, from eoutiern ports. Union." Steam' Ship Company,- «gents. Huia, auxiliary ■'achooner, 196 tons>;-Mc-Kenzie, from Kaipara. Pitoaithly and Company, agents. Petone, ks., 708 tons, Christian;-from Greymouth. C.W.; Turner,. .agent. February '% Aotea, e.s., 6346-tons, Evans, from London, via porta. Hawea, e.s,, 175& tons, La-robert, from Na-. 'pier. TTnioii Steam.Ship Company, agents. Morning liighi,..,schooner, .Williauie, from Waitapu. • C. Furrier and Company, agents. Tarawera,-i;B.j' 2003 tone/ McDonald, from Wellington. Pasaengere—Misses Macpueraon, Pratt, Hamilton, Simpson (2), Cooper, Kunnely, Smyth, Siriater, Gfbson, Bodlin, Brown (2), iFanning, Hajtcock, Davic, Edgat (2), Foote, Baaollffj Ranclifie, Humphries, aiui • Twyoham.. • Meedames Bobinson (J2), Andrews; McGill; Holmes, Clytfom, Chisnall,' Hancock, Crawford, Rathbone, Johnson and :child. '"-■ Johnston, Dickiej and . Sneddon, ;©*« and Anderson, Messrs Pratt, Blncocfci Spiers, Stenhouse : (2), -Turton, CrawLow, Pritchard, LaSerty,•-Robin-■kaa,: Burby,. ChisnaU, Fletcher; (3), Foote, JSoldersoiL, Warfpn, Goodman, Adams, .Bruce, Gilchrist, Darpet, Warnock, Johnston, Ryan; Cohen, Bott, Montgomerie, end Trusey, Masters Burns and Sanderson, and 30 steerage. Union Steam. Ship Company, agents." S SATLBD—January; 31* ' ; scacwner; 95 ions; Bonribr, for BfaTe•lock: T. H. Ker, agent. ■'■%'.. '.-• -; ■■■' February i.'v.;.V~ '• ■-. ■ 'Warrimoo. e.s., 8326 tons, Ohatfield, fox Dunedin. Paesengers—-Misses Talboys, JBligh7ton,* Steele, Dixon, Fairleyi "Anderson, Campbell, Candlish, Armitage. Mesdames Milne, Stiagest,' and Luok, Dr. ■Dβ .Messrs Pentecost, Justin. Neill", Isaacs, Smith, Gough and Baxter. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. ■■••... . V - ■ Kini, c.e n 1122 tons, Rutter, for Westport. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. - Rosamond, s.s., 721 tons, Sutherland, for Dnnedin. "' Union Steam Ship Company, agents. ' ' Waneka, b.s.. 2422 tons, Smith, for Timaru; Union. Steadi Ship Company, agents. , Upolu, 9.8., 1141 tone,-: Rolls, for Welling''ton,.ajid..'lfew- Plymqutb.. UnionJ SteamShip Company,;;agelite.'-':>" ';'"[, "" ' '".'\. J ..... .' '!Rotomahaiia>" e.s., 1763 tons, Manning, for Wellington. ' Myers, Raweon. Denham,- Ashton; Gibson, Mark, ixouse, Boyd, Freeman,. Seddon (3>. Baker. Keats, Every,' -Kennedy, Kirton, Auld. Chapman, Charlton, Broad, E. Bakex, Patriok, Fleming. Mayne, Binns, Lindsay, Thornhill, Thonras, Linley, . Cronin,- ChapmaD. Brown, Murphy, Freeman, f and ; -Miller, Meedames Treloat, Wood, Stott,.A. McMillan, Johnson and-in-lant,. Webb,. Whinham, Watson , and Sprott. Meyne. Mc-Niah, Pearson, E. ,'A. Sfratford, Taylofc Wyndham, Lawton, Kirkhani; BrKtoin, and Walton,?Rev. Sprott and bby, Messrs Wood, W. M. Ijmis; Robertson. Cable, E. J. Brown, Jami«son, ■Luke (2). Crabtree, Gaby, Toaswell, BoAm, AH sop, Mclntosh, Myers", Gltmville, A. Mor Millaa, Johnson; Seiiton. J. W: Turner, Pulley, • Raccardi. Pedra>;zi and child; Ste«lej rleming, -H- Williams. Edwards, R. Aitken, E. Feldwick. J. *. i>rice, Rowley, and Collins, Gamble, Coleridge, Cress,
well, Riccardi, Atkinson, N. Hall, T. Davies, J. Hill, J. Power, Stone, Littlejohn, .Burke, Banks, Webb, Burn, Johnstone, E. G. Kerr, G. H. Mills, Lawton, Kirkham, Brennan, and Walton, Masters D. Ferguson, Recce (2), Crump, Quane, Sinclair, and Kirton. Jnion Steam Ship Company, agents. Tβ Anau, s.s., 1652 tons, Bernech, for Auckland via the East Coast. Paßsengere—For Wellington: Missea Standish (2), Cubitt, Donodell, Bernstein, Knglesmith, Leilch, Vane, Lockwood, Creaban, Kennedy, Schwartz, Curtis, rxmson, Barrett, Launner (2), Boswell, Crawford and Carter, Mesdames Jeftcoat and Manning, Messrs Roaevear, Fernside, Thornton, Bice, Cook, Hansen, SpeUini Wilson, Myatt, Stevens, Mitchell, O Hfi&n, McKenrie, Barnes, Thomas, Millans, Wallow, Hodgson, Brock, Armrtage, ilathescm, Majoroni (2), Gheenj- Rivers, Atholwcod, Barrett, Smith, Damua, Hodges, Edwards, Gebble (2), Morrison, Wilson Barrett, Tumtrall, Steere, NicoU, McCarthy, Belmore, and Stewart. For Gisboroe: Misses Cunningham, Ensor, Adame, and Sefton. For Auckland : JsUss Young, Messrs Ashley and Burns. Union Steam Ship Company, argents. February 2. . Cygnet, 35D tons, Murray, for Xaikoura. Pitomithly and Go., egenta. IMPOKTS. Rosamond—From Greymouth: 1 bicycle, 360 tone coal, 7 empty crates, 1 box. Te Anau—From Melbourne;. 1 ow oranges, 23 cases brandy, 7 cases trine, 4 cske «nd 90 bags salt, 123 pcs timber, ISO boxes empty bottle*, 4 bales ana 1 pkg leather, 4 cases arrowroot, 1 case cigars, 1 pkg nose, 29 pkga and 130 chests tea, 3 pkgs hops, 48 bags bark, 30 oases and 6 brls oil, 40 bags rice, 30 brie sulphur, SO cases vestas, 1233 bage sugar, 125 cases Jtoid, 4 pcs Oregon, 57 cases, 5 bags, 5 ,pkg«, 2 cks, 1 crate. From Hobart: 2 cases oil. From Bluff: quantity white pine, 4 ska seed, 30 oasee milk, 1 case. From Duneddn: 2 deck chairs, 1 waggonette, 3 cases stationery, 2 brls oil, 1 brl, 19 hhds, and. 2 kegs ale, 46 pkgs stores, 14 pkgs, 27 cases, 2 half chests, 9 kegs. Ruapehu—From London: 1650 ton* general merchandise. EXPORTS. < ■ Taraweia—For Kelson: 1 box. Eor Greymoath: 13 cases, 1 pel. For Foxton: 6 crates biscuits, 1 harrow. For Hokitika: 1 truss. For Blenheim: 20 eke barky. For Patea: 2 cases. For Wellington: 50 octaves cider, 10 cases and 6 brls aJe, 6 pkgs ranges, 2 orates biscuits, 6 ske rolled oate, 1 bdl registers and flues, i eke seed, 30 eke flour, 10 sks bran, 2 eks eharpe, 43 boles wool, 6 blocks stone, 21 cases and , pkgs. ilokoia—For Dunedin: 3 pkgs. For Bluff: 9 cases sauce, 24 oases pickles, 3 cases vinegar, 2 cases emulsion, 1 case vitadatio, 58 drums dip, 1667 bags kainit, 9 cases.' For Hobart; 283 sks grass seed, 1 .pt sk clover, seed, 42 sks hides. For Adelaide: 1 truss leather. For Fremantle: 25 cases tongues, 50 sks malt; 5 cases. For Afbany: 6 cases. For Melbourne: 4 pkgs hoops, staves,' and lids, 93 boxes butter, 26 cases empty returned, 218 crates poultry, 50 sks seed, 192 ske oats, 24 half bags broken glass, U caees and , pkgs.
The Warrimoo, from Sydney;"vii'Auekland, * arrived at 7.10 a.m. on Saturday, and left for Dunedin at 3.50 p.m. ". ~,... . ' ' ] The Rotomaharta arrived from at 7.15 a.m., and left for ?W«llingtori at 10.35 p.m. ■ ■ ■ The Tβ Anau. arrived from Dnnedin at 8.10 a-m., and left for Auckland, -via the east coast, at 1.45 a.m. yesterday. The Buapehu, from London, via 'Wellington, arrived at 7.35 a.m. on Saturday. . . The Cygnet returned from Akaroa ; shortly after noon on Saturday, and left for Kaikoura lift, night. Captain Abrama, late of the Waipori, lias been appointed captain of .the Wainui,., ny BUCCession to Captain Browii, -who has beetL. appointed assistant pilot at Lyttelton. ■'■''%■ s~ The Blackball Coal Company's steamer Pβ*' tone arrived from Greymonth at midnight on Saturday. At Lytteltoo »be -win be docked for cleaning and painting. ,- ■ . .t;*aj A notioe to marinere,; published in. Thirri--* day's ''Gazette,'.' is to the effect that the biek' red leading light for entering Gri»borae bar-, hour-will be changed on March Ist to a white' light. The Hswea arrived, from Napier last ingr. . The Tarawera arrived from Wellington" at 1.80 pjn. yesterday. ' : i ■"" Advice has been received, in ; Lyttelton to the effect that Captain Galbraith's health h»e much improved during , his stay in the Souths The Kini left for Westport »t oa Saturday. ' <-.:. r 'f The Wanaka left for Timaru at S.2o"p.in.'--on Saturday. . ;. ff,/'..Ji.- '"' ■■ The Bosamond left.for;",l)unedm.at,6.s p.m. on Saturday. * _ '„. ~ " The Upolu. arrived from >theSoiitli at- 5.35 pjn. on Sftturflayj.anclieft.for:Welliogton and Jfew 'Plymouth; at' i0'.45 p.m. The Huia arrived * from Kaipara at 9 p.m. . . TThe Emma Sims has gone oa the Harbour •Board slip. *' - • The. Mornin? Iright; arrived from Waitapu yesterday aftexnooru,, _ . • , - », • The Shaw, Sa.viir-ahd*''Albion C3omp>>ny*e; Aotea arrived' from. .'London; -Ma^CapetfcTrh* , Hobart, Anckland, - and . W*lljngton£ at. U,3or a-m. yesierday. She No?'' vember end experiericed'flß*'-TPeafher all, the wey to Capetown, _which.,Tras> reached on December ,18th. Disembarked mails and passengers, and, after taking mails and ps»sengers on board, resumed the voyage to Hobart of the same dg.t«.» - During the voyage across the' Southern. Qcein the winds were fresh from the with, fine -vreatber, and Hobivrt'. wa« reached} on :the10th. The steamer left agairi at & p.m the same date for .Auckland, 5 and met with. fine, ■vreather croseing-Jfhe.Tesmajii-Sea, arriving at Auckland on. January'l7th: A' fog
•A ih*> Head* Majtd ier sosm hour* yesterday. Captain E-vans is still in command, with the following ofSoers:—Chief, Mr Kirby. second, Mr McDonald; third, Mr Thowlees; and ioorth, Mr Tweedie. The engineers sre Messrs Shepherd, Ferguson, Seymour, Bogie, and Pearce; refrigerating, Messrs Latter and Watson. The Aotea will complete her discharging at Ly'teiton, for which port she has about* 1000 tons cargo.
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11190, 3 February 1902, Page 6
Word Count
1,610PORT OF LYTTELTON. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11190, 3 February 1902, Page 6
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