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The Drainage Board has informed the City Council that it will at once take >uch steps a» may be necessary to extend the sewerage system ol Christdrorch. During October building permits were issued by tn* City Surveyor for buildings m the ioner. area, Valued at £SJLQO, and jo the outer area valued at £1500.

Cr_ Br. iL Macdonald informed the City Council last evening that the . City Sur- ■ veyor had been instructed Co have all . wooden bridges in the city asphalted. k The Countess of 'RnnfurljV l*sdv Constanca Knox, accompanied by Captain Alexander, left Wellington for Lytteltoij i last night by the RotonWiana'- They will ( be present at the New Zealand &n> 'Meeting. . - • Preaching at Cust on Sunday taut, on ; the third anniversary of his "ministerial i settlement, the Rev. F. Stnbbs attributed the harmonious working of the congregation largely to the fact that it was mainly > composed of agriculturists, whom he de- , I scribed as tie kindiest class of men to 1 work amongst in the- world. ! At a meeting of the Council of the Aucki land Lqw Society yesterday it was resolved, "That in the opinion of this Council the salaries paid tt> judges of the Supremo Court ol New Zealand are jneuffi- ' cient, and* not oii a par with those paid ■ in other- British colonies/ ; The friends of Dr. Hunter, of Ashbnrtnn, will regret. t<» lcaxn that he has been dangerously ill since Friday. Dr. Fox drove down from Christchureh on Sunday, and assisted in a delicate surgical operation yesterday, and late last owning Dr. Hunter was reported to be making favourable progress, tWigh not-out of danger. Mr and Mw J. S. Tennant- gave the pupils of the Ashburton High Fchool an outing on Saturday, by driving them to the . Alfora Forest bush and back. Refreshments were sarved by Mrs Tennant on the party arriving at Mr Shflrplin's sawmill, . Staveley. and «•* ramble through the bush | was afterwards enjoyed. A man with a wife and four children i to support has applied to the City Coun- ■ i ci' for casual work at sweeping- the city side-channels, as his wife and family arepractically starving, and he is unable to. do hard work, ona of his arms being useless. He states he is prepared to accept . any wages. The letter was received. The question of granting scholarships in tire School cf Art to girls in the primary j r-chools, as well as boys, was brought before j tlie Board .of. Governors of Canterbury 00l- j "ege yesterday, in a letter from Miss Dynes, i headmistress* of Sydenham school. ' The matter was referred to the Museum and School of Art Committee to report upon. Mr A. E. G. Rhodes informed the City • Council last night that during Carnival i week he did not think it would be worth j his while attending in the Mayoral room at 12.30 each day as usual, but if anyone desired to see him particularly word could ba left with the. Town Clerk u-nd he would ' , endeavour to make an appointment early in the day. Dr. Mason, Chief Health Officer, has written to the City Council stating he has referred the portion of the Council's letter regarding the Lincoln road drain, near the Hospital, to the Inspector-Gene-ral of Hospitals, and as soon as he has considered the matter Dr. Mason promises to write again. Hβ quite agrees ' tJiat the work is a very necessary one, and he will assist the Council in every -way he can. At the Carnival Flower Show of the Canterbury Horticultural Society, which f takes place <ra November Bth, the follow- i irig gentlemen will JSR the • official positions; AMr €. A. O. Hardy. M.H.R., judge of pot plants and out flowers; Mr G. T. -Smith, of fruit; and vegetables; i and Messrs T. Allen and J. Guntrip,' class stewards. The show will be held on the Metropolitan chow Grounds, and should prove one of the most attractive features on that day. In compliance with the invitation of the Woolston Borough Council, a meeting, attended by fourteen butchers, wan held lost j evening at the Temperance Hall, Gloucester ' street, to discuss the question of erecting J an abattoir in that borough.. Those pre- [' sent expressed- dissatisfaction with the sit* chosen for the a'ba'btcars at Sockburn, and especially with- the action of the City Council in purchasing that site, after tie petition, signed by the butchers, asking that ir, should not be ohusen. No resolutions, ; however, were passed. Mr W. Strtherland recently carried' out for Mr Qeo. 'McMillan, of Gracroft Statjon, i some ' important protective', works on the J north bank of tfof EarigiCata river, about. two .and a 'half miles above Cxacroft. There were two lengths, one of seven chains, and the other eight and a half, chains, comprising embankment and breastwork. solidity was (writes <n\r Ashburt-on corre* I spondeufc) subjected to a very severe test i •during the recent high,flood. Mr Sufcher- , . land was since .received a gratifying recog- I nition of Mr McMillan's approval of tlie . manner in which tlve work- was executed. \ The-.keeper of a boatshed on. the banks o: the Avon has written to the Oity Council c-Mnplnining th»t a perfect bar is fuming in one mace. o\-«r- which the vrjLlex is j>o shallow that the most lightlytuJlt boats cannot pass the-spot, wibich is jc&t balo>y the Hospital bridge. His returns have fallen off «r> much that if it continues it will take him all his time to, ray his license fee, Jet alone live. The ' If.tter W.OS received, it being remarked that the matter waa one for the Drainage -board's consideration, to which body tne writer was referred. • - , A-return was laid before Parliament yes-' terday rhowing tha number of ' permits granted by the Colonial Secretary under , - the Gaming and Lotteries Act to persons I connected with religious denominations "during the year ended September, 1901. During that period fifty-five permits were f , ranted, thirty-three being to Roman Ca- { liolic Clmrc-hes, twenty-one to Church of i Jinjrlard; and to the German Church •' in Chrirtcburch. During the iyear ended March, 1901, the' Colonial Secretary ispued 153 totulisator licenses to racing dtibs, > covering Sub" days, and "the revenue received was £17,541. Already ». hirge number cf visitors are • arriving for the Carnival week. . The steamers from the North on (Saturday and Sunday were crowded. - - ■ . : ""M the Kaiapei Court, Mr Bishop! S.M., yesterday granted cix old uge ivensions, one at £8, two «t £16, one at £,11, and two at J £18. I ■ The Raincliff Settlement, Geraldine! County, containing 538 acres 3 food*, will be open for selection on lease in perpetuity, at the Obristchurch Laad Office, on the 13th November. ' If neceseary a ! ballot will be held on the 14th. Out of sis inebriates before the Court yesterday,- three explained tha-t they had just come to town, and that an unaccustomed glass or two hod. upset them. Four of the six had "jobW" to' go to if they • were discharged. Tho Public Health Department has iseued about 20,000 copies of the pamphlets on tuberculosis, and about 13,000 ox that ' as to the treatment of enteric or tvpfco-id fevfer. Tne pamphlets ar* sent ' , to all local bodies and Dhtrict Health; OtHcera for distribution. ' A paper on the • subject nl scarlatina is now an the hands of the printer. ~ : The special . railway concessions made ' to clergymen and* elders attending the Presbyterian Churches' union celebrations in Dunedin this iveek are to apply to their wivee and familien, and also to others who . <Je»iro . • to attend * the pro-1 - ccedings. Late on Saturday night or early on Sun- " day morning, a five-roomed house, the pro- ' ?srty of Mr Thomae of "Tai -, apu, and bittiated at. .Oraenpark, ■was totally deetroyed by fire. The origin of the fire w» eupposed to have been a defective chimney. The value of j . the bouse and furniture destroyed is i placed at £250, and the insurance amounts ! to JGiCO in the South Britieh Office. j A paragraph has been going th* rounds of the press to the effect that an effort , is to be -made to float the .Alexa., wrecked in the vicinity of Surprise Island, whither * she was proceeding to load a cargo of • guano for New Zealand, cays the ''South- 1 wnd News. ,, A letter received by the < owner, Mr W. H, Waterston, of lover- t cargill, from Captain Woebling, who was < in charge of the birque afc the time of j the wreck. fihf>ws tbat she in rapidly l breakinc up. He states: "I have bad t a. letter from tho minager of Surprise * Island- iie- tells mc thtre was only part J cf the foremast standing. The main < and m'\7.ztft masts have gone overboaul, s and there are several big holes in tbe i hull.-"' Under thrse cfx-cumatances the 1 prospects of floating barque may be 1 set down a* quite_ hopeless. " • <

Befofe the storm that damaged the orchards at Hastings it was estimated that the Hawke's Bay Fruitgrowers' AsiOci.ttion would be able to aenH to other parts, of the colony 15,000 cases of fruit this season. This' est-imate has now been reduced by about SO per cent- . The district's export of fniit last season waa 10,000 cases. It is wvtifefactory to find that the native garden by riverside on Cambridge terrace, a work to which the late Mr &. D. Barker devoted hiinsolf, is under such capable rnpervision as that of Mr Cockayne. But. the Beautifying Association require to enlist the services of someone to keep »,n eyo on it. n« rtip boys are most mischievous in the rant lev of breaking trees, etc. Th'a stroll of a policeman through the garden now and again might be effeo. tive. At the Police Court yesterday, SJS Donnelly raid that tbern was considerable misconwpticn. he thought, as to whether ft boy could be given the benefit of the Fim. Offenders , Probation Act, when plead* ing guilty l<i more than one offence. M r . Donnelly quoted v ca,«e in which Mr Justice Dcnnistnn. at the guprane Court, had 1 granted probation to a lad who had stofen J his employer's money, and then, some time afterward?, a registered ".etter for £5. Hβ urged very strongly that this* judgment of Ihe Higher Court should be considered, ia such cases. Anticipating the great- influx of visitors into -OhritficinHTh from all parts of New Zen-land for the races, J. Ballanrvne and Co. hftve arranged for special exhibitions at Dunstable JToups of fashionable dress in all its fascinating detail?, giving particular prominence to the various accessories which ! occupy such an important place in the fashions of <to-day, and so materially add (r> the success of any costume. The first; of t-lrese exhibitions will be at. 10 n-.m. today, and will continue dwily throughout . the week. 7013 Xx Paparoa. and Gothic Messrs Petersen and Co., jewellers, have just received shipI m?nts of new goods, which are being dis« I played in their window. Daiaty silver butj ter forks 4s each. silver-mounted photo J frames from 2s 6d, silver-mounted ivory and ebony -hair brushes, silver toilet ware, gent's oxodized, keyless, nou-magnetio AVtttches, with patent screw back cases, 25a each; ladies' 14-carafc jjold keyless watches ■ from £3 10s. Newest designs in gold i brooches, bracelet*, nod engagement rings. j ' ' t;w. '■':

*T should like to say here if hat I am more j than satisfied with the machine. It is run-' ] ning as good to-day as when I . first had it, ■ close upon two years j ago, and it has not cost mc "any"' 1 thine for repairs.—Yours truly, J. H. ' Goodey, Palmerston N." The abov*» refers " to '•Anglo-Special" Bicycle No. 1495, and -'-' expresses the general opinion of thousands of, cyclists who ride the "Anglo-Special" cycles.'. See the new models, two speeds and free r wheels. Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Company, ' D.1.C., and 226 High street.—(Advt.) . Mutual affection requires to be preserved by mutual endeavours to please and to . • meet the wishes of each other. It would be hard to imagine a mpre pleasing proof lof affection than presenting a lady with I one of Butcher's engagement rings. The ! possession cf one of these jewels of rare beauty and elegance will be found a most permanent source, of happiness. Butcher, jeweller and ring maker, 210 High Christchurch.—Advt. For oicycle repairs *c specially recouit j mend cyclists to Boyd and Son, who are ; combining first-class work with moderate charges. 191 Gloucester street, Christchurch. Telephone 17. ■ -29 • Nimmo and Stair's ore true to name, well grown, and will give a large . i quantity of bloom. Send for list to Nimmo ! and Blair, Dunedin. [Advt] • Cuckoo Clocks. — Clarke and Co. - aaS nounce their arrival. Intending purchasers who have been waiting should give them an early call, as all will be sold in a few days. S. Clarke and (jJ0.,'148 Colombo street, have L j/ also received a fresh assortment of Omega, ( -;T Waltham. and Rotherham watches, in . . : ladies' and gents'Bises, gold,, silver,'etc. S. .- Clarke and Co." are also best for wedding and ' I engagement rings, repairs, etc.—(Advt.) Second-hand Bicycles.—For a few weeks we v will" allow full value fox any decent make of second-hand bicycles in part pay-, ment for ladles' and gents' new "Zea-> * landias" or "Atalantas." ■ Oates, Lowry, , and' Co., Christchurch.—Advt. - j Mr W. .E, Sorrell, the popular photo. ! graphsr, was badly troubled with unbroken chilblains. He 6oaked his feet in hot water three times, and applied- Loasby's Koolibah' after each fomenting. Result, a complete . ijsure.—(Adrt.) * - y Mr Morris, photographer, Colombo street, Christchurch, finds it is not generally known that his charge for cabinet protraits of children and, thiee-quarter-length pictures is 17s 6d p*r dozen, and extra charges for vignetting, groups, large mounts, also the various methods of printing,' eto. —(Advt.]) Mr Grieshaber, jeweller,, who has removed to new premises, 155 street, opposite City Hotel, is having a clearing . sale of his whole stock at greatly reduced, , prices.—(Advt,) ~ ..' , ,-.- Bell Cycles—The most reliable and honest machine built in New Zealand. Manufacturers, Bell Bros., 170 High street, just past Clock Tower. Special attention •to repairs. , - . 5223 Seeds, season 1901, vegetable seeds 3d pei packet,' Power seeds Id per packet, seed ; potatoes, best kinds, In stock. . Agents for Nimmo and Blair, Dunedin, standard seeds. —Fletcher .Bros., High street.—Advt. Unbroken chilblains almost drive the suf- .'.- ferers silly. The irritation is often 'very great. Loasby's Koolibah relieves almost instantly, reduces the swelling, and completely cures in a very short time.—(Advt.) .- Benjamin Gum enjoys a very large sale m New Zealand, and that its fame is'spreading is proved by the fact that the proprietors of the popular cough remedy have this season secured orders from Westralia, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, ; Melbourne, vance New Zealand.—(Advt.) Pried peaches, Bd.—WardeH's. (Advt.) Pure Ceylon tea P* 6d.—Wardell's. (Advt.) PUBLIC SWIMMING BATHS, The City Council last might received a recommendation from the Worts Committee recommending that the site at the corner of Manchester and Armagh streets be utilised for a tepid swimming bath. The matter was discussed at considerable length. Cr. Loughnan strongly Urged that the ireport be referred back for fuller particulars, and he moved in that direction. It was finally resolved that a,report be.submitted showing how the whole o( the Council's central yard at the corner of Armagh street should be .utilised. TITE VICEROY'S VISIT TO BURMA. . Lady Curgnn of Kedleston (nays the "Westminster Budget), will gefc to India in time tn-join the Viceroy on his trip 1o Burma, which he is going to make by land, passing ovpr through Assam and Msnipur, and dropping down the Irrawaddy to Mandalay and Rangoon. One of the Viceroy* most, important acts will be the opt-ning of the Mandalay Onal, th only work of iis kind undertaken m Burma*since our oocupatiw. f >t the country. Tl» canal takes off fmm ihe Madeya nyer, ami is fcrtv miles Jn length, with distnbuUiries running to about ninety miles, the whole irrigating wme 80,000 acres. The «ork hn*: taken five year.«, and has cost thirty-two i.-ixhs. UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. Dr. Symes, District Health Officer, wrote to the City Council laH night r<*prrting that he had in- « spectcd a house near Barbadocs /", street bridge, and condemned it as unfit for habitation. A stone house adjoining also required a new floor and repairs to the roof. Cr. H. B. Sarensen moved that tut! letter bj received, and root-ructions given that the first-mentioned building be pulled down v within thirl;- days, and that the necenmrv repairs be effected to the other building. He considered the wooden Jiou.vj unfit for human habitation. Cr. J. Clarke seconded the motion, and expressed a '.;ope tint sumeo/aerdikyidHUd hm.diiujs in the city would soon he pulled down. The Mayor uta-tol lliat thf- owner of the wooden house alluded to had promised to pull it down. The motion was then carried.

PAYMENT OF MEMBERS BILL. | On reference to Hansard, we find that J Mr G. J- Smith paired against the motion j that the Governor's message and the Pay- ; ment of Members Bill be referred to the ; Committee of the whole for consideration. The paircrs were not telegraphed to the «outJi«rn papers, and we unintentionally did Mr Smith an injustice in stating: that he did not vote on the question. In Com* mittee on the question that the House be recommended to make provision in accordance with his Excellency's message, Mr fcinith voted against the motion. v

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 4


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