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Anthrax has occurred in th« neighbourhood of Auckland. ' Th«t oi/tbreaJc is <yf small extent, only two ammale as' yet foitving b?en lost. The cases occurred hi the Mount Alberl district. ' .

It has been decided to lay ths foundation Btdrie of the Old Men's Home at. Asbburtoa on Thursday, November 14th. The Hoit. W. C. Vvfclker has promised to perform the ceremony. A telegram from Wellington states that tha Victoria- College .Council has resolved to accept the land on Salamanca road, 'Wellington, offered by the City Council as a site for the University. Two members of the native race at Riverton were yesterday fined £2 l(te each and costs, £5, for having trout in their possession during the close season. They i admitted the charge, but contended, jus members of the native race, they 'were permitted to take fish from the waters along- ! side the Native Reserve. .Mr McCarthy, I S.AI., ruled that no such rights existed/ I A telegram received at Kaiapoi yesterday stated that the Waimakariri river at the B?aley telegraph station was in heavy flood and eiill rising. At noon heavy rain was falling. Our . Kaiapoi correspondent states that iv the absence of a gauge the message afford* no information "as to whether the Tolume of water in the river is more f or less than usual. At Tuesday's meeting of the Kaiapoi Council, Cr. Keetley pointed out that" at | the rteam 6re practice on Monday it was found wat# could not bs drawn' for the supply pipe from the curbings in High ktreet. It was agreed that the Fire Prevention Committee should forthwith have the matter attended to, and ascertain why no official report had been made of the matter, i ( , i > i ■ , Alabama Jariseii. of Miisgrove'e Opera Company, in A letter to the Dunedin "Star." expresses bit delight vrith her colonial tour, and gratification at the kind appreciation given her. She addij:—"You are at liberty to state my opinion of New- Zealand theatre'e as buildings, viz., most uncomfortable, hnrrible death traps, except tbs on* in Welling ton, aitd that one k nnly of a fifth rate kind from a European staiidnoint."

tile Appointments Committee, in tWi* * port presented ~ to the North CantetW • riducatirin Board yesterday, recommended- , the following appointments:—LadbmsnVSli Miss K. Simmrtfls, mistress; Dovleston \n # H. M. Wilkinson, mistress. ' nt **f A daring burglary was committed ! iV Timaru on Tuesday morning or late on JfnJ, - day night, when some person or per*6n%~ entsted the shop of a second-hand de&Ur JS \ took from it sixteen watches and foartS-J watch chains. The police are invesficnH* the affair. mvi % At the usual monthly meeting ©J . Prison Gate Mission, held yesterday aftfc < noon at the -office of MeVsrs Kavfe 25-'' Carter, Hie Rev. -ilr Kaumber wafting*chair. Reports of an encouraging nafa«! were Wad and discussed, Subjects jjfjig!!? ally bearing ori the work were under <*»!*- ------side-ration. _?* The 9.45 o'clock train front LytteltonV"' Chrisfehurch was delayed for nearly quarters of nn hour last night. A lady^STwas a passenger on the. train front GhfW*; ' church reported tltat she heard the ttturieL Afi engine with a vaii aitaelW and containing some of the railway -. and the Lyttelton police, searched th*w hel, but cotild not lindf any trace of dent. " Yesterday afternoon a number of ladin and gentlemen witnessed tbe bringing jn»! use of a large new gasometer erected by-S! Auckland lias Company, to meet the grtl ing requirement? ol Auckland and tfeT - biirbs. Airs wife of the Chairmt&" of Directors, turned on the gas. Meu»e&to« of the occasion were presented to Mrs Pβ! cock end to a representative of the maker ol the holder. w - At the annual dental examination at. Dunedin there were nine candidates ol whom five were successful. The fftlfwin* Jin alphabetical order not necessarily in the order of merit) passed:—Arthur Or**, ham (Auckland), George* Charles Harrie (C'hristehiirch), Joint Howorth (Dunedin) Edward AlcGnrrigle (Auckland), and Mm A, lloOfe, Wright (Oaniaru). The question of the control of tlie town*ways as between the city and the surroond, •" itig boroughs was very much in evidence'last night i\t the adjourned meeting of delegaifcj ' of local bodies. Ttafr sub-committee to •whaim ' the nuestion had been referred brought devnp a recommendation, adopted by a majority rf ■ one, that the City Gouttdil should be thecal trolling authority of the tramways. "Jhkhowever, was negatived by the confertnc} - ; night, and it was agreed to adjourn : conference to give time lor the congidentlof'of a proposal to form a committee of repre,sent«tives)of local bodies to manage the tramways. . '. At DarfielcJ yesterday, (before Dr. J^. Arthur and Messrs J. Dysart, J. Ho)WY and 0. Malley, J.P.s, A. Humphries '*"«*•: lined 20s and costs for taking water front* ; wfvter-race without a license. A charge oi -'• perjury against R» Cathosrt itt a civil <Skj*»' ; on July loth was, dismissed, tfae BeauX ro.marking there WasS no evidence to SBpgjjti the charge, and nothing adduced reflectingv, on defendant. Mr J. A. Caaddy &ppiaw<i for the defendant. J, Mclntyr* claimed£S12s from Andrw MeFarlnne, as executor <rfl= thte lete Andrew Climtall. Mr Os&t&fo '■' appeared for descendant. Judgment Wt* given for: plaintiff for £5 7b nnd-costs. ->& V . rick "pling was ordered to give up possA»id»i- :- ot a. horse to John Cre*sw&U. . The proposals ffor the df'-if Sumner arfc, (rfttat all, to be placed the ratepayers in a formal manner, tJiousaji nerhaps no poll will be 4 taken. The fiitebr"; n\£ of tatep>y*re held a' short time «to& : was not in ucoord&nce With the Act, w&eftV requires certain notice to be givea of sliefr,V meeting to be hftld» neither, was the votetjv"" on the drainage que«tion formal, of those present. «nd . voting not beinj %': ratepayers within the uses.- In order.thatiV; nil ttiay be placed on a-legal foottog,-«u?d: oiher meeting o< the ratepayers of.-which proper notice will be given, '■'&s§■] b« convened", und should that meeting-paW *( & ■ unarttmoua resolution in favour. <k i construction dt drainage works on the plajftai' proposed ~y the Council may ceed-ivith.'tJie neceesary steps Vithotfe'tak-'-------ing'a. poll. * . ■['■'- ,-">"■ In view of the proposed large turn. iby,j^he.Sumner. JBprough ~Cou»cjL^J "' an iricVeased.water supply, a pbuncillop P«*fc that the-' use of windmfflt;" instead of steam for- pumping irnrpo«n- ? - Hhould be ,en<iuirod into, is' ttation. Councillor Pratt stated that #*!£, merston South was supplied with wotetlW.%' two windmills, and Mesere Booth Stacdonald's estimate for two-, mills. tfcifr)j; would pump 60,000 gallons per week, dfeeight hoTirs' a day was £32tf. l Th«. firm % woidd also contract to keep.them in wdrV«:f ' ing " order for J826 'per yeaf. ;',Atteii»% Oounciller mipported posalj '(rayfttg thafc. another firm .him" an estitnat© foa« three 10ft mille tor';. pump 40,000 gallons per week (eight hoiri&*v per day) for £150. On the other hand> •£, •telegram from the Town Clerk of ston South was read stating that the iatiltrk did not give'-Wery totiefaction. * '"- ■';:[■ Mr EffeSl^p, -cay* A Press Association t*le ; % : gram, ittteKdtt to content the Patea , It is understood that the- iron girders f«.\ the Eflet belt bridge are almost ready", 'fls-Z, that, consequently, the work, will now at a more rapid pace. '" . \ \,^jOn Tuesday ti*e Ohrirtehurth Catholic GirhV Parish and Convent Schools, and the" Kindergarten, und« mi,_ care of tJie -Eei\-. Mother and -of Fa/thmf* Cooney andGalierae, spent an enjoyable 'fafff ■at, Humner. ' . , - ■- -~-^ Recently a letter was received by theHdo«j?| cation Board from the HaJswell SchooJ mittee, .objecting to tbe Board nob the school to be used for' concerts, eta. It .has-been pointed out to the C^«n ; . «| mittee that they axe somewhat ■thsir objection , , as the matter had ndt",beeri?j' settled by the Board, and tliere was no lntefc •■, tion of prohibiting the us© of school buildings ».j tor purposes of amusement. - . ' }:: t '■ • Mrs Bourns has received a mosfc inter«*vi;-;' : ing letter from the reteriin coniposer, Wil- - helm Ganz,. with .reference to nerehigiSfi,/ hfcj «ong, "Sing S\v«et Bird," at .the cofc-. cert given .during the -visit of the Duke:, and Duchess of York. The letter itates- ■ that the writer had read with great later-;;, est in the "Weekly Press" an account «t--. Airs Hunis'a Miiging of the song, and cofi--^ , , gratulatedlier upon the succett whtcltst*' ;: tended' hec on the occasion. '; - The Magistrate in Dunedin yesterday gafe" judgment in a case of special interestr. A. loot was walking aiopg » to&i at night, wifen he was violently t struck j in tthe side and knocked on his by a ''.cyclist,who-wae riding on the-wroßg «cc • c'f the road and -without a .light. TJ» - Magistrate held that it was the duty of cyclists to keep dear of foot passengers, . 1 and, Apt his opinion, there was no ™* cl th« road applicable to foot passengert. He awarded £30 damages, with £5 1M ooste. According to the can-eat report ef tb» Buildings Coamnittee of tho Norfeh burr Education Board, a letter had been received from the Riverside Hchool Co* mittee objecting to the sum of £$ lj».® for regarding the floor of the school oeißg deducted from their incidentals, and stat»Bg t-hut if ifc was carried ou-fc they would' **• sign. The Buildings Committee it w«iß decided to adhere to the Boar« , decision, bnt that the amount should be «*• - ducted in three instalments. Two interesting additions Iwve recently been made to the collection of Maori carj* inge at the Museum. One is a pj^ 6 °J carving which is placed over the deor oi a puni or winter sleeping house, and v known to the natives as a part, architects as an ardhitrave. The other «>■ d.tion c«n.sii<ts of two carved door po««r Arhjoli stood on o-ch side of the narrow entrance to the puni. These specimens J"? vtiy old, and th« pare i» almost coverttl '1 with the smoke which issued througn »** door of the puni when a fire was lit innae to worm the ixycm. Captain Huttan oß-t-iined these curios from Maketa, B»7 OI Plenty. The Education. Board's tnwnt officer, (,w|n* to fiicknefa b?i«g «o gen*T»»y V n ' valient, considered it unwise to isst» '<&? I summonses during August, but °P n P* K-.ptember 18 cases were taken into Court The attendance is now showing a marJiea impro\ ement, thcugli <i good deal of sicfcness .. evist? in ami around the city. Jβ conD< *." \ tion with tl'.s pmjH>sal to establish truant >:chvjols, ihe Appointments Committee pointed out io the K<!uuition Board yestei day thiil. tlu-. capitation pio]rt>?ed to be pa» would not admit of further cxpcnditure v ,

I . He Hill ClioiWii* olCmj* I -J»*rv promoted by the Clmstcaurch ivlES' Club, will take piece to-day i&Kefoot of Port Hills. The prooraeion r-aSSemted bicycles and fancy coefcttlnee I Sil leave the snuare at 2.30 p.m., proI ji«* <ria Hich, Ca#bel, and Colombo I ••SJSf to the tort Hills! Mr Adam* I iSPiend the red nurtw car tip the hill, I Ijri ifcere will be a band in attendance. I The work in connection with the dty d#« rffflctor U being pushed ahead, and it wexSS*d that the loundation for the chimney finisbwi this week, and that a. comwill be mad* With the building of ♦taihaft n ext week. Under the auperin* jfadenc* of Mesxw < Jarratt and Uren, Messrs iUidrum Brothers' representatives, tbo aupWte f«ff the storage platform Are being put * The brick work ift connection with) the 2li« flum* ha» *wen done, and portion* of SlHdtWidaiifliJ' , for the ovens have been put j£ Almost all the- machinery is now on the frwa* '1W k£ al l ,oints cropped op at the fctoeiiton Boards meeting yesterday with the Appointment CommiUee* , report. This Committee had re5wS. tiaV" the Waikari Committee had farim whether a householder could hJtHf be present at the Committee meeti!S" while the Rangiara Contmlttee iuSe*ked it* portion with respect to the ErnfcWers , Liability Act or the Workma'i Wages Compensation Act with regtxi to wM» caretaker or anyone doing flyi retffti** to tl,e scßo °l building* meeting with Mβ*!** l,l - Ib wa * decided to obtain tn ephiton fwm tlie Board's solicitor* on tAett question*, . Mac* lart meeting of the North Canterbury Education Board, two applications hate jaen received by the Building* Committee ior ih*««ti<m of new primary mchoole. One rtefitian had been received front the residents it RekeftO, asking for a school to be erected oA the settlement, nnd forwarding names of settlers with a number of children of school Mβ and under, also a- plan of the locality. It wM sgrted to ask them 11> forward the lumber and names of children now attending Aβ JJjjfleld or any other school. The other ' ipplicatton was in connection with the- Hapttb nettlement, and Mr Buddo wrote contorting a school in that Ideality. It was derided to defer tire matter until Mr Buddo's j tttWCQ from Wellington. | •fib* meeting of ratepayers in that portion of the Halswell rivet* drainage district Effected by the Selwyn County Council's pttjHWaJe regarding the drainage of Lake jgtteapere, which v/a& held on Tuesday at Jtebbifc Inland, woe attended "by between 80 sod 90 persons. Messrs J. Wolfe, ], Qt. Murray, and W. Jameson represented the County Council, the first-named prelidiftg. Mr A. p. Dobeon. 0.E., was ftfweut, and explained the scheme for the Sfam&ge of the lake, and answered a numbtr of questions. On the motion of Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Gebbie, the meethw unanimously "Agreed to approve, of the Cotmty Council r proposal to borrow £3300 fct the purpote of constrttctiiuf clilverte in the tionk at Taumutu to dram Lake £1In eon/onuitt , with the plan alpia&v fully advertieed. 'Ihe rate payable by tie owners of land in class 2 is 1-llth of 14 per pound, and-by those in class 1 3-llth of Id in the fttusd. The poll Of nt«p»v«r« is to be taken on November lit. Motoal affection requiree to be preserved by mutual endeavours to please and to ' meet the whthee of each other* tt wotild be hard to imagine a more pleasing proof . of affecfion than presenting a lady with one of Butcher* engagement rings. The vowession of one of these jewels of rare besaty and elegance will be found a most permanent source of happjne**. Butcher, jeweller and ring metker, 210 High street, OhriSt^auwh.—Advt, ' ■ tt. Clarke and Co., 148 Colombo street, Jeweller**, have just added lo their magnificent stock of wedding and engagement rings, watches, clocks, spectacles, etc, the newest ;■ and best designs of electroplate, consisting *t of oruetß, teapots, cake baskets, biscuit boxes, jama, marmalades, eta Spectacle* i to milt *U eight*. Watch** ckaaed 4s 6d, clock* 2e 6d. All other prices equally chtap. :. Clarke and Co., jewellers, 148 Colombo ifcwet.—-(Advt.) .Mr Grieshaber, jeweller, who has reF fMnrad to new* premise*, 166 Colombo street, ■ Qlty Hotel, is having a clearing Mle ~<A his *hole stock at gmtJy reduced , j9iflei.7HA4vt.) ' Bel) Cycles—The most relieWle and lioneti machine builfc in Kew Zealand. : ,|tapftttarefft, Bell Bras., 170 High street, ! ..'. |ost put Clock Tower. Special Attention "/•-'.to, repairs.. < .. ~, . 6223 ifc Morris, pfaflftomplier, Colombo ttxeet, ; .;' (SirKtchurcb, flndt it is not generally known a *084 bk eherge for cabinet protrait* of chllniratt Mdi tiree-quartor-kngta pietarw it fc;l7»'6d per dosen, and extra charges for rig- "£ jwttang, groups, large rootuats, also the Van- ■," fm methods of printing, etc.—(Advt)

~ Benjamin Gum eajoya * nry Iwge sale m : Kfnr Zetland, and thai its fun* is apread-f'-iult proved by the fact that the proprltton h tfwpojmlw cough wmiedy have this season r Mcarad erdex» from Weetralia, Briabane, Adelaide, Sydney, . Melbourne, flijL-Sd- ■ n*» K«w lealand.~-(Adn.) : ;V chilblain* almost drhr* On c«& : vtetif «%. The irritation it oftmt rery -|n*k KooUbah nßeve* iJttoo ~ ineteeitly, reduce* th* swelling, tad oenv ! , petal? cum ia a Y«y short t£me<—tAdvt) Something lor nothing, Photography ,-: taught in*. Aaatetyr*, and artiste should inspect ou* showrooms. Pictures artisticr ally framed. -The P.0.P., High, efcrttt (ffccitjg Clock Tower). 4003 I ". Wire setting, Iwevy fenetag, U aweh, 7d I-. .per T«d, fowfaefctiitt l|d pery»rd by 100 j ■-yyWM coil, lOjjwd* 2l 3d, iiheep netting, ," ■' centre stnmd 2|d by 100 yards cod], 1, j, and *1 Inch to «t«* *t lowert price.—Fletcher Bm.i Hljh «««et, OhriatcfeuTch.—Adrt. -Hi,W< £/Sorrel!, tit* popultr photo- . Bt«A»r;.wu bedly troubled with tmfcokm chilblain*. ' H« mdced his feet in hot water t&trt.titttt, and applied Loubyt Koolibah MW eidfc lomenting. Remit, * compile t-. IW blctde Tepain *»c geedaDy reojm- . Wβ* eyoiiiU to Boyd- and Son, whe an tottWtiing firtt-clMi work with moderate </, t&tsgtt, 191 Olovcettex etreet> Cbriat;itaiwfc. -Telephone47,> . 29 °° Mu, y terae.'— Wβ are iV.jJf ."Wy , ™* ** fanMHU "Zealandia" and . *«ttato bfcyclee te ladies on tpeeially ■3,;« Mr *enw. Oatet, L<mjy ami Oα, Maa* etnreet, C!htietchuroh.~{AdTt.)

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11098, 17 October 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11098, 17 October 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11098, 17 October 1901, Page 4


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