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A man wae arrested last evening on a charge of using obscene language. Daring ilia quarter ended yesterday, there were only two bankruptcies mi Wellington City, against sixteen for the corresponding ptnod last year. ) i ; ; During an informal discussion yesterday, at a meeting of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, with, regard to the purchase of the section in Hereford street, adjoining the Public Library, Mr F. J. Beswick remaiked that the College already had saffitient ground in connection, with the library to meet all requirements for centuries.

At the meeting of the City Council laat--'P night it was resolved to confirm the resold ■' - tion re the motor car by-law No. 2, and flj ?r----by-Jaw was ordered to come in force on I<M, *' October, 1901. • r , J^ The Hawera "Star" states thafc a M&ati ' divorce case will be tried at the next eifctings of the Supreme Court at New £w mouth. . '-. Owing to pressuixj of local news and && '~ vertiseinents, we are compelled to hold over "■' a numl>?r <j£ letters to the Editor, includou; some on Bible t in Schools aud Mt<lical m> quett-e

The chairman of the Board of Governor* " of Canterbury College states that good pro. : ■ ■ gress is being made with regard to procur.. ing the photographs of ex-chairman to ad< to those already on the walls of the Boar] - room.

Colonel Webbj who arrived in Christ, church by lost night's train, was accorded' a hearty ♦ send-off at Dunedin vesterdaV '-' ■ morning. . The non-commissioneci officers ? ' presented Colonel Webb with a silad bowl ''V , cake basket, etc., and the district voluni -. teer" officers gave him a purse of sovereigns.' "'"

Regarding the proposal to have a motor - car in connection with the Fire Brigade, Cr ' -.- Gray mentioned last night, in the City Conn- ' cil, that t-uA Fire Brigade Committee •«-&& "■ making enquiries at Home on the subject - They expected the information here in about - a couple or three months. -

the boarding provisions made ' by the Board of Governors of Canterbury College for students at the' Girls' and Boys'. High Schools, the chairman, at yesterday's meeting of the Board, stated that both Mrs , Wilson and Mr M*rton were sanguine ol ' success, and that next year tjhe number of bcardera vro-uld increaw.

A new stem -wheel steamer for the Clufcha .?] River Board for use on the Clutha river ''- 1 was launched at Dunedin yesterday after- , . ] noon. The steamer was built entirely of steel,, by Messrs McGregor and Co. She " i is 120 feet long, with a breadth of 27 feet, ■ \ depth 5 feet, and' has a capacity of about *' : 80 tons/ The whole of the work—hull, V boiler, and engine—was done in Dunedia.. --:■' \ At the Hawera, County Council meeting \ the other day it transpired that a special' *' order made some fifteen years ago, under • which about £40,000 in the shape of loan '; moneys hnd been paid, was informal. The •-i order applied to some thirty or forty loans ; for roads in the county. The "Star" states ■' that the Treasury has juafc now discovered ''. the informality, although it has long been- - - patent, to Ehe present county clerk, who " took office after the order htid been" :. gazetted. - ; v :

Whilst; the estimates for 1902 were under discussion at. the meeting of the Board ot\i : l Governors of Canterbury College vestcrdav '' Mr G. W, Kusssll, M.H.R., asked if It ■would not "be possible for the partment'of the College to supply enough v '" light to illuminate the College. The chair-. •" man, Mr T. S. Weston, said that the mat* % ' ter had been discussed, but it had been found that ib would be too expensive. When the new electrical kboratory was' com*' , ■ pleted, the Board might go into the subject' A again. ' '" Onr Duneflin correspondent telegraphs that the leading topic in that city yester- ■-_ day was a> rumour to the effect that a" ~, prominent nwechant has consulted his ' -,"•' creditors as to the moist advisable courte '/r, to pursue in view-of losses which run into ,- * good many thousands It is undeis ' ■■[-' ing out of tha wool market. It is under* : C stood the liabilities are not heavy, the > principal creditors being an English, firm. " The vital statistics of Dunedin for the > \ past nine months show - an' all-round in? , ,!> crease on the corresponding period of last • ',V year, telegraphs our correspondent. The"-/' births have morensed- by 135 ac compared-, '■'". with nine months of -1900 (915). Forty -■'% couplea have entered married! as compared with last year, when the;■*" figures were 372. The-death-roll has beenii" abnormally heavy for the .past month; in- '-. "< fact, it has never been the unpleasant duty , '-'A of the Registrar to record so many deaths,'.', as lie baa -done during the past three>'£- tmonths. Last month the mortality -ft'as the.,';;: heaviest yet recorded, being 85. The death* 1 (" i full for- the past three months has bsea, ~; 245, including many of the earliest pioneeWr -*-'! ' -Some discussion last sight in .• the City- Council on-the subject of the height 'i of the'dtsfcructor cbinmev. A reeolutaon "'■ had been agreed to that the chimney ah&ulSi . -' be 150 ft, oat the Works Committee rajbih-- ,•' intended that they 'should be allowed" to ihk ",\ rapt , a tender for 100 ft .cfaimneV. \_\ During' the discussion the-, -'chauw'";! , ;'- , Jimn of the Works Committee, Or. Maodofa-" : - &ld, read several "extracte from a' recent r~~ a Wgh authority on. the "-'. viz., "Jifconomical Disposal of Tcwn R«fusftV f ■ ,-; by W. -1 , . Goddrioh. , These were strongly in favour of comparatively low chimney* we ' .. destructors, as being be«fc adapted for -"• w-ptk. After a very long daecussioni a rt- 1 solution, to erect a chimney 150 ft high «H - • : carried. . • • - - ■"■'.■■;■ - Th« two/ boys Adeotik, who alleged thifc "^ : they walked from Invercargill ccc" the - V t Duke" and Duchiess of Cornwall and Yoric,, "'- ---(says the ''Otago Daily Times"), have ,'cer- . tainly not iustified the, honour conferred on ' -' thsm'"by-being presented, to. ttairlßoyal. Highnesses. They were arrested afi-Infee*.. .' cargil'. last week and feroughb up onfri-- •*" day v , charged- with) (1). breaking into a ,hut • -" ; at Clifton, and stealing a number of fog' ■: signals belonging td the Kew Zealand \ - T'ornm-snt; (Z) stealing tools 'belonging to * \ Andrew Dunlop;- and (3), afc Avenal, et«ji-.,v ing a boat, the,property of Thomas HoWie.'. " .They were represented by » eoKdtar, bat-'.;„-„ pleaded guilty, and w-era committed to ti* -f: \ Industrial School,"in Vbi«b. institution m- ;,— other brother has been, ah inmate for same • time. t , - - At the Lytteltoh-Borough Council meet-. /' ing last night, a letter was read' from the j D«rtriot Engineer with reference to t&* ••'• pipes to be laid through the tunnel for cm.: ; veying' wtettee , from , -the reseryoit t<> W» ■ - .port. He wrote to the effect that the 'Cbi«, , Engineer insisted upon the thickness « -i the, (pipes "being | of an inch, instead of j )f inch, as previously agifeed to. Air rato j Council hae contracted for tJw supply « j pipes of .the smaller thickness, whicfb aw> to be made in the Old Country, negotiation will have to be entered into for a mom'ficafcion of the contract, and under the oir-, cuinstances the . Council will be somewhat ■ at a disadvantage. The Omfioil referred ■ , the matter to the Water Supply Committee, with power to act.

There is on view at Meesre E. Heeoe and .Co.'c, Colombo street, a. collection of seven stags' heads,- the result of an enjoyaWeaod successful week's shoot among the red dser* • which Messrs Chas. Lewi* and E. HwdcaeOe had tat Easter at Mt E. Hodgßneons * Longslip Station? Bear Late Hawea, Nwttt Otago. The beads hare been aplendidfy mounted'by Mr Harold Hodgkinepn, aa« - though they ai» not haavy once, they form good trophies, ranging from eight to twelve goint*. Both spojrtsjnen need the Ame»e&» avage rifle, arid it was found to be a very handy, reliable, and effective -weapon. •»» an account of tlve lat& deer staUkiug eeeeoe, in Otago, Mr Harold Hodgkineon says tts* the nioeb lucky sportsman a« regasds »g' heads were Mr, MelviU* Gray, of Timer* ■ Mr E. Hodgkinecn, and his son Mr W Hodgkinson, of Longslip. Mr Melvg Gray made a poor start, but finished Tip in*» , two magnificent heads, one "royal' *?** 13-pointer, both shob , in the Timam Cre» THe royal's antlers averaged 46in from ba» to tip of horn*. The lSpointer aleo toe* cured out of the common, at 41£ in. antlers of these head* were very massive ana thick. Mr E. Hodgkinson'e best bead TC&L 14 point*, and tyro offers, the home averaging 40in long, and were above the usuaj dimensiona as regards girth of beam ana length of tinee. Mr Con Hodgkinaon bed + fine record for the season's sport. His i»£ consisted of three "royaJa" (12 points), aae a 10-pointer. One of these w» « splendid trophy, the best by a long way w» had been aeen in or near the Hawea dLsttict. The other two ware also a great deal above the average, both being massive, with ntwgrown tines. Mr Harold Hodgkinson fl* 4 35 heads to mount at Longfilip this eeeson. twelve of which were,goodispecimens, ana five of them yery fine trophies, four of vhico. are .mentioned, above, th« fifth being* "royal," that Mr W. G. JVlunro, of Onuu*ma, shot in the Timaru Creek.

Hi* number of ijnemployed in C*mflJ* dhiirch just now ie* larger than it has been for some months. As no more men ere ■being put on to (rcvernment works, tne Labour Department is unablo to do much toward* relieving the men wfco apply at tne Bureau.

The fishing season opsns to-day. A num-. ker of anglers went south by yesterday morning's trains. Uf Ju«tico Williams leave* Dunedin for j the north to-da-v to h«ar the P&tea election petition with the Chief Justice. The Mayor will he absent from town for • day or two al't<r to-day as he leave* for Wellington on business connected with the Waimakariri scheme. It i« estimated that th? cost of diverting the railway line running through New Ply. mouth, so as to minimise the risk of fatal accidents at the present street crossings, will bTabout £30,00(5. The teachers' manual and technical classes on Saturday were very well attended. About 110 were prwent at -the School of Art classes, 57 »t the military drill instruction, and 40 at Mr* BuKock's 'technical classes. It is expected-tttat the evidence taken by the School Teachers' Salaries Commission, which is very voluminous, embracing about 500 pigee. will be laid on the table of the House to-day. According to Dr. Pomare, Native Health Officer, tohungaism is still a strong article at faith among the native race in the North Inland. He *nys that it is one of the worst griis he has to* contend with in his efforts. to instruct the Maori population oh the ne-' cemitf of making their homes and villages unitary. Recently a fine specimen of a right whale, from 60 to 70 feet in length, came within a chain of the shore at Cromarty, Preservation Inlet. It passed within a few feet of the end of tha jetty, but, as those who were in t&e vicinity had not the necessary appliances to attempt a capture, they regretiuUy saw the prize shape a course for the open ««.. There is now on view at the shop of Mr Gibb, Cathedral square, a very fine painting of a picturesque bit of New Brighton. This jhu been painted by Mr W. M. Gibb for the Awk'and Art Society's exhibition, and is well worth inspection. The sandhills in the foreground and the dark masses of the "bills away by the lighthouse come out finely, and the picture, as a whole, is very artistic. Mr W. D. Stewart, who has been associated with the firm of Murray, Roberta and Co., in Wellington, for many years as auctioneer, and who Has now joined the firm of Dalgety and Co., of Christchurch, was the recipient of a presentation from the officers of the former firm's Wellington branch on IViday night. Speeches were made expressive of- tho best wishes for Mr Stewart's future welfare. The notices directing people to the various offices in that curious maze, the Government Buildings in Christchurch, have been repainted and rearranged in a much better style than previously existed, and one has now a moderately safe chance of discovering the Stamp Office, the Official Assignee's Coambers, or any other departmental office, without a serious loss of time. On tho Bth of August last a train of nineteen empty coal waggon* and a guard's van was approaching Ngakawau Bridge, on the Westport section, when Mrs Agnes V. Johnston rushed on to the bridge and resetted a little boy, aged three years, named v George Edward Williamson, who was playing on the line. Application for recognition of the act is now being made to Captain Linn, cearetary of the Royal Humane Society, and the case is being gone into. - ,

Til* little native village of Mohaka, near Wairoa, affords on- opt illustration of the , good effects of training the Maori mind to belief in the efficacy of clean and healthy home*. Th« village has an excellent eanitsry system, is kept sweet and dean, and . . in place of old and tumble-down wherte, there are nwvrly a scare of weE-bullt, nicelykept after tibe European style, and. with most of the comforts and ■, conveniences of a modern home. v. Goal euitaible for household purpose* was .;• ' discovered in Shakespeare Bay, close to ' Pictan, mauy years ago, but no very ays* <•. •• tematio attempt «as hitherto foeen made to ' ascertain the depth to which it goes. A f , shaft which was put down some years ago Jβ now -to be eunk v further depth, <d 40ft or .;* fiOffc, and the syndicate wfe*sh (ha* token ; , the project in hand expects that coal in pay--1 V «we quantities will be found in the main , . rttjge of lulls behind Picton. ; 'Aliaovement in afoot for.the eetablwh- >■ meat in this colony of an association lot * the of the spread ofconsump- '■ ik>n, on the lines of the ISnglish Notional &*eocJation for tJ» Pwveatton of Tt&er-".-,>;.-cseieie.. The system will probably be to ;''-;,. "3b*W tepdq«artera in one of the centres, ,; «wi brandbos in other parts of the colony. t Q» j function of the dsspciation, which has v 'iv tap fcpprwfal ef the Medical Aesocetion, i* s --." tie people to t*ke proper preitiiiwbtiao* against t&o spread of the dread . . t . ' ":'.r,; ; 3fo; Charles J, Long, who left here for ;.s;.iL«jdcnj nine months ago on a business mie^ has . been etwceesful -in eecuris?~&ULAlue& important appointment ac A«s----i v •• Mr Long hoe spent» of jiiii time in London in being initiated into the detail* of .of the varitvtw induntriee he «BlK»r«rtnt abroad, . Mr Long, after pay v^^4flying.visit jto the various, Contiaentol oentrea, Isffe London in Au- : tfS'fflP'M? the. /Commonwealth, proceeding o^e^-, 2e«l»nd,, end is'expected in early 'in November. ■ ~ Borough Council is taking ft tffiique. e&tittide in legislatfc* $&.mmipsmtvaMon ofoppear&ncee. (fee of has h«d drafted provide* ' * n veran dei»a and balconies ' public etre&ts. Ev«ry por* Z the borough, it set* forth, eWI •, as to position, Shape, dimenc ■ I *** l^ P fl *"^°°* inconsistent ' ~ , **"* s P e <s^ a tians neld by the 4 ~J§w§M*> butding ihaving & portico <tc to oondition, "so as not, to be A,. No placards or advertisements ; ,t^*^iii§ || W' Who came to 'Wellington >''i *'■ SsfESl f* o *** a northern inland town* bride-elect, ia order to be i'^^S^^.tbe'Toet.* , }, brought wtfc him £60 in notes for expenses. <•' toeir arrival the young J2§S£Sfp 'P one «r th« city , * houses ot fe-t^StS^ , I?* 9 ? UI!l foolwWy carrying tiie '^ffiS'^S^* 81 ***■ hip-pocket. Next mom* money* he found that *M^MISI!P$ 8 H 1 £ pickpocket bad btca before »P'pocket was. cut open, and boa iSlliSS 1 * b6l " nd bttt the UnilI 8' Be*nlt-* ■Bt^®^ ll^ the wedding, a firm resolve the future, and a grun, to meet the man. who "went i ir? ! evening we are to hear: I unique m U»e way of- adI *P*tent Jfedicine. We are quite I r ac * i ' ** e 0 " 1 ' v * the daily 3 : :%jejßjl? ll *M£ tnsfvelroue cure," *nd t rwovery ,, performed'fcy r il#s f disooverv or other, are v J eights I^^^^ 4 <*leaiat«d to make the moeti &p----t'M^? 11 * n impatience, but wh*n S'-«EW^ n "*• pwpared to stand before tshe X jHPf B * opewy^declare thai after eufferyea» end having boen, stivfrn, /43e2L8? "7 c best medical authorities .he lias thoroughly cured ''iSkPSS' wcdicm*. there is something *» *biSgjS*eew in tb& idea, th«t we are. i c* 7 * a certain amount of eretl * teira,JC «- However, be l&at H'leSf , OM m* reete d will Jiave *n ; f * f ■hewing Mrß. A. Palmer '^^iSisa? 1 * on "Vitodatio and ite curee" ' r evening, and from Pres* no- ?* appears that th« addrees ISgPi i&terest and instruction. Full ■ liilP*!* *w advertised in this issue.

I ":, ratS?*? te®* *h* attention of readers < I i-.-irf™®***! °f choice fashionable goods i * v t&lii^r 1 * 1 " 1 Messrs Beath and Co., ' /'md^gf r drapers. Lovely assortment of \ toques, and bonnets, from 18s < % *fteW*m new i v ory college sailore, 3e 3d 1 I ww stylish eutnmer mantles, ; P. Ms ' oeir «& Wouse*, tweed, h washing costumes, new dress "I g^S«' WM * lovely assortment of ~,8 mu *^ M » mercerieed pongeee, I c'»e '» fr" 01 Hid to Is Sd yard j Em- ] 'WSfiTti 1, Jld to 7» 6d; lace ties, Is to < and Co. 3039 t f^^C^* ?ou waafc * Wedding or Engage- t 1 -*Wf «4Ti c * Bligus » don ' fc t» tempted i i*«W * f«wnt worth J* 6d to pay * SlifcsL 4 * rS? rior rin e to Clarke and Co/c * For Bbrteen year* Clarke x I^SeS/. 1 * 0 !* bave been made on honour, $Efi£i a merit ' C l * ,l * *nd Co. are ( 1 JHffirW* '« watches, jewellery, sUver £ IHJ.Cliita and Co., JeweUere, 148 ■■ P'* ,1, * 1 ' (Advt.) I

There is no surer way for a man to bring his own worth into question than by endeavouring to detract from the worth of others. So w<hen you read of a person of- ; fering a wedding or engagement ring worth £2 for 255, be very cautious; don't be tempted by the statements of unscrupulous traders. For real honest, sterling, value buy one of Butcher's Lucky 18ct GoH Wedding Rings. The sales this year have established a record, a pleasing expression of public confidence. Butcher, Jeweller and Manufacturer, High street, " Christchurch. (Advt.) Something for nothing. Photography taught free. Amateurs and artiste should inspect our showrooms. Pictures artistically framed. The P.0.P., High street (facing Clock Tower). 4002 During the reconstruction of Dunstable House all arrangements possible will be made by J. Baifantyne Company to p*cyeut serious interference with business, but, in view of the increased accommodation and greater convenience that will result, they trust customers will overlook- any difficulties that may be caused. 3723 The leading feature of the Sarony Studio is that no effort will be spared to secure tho natural pose and expression of sitters.— Studio. 258 Market Square. [Advt.] Mr Morris, photographer, Colombo street, Christchurch, finds it is not generally known that his charge for cabinet protraits of childrea and three-quarter-length pictures is 17s 6d per dozen, and extra charges for Tignetting, groups, large mounts, also the various methods of printing, etc.—{Advt.) Mr W. E. Sorreli,.tbe popular photographer, wae badly troubled with unbroken chilblains. He soaked his feet in hot water three times, and applied Loasby's Koolibab after each, fomenting. Result, a complete cure.-~<AdTt.) For bicycle repairs re specially recommend eyefists to Boyd and S6n, who are combining first-class work with moderate charges. 191 Gloucester street, Christchuruh. Telephone M. 29 Good bicycles on easy terms.—V7e are now supplying the famous "Zealandia" and "Atalanta bicycles to ladies on specially easy terms. Oates, Lowry and Co., Manchester street, Christchuroh.—{Advt.) Benjamin Gum enjoys a very large sale in New Zealaud,- and that its fame is spreadproved by the fact that the proprietors of the popular cough remedy have this season secured orders from WeatraHa, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Fiji.—Advanco New Zealand.—(Advt.) Unbroken chilblains almost drive the sufferers silly. The irritation is often very great. Loasby's Koolibah relieves almost instantly, reduce* the swelling, and completely cures in a very short time.—(Advt.) Mr Grieahaber, jeweller, who has removed to new premise*, 165 Colombo street, opposite City Hotel, is having a clearing sale of his whole stock at grwitly reduced' prices.—(Advt.) Bell Cycles—The most reliable and honest machine built in New Zealand. Manufacturers, Bell Bros., 170 High street, just past Clock Tower. Special attention to repairs. . . 5223 Seeds, season 1901, vegetable seeds 3d. per packet, flower seeds Id per packet, seed potatoes, beet kinds, in stock. Agents for Nimmo and. Blair, Dunedin, istandard seeds. —Fletcher Bros., High street.—AdvV

"Humber cycles" embrace many specialities expressly designed and patented for use on them alone> and which cannot be obtained on any other make. You should see the latest Humbers before purchasing elsewhere. Sole agents, the ' An-glo-New Zealand Cycle Company, D.1.C., and 226 High street.—(Advt.)

A WELL-KNOWN MISSIONARY. Among the' recent visitor* to Auckland is the Rev. James' Graham' Patterson, the well-known Presbyterian missionary. During the past forty years he has visited nearly every country on the face of the earth. Mr Patterson comes from Scotland by way of Siberia and Australia. ' Yesterday he left Auckland for the South. IxAMPBEY-nSBING AT- MATAURA. . The season for the "kana kaha"; or lampreys (small fish of the eel species, belayed of the Maorit),'n&s now begun, and. are assembling at Mataura for the. annual catch,. Every year (say* the Mataura "Ensign") the lampreys make up the Mataura. River from the sea,- and finding a barrier in their path-in the shape ,',oi the falls, cluster on the rocks im great;numbers. They make short jumps (something after the man* her of the salmon) up the face of the falls, and take brief breathing spells fey holding on to the rocks by suckers - which serve them for mouths. It is while they are accomplishing: this feat that they fall easy prey- to their captors. It is said that each shoal of these fish has its leader, and when this aae is knocked Off the rocks by tha Maoris, the others fall off en masse. It is a distinctly peculiar form of angling, and those who have cultivated a taste for the kana kana pronounce them -as making remarkably fine easing. The Maoris secure prodigious, quantities of the fish, and dry them for use during the remainder of the ■year.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11084, 1 October 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11084, 1 October 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11084, 1 October 1901, Page 4


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