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The third Royal Number of the. '"Weekly Press" was published yesterday, and met Avith a a "cry favourable reception. The splendid seascape of the Ophir, attended by the Avarship., signalling the Duke's last message to New Zealand, was the subject of high praise from nautical men.

Mr A. H Turnbull stated last evening that a royalty of Is per 100 ft of timber, rendered iiA.iiln.ble by the construction of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, Avouid amount to £4,000,000, more than Avould be sufficient to cover the cost of the railway.

A meeting of the Insurance Commil lee of the Employeis' Association avhs held in the rooms last night. Much satisfaction was expressed at the number Avho had signed the insurance bond ; several names Avere added in the room. Employers arc advised to communicate vrith the. secretary.

At a meeting of the Ashburton Borough Council on Monday evening, correspondence was read from the Postal Department to the effect that a suitable clock for the new building at Ashburton Avould cost from £700 to £800, half of Avhich cost avouUl be borne by the Government. At-ia meeting of the Finance Committee of tl* Auckland City Council, it was de-

cided to recommend the Council to borroAv £78.000 for the folloAving purposes:—The purchase of Philson's square, the erection of a Town Hall, Fire Brigade equipment, the erection of a rubbish destructor, and the paving of Queen street.

A good example of the necessity for dehorning cat lie was to be seen at the Addington Saieyards yesterday. A coav that had come by' rail had one of her should.---.' partly torn off by being gored by another beast in the same truck. The cow Avas sold for only half ths price the OAvner bad given for her. A Pre«s Association telegram from Wellington states that tne following tenders have, been reoeivc-d. by the Public Works Department for the Ghinemuri bridge contract, on the Paeroa-Waihi raKAvay:—Accepted, Messrs J. and A. Anderson, Christchurch. £8771; declined. Messrs J. Lindsay and Son, Auckland, £901..

The Ashburton Borough Council has passed for payment, the sum of £25 voted in aid of the objects of the Beautifying Association. One, member of the Council, who is also a member of the Beautifying Association, took exception to the. payment, on the score that no etfort had been made in the direction of public subscriptions. The quarterly competition of the Christchurch "Photographic Society was hevd in the. Society's rooms, Worcester street, last evening. Mr.J. N. Taylor judged the prints, and placed them as follows:—Landscape— Mr \V. A. Taylor (two prints) 1, Mr S. Anstey 2 and 3. Seascape—Mr T. G. Strange 1, Mr S. Anstey (two prints) 2. Animal life—Mr A. C. _lclntvre 1, Mr S. Anstey 2. Mr W. A. Taylor 3.

The long-looked_or carnival on the ice in ihn Ashburton Domain's pretty artificial lakes Ants Md on Tuesday evening, and was a .Tv successful. The ice was in capital condition, and amongst it large gathering there, were many expert skaters. More than one had an involuntary hip bath, but beyond this there was no mishap worth re'coiding. A collection was taken up in aid of (bs'titute hospital patient*, and the sum of £8 2s 5d AA-as netted.

"1 do not agree," stated Mr A. H. ""uin-bul-1, last evening, Avliile addressing a niiint.yr of lady electors. "Avith the Minister of Edr.cati.ui lieiiig m the Upper House. I do not agree with ihe perambulations oi Min...ters .11 over the colony, attending this *c,_ niiHtiug, and that tea meeting. It. was right in the past that they should travel when _. l i_ Press of the colony so vilified; them, but that does not exist to-day. At present the colony is run by under-secretaries, and that

was never intended." A man named John Dalton, a stranger in the district, ->vas arnsted at Orari Gorge vest, rduy by ("'on. table. Muilaney on a charge of sheepskins and wool from Deniiistou-'s st;irion. Peel Forest, on Tuesday, and sheepskins and avool from Tripp's station on Tuesday night. Accused was brought up at th. ("craldine Magistrate's Court yesk-rday. before Mr F. W. Stubb., J.P., and remanded till Tuesday next.

The report of th. Agricultural and Pastoral Association'-. Arch Committee was brought up and read at the Association's nieet"inn yeste.idav. The sum of £65 L2s had been subscribed by flic various Associations towards the arch, and the expensis had been £2 I4s lid over r.hijj sum. Votes of ihan.-S were accorded to all those avlio had assisted in making the arch a succ-ss. Tlie report was received, and a special A-ote of thanks accorded to .Mr Overton and the Committee.

At the annual meeting of the Christchurch Fire Brigade, at Av-ivi .h- Superintendent Smith .presided, tlie following oHicers were appointed:—Treasurer, Foreman (.'. Bhike ; lion, secretary. Bramhmin C. Millimrton ; libraTia-n. ' Fireman A. Gregg; auditors, Foreman J. Kennedy, and Fireman A. Gregg", committee. Foreman W. Juriss. Bran.-iiman W. Hfiid.rson. C. Oakes, G. King. Branchman A. t'abb, Avho is retiring from the brigade owing to change of residence, was presented with a silver-mount .<! decanterstand by the members of the brigade. ■Superiutendeir! Smith made the presentati.n-

-V- meeting of the Cbristchurch Domain Board *.a_s held yesterday, when it. was de- , ; f ln.;l l-y t-'ikf; out a few trees overhanging tli" ' 1.1 Jour ton road, betAveen the Hospital a"-I WaslTOourn. creek, and lop the branches off outers ih ihf same vicinity. In reply (0 :i conimuii'C ..'ion from the Chairman of the 80-.rd iMr V*. Jacuue.). the Premier wrote stating th-it tJ_£ Government hid decided to ■•ivt the caiioi" . erected for the. Royal lieview to tha Board, provided the Board paid the cost of t_knm \own and re-erection. It has been decided t , v etvet tl-.-- canopy in a suitable spot in the public gardeu..

Mr A. R. Ellis, the newly-appointed man of tho New Zealand Formers' tive Association, conducted their sales at tjj, Addington Yards yesterday. He- will be 4 strong" addition to the ranks of the salesmen. ' The question of the holding of a days'" or two days' sliow avhs debated pr«t£ strongly at the meeting of the General mittee of the A. and P. A-.si_iatir.ii day. and it lrvnded! th-a Committee in rather a peculiar tangle. Both proposition.—j, t o.threo days and a two dnjs" show—wm negatived, and th.. matter waajj femd to a Committee to report.

At the Addington yards yesterday alim* 1 prime, Aveil-groAvn fat Border Leicester W 1 gets from the NeAv Zealand and Australia I Land Company's Totara est. tc, ,Avej. n chased by Mr W. B. Clarksou for export »| I 235. Some of these hoggets took lir_t priu £ and championship al th_ Dunediu Winfe § Show. For the same company 10 Shji», f shite cross wethers were sold to Messrs it I B. Lane and Son. at 30s 6i; 5 Bolder L*j 1 cester v.-ether, to Mr Jas. Knight, at 7Hy i and 5 to Mr J. L. Paltrick at 26s 6rt. I An Auckland telegram states that th. I newly-formed F.mployers' Association, v % that'citv made an auspicious start vests,. % day, when about 70 em plovers met to adopt i th« rules of the Association and appoint _o 1 executiA-e. The meeting avhs strongly «&. § vinced of tho necessity for the existent* 1 of one strong organi. .itit n. reprw._lt.n3 ea . 1 piovtrs ri al. kinds of labour, to Avat_j | elesi-v the trend of labour ieg.s.auon, as. f assist in bringing the trade disputes b«fo« f. the (..m. ilia-tiem Boards and Com: oi Arbi | trillion in smh a manner as will be lijcel. § U) had to results sati. factory to the ii 1 oi -the colony. 1

There has heen a great mortality amongi) tha sheep in the Wiilrnrapa district inu» sequence of the vet-cut snow storms.

At th. four chief centres and int. t otiw l.lacc-i tl_e weather was tine ye .terduy mon In. - Rain fell at Boa ley and Wanganui.

The Avhereabout-s of the missing matt Charles Parkinson, who disappeared fton Mt R. H. Rhodes's employ on Thursdaj 1a... are still a mystery.

Apparently there is no i.e.uth of deric* men m tlae ' distrhi. as foi the po» tion of clerk to the Levels County Council there aa.i_ no k-.wer than n\ on.\-six appl. cants.

To date 857 entries lu-n-e he--!! received for i the Fanciers' Chib show in Dunedin, ml against 764 for last y..u In the pouter *| section tlie inert.-ane is about 130. --> $ A meeting t.f the Conciliation Board takti 1 plan, ai, i .even o'clock '■ e\t Mundaj* to | hear disputes in the funi.itme trade, ,tnd» | ca-sa brought by the Fi __z..V Union agnail 1 the Meal Companies. | "There is." said Mr S. Bioawi at Monday night's meeting <>f the Indu-trial Associatian in Wellington, "a time o! slackness thats looming large in New Zf.i'.iii'i." Mr Browje thought ihere *va .1o bs a "-Kip all on. the world. Financiers Lad. ne said, lot large sums of money. kuinp and U. _ci 1 discharging men. and it %va- h.s opinion 0* § bud times were coining. I

A coife.spcii(".teiU writes as iolk._i.t-_ magnificent meteor shot .i.hw.irt- theskyjt 6 5b vest _rtlav morning, ti ia .l.nig in a 3,fc. direction, the angle ot* fie uUitttde fmi the horizon being about oh degrees., ft Vats of speed was remarkably do*. »b4\W observed for t__ secnud-: u» appanat «B beina about 9.t>. the 0..0ur * P«» «* the "edge giving out tongue of dirk xtf, t, was spherical, and 1-1' }'» *l™*j light behind. It died out m small "•*"- star-like spots. A meeting of the of il* W«tal Public Library avhs held on I-inlay ««m% v, receive tho annual i"l>"'" ««.;l bJw* sheet The total receipt - _ itn Dihuicefrtffl last year Avert. £17.0 l'/s Id. nnd the WW*

ture'£93 12s Id. leaving a b.lance in -MM ~i £32 5s to cany ~n ll:.- aai ik dxmn S m coming year. One hund.e.l ar.d six y-tiiffl* ».ew boolcs have been add_d_ to th. hbraij. and 250 re-bound ; the. number of memte«"i 120 Steps will be takeu to bung the in* tution more prominently before the p* Thi* annual concert and ail union wiM held in August. Mi* J. Woodrminil wa.. eLeJt-d chairman; Mi* J- Fnth, tie« Mr J. Mull ins, auditor; and Mr H. Ailing, secretary.

At the Sclwvn County Council Mr HiHaffie vest .rda. morning, as illustrating.te dehya which occur in obtaining attentat imr-nrtant matters when the Governmetlt:? approached, said that soma time ago -$# tan kind of thistle vva.i spreading rmßttf on Oiirurch Trust, property in the Hedfr* road district, and it wits ,equestei;.Bg this particular thistle h.i mc uutd .a .| list- of noxious weeds. The Board WW» formed that attention avou d be giTOg ths matter, but nothing h -A yet been«g In tha meantime the thistles had spwW'H f-eir seeds blown all over t_e a would take ten years at Lear-t to getg of them-even if a. slait were made a. 08*

"I am not -pin* t-o d,. -mm. th. P**""*! chance,, by opposing p-yn. ■»« »» local* s.rd-.'i >U Haiti";■ r_ g|. Selv.-vn County < 'oiim-il yrsterday. »■ Western"- th.mght .< man should M _•*■ actual travelling ex pen _ » .uid lor the tog of his t.m- ..Ls... S«-.n.l iiißmJ*en*| sidled that 10s per d:y { „r be ample. Men. _ McH.itlic and W«WP|, pointed out thai toy.ii members go_ notBSH| for their attend n-e. Mr I'xuin.e nd »■ did not id*,.,-1 to ait ndiug meeting! «.■ out pa.ii-in, bui thu- minhi '".""Xl provision for p.yi_n_ •*li-*' visiting »■✓ terent parts of il,, outhft U»pßfl«|--business. He had w«eks in iJflUf| Av.iter-a-.-ei and otl.*_ v. oiks, living bll»■ horse and liucbv. -nil never got a paU7"B it, Mr M,H.iVri- said he -mild »-' n fc?| Ronnie's limiter under not__. of '«« Wg foren._. || Representative brokers n?longiM*JJ| Christchurcli. Dmu'din. and Wdtajg| have hseu in consult at urn with, says the "New Ze._l.-nd TW*j| in regard to a bill which is to be bro#| ; befniS Pallia ment r.iative to the **£&_ of contract, notes and other ™>™™»*M \ connection with transactions in £°**™=3§ share.. Th- secretary of Cue Industrial Association, in men«.t_Jl»?-.a matter at a meeting of the As-ociatiW. «J j tlie llove-rnnisn*. had ft It tl._t it receiving th- full .-.mount ol '«'« ufl *?3| should come. 10 it. mainly iohhinz being s o common. 11» k£°*"?g| had. therefore, set to work, ami f*l&M drafted, and it was consulting ch.nges as to its provision* befoie n_ * printed. -^e._f An adjourned' meeting of in forming a cadet «>r.» «* A ftf was hckl in the schoolroom MVVjfgj Ow les . _«.pi-d the chair, ami with Sergeant Hopkins they bad ob*g| the r_ce,s«..y information from ™>£%M l>,.pa.:t__< ._ regarding uniforms. «™*2» tation. etc. "Th* uniform was nay. blue jersey, ivith » t<K *fMf kwkers". > mat oil, t*-d ™l>be'.t. with pouch, and side aim. would ba f_nisl.,.l later cost of the umlorm to each he 10.-. and he suited that that rfJJS should h. h*ir.W in hy e_eh the mips when being swoin in. ?? *$$ ,oi- Curtis, an old > -holar «' .»f Brighton school, ay.-,- electtd captain- .- (•luiinmu, asked that all. ads »B0 y of joining 'bouul "** *_.%& names at once to the b <s idm_«t«r. W < f J W. Bishop. -y§ An ej_tt-o.dir.ary verdict was nl )£Jfj a Melbourne jury on 19:h dune, -he_ Wggg Houston. lateVhnf eh.!: >» branch of the Victorian Mmr* was charged with th* l-rcen) as a■ WJjfc £131. of A. H. of some ..lining leases. If «.."- accuse.! appro pri-ted money j£§ in payment for licenses. ihc * U verdict was one of iniwipprnpnation Houston, but "they did »«., W *%5H the money belonged to Ryan *"f| could not take that as a d« c jury, having retiiul again, said '-*> pjT the prisoner guilty of f"fM priating." They were m^™**^ 1 -"* jftf {rot a verdict allowed by law and *«ss£ iy told by Judge a'Beekett that **«%& if.onstn.uß thing for them to \' nD S *J*M diet of acquittal". The jury. of a few minutes, returned! *"«•* not guilty. His Honour, add"**™ Jim*, said: "You have done a and improper thing." The jm> lease-1 for the remainder of tlie g| accused Avas removed in custody. _ ; g

At the first practice of the Cant^ibtiry Gymnasti.. Club', second term on Tuesday night, the secretary announced that Mr A- Appleby, a vice-president, had offered a otpby to the pupil in the gentlemen'« class t-'owinj: the best improvement during the Kasou. During the recent festivities a large number of imititi-n farthings Avere sold in the Wellington streets as mementos. These coin . being gilded, look so much like halftovei. igns on one side that it is difficult to xdl th« dilfncnc. at. a glance, and unscrupulous p;'n. Ms are pa. ring them a., the. higher ooin with surges*. .\ cafn register in one 0 f the city hotels, on being opened on Moniiy nicht, say., the "," wan found to contain three of these "duffers."

Messrs St ranee and Co. are arranging a | very handsome and unique album, contain- j jnjj'photos "f the room* at Te Knrahn occupied by their Royal Highnesses the Duke tnd Duuhess of Cornwall and York during their stay in ( hriMlciiurrh. Tt is intended to ask his KWilsncy the Governor to fnrtrard the album to their Royal Highnesses, »r«l to riieir g-iicious acceptance of it i* a soUTcnir of their visit to Christchurch. Tbe album will he very richly hound, and will h<M.r an inscription on a shield. It is est,mai.vl that the largest attendince ever known at an}- sale in Christchurch tr»s ni|xri< i,c«l ve-.tcrd.iy at the "great stock-taking sale" now proceeding at the J).I.C. At time* during tlie afternoon the crowds wen* so great sis to suggest the advisability of cloning th,. door*, but this extreme .vt 'i> «a.i avoided by the splendid arrangements and quick despatch chown by the man.-igemeiit nnd staff, combined with the good-natured forbearance of the visiting public Whifst. great inroads appeared to tie made on the stwks in the different departments, no appreciable difference could be wen. for quickly as <vi.» lot of bargains ir»* disposed of, others took their place. 8647 If sound business principles mean success, then tho sin-cess of .1. Balkurtyne Company's winter sale announced /or to-morrow is assured, and wo think J. Itoglantvne Com. piny are to l»i congratulated on their energy m circulating a preliminary notice (to be found with thin HMme) relating to imtne. 'J'he i*nle catalogue proper will, we understand, be issued with to-morrow's paper, and we feel sine, judging from J. IJallantyin- Company's past sales, that the catalogue "ill lie well worth (lerusing by thoM- desirous of obtaining high-class- goods of fashion at special Male prices. 8627 Mr (fricahaher. jeweller, who has removed to new premises, 155 Colombo street, opposite City Hotel, is having a clearing pale of his whole stock at greatly reduced prices.—(Advt.) In ftte window of W. J. Dunlop'* shop in to be seen a, display of most beautiful jewellery. N'.R-Repairs of all descriptions rlone on the premise*. 175 High street, opposite J. Knight, butcher, belpw Clock Tower.—(Advt.)' Beli Bros., 170 High street, just past Clock Tower. manufacturers of the celebrated Bell Cycle, now booking orders — few equal, none superior. Repairs prompt: workmanship guaranteed. 5223 Cooking figs 6d, layer figs 74 WardeiFa. -(Advt.). CimW one but see the interior of Dunstable House to-day, one. would know that preparations were being made for some special occasion; but as all J. Rallantyne (ompnnv's large staff of assistants are fully employed in marking off and sorting out the side lots, the warehouse, has to be clewed k£l day to-day. Every wlwre there are goods nv.wkfd at special ssle prices, ttud of no tempting a character a.< to leave jno doubt as to the absolute' freshness and merit of all the goods to be. offered at special Mule prices at J. Ballnntrne Company's winter sale, commencing at 10 a.m. to-morrow (Fridny). 12th July. 8626 It is feared that in consetiucnce of to-day being the weekly half-holiday, many who attended tlvo D.I. TV sale yesterday may suffer disappointment in not receiving delivery of their purchases with the company's usual ptomptiiude. Every effort wjll be made by engaging jtxtm awistance for delivery, (Hid to extend their forbearanL-e at a time when the company's dtfivery vans nnd staff will ba to taxed to meet the general convenience. 8648 Mr Morris, photographer, Colombo street, Ohrtstchurch, lincLi it is not generally known that his charge for cabinet protrait* of children and thrci-qiiarter-lcngth pictures is 17s 6d per dosen. and extra charges for vignetting, groups, large mounts, alw> the various method* of printing, etc.—(Advt.) Unbroken chilblains ulmort drive the sufferers si'ly. The irritation is often very great. Loasbv'* Knolih.ih relieves almost instantly, reduces th* swelling, nnd completely cures in a very short time.—(Advt.) Champion brand butter is superior to any other on the rnnrket. It is uniform in quality. Price Is per ll>. WardeH's, sole agents.—(Advt.) Rdijamin Cum rnjoys v very large sale in >"ew Zealand, and that its fume is spreading is proved by th<) fact that the proprietors of the popular cough remedy have this season secured order* from Wi*tmlia, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney. Melbourne, Fiji.—AdNew Zealand. —(Advt.) Mr W. E. Rorrell. the populfir photographer, was badly troubled with unbroken thjlHlains. He winked his feet in hot water tsrf* times. ;md applied Lonsby's Koolibah fitter each fomenting. Result, a complete cure.—(Advt.) No matter how muddy the roads, you on rids to business " without getting •plashed if you use Bleumel's winter mudguards, fitted or detached in one minute— you can get them at "The Anglo," 226 High rtreet, and D.1.C..— Advt. Zealandin Cycle.*—the most up-to-date of »U colonial cycle*', in every part; pleases even- purchaser, and needs no expens* [< r repairs—Dates, Lowry, and Co., makers, Cfcnstchuroh. " [Advt.] Th? leading feature of the Sarony Studio w that no etfort will bo spared to secure tie natural po«e and expression of sitters.— Studio, 258 Market Square. [Advt.] Diamonds, Gold. rtc.—Clarke and Co. koy for cash old gold chains, watches, jewellery, etc. Clarke's 26s lSet. wedding rings W8 heaviest and best vulue in New Zealand. Clarke and Co. invite comparison of their engagement rings, watches, jewellery, docks, electro-plate, etc. .lewellery made ta order. Watches cleaned 4s 6d." clocks « 6d. S. fl;,rkc nr.d Co., 148 Colombo «reet.—Advt. Lamps.— We hold a large stock of readtog, hanging, and hand lamps, and we PJMTuitee 'm sell cheaper than any other tan in Christchurch. Reading lamps from * 6d, hand lamps lid. chimneys from 3d ••ch, wicks from Id. Fletcher "Bros.. Importers of Lamps, Chimneys, etc., High *«tt, Christchurch.— {Advt.)' THE Qri:EN"s~MOTOR CAR. Quetn AlexandTa's electric motor car has » familiar object fur many miles {iwdringham. The drives her- *™ very cleverly. ;»nd fuis usiwlly been * w «mp*nietl W tither I»rinc»<s Victoria °f -vlii« Knoilvs. The car is «. very neat potorietto, will) bii-vc'.' wheels, and they witlt Sin pneumatic tyre*. There W» only «oata for two. and the full speed Wnrt **" milfs l"' r lloUr - T3le Q ue * ll in " ♦~ ?t ~ n*ake a present of a similar car 10 the King ~f Denmark. URGENT XKEDOF THE MORGUE. „ A ' the inquest yesterday on the body of ferine Kennell, who wiw found drow-ned J Hagley P ai -k. Dr. Clavton. in the course J*" evidence, made a complaint, which tt! £?'*/ MlxMed tear at any length, on ,oi its recurrence. The * » * Klid - lwen ««>«npell«l to jnake tmivZ- ""'rt* lll examination, without any \- rff' m » wa*h-house at the back te-'itJS b « dl *ot>e Hotel. Mr H. W. Bishop' i cSfe *• »«»« w always being i^T^T*? 1 ob««f ' b ««- the remedy seemed to be JbYm," OwrnaM in particular. Speaking Cfe»e **?, re P«9»enUtiTe aftenvards, Dr. taJfo* said in many cases, where post examinations were made under such their usefulness might be LP tessened. It was conceivable that a contain a very small amount of £?*». lor instance, which the hurried cxanla^° n ' , » Mai »»t»ted by oemditions of not show. r«wt mortems were <*n made in very unpleasant cases, where

bodies'had been for «j'm# time dead, or under water, and the doctor would find himself .without facilities even to wash his hands. There was always the chance, al*o, of his pwoking himself in the operation, and doctors who made examinations under such circumstance*, did so at great risk. It was, be added, very necessary that the fittings of the new morgue should bs completed as soon as possible. POST OPFICK SAVINGS' BANK RETURNS. A table fihowing the business of the Post, Office Savings' Bank > for the year 1900. give* the total deposits for the colony as being £4,170,428. from 347,056 depositors, «s against £3,644.980, from 313,783 depositors, for the previous year. In 1870 the total was £264,328. from 20.489 depositors; in 1880, £664,441. from 81.660 depositors; in 1890, fi1.658.M3. from 162,938 depositors. The total amount of withdrawals in 1900 was £3.827.416. and in 1399 £3,417.298. The ftgiirw at the chief centres in ISGO were as follows: -Auckland, deposits £607,933. withdrawals £552.046: Christchurch. £782,613, and £741.563; Dunrdin. £518,372. and £568,611 ; Wellington, £805.143. and £728,473. The cr-st of management la«t year was £10,500. as against £9500 in 1899, £8500 in 1898, and £8000 in 1897. A PLUCKY ACTION. Our Wellington correspondent write*: — Captain Chatfie'.d. who is acting as pilot on the Royal yacht, once did a very plucky deed during the tjnle of his apprenticeship. While entering the Melbourne Head* on a vf~sfl called the Dart, a young fellow fell from tlir* royal yard. His body, in falling, struck tlte ratlines, cutting them like a knife, and bounded off into the sea. Young Chat field jumped over, and was able to keep him afloat until h* wm pulled on board, though blood was spurting from the man's body. The incident was recently mentioned in Captain Chat-field's presence, and I asked him if he got a medal or any reward for his brave action. "No," he rep'iwl, "I got a gla/w of grog, and I remember it. pretty well; it mude mc drunk." Captain Chafrhdd, however, is too modest. «. sailor to talk of his own deed*, and the details of thin exciting adventure bad literally to be dragged out of him. SPARK ARRESTERS. Farmers along the railway lines of the colony will be pleased to learn that the Railway Department fully recognises the importance of the question of providing spark arresters for the locomotive engines, and is making a aeries of experiments in this direction. The information wan elicited in the Houna of Representatives by Mr G. M. Massey, who asked Bir J. G. Ward if it was intended to offer a bonus for an efficient »{»a.rk arrester. Sir Joseph stated that when the Department had offered a bonus they had been inundated with a number of crude patent*. The only way in which they could arrive at something satisfactory was by making experiments and ascertaining from other countries what wan being used in this connection. The Department waa now doing the beat it could, and he hoped before long to have the most up-to-date spark arrester i that could ba obtained.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11014, 11 July 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11014, 11 July 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11014, 11 July 1901, Page 4


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