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A man was arrested u P° n a charge of stealing a bicycler , - The emigration return* ior April ■■ show that during the month <§> ne Chinaman arrived in New Zealand, ancH fifteen took their departure. U There is a great shorta<h e of West Coast coal in Wellington at presj ent. Dealers are unable to- meet the demff n aY an d householders have had to fall !s««* on the Newcastle article. / j A shock of earthquake t( w as felt in Wellington at 1.22-p.m. yested/day. A telegram states that the shock seejfned to ba rather severe, but 'thei eedsmometJjjF at the museum recorded but little motion*Additional subscription* to the Jubilee Memorial and Queen's Sftitue Fund have been received as follows S : —Employees of Messrs Wigram Bros., "■ £1 16s 6d; M.C.X., £1; N. and|«-. £3. Dunedin'e Queen's Mcmoffial Stat-ue Fund has now reached about £»2000. Closa on £100 xrill hz> sepent erecl" n 2 pavilion and barricades for the laying dff -the foundation stone. 1 A new Kix-roomedhhove^ c - situated in Thackeray street, Sydenham, owned by a Mrs O'Neill, Lyttelton, occupied hv a newly-manied"couple, M» ailfJ Irs Brunsden, was totally destroyed \>>' fire early yesterday evening." Mr an'id M.f s Rrunsden had left home betw€«:n six and! fce v en, and at about ten minutes to eiirht 1 the house was discovered ito be in a blazlF- Everything was destroyed, linclndin-g Isonte two hundred pounds' vrfrrVh of fiirnlfturft belongins to -a Mrs Wheatley, which I "was stortd m the house at the time. Tliel house and furniture are supposed to be «av«red by insurances, but particulars oofc be obtained last night. fi

,Mr W. Turner, , foreman 6f"tie borough, has resigned hi« positionfT^lt^fe , resignation was accepted with>Wtfosfi!^Pps r Owing to representatdoas made' Socjjacy for the Prevention "of , tffi to AnhAalei the Maeterton blacksmiths S^ farriers have decided to abstain from t«ft3* V , ing mouths of , horses for loinpjs. \ Colour-Sergeant Curry, of the ColW^ , Rifles, was presented, yesterday ' with a long-service medal, the recGtmiti.SJ*Vv of sixteen years* volunteer eervio* presentation was made by WtenjuS- M Colonel Gordon. •■ . , "#$ A meeting of the Canterbury CornisK ; Society was held last night, Air G. "'"* Smith presiding. A iettsr was rssceiJlj '- - from the Rev. W. A. Pascoe, forward 4 - log a subscription of one guinea. BuW- re*.' similar to those undejr which the CorniS '«' Society in Wellington is working -"*j? submitted and adopted, and mrmbera enrolled. ,' The praciice of cyclists riding just m ' f front oi a fire engine, and close beside it, "? is a very dangerous one, and nearly resulted* IV in a serious accident last night. Superin. 1 "' tenuent Smith states that if cyclists are n Q £ t-A less reckle*?, he fears a fatal accident will" - ; 5' be recorded sooner or later, as it is impos- '-T* sible for fire-engine drivers to do more thaa '-' steer their horses. . v* The United States warship, Brooklyn, tf '"£;- present at, Wellington, hat, been thrown *'*' open to the public, many of whom visited - , her yesterday. The vessel is, says out- /*' Wellington correspondent, to be elafoorateiy """''[ prepared and decorated for Rear-Adaural . ~>i ftemey's party on Saturday night. There - is to be dancing on the. deck, and the -war- c -" ship will be a blaze of electric light. Mr Philip Nathan, of Wellington, i« to -' ~ receive Iha honorary bronas nndal of the •• " Royal Humane Society of Australasia for r *f saving the life of a little child that waa-" h dered on to the polo ground while a game v r was in progress at the last tournament id .\ , thait city. It will bs remembered tuab at.H- ,- ---1 the time Mr Nathan performed his plucky 't- | feat the ponies were coming down riie field /A at a, gallop, and were almost on top of \1 the child when he dashed in and saved it; <~\ one pony jumping over him as he beat over '' ', the child. " , -f 1 A conference* of clergymen, factory maJi-."»V agers, and suppliers, was held at Hawera "? yesterday, to discuss the question of Sun» : *•"* day labour in factories. The opinion &- general that the evil could only be mused, and that even then the subject tn(i beset with difficulties. Eventually it-was resolved that at be recommended to facto-" *% ries that milk be t-.kjn on four days oaJy ('t},; each werk during Uio winter months, days to be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, £& and Satxirdays. , -.jj^ The Government Geologist (Mr i>fj|v M'Kay) has furnished to the Minister Mines a report on the p«troleum-l»ariijgfp; ; rocks of the Poverty Bay and East districts. From his examinations, says, he 'has formed the conclusion that "A ' the oil has its source mainly in the ere-.;",."' taoeous rocks—presumably in the and lower divisions of that group; W »".'-& also it may not be denied that the calcareous division may also give rise to 7,' L mineral oil. The presence of oil in. paying ';, quantities not having as yet been (so •concludes Mr M'Kay) the recommeu-', dation of sites for future boring is a mat* \is £er of some delicacy, and the selection of such must therefore be left to thoee % •whom it most concerns. "!. The Chester street chemical engine was -'' being gall oped along *to the fire in Wai' ,- tham last evening, when, near the comer of 'Manchester ana Armagh streets, one of '- :- the horses stumbled and fell. The impetus „', was so great that the engine ran over the -* ' horse before it came 1o a standstill, nnd ~ r ' tha animal in struggling got it» head "\- ---through the wheel of the forecarriage. For ' • some time the firemen struggled to release. "- the horse from its awkward position, bui>«. without success. Fortunately, Mr J. Wood, traffic manager for the Canter, \ bury Tramway Company, happened to be _ ; passing at the time, and under hie direction the horse was dragged out from beneath v the engine, little the worse as a result of "'- ---the mishap. ' rj ., t In reference to the paragraph :ip.thei "Maryborough Times," stating that tSrb'tnfin had been chased by a stag and tv?o hiridrin the bush in the lnangahua district, respondent writes that it is quite prqboSle •• that the man mistook what was only coifofeity on the part of the deer for .something. "• more eerious. Tlie semi-tamo deer hi tiie J parks at Home have been known to Attack v • men in the rutting season, but •our corres-;. pondemt has not heard of this happening, m V New Zealand in the large herds running ", wild. In the Wavy "bush country at Lake ; - Hawea "spikers," and even large stags, that \ h-ive never seen a human being before, will -'- frequently evince great curiosity when they - see a sportsman, and will corns up within J '-„-. a very few yards of him. "It is," lifr "'■ adds,'"more than likely, therefore, that this •" , is whab happened at Inangahua. asjf&stag-_: meant business, he would merely have I caught the men in a race that is said to Imve - . lasted ten minutes. On the other hand, . it might have been a semi-tame stag, which . is apt to be more dangerous than a wild ,; one. Even when wounded the htegs, et ■'; least in North Otego, have never <bee&" . \ known to turn on a stalker. Their whole' : . aim is to get away from him." • > ! The manage of Mr T. I. Cowlishaw» youngest son of 'Mr W. B. Cowlishaw, ' i<nd Miss Olive Palmer, youngest daughter * of Mr Joi&ph Palmer, was solemnised in the . , presence of a large and fashionable gathering at St. Michael's yesterday afterficxM, . the Rev. A. W. Averill being the officiating, minister. Mr and Mrs Cowlishaw left ftf - . the nor£h by the Tarawera last night.' . His Lordship Bishop Julius will officiate.-. at the special services at St." Barnabiw; - Fendalton, on Wednesday next, when tt* ." tablet erected to the memory of the ex-Judge GresFon will be unveiled, if' tablet is of handpome design, and in o*s, that the largest number possible should fiava. an opportunity of subscribing to it, tfi*; - contributions were limited to one sbliUHg - ~ from each person. General "Polly" Carew, whose selections? Federal Commander-in-Chief was " . urged by the Australian forces in fcouta Africa, has the reputation of being one oi , the few men who snaved every day wlate a , South Africi. Even on a forced marcli or in . tha midst of a fight he was always smart. , Bur, he is as little a carpet soldier as m • Commander-in-Chief, and the rank and We of the Guards worship him. Strange to say, , before he started for .South Africa hie <W*V tor* told him he was very delicate, nnd «■*;-' vised hm to give up work altogether. «J , did not take their advice, and after a W*, campaign he w in the best of health. A/-, ' though what we call middle-aged, t t» » accounted the handsomest man in the annft and his smile is seraphic. 1 A Large meeting of the Auckland Mothers' , Union, says a telegram from the nortbfsfl 1 city welcomed Lady Runfurly, the iprendent, on her return to the colony, and presented her with a beautiful paper knife ot K reenstone and gold with a shield, b6anng. the following inscription :-—"To our belovea President, tha Countess of Ranfurly, from the members of t>he Mothers' Union, Auckland, June sth, 1901." Lady Rwiforly •»■'' she would always value the g.'ft they h»a • preFent*-d her. "Had the Duchess of wall remained longer at Auckland, sB? , . would have tried to arrange that the »W»: - hers of the MothwV Union mt't the Koy«» vintur. Her Royal in «***«&:, with all members of the Royal Family,, twF a great, interest, not only in the il 0 *™?".? Union, but in all kindred institutions aff«3f> ing thr- welfare oi Greater Britain > Sundav'n meteor cauwd quite a co*" tion in the Owaka district, . eta Si our Dunedin corre s pondent. Two aitar its disappearance a Coud ■explosion diptinrtly heard, as if a great gun tad «ea fired or a magazine of powder had tfP*??"" , -1 The sound came from a south-westerly OK* 3 * t tion, and at the R«m« time in earth ir f'?Z ' was felt, causing the houses to shake and «* class ware to jin«!e. Whether the noise « the earth twrnor,' and the iaU of the e f nro connected cannot bft asserted. ■* sound came from waward as H from tne ocem. but this might be due to "^.jve*- oth'jt th2re is no obstacle to «nmd * from that dii action, while there M * &&*■ ' lange of bills between Owaka and *»;«£"*: "' tion in which the aerolite- wae t«**™giS ,' tlw enrth. On looking :d the map « *"J appear thxt ths aerolite should h*^,?^^; , ' " niar Slope Point or Toe Toes t6 caused tne report. -,'''V...

l&FTbe police require an owner for a gold RjjJfeMfc fed in the city. PoHo° k"* mm**** , bicyofe awaiting l&k ewnerTlfc waß fotUMi b F th * «»»tabJe on l&Sty to 0* ,, * 1 etreet *° rly y esterda yto *^ c indisposition of Mr Justice the Invercargill Supreme Court ?f aye en a 4i outne( * till Monday. '*.v't w-we was no civil sitting of the Magist" Court yesterday, as Mr H. W. I' ~'*Uhoo. S.M.. was engaged with the Licensli '• Tfce beautifully fine weather yesterday in- ,; ■ I j| ft perfect exodus of cyclists from the 5-' Sfcer who went out to see the trotting ' -• All exchange learns on good authority that «}» Premier has been warned by his medical Lwwe to take particular care of himself, ■ ■-'- bia health will be completely brokenAn inhoman mother in Waitara, for strik- *" in her crippled child, knocking him down I* *?tltt roet**' * nd dragging Q im OD S t°* ' SLund toP about two hundred yards by one Sr*ee «b* to S* 0 * for a wit k hard - labourYaatwday ** Lyttelton a man named tJLrat Afleo» *k" e working on the Rakaia, r*rfi. foot crushed iby a bar of iron, kLh* ftflnpw l n ' m - ** c WttS removed to artJ iWHti. where several pieces of bon« Jbadtobe removed from his foot. Three candidates will probably declare them*!*** f<w the Patea seat, for which Mr ' fleoJStttchiwn's resignation will be. sent jnWr thortly. They comprise Mr HaeelSα [Opposition). Mr Kemington (Independent Liberal), and Mr Hislop (Government). ' The veteran journalist of the "New ZeaW Herald," Mr «. M. Main, recently com- '' J]*!*! bit newspaper jubilee. He entered kg lervice of Messrs Williamson and Wilme, of th» "New Zealander," on 22nd May, 1851 Mr Wilson was afterwards the foundtfVthe "New Zealand Herald." jfowe fate been received by cable of ths 4e»th in Sooth Africa of Mr Harry Snodgtin, well known in Wellington, where he ! yii for ten yeare a member of the G-ear " y«et Company's clerical staff, and at one time in the Bank of New Zealand. There was an unrehearaed incident at the atered coucert in Maaterton laet Sunday inning. A well-known elocu6ioni«t was recitlng. with dramatic pathos, and had just • exclaimed, "I hear, c'en now, the infants' ■ fierce chorus," when hie own child called out, from the back of the dress circle, "Daddy!" The audience was shattered. The reaeoa why a number of Chambers of Commerce withheld their support from the proposal of the Feilding Chamber of Commerce to urge tbe adoption of Stat* Eire Insurance •Wβ* on the ground that the question being of gmt importance it should be deferred until the formation of the Federaton o! Chambers of Commerce was completod, ih« associated body to then deal with the question. It in understood that something will be •aid on Monday, night at the meeting of the CHy Council as to the publication of document in connection with the cases of the ex-To«m Clerk and awiatant Town Clerk- Theee documents have never yet been before the opan Council, having only . been connidered in committee. , Therefore, ' their publication is regarded by some as * breach of privilege. Aft the Police Court yesterday, before • , Mewrs N. K. Bowden and W. I. Ballinger, J.P.s, Bridget Fitzsimmons was fined 20a, or eeven days', for inebriety. Richard Legg ,/. pleaded "Grailty" to a charge of assaulting Richard Evans, who thad interfered with I' him while he was alleged to be ill-using his wife. Constable SkuUy gave evidence, and * ihe accused was given seven days' imprison- : menfc with hard labour. Tbie was the only , biwioew dose. ' ThoCifcy Surveyor, Mr A. Dudfoy Dobnoo, •ecompanled by Mr Robert Hay, civil engin- - ,w, of Dunedin, left yesterday on a visit f "dfltwpeotioh to the head work* in oonnec- -' tion with the proposed electric power end ; - Sgbting scheme to be derived from the Wai- ' nabriri. It is understood they will inIpeet and report on the whole of the propoftd scheme, and, if they can, will reoom- ■>* BwA th* adoption of a better one. .'. ;Seperißt<aident Smitli has been for "MM little time urging the construction of 1 Iron balconies outside 'hotels ac a means of ,', fire eecape. The By-law Committee of the , ktmur City Council were approached by" ; - ; eu* »t least of the hotelkeepers of the city , i fa i&» direction, but permission was not ~ for what reason it i* difficult co say. *; : y*tfirever, it ihae now been arranged that an , 'fcttU beioony ehaK be run round the whole WM && upper storey of tho new Warner's $%' Hold, communicating by means of iron ;V Wdere with the portico. 4; '''U»,Public Works Deportment have ac1.7 s «pW tb» leweet tender, that of Mr P. M. [fißhkutfJor the oowrtruction of on© of the V> tine yuOdings for the Magnetic Observant' toty to be established in Chrietohurch in $*jW* public gardens. The tender accepted is ;?f f«U»maln building and cellar, which will :4'';toernal; of the major portion of the work of ;• i, &c Obeertafcory to bo carried on, and supply Jj;-:III .the* it required for mftldng it the bsee ;■■}' fartfie National Antarctic Expedition. Th* f),;v.wtejc h to be put in hand at once, but the & timixi "rtkh it ia to ba completed is yet j ' "IW , ndcnowledgcd vtandard on all mat- ; tm of deteil in regard to the districts ■-y.Mm&t , ' is what the "Evening Post" (Wel-.-..ffitgtoal Mjra of Stone's Directory and New 6137 '. B. . Sorrell, the popular photo'JTO"W» *a» badly troubled with unHe soaked his feet in ■'r?' , S 4er *^w< , tfanes ' and applied Loas',,',eyif Koolibeh after each fomenting. Rβ■•W^' * ooopiet* cure.—<Advt.) U^^ 1 * wiadbw of W. J. Dunlon's shop mm & display of most beautiful • sElJSj?'*""*^'—*tep*i ra of °-l descrip- -' ZSff*« alil P*«n Jeeil »> 175 High street, - aSwg»;.J»,Knisfht, butcher, below Clock • nwfci;.-;_ [Advt.] I fi2^i^ Hfcll i Co.'c celebrated I c * competition will be conI U^Srf^ 0 mont^s : every year, I s rf Ittkrt** ''P*ttwßT carriage paid on lets I ••fcw2!?P wot> ™ ot Crown Brand Tea. m'ZSLrrbl? 4d to 2s 6d - Save y° ur Colombo etreet, {t » nofc generally 1 for cabinet portrait »* thm-quartw-length fijeW&?JL2Z M d<e " "tra charges RSdTM of printing, etc.fe^t^g , ££**<*& «"i*y reRffSS? iK**" colonial buiit tf«^ 5 our B h ow -rooms and n ' • Ifc won ' t cost J' ou an yi y IBCWIM,e yo«i- knowledge The Anglo New Zel 8h street, and D - IC - r*W Extract of So*p. Save your money I : "!B'Z!SL. ,ee f" r by mhx % Tui Extract. I,,feyL < *y* n g oiothee, ncouring floors, and ffl r VSSrT°f* SPumßy- Ask your grocer. l : :S£.? ri * a&aber ' vho has re■£22L to s*" P"™ 18 * 8 . 155 Colombo street i'&^r ll^? 0 ** 1 ' * ka * in e a clearing W SU>Ck ** y*** l ? red «°«d ■^SfjS ,, *-' 17 ° Hi S h ■*»•*. J»*t past ■fISSSi * T* 1-, nianu'artoxers of th* celeCycle, now .booking orders— ■Jifgffli none superior. Repairs prompt; ■*?*»W*«dup guaranteed. &J23 ■f.Sh.fS* ?«eJ««>d. and that it« fame is 132«« » prored by the fact that the ot *^ c popular cough remedy kSSu » J^, 8 * 01, "worod orders from We*. IC' Bnebiuie, Adelaide, Sydney, MclS|Jjgk«id J?iji.-Aidv»nce &* 2e«l««L 0 ch i? bl *w ,, *lmoet drive the tof■ljg. Loasby's Koolibah relieves almort reduce* the swelling, and comWfMPWy cures in a very short time.~(Advt.) M||Wa toe for wedding, blrtfcday paxUee, cepp and saucer*, tumbUrs, cak«w^y"' , J o4 * l, ** amd forks and spoons, dinner BKab I**'1 **' •£?•••* «*«>nable nrioes. Broe., Crockery and Glaeswar* ImLower High street, Christohurch.

England's latest cycle invention. Fre wheel hubs, changeable to fixed wheel in etantly without tha rider dismounting. Th< first shipment is consigned to Oates, Ltfwry and Co., who fit the new invention to ladies , or gents' new "Zoalandia" cycles without extra charge.—(Advfc) Drink Crown Brand Tea, and save all your coupons for prize*. Solid gold, elver and other watches, albums, dinner and b& set*, sets of carvers, lamps, etc. Hubbard Hall, and Co.—<Adrt.) Qenuine jewellery eale this day at S Clarke and Co.'s, 148 Colombo street.. Al our new and fashionable stocks of engagemen rings from 10* to £15. Gold brooches watches, high-classed spectacles, clocks, eta are remarked, and offered at tempting prices 'See our prices, and you will not purchau elsewhere. Clarke and Co., 148 Colomb* street.—(Advt.) i

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10985, 7 June 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10985, 7 June 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10985, 7 June 1901, Page 4


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