His Honour Mr Justice Martin will t& » f Chambers this rooming. [ The trustees of the W.C.T.U. roema at I Kaiapoi have raised the roof of the present I hall at the rear of the tea. rooms. * Last Bight, at the City Council 1 Gray moved that the Mayor be requested to £ proclaim Wednesday, October 10th. Labcu* X Day, a half-holiday, instead of TUurs&i.v' I, October lltih. The motion was lost. "' j< There was no quoitim of the Waimakarid I River Board yesterday. The members pie- | sent; were Messrs Peryimin, C.upenur, i> Samuels, R. M. Taylor.* | At twenty tninutas to seven ycsterJiy L the stable at the rear of Dr. Mw»houses | was totally destroyed) by fire. There \uil I" no insurance on " tho "structure, and tfo £. damage is -estimated at £10. p
Extensive alterations are being mrde if jb brick and stone to the Kuiapoi Working jp Men's Ciub rooms. The walls mc coin- | pleted, and the lantern placed on the ro>f. r The additions comprise at the west end a I billiard room 27ft * in tho centre 6 t ■bar room 32ft'x 24£ ft, and at the east end f a. sitting room 22a x 24ft, if On Saturday evening last a four roomed '",' house at Bishop's corner, Southbtidjje. Tias 5 destroyed. The house is -owned hy XJE S Jones, of Whiteclifls, and was occupied hf }f Mr (ieorgo Laurence aiid his' fanulv. ll»e f furniture, which was valued at £''0, \\n ' insured for £50 in the Royal Oflhn. Tiw v value of tho house and the amount of f' insurance, if any, are unknown. [
Some time ago n, young man vms ordered to find "Sureties in £50 that he would cmrxyn with a' maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child. Ho did so. ixoi ■■ the two sureties were duly bound. After-" wards 'ho made default, and the bond was ■ assigned to the girl to deal with. On tha application of Mr Stringer yesterday his Worship gave judgment for the £50 against ths sureties. Thia is the first time that it 'has been found necessary to estreat the recognisances in auch cases.
St. Michael's schoolroom waj-, crowded yesterday evening, when the Bishop of Melanesia gave a lecture ou the Melanesian" Mission. In the course of hia mcrat interesting discourse Bishop Wilson, gave as account of the islands and their inhabitants, illustrating his geographical references by means of a large" map 'of the group stretched across the stage. Tlis Bishop also dwelt on the mission, wotfe among the natives, what lia<i been doae» and what remained yet to do. A collection was taken uo on behalf of the missies*..
A c:isa \r3iich is creating considerable, ltt* teresfc in local racing circles is down for hearing at the Magistrate's Court tomorrow, but will probably be adjourned fo? a week. A local bookmaker is charged-with having on two occasiors during the Gram National Meeting at fticcarton laid tofctlisator odds. It is understood that his betting book has been seized by the policy and that a number of persons whose naiaes were found in the betting-book have bseu subpoenaed as witnesses, but bars refused to appear, alleging in excuse that they would, by doing so, incriminate tlioa* selves.- The magistrate will, no doubt* give his ruling on tltis point.
With respect, to the recent fire at M? Jitims Freeman's house,-the Fire Brigade Committee of the City Council reported last night that it was matter for. regret that the acting-feuperintendent did not turn out when Mr Frc-em.uj gave the guarantee at the station. Several Councillors the opinion that the conduct of tie actingsuperintendent was exceedingly wrongm allowing tin* fire to burn out for five bears without going to it, and n'so that a ■blunder had occurred in not communicating \rit-h the Brigade when the guarantee was irjven. Other Councillors expressed the opinion that the acting-superintendfeni only cameo out Itis instructions.
At the City Council last night a netitloß was read froai certain couch and drag' i owners, asking the Council not to erant I licenses to outside drag and coach-owners for the Jubilee time, as they were perfectly able to cope -with all the traffic. _ A <l|pu* tation. comprising Messrs Dflamain. \Vooa and others,'waited on the Council in support, Mr Wood mentioned that they stood drags Tr'ei3 coming from Duneauu Oamaru, Timsru, Asfebnrton, etc., but fc< there were 52 drags, etc.. licensed mCims..* church, they did Dot think there was anf necessity for these drags from outside, petition was referred io the By-law uoffl". mittee to consider wfoen extra licenses a.c applied for. The work of taking out the brick frontage of the lower story of the D.l.C.'s bmldwgj Cashri street, h a piece of work from day to day with interest by numbers of people. To take out the b«ck™J which is the foundation of the two upper stories it was necessary to pierce the iiau with about a cbzen holes, at the leve « the second floor. Through these hoW strong baulks of timber, known in mimn» as "caps," were passed, and their «nd» «»P ported on massive props, firmly „" the ground, or other baulks of timber, one line of props inside the building »«»■*"? other line outside. While these t cage • took the weight of the epwr' stories,J«W brickwork below was removed, and stsol girders substituted. The brickwork appears to have been ol « ceptionally good character, as a sledge ttaromer awl only puoceedwl in bnn »r3 it away in ldrge Hocks. When the building will have larjr* show similar to other business premises of & 1» character.
Th« curator of llir Beautifying Association iaa ljH*fW ««■ work (liirhtif 4he jwst week « tin- , City Council grounds those in front o' tho (liiviTiiimnt Building* aad (ho MiX i<i!«nJ. fti.:.
We have h> en informed that v public inJiciiiiti< , ii will in all probability b hrUl in i autvliuii -wiili the St.ike Orphan:;." caw. when tlie evidence taken before Mr McrtTary for Education, will bt Tim H'-n- C-nptnin Russeli's second sen. R.,l*rt, n'fio died nn a voyage from Canada a> Kiisjl:""!- " ;i * ilt {, ne time a student at Waiu-iiiui (>i!egp, where In* was a general furouiiie- Hi' completed his education at one of ! ' |(> Universities, and tifter■#}X<';s ])a.>-.*c J Lis vxiunination at the Inner TeinpU-. set? to >ir J. \\*. Ma?on. Mr Harrington, Jjj s ;»t, js the oldest (ithecr hi tiio siTVitt, tie join<xl at Christchorch in M::y, 1805, anel his iirst transfer , IjW t t<, SVlwyn. «-hf nee lie came back to the Cfcri'ti -iuin h (>!i'ue. In 1880 he was appointed to tiic 'hai s o of the Napier ofjice, which y i* now valuing on promotion to Christ-tiiuri-ii. ]i it ivjs an.idtiiUl. it •«-«?>, to say the !*ast, pfiuliiir. If it was intentional, it was a Iwppy ajl 'l witty idea, in view of the chronic state of squabbling in .Sumner the j«t your (it- two, sind thft {Gliding Borough (M)uiu'ii c/i.":tionn. The fir«t hymn *ung at Suni.i.v night's M.Tvice in All Snints Church v ,3i "iifh'iid how j;o(*d and useful a thing it is fer the biethren t« dwell togetlter in unity." Thin vrm followed by "Peace, Per-. /ectPfii^v"
Th« >f.v»ri canoe paddle that was ploughed wot >n the firm of Mr M. F. Ryun. on" the luttk of tin , Selwyn rivrr, at wvw ffiw'inkM.l to this (jtficp, and h;i» been pfcw.!i'*''l tv the -Museuni. 'i'lii>. relic of anrien! Sums, vlii.-h Wii« in ;>ti excellent ttaU , 1 , .'" , uv:itK,n, noivrit!i--tandini; its long interment, wlw evidently made ot* manuka.
Tit- 0.35 tram on Sunday evening, from the s-.;u;i.iv t'> I'apunui, which consisted of two c.w*. w.i* hiickt-fl i:;to on the Papanui road IV 'iit' oi the Nyd<n:i»m Borough Council* cans returning empty from Chaw."'* cumr. Two |anel< in the side of one wvte smashed smd \}<a ftvut of the otber v::s damped. Tljo passenger;! on the tram, it h stated, i-'ceived no injury, The Sydeuii'sm Council ;ue to bu asked to make good the done.
A black retriever dog, apparently suffering H>m tht , *i!"<tH of poison and foaming at the tj(»ut.ii.'d i» large crowd opposite tin* H-ivt it! H.»tel shortly .after eleven o'clock yesterday. Captain McClatchie. wno lirtpp: uttl to bt? in the vicinity, procured and aiiiiiirii-tttw! koiup ipecacuanha wine to tJje dojj, ;u.'J followed tlii-* n>) by giving it »>me hot H'.iif! , . The application of these remedies proved r-fHcacious.
The rejxjit of the* oversot-r of the Waimakariii iliver Hoard stated that there had not. been nny floods in the river during the past month, Reference was also made to the burning of the yom\ etc., by sumie of tlio tenants and the of other. , * to do m>. Ho that the Board should take over the feme erected by Mr Smith ©a the top of the overflow embankment. Mr Da vie*, the caretaker of the water race.under the Selwyn County Council, suggested that the Board should assist the Council to put ia a new intake :tt the end of No. 3 pHibanknii'iit. It would cost £60, but Mr Je&l suggi'Kted that the Council and the Board should mevt on the spot before anything ■vrii-5 decided upon.
Tlio Ittv. y. J. Baker him received a communication to the t fleet that Miss Amy HurhiHid, of Mmu'iifi, and Mif>i Beatrice Marfrnnd, of Uelhuy, both belonging to the London Missionary .Society, for New Z*al;ui<l by the R.M.S Tlimalaya. The reason vi tho visit is the it ness of Miss lifutrict" FFarband, who had biwn ordered by ht;r medical attendant to tttke and ciwnyje. Miss Amy Harband is therefore taking hf-r furlough earlwr. 'I lie medical orders iwe imperative that strict rest should hi taken. bnth, ladii»« were raembent of the mission under the auspices of the London Missionary Society. The Rev. W. iDroiu'h. of Coiinbatnar, will be tion for iliis rear to thi< colonies from the I<.M.S., .i.nd will, arrive hero the third we«k in October.
Tnrobull and Janes, 223 Cashel etreet, «r» now agents fur Crossley Bros.' world renowned "Otto" >jas rngices. 6051
Mr W. E. Somll, the popular photowas bjdly troubled tvith unbroken cttMbUind. Ho soaked his feet in hot water three times, and applied Loasby's Kooh'oih *£ter each fomenting. Result, a comp'jte mt*. —(AJvt.)
Benjamin Gum enjoys a very large sale in New Zealand,, and limt its fame is spreading' is proved by the fact /hat the proprietors of the popular cmii'h remedy have this seaion secured orders from Westxalia, Brisbane, Adelaide, .Sydney, Melbourne and Fiji. Adfaace New Zealand.—(Aclvt.)
Morris, photographer, froiii Dunedin, Mrsonally Ukea all the portraits in Colombo street. Call and »»e new spedlawn,—(Aclvt.)
The partnrrship exix'ting between George 8!i&w, William Barns Robinson and George M. IMky, drapers, tttilors, clothiers and Win's mcmi*, of this city, trading as Shaw, Robinson am! Co., terminated by effluvion of time on the 18th Ausjtist last. The whole stock, £10,000 value, is to bo realised W> once in -order to effect an early adjustment of partnership accounts. A gigantic *afo eonmienues this morning at ten o'ekwk. 5023
Boyd and Son, Gloucester street, Christciraa'b, are specially commended for tbe excellence of their Bicycle repairs, combined Trith moderate charges. Telephone 437.— &in.
Owing to t)i« easy running qualities and ptrfeet iinitth, Anglo Special Cycles ara ideal Butciiioc* for youu# and old. Their use does tsot entail any undue etvain or exertion. Kew models on view at 226 street and D.1.0, Tlio Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Gorajwy.—(Advt.) '
_Bwdsß that will grow, from Nimaio and efewr, Dunedin. Vegetable seeds 5d per •fwslwt, flower seeds Id per packet, seed {wUtoet fail Tarietios) at lowest prices. Iflustrated cataJogijes ii«. Fletcher Bros., «gente. Hiith Christ church. The tewk supplied.— Aclvt.
100 Ladie-'i' Bicvdfs; £1 deposit. 10s in«tahr»ut;<. .Join the AtaJanta Easy Paytent Vyde Supply Club, limited to 100 applicants. Full pnrtWars fwm Oates, Lowh' «"i Co., Cliristdinrclu—<Advt,)
Y«RJ can't t*ll a nut till you crack it, *>ut you can be sure of Black* Swan Butter by t4?O brand. Fresh daily, and a decided Wicact.—Advt.
itte life of a popular song is not depenSaat upon its musical merits vq much as upon k wtchiuess <>{ phrase which appeals to a ww-mirukxl public, consequently the vogue « *fieh a production is uncertain and *hwtwed, and "Ta-ra-Tu-boom-de-ay" and "I weo't Want to Play m your Yard" Kink Widely into oblivion, which will never be *c f&n> of vhe "Sonata Patheiiune" or the Liedtr (')htie Wort*. ,, It ia just the surae *itn medicinal compoaiktaf The cheap, itch-penny medicaments, which, are sown | road.caet through the country, are shortHfed because tWy powe*s uo intrinsic 'twits. Iα no's Cre.asot«d Emulsion, howr «*J\ is v classic whiclj only r«iuires to be ftsown to fimi an abiding place in all hou«e----»olds. This is proved*" by tlte. unsolicited «stiffiooi!i!s wJiicli th* pnifa-ieUa , is conreceiving, as \vitn«s tlve following: ••"Men utrttt. Oamam, 12tk June, ■ K>o - -Mr F.. «V Lane, Chemist DrujTjjiyt. Dt-ar Sir,—l have ■itftt pleasure in adding niy testimony con"Trung- the v.ilur of your 'Cre.'isoted tmuJof C"chl Liver Oil." which I have »•">• used for sr.nvt' months. I*\vas unfor•Juatcly vnv Mise&ptible k> colds, which ■Hen compelled mc to be absent from busif?, *:?. and was reeomnw«d«d by a local ■•'"lico to take- vr.ur KniuLsion. As a result
\V general health is much improved, my ♦ppetita is about 50 p-.T .rent, better, and I *ay« increased several pounds in weight, ;iid am now Ixnivifr than I have ever been.
' fmd I am better nb!e to throw off a. cold. f ; 3 you kriDw this letter in entirely unsoli'utd. and, if it is of any use to you, please •or.sifler yourself :i t liberty *o tiso it, for I H'Ucvt> V'jtii , i» of great value to «\v who mSiT from chronic colds, or -who ? adi,!y ta!;.- severe coltis (hat wtaken the •yitein. life a little k>s pleasant '•'f-in it might otherwise be.—Yours «n----miv. H. MiLi-iGAN tof Mlligan and
Thpi management of the. mills, -w-enUy «*qui m j by Wood Bsee.. lias been taken up by Mr P. V. Buchanan, who is •vc:l kncHvn in Christcnttrcii. At a mppt-in-,' of the members of the Lytf 'iton Lumpers' and Wharf Labourers' As■uciation, held yesterday, it was unani:iDusly rt«colved to support ilr P. Ealam in «n candidature for a seat in the Lytteltoa iiorough (Jouncil. Mr George _ Butler, th* clever ion artist who scored such a success at Antwerp the other day. is now on his -way •'Ut. It is possible, however, that he may return to England or the Continent, The City Council last night passed a resolution expressing their appreciation of the Talnable services rendered to the city during six years by Councillor Kincaid, and also the hope that he would soon return u> the Council, Our Wellington correspondent Btati* thy a cablegram received iv that city on Saturday from Mr Arthur Rhodes, intimates that he was returning in a day or two to New Zealand. He will come back in "one of the German steamers. A deputation of 100 Maoris waited on the Premier in Wellington yesterday afternoon relative to the Native Land Bill and the Maori Councils Bill. The Premier said he was waiting the arrival of King Mabutii on Friday, and that the bills would be introduced this session. The daflbdii bede between Worcester street andGlonceater street bridges are no» looking very well indeed, all the flowers being well out. Yesterday,- Messrs Cockayne and ! Jekyll, of the Beautifying Association, paid a visit of inspection, anri were well pleased with the progress made by *he flowers. The Mill Island is also jnst nowlooking very pretty.
"Howmneh has Sydenham contributed towards the cost of the Lincoln road drain?" was Uβ question asked in the City Council last "Nothing," was the reply; "they declined to contribute." "Ah," Raid another Councillor, " that is the Model Boroasth ; they decline to part."
Mr Tlios. Garrard, secretary of tLs Jubilee Exhibition, writes:—"ln-'reply tr.» your correspondent* resp?cting micrame work and pyregraphy, will you allow mc to state thi-.t these can be entered aa 'special exliib'.ts,' and I would refer them ,to page 40 of the Homo Industries schedules, also the advurtUement appearing in this issue in connection with the Home Industries sec tion. '
A conference of the medical officers of the Canteibury Volunteer Corpa, held at the Deft nee Office y sterday, was attended by Lieut.-Col. Gordon, and SurgeonCaptains Thomas and Parsons. It r-eema the conference is ne.eKfiary to *n omiasi'n painted out by the Imperial authorities as existing in the New Zealand Government's p'Ogr.jmme for defence. Each centre it ia believed will formulate Us ingestions, and the reports will be considered in Wellington, and the Imperial authorities inforn c I as to >'ow the stationary and field hoepitala would ba provided for* in case of an attack on the colony from a foreign foo. »
The Old Colonists' mib-committee in connection with the Jubilee discussed yesterday the question whether they should not invite the colonists who caxoe after 1853 to join in tlio procession. After some discussion, it. was" agreed—"That it is desirable that those who arrived in the colouv after March 15th, 1853, and prior to 17tfi. July, .1861 (the date of turning the first sod of the Lyttoiton and Christchurch railway), should be invited to make arrangements to take part in the general procession, and that the resolution be forwarded to the Ceremonial Committee."
Lancaster Park is to be selected for the displays to be given by tlve Maoris during the Jubtte«, nnd if suitable arrangements c;ui ba come to, the Committee will require the Park from December 15th until the following Monday. At a meeting yesterday of the Sub-Committee "who are arranginjz for the visit of the Maoris, Mr Harris said the ground would not suit the Committee if it could not be obtained for evening displays. He had been informed that tlie Ptkmser Bicycle Club word give way if iwiksd. Mr Wilding said that his Directors had held no meeting since the question had been broached. The Lancaster Park Company would be glad to receive an offer from the Committee, or to consider the question of working the matter on shares. The Lancaster Park representatives, who were present at the meeting by invitation, promised to interview their own IMrectors and the management of the Pioneer Bicycle Club, and to forward an offer to the Committee.
In another column Oates, Lowry and Co., of the Zealandia Cycle Works, Christchurch, offer to supply one hundred ladies' bicycles, during the present month, on wonderfully easy terms of payment, a chance the fair sex will doubtless avail themselves of. 3323
Unbroken chilblains almost drive tbe sufferers silly. The irritation ia often \ engreat. Loasby's Koolibah relieves aJavst instantly, reduces the swelling, and completely cures in a very short tame.—Advt)
Eaging toothache and neuralgia can bs positively cured by Baxter's Anti-Neuralgic Pills. Relief given ia tea minutes. These pills are also an infallible remedy m sciatica, lumbago and goait. Sold in Is 6d boxes from J. Baiter, Chemist, and Wallace and Co.. Chemists, Christchurch. 8
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10758, 11 September 1900, Page 4
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3,142NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10758, 11 September 1900, Page 4
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