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LICENSING NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I TIMOTHY LYONS, of New Brighton, hotel- « keeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obUin, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at I.inwood on the 4th day of June next, apply for a Certifieste authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at New Brighton, and known as The Uowcr Hotel, containing twelve rooms exclusive of thos« required for the use of the family. Dated toe 28th vay of April, 1898. T. LYONS. Acton-Adams a>'o KirrKN'nKnoKß, Solicitors. Christchurch. 1692 NOTICK OF APPLICATION FOR AN ACCOMMODATION LICENSE. I FREDERICK BLOGG. of West Melton. Hotel- • keeper, do hereby ijive notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next l.icn'tfiv.i to be holden at Feiidalton on the 3r<i day of Jun-. - next apply for a certificate authorising the issue of an ACCOMMODATION LICENSE fora bouse siiuato at West Meiton, and known as the West Melton Hotel, containing nine rooms, exclusive ol those required for the use of the family. Dated the 28th day of April, 1898. F. BLOGO. Acton Adams and KiprxsnEßGEß, Solicitors, Christclmrc'a. 1656 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. IH. FLEMING, of Christchurch, do hereby give f notice that 1 desire to obtain, .-uid will at the next Licensing- Meeting, to b-j lioMen >U Ohristchurch on the Ist day ot June, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICKNSK for a hou.->e situate :>t Hereford street, ami known as the Occidental ilotPl, containing twenty-five exclusive of those refjuired for the use of the family. Dated the 2nd day of May, 189 S. ] 693 '_ '_ H ._ FLEMINO.__ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBUCAN'S LICENSE. I PETER MILLER, of New hotel- « keeper, do hereby «ive notii-e tlia I desire to obtain, and will, at the n?.\t Licen*injj to be hoUlen at Lin\voo<l on the 4th day of June next, apply for a Certificate authori«ini; the issue of a PUMLI'VAN'S LICENSE for a hou.s : > New Brighton, an<l known a< the New Brighton Hotel, coiitaininjj twenty-six rooms exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 23th day of April, 1893. PETER MILLER. ACTON-ADAMS AND KIPrKXRRRaXR, Solicitors, '.■ 1693 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. IGF.ORGri HF.NRY VIERCR, of New Brißivton, « beinif the holder of a publican's license in re>pect of the house and premises situate at New Brighton, and known as The Bower Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Linwood on the 4tli day of June next, apply for a TRANSFER of the said LICKN'SIJ from myself to TIMOTHY LYONS, of New Brighton, my appointee. Dated the 28th day of April, 1898. O. H. PIERCE. Acton-Adams and KippKsnKRQER, Solicitors, Cfiristclmivh. 1691 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I JAMES MURPHY, of Chrisfchurch, hotelkeeper, > heinjj the holder of a Publican's in respect of the house and premises situate at Sydenham, and known aa the Southern Cross Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will nt the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch, on the first day of June next, APPLY for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to PATRICK BURKE, my appointee. Dated the 2nd day of May, 1898. JAMES MURPHY. Louqiiret and Lane, Solicitors, ChrUtuhuroh. 1756 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I PATRICK BURKE, of Christchurch, l.otelkeeper, « ' do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next I icensinsr Meeting to be holden at/Christchurch, on th- first day , of Juno next, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue nf a Publican's Licence for a house situate at Sydenham, and known as the Southern Cross Hotel, containing eighteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 3rd day of May, 1898. PAT. BURKE. LOUGHREtf AND XiANH, Solicitors, Christchurch. 1755 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. rJOHN GEORGE KING, of DarHeld, do hereby fe give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next licensing meeting to be holden at Darfield, on the 7th day of June next, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at Darfleld, known as Darfield Hotel, containing twelve rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1898. JOHN Q. KING. Jas. A. CAserov, Solicitor, Christchurch. 1863 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I JAMES MURPHY, of Ohristchurch, hotelkeeper, * do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be hplden at Christßhu'roh, on the Ist day of June next, apply for a Oertifloateauthorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at Christchurch, known as Burkes Hotel, containing seventy rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 2nd day of May, 1893. JAMES MURPHY. Strisgbr and Crksswem,, Solicitors, Christchurch. 1851 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I THOMAS FREDERICK DONOVAN, of Darfield, « being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of ihe house and premi-es situate at Darfield, in Canterbury, known as Darfleld Hotel, do hereb} , give notice that I desire to obtiin, and will tit the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Darfield, on the seventh day ot June next, apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from m> self to JOHN GEORGE KING, my appointee. Dated the 23rd day of March, 1898. T. F. DONOVAN. J. A. CabsiOy, Solicitor, Christchurch. 1862 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I CHARLES WILLIAM HAMMOND, of Ferry 9 road, Heathcote Bridge, Woolston, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Lyttelton, on the second day of June next, at noon, apply fora certificate authorising tho issue of a HOBLJpAN'S MiJENSE for a house situate at Ferry road, Heathcote Bridge, Woolston, known as Heathcole Arms, containing.nine rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 15th day of March, 1898. CHARLES W, HAMMOND. Jas. A. Cassidt. Solicitor, Chriatchureh. 1865 NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR A TRANSFEH OP LICENSE. T FREDERICK JOSEPH* FUGHS, of Heathcote, JL near (Jhristchurch, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Ferry road, Heathcote Bridge, woolston, called the Heathcote Arms Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Lyttelton on the secwd day of June next, at noon, apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to CHARLES WILLIAM HAMMOND, my appointee. Dated the 4th day of March, 1898. P. J. FUOHS. J. A. Cassidt, Solicitor, Chriatchureh. 18M NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB A PUBLICAN'S ' LICENSE. I ALEXANDER, CRAIGIIEAD, ot Rakaia, do « hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Darfield on the seventh day of June next, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Public in'e License for a house, situate at Rakaia, and known as the Railway Hotel, containing twenty-seven rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. . Dated the third day of May, 1898. 1839 ALEXANDER CRAIGHEAD. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. T PATRICK BURKE, of Chriatohnrch, HotelM.9 keeper, being the holder of a Publican's License in reipeot of the house and premises situate at Christchurch, and known as Burkes Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch, on the first day of June next, apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to James Murphy, my appointee. Dated the 2nd day of May, 1838. PAT. BURKE. STEIKCIER AND CRESBWKLL, Solicitors, Ohristchurch. 1850 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I JOHN GEORGE KING, of Darfleld, do hereby « give notice that 1 desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be bolden at Darfleld, on the Seventh Day of June, 1893, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a 'PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at Darfleld, known as DarOeld Hotel, containing thirteen rooms exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the fourth day of May, 1898. 1 908 JOHN GEORGE KING. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I THOMAS McPHELAN, of Ashley, Hotelkeeper, • do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Amberiey on Friday, the 3rd day of June, 1898, at noon, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a House situated at Ashley, and known as the Ashley Hotel, containing eleven rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 4th day of May, 1838." ,/vw, (Bigned) !902 THOS. McPHELAN. DRAGON Sold in DRAGON DRAGON 6d Tins DRAGON <u«i.rm. CUSTARD "■ Wade from riTTomAT>T\ Flavour as die GUSTARD rich aa that p ?"&; CUSTARD b> matena,B - CUSTARD """"^ POWDER THE POWDER POWDKR EMPIRE POWDER POWDER COMPANY, POWDER POWDER WELLINGTON. pQWDER CHRISTCHURCH BRANCH— &EREFOBD STREET.
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 10028, 5 May 1898, Page 8
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1,540Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LV, Issue 10028, 5 May 1898, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LV, Issue 10028, 5 May 1898, Page 8
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