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Scprkmk C urt.—Hie Honour Mr Justice Denniston sat in Chambers yesterday and disposed of the cases ou the list. Ths Mayor—His Worship the Mayor of Christehurch leaves for Wellington to-night to attend the meeting of the Executive of the Municipal Association, to be held in Wellington on Monday next Victoria Lake.—The work of the Victoria Lake is now in full swing. The boundaries have been mnrfced off by a trench about 2ft in depth, and a sod wall is being made on the south side, the sods being taken from the middlo of the ground which ia being holloaed out. Compensation Court. —As the questions of law submitted to the Supreme Court in the case'of White v Minister of Railways have not yet been decided by his Honour Mr Justice Denmston the sitting of the Compensation Court, originally fixed for Monday, will be adjourned to some future day.

Uoyat- Hcmans Society.—Yesterday his Worship the Mayor of New Brighton received from the Colonial Secretary's office the Royal Humane Society's bronze medal and certificate for John Hunt, for endeavouring to save Miss Wells from drowning at New Brighton, on the 16th September last. His Worship intends to call a public meeting shortly, at New Brighton, and make the presentation.

Glknmark and Waikari Estates.—As will be seen by a preliminary announcement elsewhere Mr G. H. Moore has decided, in consequence of the greatly increased demand for land, to arrange for the subdivision of the Gletnnark and Waikari Estates. Applications are to be made by letter to Mr G. H. Moore, Park terrace. The land is some of the finest in Canterbury, and no doubt there will be keen competition for it.

Raxgiora Borough Council.—A wellsigned requisition was presented by several of the leading burgesses of Rangiora yesterday to Cγ. G. Cone, asking him to consent to re-election. It is understood lie will do so, in deference to the requisitionists, although he has been ia the Council for about seventeen years.

St. Saviour's, Tkmuka..—The Vicar of St. Saviour's, Temuka, the Rev. T. Farley, has been engaged for some time in ascertaining the support likely to be accorded a proposal to erect a new church. He reported upon his success to a meeting ot parishioners on Thursday eveniug, and it was agreed that sufficient support had been promised to justify more extended efforts.

St. Auc<ustink's Cuurch, Waimatk.— A very beautiful window was unveiled at the early service in this Church on Sunday last. It was placed there by Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes in memory of her parents, the late James William and Ann Emily Moorhonse. The subject is "The Transfiguration." In the centre stands a radiant figure of our Lord, and on either hand are Moses and Elias, whilst below kneel the apostles Sts. Peter, James and John, in attitudes of humblest adoration. The colours are richly toned, and the whole effect is extremely beautiful and artistic. The window is from the establishment of Messrs Clayton and Bell, London.

Band of HorE. —The monthly meeting of the Tai Tapu Band of Hope was held on Sunday afternoon. Iα the absence of the President, Mr J. Leney presided. The following contributed to the programme :— Songs, Messrs W. K. Watson and W. Parrett; recitations, Misses G. Larcombe, May Barnett, Ada Hellewell, Lily Forbes, and Masters S. Chatterton and W. Peryman; dialogue, Misses Eveline Johnstone, Lily Hellewell, and Annie Savage. The Rev. T. Fee gave a very interesting Temperance address. Mountkd Rifles.—On Thursday evening parades of the Mounted Rifle 3 Were held at the head-quarters and at Tai Tapu, the former under Captain Snow and Lieutenant Neave and the latter under Sergeant-Major Eerland, who afterwards gave a short lecture on " reconnoitreing," \diich was much appreciated. The attendance at Christchurch was 15 and at Tai Tapn 19. It was decided to entertainQnarter-Master Sergeant Crossley and Trumpeter Chegwirt at a smoke social on their arrival from England. The corps will hold a week's private camp at the Show Grounds, Addington, commencing on October 9th, after the break up of the C.V.C camp. Anoleks CljTtb.—At a general meeting of anglers and others interested at Temuka on Thursday evening, a proposal to establish an Anglers' Club was adopted. The following officers were appointed :—President, Dr. J. S. Hayes ; Vice-Presidents, Sir William Blunden" and Mr E. Richardson, jun. ; Secretary, Mr A. W. Gaze; Treasurer, Mr E. Cutten; General Committee, Messrs W. Deßenzy, J. Findlay, P. I. White, C. N. Hawkes, and W. G. Aspinall; House Committee, Messrs W. G-. Armitage, E. Cutten and P. P. White. A sub-Committee was appointed to revise the rules of the old Angling Society. The privileges of the Club are to be extended to visiting anglers introduced by members.

The Wkather and tiik Lambiko.—The Akaroa Mail reports:—" After the long spell of damp weather the sun made a very welcome appearance on Thursday. The lambing is a good one, and there have been few deaths, though another day or two's rain might have made matters serious. We regret to record that a good many ewes have died whilst lambing, from the same complaint that has been so rife on the Peninsula for the last few years. Feed is on the move, and another week or two should see plenty. The stock have wintered well, and deaths have been very few indeed."

Sekvhse op Song.—A service of song entitled " Jessica's First Prayer" was given by the juvenile choir of the Sydenham Presbyterian Sunday school in the Druids' Hall, Sydenham, on Thursday. The children, under the leadership of Rev. R. S. Allan,(sang very creditably. The connective roaiings were given by Mr W. West. The instrumental parts were taken by Mies Moikleham (organ), Miss Katie McLean (piano), and Mr W. McLean (cornet). The service of song was illustrated by limelight views, and at the conclusion a lantern entertainment was given by Mr J. Jones.

Progressive Ltbisrat, Association. —The fortnightly meeting of the Committee of this Association was held on Thursday evening; the President, Mr S. Billcliff. occupied the chair. Among the inward correspondence was an acknowledgment from the Hon. W. C. Walker, intimating that the matter of the Bnrnham School would receive due consideration. The Secretary of the Australasian Society oi Social Ethics wrote, asking the Committee to reconsider its decision as to appointing delegates to confer upon the question of an international language, and it was decided to send a delegate conditionally. The Lands Sub-Committee reported that it considered Mr E. J. Le Grove's "State Farm Scheme" an excellent one, but that it was somewhat on the lines of that of the Hon. W, M. Bolt, and as the Association had previously decided to do all in its power to further Mr Bolt's a Sub-Committee should be appointed to invite delegates from other Associations to discuss both schemes together. The report was adopted. The Civil Service Committee reported that it was extremely diffioult to proceed with the object it had in view, owing to the obstacles in the way of getting reliable information. It was decided to prosecute the enquiries to the fullest extent possible. One new member was proposed, and the meeting closed at 10 p.m. An Ukique CHAXCE.~The success of Messrs W. Strange and Co.'b great stocktaking sale, during the last three weeks, has been phenomenal. Not only their own large stock of household goods, carpets, floorcloths, furnishings, mantles, millinery, dresses, clothing, &c , has found purchasers, who have flocked in f ram all parts of the province, but the large assigned stock of \V\ Cody, of Tiinaru, has also been absorbed. To make the clearance thoroughly complete before putting their own new goods on the shelves, the next three days will be devoted to selling out at any prices they will readily fetch the odds and ends, remnants, &c, which necessarily accumulate during the progress of a big sale. These will be shown to-day, Saturd&y and the following Monday and Tuesday,, and careful housekeepers and mothers will do well to attend the sale and so avail themselves of the opportunity whiob, for the next three days, will be afforded purohaeera of obtaining most useful and desirable articles ot various kiuda at close on half usual prion. 6644

Nativr Land Court.—A sitting of the Native Land Court will be held at Kaiapoi early next month. It is understood that there ia a considerable amount of business to be settled before Mr H. \V. Bishop, the Judge. Chambrk of Commerce.— \t the annual meeting of the Chamber yesterday, Mr E. W. Roper was elected President, aud Mr George Gould Vice-President, for the ensuing year.

City Council Election.—Aswillbeseou by a notification elsewhere Mr JE. Hiorns has given notice of his retirement from the contest for the extraordinary vacancy iv the north-east ward. This leaves only Messrs Hamilton and Ballinger as candidates. The polling takes place on Tuesday next. Conckkt.—A farewell concert was given by Mr W. McKenzie and his company iv the Rangiora Literary Institute on Thursday evening. There was a fair attendance, and the various items gave every satisfaction, the majority being encored. The West Coast Railway.—At the annual meeting yesterday of the Chamber of Commerce a motion, proposed by Mr W. D. Meares, reaffirming the strong opinion of the Chamber in favour of the speedy construction of the West Coast Railway was agreed to.

• The Buir.DiN-c Trade. — The building trade has never been so fully employed in Waituate during the last ten years as at present.

Accejyftration of Trails.—lt has been resolved to appoint a deputation from the Chamber of Commerce to wait on the Minister for Railways on his arrival here M'ith reference to the acceleration of the speed of the trains on the Springfield and other lines.

Sydenham Wesleyan School.—A very successful concert, arranged by Mr Geo. Daltry, took place on Wednesday in the Sydenham Wesleyan school. The following assisted :—Mrs Corrick, Misses F. Andrew, Hilda Meadows, T. Allen, N. Hall, Watson and Corrick, Messrs J. Allen, J. S. Petersen, A. Joll, W. A. Hall and Master L. Corrick. During the interval Mr J. L. Scott, on behalf of the Trustees, thanked the performers.

A Rkcord. —This is a period of records, and the Chamber of Commerce established a record yesterday on the occasion of the annual meeting, by the election of the largest number of new members at one time since its establishment.

Railway Employers.--The Canterbury railway employees' annual social gathering, which took place in the Opera House last night, was attended by about 400 people. A long programme of dances, interspersed with musical selections, recitations, and step dances, was satisfactorily carried out by the Committee oi Management. The music was provided by Mr C. H. Fox's band, and the catering was ia the hands of Mr L. J. Smith.

Cycling.—A meeting of cyclists wa3 held at Geraldine on Thursday night, when it was decided to form a Club, to be called the Geraldine Cycling Club, and the following officers were elected :—Patron, Mr A. E. G. Rhodes ; President, Mr F. R. Flatman, M.H.R. ; Vice-Presidents, Messrs J. Mcllroy, J. Farrell, H. Rothwell, W. S. Maslin and Dr. Hislop ; Captain. Mr J. W. Pye ; Vice Captain, Mr A. McLean ; Secretary, Mr P. Burke; Treasurer, Miss Riordan ; Bugler, Mr J. Pyo, junr. The New Zealand iVlieelman was appointed the official organ of the Club. Collkge Cadets.—At the inspection of the Christ's College Cadets by LieucenantColonel Gordon there were present on parade fifty-two of all ranks, under Captain Cotterill and Lieutenants Lindsay and Weston. Major U. V. Richards, Drill Instructor, was also present. The corps was put through the new bayonet drill, physical drill, manual and firing exercises by the officers. Captain Cotterill also exercised the corps in company drill. The Inspecting Officer expressed himself as highly pleased with the Smartness and efficiency of the Cadets.

Tkk CnAUMKt) Life of the Soldier.— One of the deputation who interviewed the Commanding Officer of the Canterbury District, with a view to get a corps of Volunteers established at Oxford, urged as a reason that the company would keep the youth from larrikiniam at night, and, " though football was all very well in its way, it was so rough that some of the Oxonians would be killed at it some day. Volunteering was a much, safer kind of recreation."

Boys' High School Cadets.—An inspection parade of the Boys' High School Cadets was held by Lieutenant-General Gordon yesterday afternoon. There were 63 of all" ranks on parade, and among the spectators present were a number of ladies. In the absence, through illness, of the first lieutenant the corps was put through physical drill with arms, bayonet, manual, firing exercise and company movements, by Lieutenant Smythe. At the conclusion of the parade Colonel Gordon expressed himself as well pleased with tho manner in which the work had been executed. It may be mentioned that the corps during the last term lost two of its captains, they having left the school.

Ranqiora School Committee.—At the last meeting of the Committee, at which there were present Messrs Ball, Ram9ay, Jennings, Relph, Boyd, Marshall, Luxfcon, Gillespie, and Foster, the resignation of Mr Cumberworth, head master, was received. It was decided to accept the same, his engagement terminating with the end of the year. The attendance roll showed 438, but the attendance had been affected by sickness in the town. The examiners of sewing— Misses Alexander and Wytcherley —made a most favourable report and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded them. Messrs Foster and Rogers were appointed Visiting Committee.

Cribbage.—A cribbage match was played on Thursday evening between the Working Men's Club and a team from the Press office, resulting ia favour of the former by 35 to 25. A social was held after the match, and was thoroughly enjoyed. Songs and recitations were contributed by Messrs Harrison, Bent, Sprosen, AUardyce, Lillytnan, Irvin, Maurice, Asquith, Williams and Ellis. Soiree.—A soiree in connection with the Primitive Methodfst Church, Wairoate, wae held in the Oddfellow's Hall on Thursday evening, Addresses were delivered by the Rev. P. Raine, Captain Andrews (Salvation Army), and the Rev. J. Dukes. Kikwee.—At a meeting of ladies on Thursday afternoon, Miss Kemp in the chair, it was decided to tender a return social to the bachelors of Kirwee and the Burrounding districts, Miss Hutchison was appointed Secretary and Treasurer. Lancaster Park Cricket Club.—The annual general meeting of this Club will be held this evening at the Clarendon Hotel, at eight o'clock, "when intending new members and Thursday players are specially invited to be present. Sunday Lectures.—Mr W. W. Collins will lecture to-morrow in the Temple. In the afternoon the subject will be " Moral teachers before Christ," and in the evening "The heaven of our forefathers, and the heaven that is to be."

Acknowledokment.—The Secretary of the Hospital acknowledges a large parcel of journals from Mr P. C. Threlkeld, Flaxton, Review of Reviews from the Progressive Liberal Association, and periodicals from friends.

Belfast Coaches.—A notification as to the alteration of timetable in connection with the Belfast coaches appears elsewhere. Musical Cakxivat* —A musical carnival benefit will bo tendered to the V.M.C.A. Rowing Club at the Opera House on Thursday, September 2nd, under the patronage of the Bishop of Cliristchurch, the Mayors of Christchurch and Linwood, and Messrs G. ,7. Smith, M.H.R., aud J. Joyce, M.H.R. The various items on the programme will be given by Misse3 A. Corrick, A. Gray, H. Lake, Danks, Gerard, Mrs Chrystall, Mrs Corrick, Messrs C. Reid, P. Hockley, H. M. Johnston, Poore, Reunert (of Dunedin), and A. F. Young. There will be a full orchestra, led by Mr Skelton, aud a ohorns. Arrangements have been made for special and late trams oa all the lines of the Ohristchurch Tramwty Company, and a special tram will go through to New Brighton after the concert.

Visit Hctbbard, Hall and Co.'s warehouse, Manchester street, next Milner and Thompson's. Knamelled ware, brush ware, tinware, teas, sugars, butter, cheese, egg 3 bacon, ham, &c, in any quantities at lowest prices. 2159 DpjUflP tyres are the original tyras. First in 1888, foremost in 1897. Guaranteed twelve months. Beware of imitation. Duulop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited, 128 Lichfield street. 3670

Special.—lf you require * tonic take the beat—Syrup of Hypophoapbitee. Baroett, chemist', lib bottles 4s 6d, Jib 8a 6d.— [Advt.]

Chrtstchctroh Sailixq Cwb. — The* annual meeting of the Christchurch Sailing Club, which was to have been held at the Clarendon Hotel last night, lapsed for want of a quorum. Pui*sator Milking Machine.—A public trial of this machine is, by the kind permission of the Directors, to be given at Lincoln College at 2.30 p.m., on Thursday next. This should attract a goodly number of those interested in dairying, as a trial of the machine under the conditions it is likely to be subjected to at the hands of able experts should prove of the greatest interest and value.

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9817, 28 August 1897, Page 7

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9817, 28 August 1897, Page 7

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9817, 28 August 1897, Page 7


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