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AUCTIONS. AND CO., LIMITED. ADDIKGTON YARDS. WEDNESDAY, APEIL 14th. PRESENT ENTRIES— KA(\ CROSSBRED TWO-TOOTH WETHERS TWO-TOOTS DOWN CROSS WETHERS 250 FORWARD CROSSBRED AETHERS I KCk FORWARD LAMBS OKA FAT SHEEP and LAMBS OK HEAD PRIME BEEF OD Of) HEAD STORE CATTLE DALGETY and COMPY-, LIMITED, E. TV. PARKER, Manager. 3521 F. A. ARCIIEK, Auctioneer. MIDLAND EAILWAY COMPANY'S LAND. i D ALGETY and COMPACT, LIMITED, Jiave received instructions from the Ga.«, Water, aixd General Investment Trust, Limited, the First Mortgagees, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT MR CHAS. CLARK'S LAND SALEROOMS, Hereford street, Christcjmrch, ON 24th APBIL, 1897, At 12 Noon, A A QAA ACRES (Mora or Less) OF SPLENDID i ±f±,O\}\J SHKEP COUNTRY, Portions of the N.Z. Midland Railway Company's Blocks 42, 43, and 53, Map 81. (Formeriy held by .Messrs ilallock and Lance), Situate in the WAIPAEA, MOUNT THOMAS, NOBLE and WAITOHI SURVEY DISTRICTS, And known as and comprising :— LOT 1— JIOUNT LANCE ~ ~ A 50Q ACRES LOT 2MOUNTMILO. .. .. 3 2QO " LOT 3VIRGINIA COUNTRY .» Oβ QQQ Lithograph plans and further particulars on application to DALGETY and COMPANY, LIMITED. E. W. PAKKER, Manager. F. A. ARCHER, Auctioneer. Or ME3SRS BESWICK and HABRIS, Chri3tchurch, Solicitors to the Gas, Water, and General Investment; Trust, Limited. 8012 PYNE AND CO. ADDINGTON. ~~~ TO-MOEROW—WEDNESDAY. SPECIAL ENTRIES— 1 KAA TWO-TOOTH THREF.-QUARTERBRED ±O\JU LINCOLN EWES Kffcfl TWO and FOUR-XOOTH CROSSBRED OV\J WETHERS 250 D 0D 0 QQ/\ TWO-TOOTH CROSSBRED WETHERS OO\J and MAIDKH EWEs 1000 FAT SUEEP ftf\ STEERS, Fat and Stores "JO PRIME HEIFERS 8516 PYNE and CO., Aucttoneere. WILSON Am> SONS/ L,ARGE PBOPEETY SALE. TO WORKING MEN AND CAPITALISTS. TERMS MOST LIBERAL. NO RESERVE. Lot I—All that CORNEITof KILMORE STREET and CAMBRIDGE TKRUACE will be offered in One or More Lots, to suit buyers' tastes. It J9 fit either for private residences or businest premises, or the Town Hall Company. Any one wanting to make a dash or splash, with a fortune at the end of it. Lot 2—SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, built of wood, covered with blue slates and in fine condition, and Section qf Land, situated in ST. ASAPH STREIiT, Linwood, near the East belt. A fine chance for a working-man's home. , Lot 3—SIX - ROOMED HOUSE, built of wood, covered with iron, copper and washhouse, in very good order, standing on Large Section in FIFE STREET, near the Catholic Cathedra], just off Madras street South, Another chance for a worker. Lot 4—TEN-ROOMED HOUSE, with bathroom, built for a Boarding House, with good Section Land, just behind the Railway Station, in CARLYLE STREET. Very handy forboardere. ALL THESeTrOPERTIES WILL m OFFERED BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON SATURDAY, 17th Isst., At our Rooms, at 3 o'clock la the Afternoon, With instructions to Sell. Terras will be very liberal, to suit all classes of buyers. WILSON and SONS, 8375 ; Auctioneers. PRESSING FOR SALE— 15,000 ft Sawn Timber, in lots for fencing and building: 3 8-horse Portable Engines, very cheap 1 Wool Press, 1 Cider Press * 2i-horse Gae Engine 45 Traps, Vans, Carts, Drays, &C. 1 New Spade Harrow 1 Set Disc Harrows " — Ploughs, Harrows, &c. 1 New Farm Waggon • - Grain, Chaff, Onions, &c. WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO CLEAB, owners are looking tor the sugar. WILSON AND SONS, 7859 Auctioneers. WM. BUSS. BALCAIRN. CLEARING SALE OP LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. THURSDAY7~APRIIi 15th. WBUSS has received instructions from Mr T. c H. Evans, who has let his Farm, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the Premises, Nunburnholni, on THURSPAY NEXT, tjm 15th Lvst., THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK AND EFFECTS, -■ Comprising— 3 Useful Draught Mares and Geldings 1 Good hunter 6 years old, 1 good Mure 5 years old, both broken to harness 1 Black Pony, 4 years, broken to saddle 5 Cows, in milk and in calf 17 Head Youn'sr Stock, from yearlings to 3 years old Double and Single Furrow Ploughs Harrows, 4 and 5 leaved respectively 1 17-coulter Grain Drill 1 Roller, with seed sower attachment Grabbers, Reapers, Strippers and Farm Tools Chaff Cutter and Horsepower Lot of Sheep Netting Carpenters" Tools in great variety A large English Sparrow Net, quite new, &c., &c Also, A Quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, comprising- double and single bedsteads, tables, chairs, &c. Everything on offer will be found good in their respective classes. Sale at II o'clock. Luncheon provided. 3398 W. BUSS. GUINNESS AND LkCREN. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IMPORTANT SALE Of the well known ESKBANK ESTATE, OF ABOUT 4810 ACEES - Which has been subdivided into suitable farms. fi UISNRSS AND LECREN On conjunction with \JT the Canterbury Farmers* Co-operative Association) have received instructions front the Assets Realisation Board, \ . . TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Rooms of Guinness and LeCren, on SATURDAY, 24th APRIL, 1897, 8 At 2 o'clock. Plans and farther particulars san be obtained from the Auctioneers, GUINNBBS and LJSCREN ' VjaJnt *—««. OA2T7BY, tfA&lf BBS* CO-OP, ASSN. 1 4OtM '*!««•. - ' ' -■ \ ' ■■' w»
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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9701, 13 April 1897, Page 8
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800Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9701, 13 April 1897, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9701, 13 April 1897, Page 8
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