BUSINESS NOTICES D.I.C, Au , IUiMN AND WINTER' • SHOW. FURTHER EXTENSIVa SHl£ MENTS OF NEWEST GOODS FOR ALL DEPAKTMENTS. NEW DRESS FABRICS : Frc |ve^ v or::n kWSntispßaifia V.'ool Poplirw, Kich Howies, AmwonCtotu' Cycling Cloths. Our Famed &i£HMtatf ties. Homespuns, Meltcus, Colonial lwl Tweeds (contlned styles yre * Unrivalled Selection and Most Extensive Stock* in New Zealand to choose from, NEW CAPES AND MANTLES. We iuviUs Larfiee to inspect the MARVELLOUS VALUES ot Modern and Hißhly.flnUhtd • Goods in this Department • EVERY FIGURE EVERY AGE, and EVERY SIZE, Fitted with Smartest Styles and Up-to-date Materials. It you usually buy a Guinea Mantle, Jacket oi Cloak, you need now only pay from Ma 6d to 16a 6d If you usually pay in the ordinary retail ehons <& to 50s for your Winter Garment visit the 01Q WAREHOUSE, and get same Goods for 32s 6d tl 39s 6d. " SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS SEASON. Ladies' Capes in Grey, Fawn, Brown and Mixed Tweeds, Lined Checks. Ladies' Capes in Blue, Cardinal, Pawn. Brown TlnM SiJk, Trimmed Ileal liiibot Fur. ' " M Ladies' New and Fashionable Garments in Unemlim. Vftriey of Styles and Materials u "e n «iw ALL AT TUB SAME SPECIAL PRIOE& NEW MILLINERY. English and French Importations and their reflections are worthy a visit of inspection. A Large Assortment of all the Newest Shapes and Stjlee in Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets in Black, Fancy Combinations, Cardinal, N«vy and other uninrt up-to-date colours. A Magnificent Assortment of MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, WINGS, KEATHERS. ORNAMENTS, &c, "»«»» All at MOST ECONOMICAL PRICES. NEW SILKS. The Richest and yet the Cheapest we liave ere Shown. Blouse Silks and Dress Silks, ,the prettiest combinations yet seen. Evening Silks, Wedding-Silks, Striped and Broche iSilks. Block, Fancy and Plain Silks mid many other novelties may b<3 seen in our Silk Department. COUNTRY CUSTOMERS will receive on apnllc* tion, post free, a full Range of Patterns of our New Dress Goods, Silks, &c, with charts and full particulars for self-measurement, THE D.1.0. FASHION BOOK For thi.o Autumn Season is now on issue, and will b* FORWARDED TO ANY ADDRESS. Select your Requirements from the Largest Variety el Winter Uoods in New Zealand. THE ra.a, CYCLING AND C2KKRAL COSTUMIERS, HABlf AND MANTLE MAKERS. Wholesale and Family Warehouse— OASHBL AND LIOHFIELD STREETS, CHRIST* CHURCH, And at Wellington and Danedtn. B. HALLW3TEIN, B. 0. BKOWN, oiw'-mift. Marnier. ' i ' i .; . THE WEEKLY £BEBS \ AND "N.Z. BEFEBEE, ,, I or WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7m i MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL NUMBER. INVEKCARGILL AND LAKH WAKATIPU. OBIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS AND OBIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS OP ONE OF NEW ZEALAND'S SHOW PLAGES. BUDGE CROCKET OF HELL CORHEB. j A SOLO IN THE CONCERT. ' NUMBER 31 AND* A SUNSHADE, . hypnotisjTand crime. . ! A GOSSIP A3OUT~THE SPONGER PROFITS FROM THeTboXING. KANGAROO. COMPOSITION AnFuSE OF GAS UMB. THE GRADING OF FROZEN MEAT. EXPERIMENTS AT DALMUHY PARK, • THE REFEREE (The New Zealand Racing Calendar). ; SPORTING NOTIONS. ; " Fixing up " Jockeys; Inconsistent Racing «** Trottinpr. SPECTATOR'S" NOTE BOOK. The. Canterbury and Auckland Easte* W«teb»» Wellington Nominations; TJie Late George Bui. Recent Meetings. AMERICAN ITEMS. New Zealand Horses in the Stat**. A VISIT TO KARAMU. The Hon. J. D. Ormcmd'a Stud* By "Spectator." - OUR SPECIALB. News and Notes from E»erywhe«. TROTTINe. on New Brighton; Inconsistent Twttiiw; «* Marfjuerite-Ruahine Case. CRICKET. Close ot the Season in Canterbury; News and NoUi i Senior Cup Average*. By "Dark Blue." THE V7HSEL. 'f he Latest Cycling News and Kotee; New Inventlone New Records. ATnLETIC. The O.A.A.C. Meoting'; the Bettin.i (J-'.utlon; • Control o* Professionals. FOOTBALL, SWIMMING, THE RING, &C PRICE—SIXPENCE. ;'"
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9701, 13 April 1897, Page 6
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