v Auckland, April 12.' Arrived'—6 a.m., Rotomahana, from Sydney. Passengers—Mesdames Orchard, Simpson and infant, Messrs Simpson, Orchard, Fellew.
Sailed —Rotomahana, for Sonthern ports. Passengers — Mesdames Craig, Spence, Glehny, L.' OToole, Fenwick and Ritchie and family, Mr, Mrs and Miss Spedding, Mr and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr and Mrs Heney, Mr and Mrs Stephens, Misses Ohurtdn, E. Paries, Shaw, Tate and Maud, Rev. S. Borne/ Messrs Joseph, Skene, Ngata, Heney, Firth, Broad, Henderson, Long, Drake, Reynolds, Patterson,. Rennall,: Alice <2), Skene, Graham, Finlayson, Cunningham, Bangles, Pine, Mcßeath, EUis, Bishop, Coates, Bush, Neale, Shrimpton, Ridley, Sohloss, Stcggell, Sladdon, and Brookes,' and 20 steerage. Takapana, for Sonthern ports. Passengera —• Mesdaaiea Gilmer, Varnoin, Tanner, lostohe and family, Gore, Martin (2), Lucas, Ferguson, Reid, Lartson, Comrie (4) and maid, Castlebury, Kirke and child, Berry, Startup, and Brisden, MissesVarnom, Miehin, Ashton, Latrobe, Ferguson, Reading, Bergan, Haszard, Jones, Cole, Corley and Castlebury, Captain "Foster, Messrs Gilmour, Varnom, Van Mennerraich, Scott, Ferguson, Hoare, Cooper, Butt, Hasalett, lieuaie, Nicholstt, B?i4< Mcßride. Marshall,
T&ylor, Pilkington (2), Haszard (2), FHek, MoSmith, Davis, Forguaon, ttmiell, Drake, Wilfcin, Service, Burke, Bsrr, Premble, Drett, and thirty steerage. Gairlocb, for New Plymouth. Passengers —Miss Paul, Mesdames Elliott, Sefton, and Mr Sefton.
Mamari, for Wellington, where she remains till the-28th. She then goe3 to London.
Wfxmno.ton, Aptil 12. Arrived — Norwegian, barqnentine, Covsoei, with a cargo of salt from Edithburg; Tongariro and Omapero, from Lytteltou ; Waiuni, from Nelson ;vnd the West Coaet; Tntanekai, from Cook Strait lighthouses. Sailed—Omapore, for Nelson and the West Coast ; Pareora, for Westport.
Penguin, for Lyttelton. Passengers— Meedames Fish, Snowball and children, Missen, Walsh, Guinness, Cameron, Hon. Kelly, Messrs Tarr, Everett, Jago, Snowball, Meredith, Walsh, Mitchell, Carncross, Cohen, Dnncivn, Bockinsale, Huntor, Guinness, Pratt, Nairn, Fish, Wilicocks, Taylor, Cameron, Restell and Wilkie. Bluff, April 12. Arrived—Talune, from Melbourne and Hobart a 6 2.15 p.m. Passngcrs — Mis DaFow, Mrs Gurr, Allan, Aclaud, Wat and Esze.