SPECIAL. ANNOUNCEMENTS XJT E W 800 X S. Nansen—Farthest North, 2 vola. • Marie Corelli—jSiska. Archibald Forbes—Tha Bl&sk. Watuh.. Owen Bhoscowyl—For the White Rcse of Arnc. Brooke—life the Accuser. Mrs Craik—John Halifax. Gentleman, 6.1. SOLE AGKNT FOR— " Christian Outlook " "Triad" " N.Z. Milling Standard." w. g. chartres, WHITE HART BUILDINGS, HIGH STREET. ' Telephone S9O. TO COUNTRY CUSTOMERS. "VTOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR WINTER STOCK OF GROCERIES, Colonial Candles 4Jd per lb. English National Sperm Candles 6Jd. 150-test Kerosene, water white, patent tap, 63 per tin 12s per case. Dry White Crystal Sugar 2id per lb. Finest Snowdrop 2£d. No. 1 CEYLINDO TEA .. Is 6d per lb Very highly recommended. No. 2 CEYLTNDO TEA .. la 10d „ No. 3 CEYLINDO TEA .. 2s 2d „ No. 4 CEYLINDO TEA ... 23 6d „ We have just Landed AN ASSORTMENT of PICKLED, SMOKED and PRESERVED FISH for LENT. A complete Price List on application. KINCAID'S G. 1.0., 161 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. THE PERFECT INVESTMENT Is a Policy Issuer! by the MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION oF AUSTRALASIA. rriHE REVISED BY-LAWS have enabled the M Directors to sanction NEW FOUJTS, worded even more* briefly, simply and clearly than those heretofore in use hy this Association, and, it is be lieved, Free from Conditions to a decree unequalled by the Contracts of any "other Life Assurance Office in the World. ACCUMULATED BONUSES under 'Jhble* C and l> embody a system almost new to tins Association, V.ut resembling and improving upon that made popular and successful by a famous British O/lice. Send for a copy of "The Perfect Investment," containing full particulars, to Branch Office "I CHAS. H. COTTON, 160, Hereford street, J- District Secretary. Christchiircfc. ) F199 THE ROYAL BLEND WHISKY. THE ROYAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. T>KST AND PUREST IN THE JIARKET PROPRIETORS— A. G. THOMSON AND CO., GLASGOW. Stocked by the leading Hotels in Canterbury. F. ARCHER A 1S T D CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, CHRISTCHURCH. CYCLES ON UP-TO-DATE LINES. " A LL are fitted with D shaped back and, XSI bottom stays, barrel hubs, detachable' chain wheels and other modern improvements. The machines beara nice finish, whichever is inspected. The Price seems consistent with the quality ot the machine." —"Irish Cyclist." "Good specimens of work." —"Amateur Wheelman." "The 'Haddon' Maohines are of good, sound workmanship and finish."—"Wheeling." " A good thing may be found in the new fork crown, cut in steel-in one piece, anrl .wonderfully light and immensely strong."— "Cycling." THE HADDON CYCLE CO., LTD. New Zealand Agents— NIND WARD AND CO., Edwards, Bennetts and Co.'s Building, 1 Lichfield street. KID GLOVES. DEPARTMENT is now REPLETE with a X LARGE STOCK, suitable for the Season's Wear. "THE MARIE," unsurpassed for fit and durability, 5s pair. ''LINCOLN CAPE," a strong reliable store for heavy wear, 4s lid pair. , ■ •.■■■' LINED'KID GLOVES, fur top, 4s 6d pair. ■ LINED KID GLOVES, four clasp, 3s 3d pair. SPECIAL VALUE. OUR "BB" KID GLOVES, \ Four button, tans, browns, black. 2s 6d pair. ■ Will wear well. ■ M: : ' : 2a6dpair. BLACK, BEATTIE AND CO. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. As arrangements have recently been completed for the prompt delivery of " The Press " in town and suburbs, any Subscriber,who does not receive the Daily or Weekly "jPress" in good time is requested to communicate at once with; the Manager, or he can enter his complaint in a book kept for the purpose at " The Press " Office, Cashel street, - Christchurch.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9701, 13 April 1897, Page 4
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