WANTED. PURELY HERBAL. A N EXAMINATION of the sample of " WAHOO, J\. or KIOKSTIVE SYRUP, prepared by A. X LOASftV, Chemist, Dunediit, shows it to be tre from Mineral Drug-* of any description, and to b » very highly concentrated Medicinal Vejjetabl Extract. (Sipned) A. J. BIOKKRTON. Colonial Analyst and Professor of Chemistry, Canterbury Collejje. Christchurch, January 6th, 1896. WANTED KNOWN—Saxon Tea ie Delicious don't be led away to purchase cheap inferio tea. dear at a gift. W~ ANTKD everyone to Know, that I Cove Umbrellas and make them equal to new from 3* 6d. Lcthaby, Cathedral square. 99t WANTED to Know, who ugfisthe world-renowne< Gloriii Silks ? Why of course, it covers Umbrellas with it from 6* 6d. ANTED, 600 Little Boya to Buy our 4s lid All Wool Tweed und S&rife Suits. Also, a Youths to Buy our 13j 6d Trouaer Suits. Beath an< Co. WANTED KNOWN—Professor Bickerron report that Saxon Tea is absolutely pure and 0 (rood quality. WANTED to Sail, splendid modern nine-roomed House and halt-acre, best position, Linwood. T. K_Taylor, oppoaitc Pmaa OiTice. WINTKK Tweed Drones made to order complex for 255. See our stock of Dress Material and we will make up your dress for 10i 6d, no sundries W. McCleaand Co., Ready Cash Drapers, 210 Hijcr atreet. WANTED KNOWN—That G. L. Beath'e Experimental Prices are drawina; crowds of anxious and willing buyers. W~ ANTED KNOWN—That you will R et everj satisfaction by patronising the Perth Dye Works, Gloucester street, opposite Gas Company's Office. WANTED KNOWN—Waterproof Overcoats with deep capes, reliable quality, 37s 6d, 42s 6d, 47s 6d, all seams sewn nnd taped, colonial make. W. McClea and Co., Ready Cash Clothiers, 210 High street. ■VSTANTHD KNOWN—Colonial Blankets, full eize, TV all wool, 12? lid, 153 9d, 19s lid: Colonial Flannel, heavy make, 104 d, Is. Is l£d. W. McOlea and Co.. Iteadv Caah Drapers. 210 High atreet. WANTED to Sell, five acres splendid land, Linwood, easily cub-divided, £475; a capital investment. T. E. Taylor, opposite Press office. WAITED to Sell, Linwood7~B-roomed modem house, i-acre, best situation. T. E. Taylor, opposite Prkmh offlcc. "*"?STANTED to Sell, I'ap.vnui, 5i acres, more or TV less, ot good land, subdivided and well fenced, with a new house of 4 rooms, 3 fireplaces, bay window, verandah, iron roof, pantry, scullery, washhouse with 1 copper boiler and 1 iron boiler, artesian well, cowshed, loosebox, trap shed, pijjjjerles. fowlhouse, and other improvements; price, only £550. J. 11. Kin>f and Co., Land and Estate Agents, 168 Lichfielrt street. WANTED to Sell, Woolstoii, 3i acres of land, more or less, well fenced and subdivided, with a house of 9 rooms, verandah, and other outbuildings, &c.; price, only £450. J. P.. King and Co., 168 Lichtlokl atreet. W~ ANTED to Sell, Woolston, Canal Reserve, 5£ acres of land, more or less, with a small cottage, large orchard, &c, with a hill suitable for building: a j;ood house on; price, only £500. J. R. Khr.' aud Co., Land and Estate Agents, 168 Lienfield street. ANTED to Sell, Linwood, faoiiifr the tram, 4acre of land, with 2 chains frontage, and well fenced and planted in orchard, with n house of 4 rooms, iron roof, capital range, large shed and fowlhouse, &c, all in jjootl order; price low, as the owner is leaving this Island. J. H. Kiuic and Co., Land and Estate Agents. 168 Lichfleld street. W' ANTED to Sell, St. Albans, i-acre corner section, with utiain streets in front, modern house 6 rooiiis, Venetian blinds, plastered, lavatory and [>nth with hot and cold water laid on, scullery and coppor with water over it, 5 fireplaces, hall, verandah with concvete floor and foundation, shed, and 1-stall stable, br.ck and front entrance; price, only £360; a bargain. J. R. King and Cα, Land and Estate Agents, 163 Liohfield street. WANTED to Sell, Opawa, near Linwood Railway Station, i-acre of land, with a brick house of 5 rooms and scullery, plastered, concrete foundations, iron roof, dairy built of brick, orchard and garden; price, only £Z7O; a bargain. J. R. King and Co., Land and Estate Agents. 168 Lichfleld street. WANTED to Sell, Linwood, 1-aore of land, with a house of 5 large rooms, iron roof, scullery, artesian well, sheds, and other improvements; price, £225; terms, £25 down, balance 10s week and interest. J. R. King and Co., Land and Estate Agents, 168 Lichfleld street. s itf7tT ; ANT£D KNOWN—That lam selling flother TT ham's English Lever Watches from £4, Ladles' Gold Watches from £2 10e, Silver Watches from £1 ss. All warranted. The best value in town at K. Grieshaber'a, 236 High street. WANTED KNOWN-Udies , Fashionable Jackets 7slid, 10s lid, IS* lid; best value in the city. W. McClea and Co., Ready Cash Drapers, 210 Hltfh »treet._ -: iySl rK nave a Large Lot of Trimmed Hats, which TT. we are Selling at Reduced Prioes. Black, Beattie mid Co.
WANTED KNOWN—Mn (iunrtermnuie is Cruh Purchaser o£ Indies', Qenta , , aud Children's Left-oJt Clothing. Letters by post or other wtee attended to. Address Mm a. Quartermalne, 15 High street. 3518 W" ANTED, offers for a modem House oJ 8 rooms, plastered, wide hall, pantry, scullery, washhotise, copper, Verandah front and side, French and bow windows, 1 acre 2 roods, 30 perches, situated at Opftwa. Owing to Circumstances having arisen this property muat be sold for the best obtainable offer. This is an opportunity. L.T.A. title; perfectly free. Easy tenna of payment if required. Baggn and Oonway, Colombo atreet. W r ANXKD, to Let, Modern House of 7 rooms, bathroom, hot and cold water, shower, kc, very central; lag 3d per week. Baggs and Oonway. T*f AJNXED KNOWN—Saxon Tea is always the wtnejrtandarrtot excellence. ' \M7" AJ *TBb—Auy person not able to procure Saxon J J aea from their Grocer, to communicate with Saxou Tea Company, who will arrange with *n agent to supply them. ■- \%J ATCHBS Cleaned and warranted 4s, Clocks T» _, Cleftue( l2». Brooch Pine 3d, at the Cheapest JewolJer'e in Christchurch, 191 High utreet, near Bonnington'n. , ' 1789 ANTED to Know, who is Lethaby? Why the J," People's Urfjbrella Manufacturer, and his address l» Cathedral Wiare. ' W' 'ANTED, to Sell, a decided bargain, 1 acre of Land, well fenced, and House of 5 roome thereof situated Jaet off Ferry road (St. Petert), • close to tram. Only £195. Terms £25 oaeh, balance , ■muiged. Apply Basga and Con way, 131 Colombo street to Let (Central), very superior House T w of 8 room/, bathroom, hot and cold water •inppiy, nnd all usual conveniences; oheap rent. Aggly Baggg and Con way. "WXTANTKO, I'lirqhasera of Property to call or send _• " forourAewC-tnloafne and Property Guide. and Conway, 131 Colombo street. . "WttTAMTKD to Hell, a Blacksmith, Wheelwright, JLJ. ,, an< *^°« ol,b «» di OKPa«ness,infuH working oner, situated in a large nourishing count}- town in Canterbury. The buildings and laud front the main •treofc and railway. The business is paying hand- -. •onwlv at ptturont time, and is capable of extension 1 nndor tfood management. Price very low indeed, J and very easy terms arranged. Kull partioulara from Itaiigs and Conway, 131 Ooloniho street. iron Bedstead Buyer*. Juat landed, _T T ,ex. s.B. Tluwruj eplondiii value, at D, SyW p: FOYiuwuijr Warchmjse, corner Cashel and Durham strcaU. , . ■ IJlftnk*t and Carpet Buyer*. Bouffht °T fit Urge 'discount, great bargains, at Dj eym Cash Funikbins Warehouse, O»rner Cashel ana Unrhtvm streefj*.
WAN m> to Know, where you obtained your new Umbrella? It is not new, but the old SJf-S?, ,1 !!!^ 1 nt l'Ctfrabv'a, Cathedral square. X&TANXEO, Furniture and Heddi -a Iluyors to T V Umnpflre our l"vicee and Good*, l>. Byke«, Os*h FurHJelijiiy Warehouse, Corner Cashel and Pnrham Mrect*. 9141 VTEA^flniui Co.'« 'U 6d KM Cllovo boat* all othevs". JLP Try tlietu. Seal Stuff Bos* 9* lid each. Heath and Cβ. jgp Kfi?sT*LossoM tka: —" t! H t<> Robertson's I'erth Dye Works, opposite O— q JL*L(fee.J3lauceßU;r "treet. F| road to ruin oorm la a pleaeant and easy road .a. anci the fare is Is all the way. Ask fnv «(ir«l)a.rii Kum Kl»va, and «cc that you vet It. It to 11 .. 1t X - 4,jjj» t'lilXC; Tea is. obtainable of all veipect X-? w»l*-f.roaew aud Storekeepers, and Wholeeale SaSl £-.'-•_?''•' "?>'»* n »'' Co.. Cathedral gpuare. \%ruO\>f~Gn.a Peppermint Cure for Couirhe toils ** ls W and &W * Ne er i MAN or a woman can't be happy when he or *h* feeis niiwsrabJe. A headaohe, e.«pooia}lv a ipUtt nar o»ie, wotihl wake anyone mieerable. l>r. Utoi»tand ai Humiache Cachets will cure you In 15 TOUH»tC3. everywhere. ITpUAt'iulhw CaMar of old time had no corns is J. prettj' qertaij), eke hie rwsord for forced nmrchea and hjjr bai,tle» would not have bean handed aown without awne reference to the matter. Forced mtchfca and coca* ava strangers. Try Kura Kla\-a « yoa Bna«r. In It^ir^? 0 "" renio v«« *U trace* bUiousnesf, heart- . m burn, sick headaches, cleanses and purifies ghoje »yatcm. &&d chemiata. «torefceepera. R. <X>O"KK. Chemist, High street, «el!s ▼ Tβ. Wahoo, Ute new discovery, which cures Indigestion 44J2 T7IRIKND, do you know anvfene who is nervous, JL\ irritable, out of sorts, with an all-irone worried ,ook ' J?? ,8 wlmt y° u °* n "touchy" . Don't be angry with him, if c not hie regular disposition. It's to liver. ■ MarshaU's PodophyUum wanted, ls cheinlatg and stores. reeubitea bowels without taking pills, mint headaches, heartburn, pains In side, wMtstipation. 2a 6d cheadsta, grocers. SPBISO BLOiiSOM TEA. — HIS Honour Justice Denniston decided in the Oourt of Appeal that the Spring: Bloasom Tea Coupons were legal. Please note this and watch tutor* advertisements. ■ QPBINQ BLOSSOM TEA. the most popular remedy for In ~ T V digestion, 2s odper bottle, at Fletcher Bra*., Cheapekitu; Hijrh street, ChrUtchuxch; and at East street, Ashborton. CIOMFORT now takes the place of corns, IWs / is the universal testimony of all who use Marshall's Kura Klava. It takes them out, leaving the foot clean and sound. Is chemists and stores. GBONNUiGTOii Keepij " Wahoo," the • nest Remedy for Stomach, Kidney aad Liver troubles. W' 'OODS' Great Peppermint Cute. A safe remedy Wfor coua-ha and colds, ls od and 2s 6d per bottle AHOO, the popular remedy tor Indigestion, i* obtainable at the New Zealand Farmers' Co ptrative Association, at 2s od. WAHOO," tor Indigestion, is to be Obtained from B. W. Hall, Madras and Armagh streets. 2s 6d. WAVE Doctors' Bills. Take Wood's Great Peppertor Cough* and Golds. Uod an*
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9433, 3 June 1896, Page 2
Word Count
1,714Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9433, 3 June 1896, Page 2
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