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A ccrrioss. —Tlie a<l vcrliscnienis of Tuttoa nuvl Wiimot an<l D. Thorny will bo found ca 11 of tlu3 issuo. Notice.—As the employees of the Christcliurch Pnxss Company hold their annual picnic to-day tho offices of the Company will bo closed. Surr-EMEConuT.—Hie Honour Mr Justice Dcuuisiou returned fr-ra circuit at Timaru lasr. night. Ilia Honour will sit in Chambers on Tuesday next. Distutct Court. —Hi* Honour Judge Wavd hold a sitting in conuecuon with tho District Court in the Chambers here on Thursday and Friday lait, to hear argument in a case in to the baukrupt estate of J. Q. Uestcll. *' Tub Nnw Bor '' —Mr .7. St. Clair, wbo la tho avaiit courier of "The Now Boy" Company, arrived last uight from Dunedin to make arrangements for tho opening of tho Company here. Tho season commences at tho Theatre Royal 0:1 Saturday, 16th iust. 'Die Company have bees, exceedingly successful in the South, the houses being crowded every night. _ Benefit Coxckht.—The net. result of the conceit given in the Working Men's Club on Sunday last, in aid of the Hospital Destitute Patients' Relief fund wan £3 5* b<\. For tJiie thanks are duo to Mrs Neilson, Misses Nina Odborno aud Dixon, Messrs Ambrose, Neileon, FitzGerald, Beetnam, Fred Eugland, Watson. W. Browulow, Ilosevnar, and Hingott, members ot the Opera Company, and lo Miss Vartlia, who, besides flaying a pianoforte solo, divided the aceomjjtiiiiiiunte with Mr C Eeetbani. Mt Beelham acted as stage manager. Tub Volostebrs.—A Government parade of volunteers was held last night, when the strength was bb under:—City Guards, Captain Creoawell, 50; College Rifles, Lieutenant Smith, 50; A Company, Lieutenant Hopkins, 36 ; Garrison Baud, Bandmaster Scarell, 25; total, 141, LieutenantColonel Gordon was in command, Lieutenant S&ndford acted as Adjutant, and there were also present Major Francis, Captain Bowron, oud Surgeon Thomas. The Soap Isdostry.— Messrs A. H. Hancook and Co., ExcoUior Steam Soap Works, Sydenham, write to as as follows : —•'A elight error crept into tbo report of the above industry, which appears in your columns yesterday morning, which kiudly allow as to correct. Our works are known as tho 'Excelsior bteam Soap Works, Sydenham. , and it is here, and not at our works at Midd'.cton, that we manufacture all boxes, casks, &c, used in our business. Your admirablo series of articles on ♦ Oar Local Industries' are a real service to the community, aud should bo productive of good reaulta." CuAMEBii of Commerce. — Tho Committee of tho Chamber of Commerce met yesterday afternoon. Present—Messrs L Gibb (in the chair), C. Louisson, R. Strutliors, F. Waymouth and A. Kayo. Apologies for abeenco were received from fiJcs3re G. Humphreys and W. D. Meares. Among tho correspondence which was read was a letter from the Progressive Liberal Association, calling attention to certain anomalies iv the present Bankruptcy Act. Afu-r to mo conversation it was decided to consider tho subject more fully beforo the next session ot Parliament. After fixing March 27th as the dato for the half-yearly mooting and passing several account}, tho Committee adjourned. WAiHAKAnrr.i-Asni.icT 'Water Supply Eoahd.—An ordinary meeting was held on the 7th inst. Present—Mr John O'Halloran (Charrinan), and Messrs Dixon, Uaywood, ■ Dicksou, and Dickenson. The Chairman elated that the Board's proposal to borrow £10,000 for *ho Brown's llocfc system had been approved by the ratepayers. It was resolved—" That application bo made to tho Government under tho Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 2886, for a loan of £6009 for tho current year, and that the powers of the Board bo tot out in the application, also tho subject of the loan "; " that the Minister of Mines bo written to and informed that tho soueme from Brown's Rock bad been submitted to tho ratepayers and carried) and that when tbo plane and surveys nero complete tho Board would ash that Mr Gordon bo allowed to come down, when tho. plans would bo submitted to him for approval"; and "that the Engineer bo instructed to commence tho service from Brown'a Bock immediately after tHe Cooper's Creek loan proposal has been submitted to tho ratepayers. : Thh Opera.—"The Vicar of Bray," -was repeated last night at the Theatre Royal, and went excellently, indeed far better than on tho first night, Eucorcs wero frequent, •nd the applause was hearty. Tho jpo* de cinq had to be repeated aud was enthusiastically applauded. Mies Florence Young received quite an ovation for her solo, and Mr Lauri's excellent performance as the Vicac was ono of the features of the opera. For to-night, whon tho Company cay good* bye to Christchurch,. a very good programme has been arranged. This includes "Tho Vicar of Bray ,, and a concert. In the latter Mr Braooy will make his first and only appearauce this season. In consequence of the length of tho programme tho overture. will start at 7.45, aud a spocial train has been arranged for Lyttclton at 11.30, aud iato trams to Surauer and New Brighton after tho performance. The Company will leave matvy friends behiud them in Christchnreh. The Treasurer, Mr Mod trie, who is making bis first trip through New Zealand, has won golden opinions, aud Jdrßrmcey, by bis clever stage mauagemeut, has added greatly to tho success of. tho eeason.

I&NXCtoTa of LABOun.—The asnal we<k"y meet log of tho llawhiti Assembly .was belli on Wednesday, the Worthy Foreman proaiding. There wus a good attendance. Ouo new member wa« admitted and ono visiting brother was grauted fall membership. Amu jig the correspondence were lectors from tbo Minister of Lnnds, with reference to sego'.mtions that uro going on for the parchase of land for vottlemonv near the city; from tlio Workers' Union, expressing its sympathy with tho project to establish -a paper to properly represent the workeis and promising tinauoial support, and from tho General Secretary-Treasurer, America. A cSub-Cominit»c« vrof. appointed " to take the initiatory steps towards the establishment of a paper. A lengthy discission ensued upon tho Commissioners' finding in tho recent enquiry into tho doings of the Charitable Aid Board. It was receivedthat tho Minister be asked to sanction tho attendance of reporters at the comiog Hospital enquiry. Lytvklton Amatrtjr Athletic AssoClA'tloy.—Tho handicaps fur the annual swimming races, which were postponed from lust Saturday, 2nd Febtuary, until today,, in tho graving dock, are as follows :—School Boya , Race — Brown scr, Early ser, Bishop osce, Devereux 6see, Baker Owe. 50 Yarjfr(L.A.A.A.) Handicap—Rich scr, IX Sinclair scr, J. Pago 3scc, Oliver ssw, Taylor ssec, Sinclair ssec. Harrintrton llscc. 60 Yards Inter-Ciub Race—First heat— J. Y. Daly, scr, Richmond ;T. Orr, 2«eo» East Chrisichnrch; Q. J. Smart, 3soe, Christchuroh ; F. J. Vagc, sjcc, Lytteltou ; E. Sinclair, (wee, Lytlclton. Sccnud heat—W. B&ssctt, Isec, Bicllrnond ; G. Rich, 2£scc, Lyttcltou; E. A. EaH, 4sco, East Oliristchurch; W. P. Aiiilerson, s«eo, Chrietcharch; A. Calvcrt, 6^sec. East Christchurcli; 1L Taylor,, Lytteltoo. Third heat-J. W. Eaves, 2sec, Chrintchureb ; IF. L. Ainntoge, 2see, Kichmond ; J. R. Dnuzan, 4£aeo, Chriatrhurch ; J. OUiTer, Ceec, bytteltoa; R. Maddren, 7«cc, Sydenham. Fourth Heat-—A. E. Roper, ecr. East Christcharch ; 0. XL Fox, l£tcc, Christcharch; R. Mitchell, 2sec, Christcharch; D. Sinclair, 2£s6c, Lytteltoa :C. Maxny, 4sec, East Chriatchuroh. First ami econd iv each iieat swim in semi-final, four in filial 100 Yarns L.A.A.A.—Rich scr, I). Sinclair 2aec, Oliiver 7uec, Taylor Bsec, Page 9iee, Harrington 28sec. Long Dive— Sinclair, Lyttelton ; Paicoo,. Richmond ; Fix, C'hriatchurch. First race starts at \ 2.30 n»m. The water will bo at high tide, | and there is. every appearance of fine weather. I Spectators cAn got a grand view of tbo I races, and no doubt there will bo a large attendance.

Mission Services.—Mr R. C Gilmour will conduct services in the Square to-night at eight o'clock, and to-morrow eveniag at tho Orange Hall at 6-30 p m. Aquatic CaiwavAfc.—The Aquatio Carnival at the Suruuer Bathe will tako place on Tuesday next, when a special excursion will be run, leaving the Square at 7.15. Tho Stanmore Band wilt bo iv attendance. Bimetallism.— A lecture under tho auspices of tho Canterbury Lioeral Association will be given on Tuesday evening next in the Oddfellows' Chambers on tbo above subject by Mr J. P. Grossman, M.A. Mr G. T. Booth will also address the meeting. Tub Tariff Couhi&jio.v.—As will be seen by notification elsewhere the Tariff Commission will tit in tho Provincial Council Chambers at 3 p.m. on Thursday uext.

Retubkixc from Ecbgpb.—Dγ. Levinge, medical superintendent of Sunnyside Asylum, was a passenger by the m. Wakatipu, which arrived at Wellington yesterday from Sydney. A New Coxstablb.—E. T. Howcll, late oi the Permanent Artillery force, was yesterday sworn in as a constable. 1.0.0.F.—A summoned meeting of the Loyal City of Curistchurch Lodge will be held on Monday evening uext, to receive the balance-sheet aud Auditors , report. The Lvcbcm. —In the Lyceum to-mor-row Mr W. W. Collins will lecture on "Conduct and Belief; or, What is the True Basis of Religion ? "

AOKNOWJ.EDOMEXT.—The Secretary of the Chriatchurch Hospital desires to acknowledge, with thauks, the receipt of children's dressing gowns from Mrs GiWson, men's clothes from a friend, periodicals from Mrs Baath, jam and flowers from Mrs J. B : ehop, PapanuL Hjfw, SiiooTiiro.—-The third competition for the E Battery's Champion Belt, Fletcher, Honiphroys and Co.'3, ex-Gunner White's aud other prizes, will take place at Bromley range to-day. A vehicle will leave the square at 1.30 p.m. Pkrsonal.—A telegram from Wellington yesterday state* that Mr A. M. Clarke, Inspector for the Estates Company, has resigned owing to ill health. The Ladies' Boat Rack.—Some doubt has, we understand, been expressed as to the correctness of the time returned in the late boat race between Mica Nina Osborne and Miss F. Hope. Wo are informed, however, by Mr L. A. Cuff and Mr Brownlow, who also bad their watches upon the event, that the official time as given was absolutely correct. The wide margin of 18si;c between tho performances of tne two ladies leaves no doubt aa to which was the wiuner.

A Shipping Record.—The departure from the colony of four large steamers for London within the space of forty-eight hours constitutes a shipping record for New Zealand. From Wellington tho Port Melbourne soiled en Tuesday, and the Tokomaru last night, and from Lyttelton tho Mamari and Strathord left yesterday. Wool, frozen mutton, and grain formed the bulk of their cargoes. Football.—A meeting of those interested in the formation of a football club in connection with they.M.C.A. was held at the Association's Room last night. There was a good attendance. A club was formed and about 30 members were enrolled. It was decided to join the Canterbury Rugby Union.

Team Ex(njß9io».--.TheCityand Suburban Tramway Company will run an excursion to-morrow, leaving Edwards, Bonuett's corner at 2.10 p.m., accompanied by the Eugineers Band, which will play ou the Pier the following programme:—March "Bathurat," fantasia "Art and Nature," selection "Los Chevaliers," "Gloria" from Ist Mass, selection "The Village Bride,"| overture *' AuStfal," march " Horsham." Fo&estrt. —The fortnightly meeting of tho Court Star of Cauterbury was held ou Monday oveniog. An apology was received from the C.R., who was unable to attend through illness in his family. P.0.P.., Bio. J. W. Stevens, occupied the chair. The Woodwards reported sixteen members at pressnt on the sick fnud. The C.R. repotted that arrangements had been mado for opening the female branch, and that the district officers would attend. A Committee was appointed to arrange for a social after the opening. The receipts of the evening amounted*o £5419s lid.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9024, 9 February 1895, Page 7

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9024, 9 February 1895, Page 7

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9024, 9 February 1895, Page 7


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