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Auctions.—The advertisements of A. £ Tutton, D. Thomas, and Joseph Clirk* and Son will be fouud on page 11 of this issue. The Race Bam..—His Excellency the Governor has signified his acceptance of the invitation of fie Executive Stewards of the C,J.C. to be present at the race ball to be held in the Provincial Council Chamber cm 9th November. , Mining.—Mr James Henderson, fi«f«. ford street, reports the battery return for the current week for the United Alpie* Quartz Mining Company, Limited, Lyell, to be 195 ounces of amnion from 215 ions.' ' Bowling.—The Canterbury Bowling open their season to-day at 2.30, when it fa hoped there will be a large muster of members and their lady friends. The Chriatchurch Club also open their aeaeoa with a matcli. Stod Shskp Shipment.—A oon»lghm«ft{ of English Leicester stud sheep went Norfo by Ihe Manapouri yeiterday. They *&< the ram hoggets of the line bought tut. week by Mr J. N. Williams, of Hawkfe't Bay, fiom Mr Henry Overton, Hightifl4; and were despatched in aplendid conditioa, Domestic Isstbdumox. —At a meeting held last night, a Managing Committeo was appointed for the School «i Domestic Inetiuutiou ; and the term« tis fees decided upon. The recommondatlooa agreed upon were framed iv such a tnatt&tr aa to afford all classes of society aa oppor*

Stod Shskp Shipment.—A oonslgunwJu of English Leicester stud sheep went Norfo by Ihe Manapouri yeiterday. They *&< the ram hoggets of the line bought tut. week by Mr J. N. Williams, of Hawkfe't Bay, fiom Mr Henry Qverton, and were despatched in aplendid conditftia, Domestic Isstbdutiox. — At • pablie meeting held last uight. a Managing Committoo was appointed for the School «f Domestic loatruutiou ; and the term* fcis fees decided upon. The recommendations agreed upon were framed iv such a thatt&sr aa to afford all classes of society aa opnor* tuuity, at a moderate fea, to learu eomeluhij of cookery, lanndry, and housework. Tbnnis Clod,—The Westerfield Ten&b Olub bold its third annual meeting at the Court, Grafton atreet. North Opaftra, thl» hfternoon at three o'clock. Scratch gtjfaes will be played after the meeting, and tfj e lady members of the Club have kindly promised to dispense afternoon tea. AICSIC IS THE CATHEDRA!,.—Mr F, Tendall will give an organ "recital Iα tht Cathedral on' Tuesday evening, Oalobtr 23rd. Masters Lake, Vincent, Hpbbf, Watkine aud Cooper will be the vocalists. Tho collection will be in aid of the choir fund. Op kn Air Music.—Tho Engineer* - . $*tfs w ill play a selection of music at Mr Atkifi< eon's iuruiture Varelioueo this tVctfa& comtneociug at eighs o'clock,jmblio will have an opportunity of pordbaiit)« the Uand's art uuioa tickets.' IV _' morrow the Band wilj give a sacred programme on the' Now Brighton Pier. I'XPANCi .J^AkMEHS , Cf.oß.—The ennui! meeting of the t?»panui Farmers'Ciqb lasted last evening for want* of 9 Quorum, aua it) was adjourned til) next Thursday evening. At a public meeting of fanners held after* ward*, at which there was a fair attendance, Mr C. Bargees presided, and Mr M. &. Campbell gave an iuteresting address 09 " Silos and ensilage," aud was accorded c heurty vote of thanks. ' ' OnDKKLLOWsHfP.—A special of the North Canterbury District was held ie the Oil'ifelloA-e' Chambers, Lo'itidld »u*eej, ' 011 i'ltuielay evening. Prese tt—Bros X ,/ Palmer (Prov. G.M.J,, J. Cleworth ((fwv, - U.U. vj.), Charles Foster (Pro . C.S )» wd . representatives frutn the .following LKJgea-* City of Christcburch, Volunteet Benevokal, Pereeverauce, Phillipetowo, Papautti, Aβ*-" dington, Coleridge and Ricoarton. It wai decided 10 hold a picnic on JJeuembeif, lfetlf (Anniversary Day), and a Sub-Commiim was appointed to carry oat the details. -' , PftKSBYTKRIAN CuUlttfl, TEMOKA.— TiIe annual conversazione in connection ' this church was held in the Votantter Hall, Temuka, ou Thursday evening. Addre*s*S,. were given by the Keys. White, Btaud*jrft, K. Bruce, Todd and Ro«a. Mneical seloc ' tions were given by Missee A. Taylor, R, •-' and M. Smith, and tleau* Boulter and s Whitehead, aud in the course of the evec , ing'light refreshments were dispensed by l#dy member* of the congregation , . f 3SrORTHBIi*r AGKICDLXOEAIi -AND >&«*, , tqkal Association.—The eutijes for the ', show of this Association, to be ii'etd at • on* November Ist, close thi* evep* ipg-, tmt late entries will he for. $a ektra fee of Iβ each, till Tuesday next. . 'lihe r private prize list appeared, in' oar ' Thursday's is»ue, and emtaaucd. several prizes additional to the full list offered by '' the Association. A correction elsd.aupp4fs in to day's advertisement, aod a furthei, 1 special prize for carriage stock. .. . ~ ',' Prohibition'Leaghfe.—The usual meeting of the Christchurch Prohibition Leagnft '. was'hell last eveuiog in llie officeol tjje -. ProHlntionist, Cashet street. 4 keea oil; ouesion of recejit occurrences reSeotifig topoft the capacity of the police authorities resuited iv the passage of a resolution to call , UlO attention of Uia Defence Mjisfster *u& the Minuter of Juntioe ,td the occdrregc*t '_,-•■ and the appointment of a deputation lo itaik '-- upouluspecSur Broham to aecertaiu w^ -■-"-. atepa he lutenila to lake to prevsuc breaches ; :; .' of tlie Licensing Act. After th«(e mitter* were dealt with, Mies Magiilaess gave a~i' most, instructive addrepa upon t,he present ,V system of education from the standpoint ol / - twelve years' experience. The speaker *>«•• / vooated changes in the system calculated y> }■ produce the permanent « [l kaowledge as opposed to exiailbii incihodfi,;: which aw) closely related to the syotaat.« s cram. - • St. T-lohj* A:<bulancb AssociAOTdK.-r' Thee x&iuinatiow* of the men's tint aid ate? womtm's medallion classes took place o« '. ■ Wednesday and Thoraday nights. Iv th», men's first aid class, instructed, by Dw ~;, Murdoch, the following paeSed :-~^b& i .-# stable Abbott (Sydenham), betective Beu* T U jamin, GonsiableCultea, CoaetabSe Hobeoa, _,i. ixjrgfant-Major Mason, Mounted Constable j> Shtepberd, Messrs C. Steven and <f< Watfaew. Re>examined :—Meesrs .?. Coo*. \7i nail,, H~ Kennedy, J. Poolton and Gf r? Steniog for medallion, and Mr& Married ';? for eecund certificate. Tbe Kiarniaet, Dr/. ?}{. J. H. Deamer, reports as follows ;-»•"All.-4 ; the le-eXaminatioa candidates obteioed full tnarka. firat aid caadlki»t«s -; : showed a good knowledge of their week* V many ,of them being much better in their., it oral and prafetioal work than Sβ' tfr.? if written,". Inthewomen's mtdailion c\v& ,.if. inilructed by J>. Deveaish Mearie*, oil the :. five canuidaies passed. Their' name« Wβ t>SC —Miss B. Bairu, Mci Dougal, Mills, Mrs Thompson *a<2 jMiss M. Thoiap- >- aon. Dr. Stewart report*:—««l'o pas* w per cent, of marks hod, to be obtained j f»o«. r :'>r; 3and 1 got So pr ceor, and No. 280 percent. Ttiose that qbuained less than 80 per, S* cent, fell short in th,e oral exaroination- All. J% did the practical part very vreiL" C<usdi* ;?, dates can obtain their marks from the : A Secretary. ~ CANTiaccsY Progressive oiAXioar. —The usual Jortuightty eweiing ef - tbe Committee was held ou Thursday «?*&' ing. Mr W. L Bailinger, President, occupied the chair. The Oommitiee appoiotea to deal with tbe charges against .. Chiaitabie Aid Board reported ihat a on the matter' bad been direct*»l to tfee -; chief of she depertment. Tata %s*> .. O'Bryen Eo*H aod Mr 8. L. vnss?* . acceding to the request of the AeiftobPee • to addtrdn the meeting to be hold <«> &&&* ' ; day night oa the subject of old *& fWJiaJff^;. ; - Mr Ho&re wrote regarding leehaTsp ; tioa. The Commsttej rewlved W t**» queetion in uand. The Premier «|#'*r ; acknowledging. ihe, receipt of a WW covering a copy of the resolution p«Hed.W the opeu-ftir ineetiue heiU «a ««« Bqu»re» .v asking for tbe iulroddctton of a bna»wh>. v; giving power to elect Charitable Aid mud seated that tbe matter was on* «r*J** *: -& aliaisterlor KducaUon, and the MUt W& :'i bijen referred to him tiouß to be submitted at the meeting i-fe-W age peosiona were a&r«ed to/ solved that the subjwtfor •*•'■«*«*!**; 5 air meeUug should be the land ;-f, and that ihe member* for Chrwieitfreg-;';;!! Avon', KiooarUin and LyU«ltou a«k«d co siMak. " "''U.. : -it4%i

Tas Casau— The public meeting to have been held concerning the Canal scheme has been postponed. It is understood that the Committee meets next Thursday to consider the position. Rasoiora Friendly Societies. — The balance sheet of the recent cheap trip held by the Rangiora Amalgamated Societies ■bowed, for tickets sold, £96 7s 6d, which mes to the Railway Department. A collection in the train for expenses only realised £3 5s 7d, but the balance from last mar, £'&* enabled the Committee to pay accounts and vote a sum to the expenses of (be secretary. Kaiapoißiblk Christian Church.—At the meeting of the Mutual Improvement Auociation of this Church, held on Thursday evening (the Rev. W. Grigg presiding), 21r Malcolm, of Marshlands, read an interesting paper, which was fully discussed* VOLLKY AND INDEPENDENT FIRING. RAXGIOBA Rifles. —The Rangiora Rifle Volunteers, under Captain G. H. N. Helmore, went through the annual practice of volley and independent firing on the ranae. Out of the strength of "forty-one thirty-six fired, end the figures of merit were—Volley 10.14, indepeudent firing 13.82. LieutenantColonel H. Gordon was present to inspecr, thß exercise. EIAESMERE AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL Association —This year's entries for the ghow exceed last year's by 155, the principal improvement being —Sheep 52, cattle 21, and horses 48T The show grounds are looking very pretty, the piautatious are well grown and nicely trimmed, affording good shade and shelter. .. The Committee have added a hunting jumping class for boy* , ponies, for which ihere are thirteen entries. Chbistchukch Dou Show.—Entries tor this exhibition will be received to-day, and on Monday at Mr E. F. Dombrain's office, Union Steamship -Company's buildings, Caabel street. The show is expected to be at successful as usual, entries from Dunedin and Wellington promising to be more than usually numerous. Labour Day Demonstration.—The Committee met in the Temperance Uall on Tuesday last, Mr W. I. Ballinger in the chair. The desirableness of celebrating Labour Day was affirmed, the date and locality, &c., being left over until a future meeting- The Secretary was instructed to cordially invite the co-operation and support of all organisations interested, and to ask them to appoint delegates on the Committee. .

"Old Cahterbuby."—De3pite the many repetitions of this .lecture by Messrs Hart and Seager—now coming close up to the century—the interest never seems to flag. Last night, at New Brighton, Hawker's Ball was crowded to the'door, when the lecture was given in aid of the, school prize fund. There was a goodly number of the school children present, and the utmost interest was evinced.

Social Gathering.—On Thursday evenTog a very enjoyable social was held to close the session of the Eaab Belt Mutual Improvement Association. Iα the first part a performance by twelve young men, calling themselves '''the Awkward Squad," caused much amusement. The ladies gave two effective tableaux, " The Gipsy Camp " and *• The Snow Queen." Some 'glees and the usual songs, selections, readings, &c, made op a very good programme. ■' VOUJNTERR RANGE ASSOCIATION.—The opening ol the shooting season will-take ' place to-day at Bromley. Colonel (Jordoa has been requested to formally opeu the ■eason, and then a match. Carbines v Rifles will take place. Ten men will be picked from each of the three corps armed with carbines and ten from each of the three Rifle- Corps. Any man not picked in the team will have the same opportunity to tire as those iv the team, and the Committee hope to see a very large mutter. Drags leave the Square at 1.30 p.m. Presentation;— A pleasing ceremony took place at .the Christchurch Railway Station on Thursday night, when a number of the employees met to present Mr McDougall, one of their fellow officers, with a •mall token of regard on the occasion of his marriage. This took the form of a marble clock, and was made by Mr Burns, the officer m charge of the telegraph office, who extended to Mr McDougail and his , luture .Wife the best wishes of all, present Tor their happiriei-is and prosperity, The recipient feelingly responded. ' EoKßstby.—The fortnightly meeting of Court Star of Canterbury, waa held on Monday evening last; C.R. Bro. J. W. jSteveas in the chair. The Woodwards reported sixteen members on the sick fund. The C.R. reported the death of Bro. ,H. Bail since the last meeting. Bro. Walter HejEispzie, of Court 3773, Melbourne, .was admitted as b> clearance member. S.C.R. Bro. Hunter laid on the table correspondence, received from Court, Pride of Qanjarn id reference to the formation, of a Female Branch of the Order. A Committee wn Appointed to frame rules and take the neoeeswry steps for the formation of a Female Coiirfc! Correspondeuce was eoneideied and the sick pay passed for pay. tnent. The receipts of the evening amouhtel to Slop 17s. Knigbts of Labour.—The usual weekly meeting of the BawUiti As«embly was held on Wednesday last, the Master Workman presiding. Among the correspondence received waa a telegram from the Greymouth Local Assembly with reference to the Midland railway, from the Premier, the Minister for Labour, the Working Men's Co-operative Store, and from the District Assembly, Palmerston North. Is was resolved—"That hearty votes of thanks be tendered to the Master Workman and Secretary for services rendered by them, lbat a letter of welcome be sent to Mrs Bezant, thanking her for her efforts to •meliorate the conditions of the workers, •ad that this Assembly strongly protests against the threat expressed by Mr Middle* ton, of Beumore, to import labour from Australia while there are so many unemployed in the colony." New Brighton Parliamentary AsRDtBLY.—A social to wind up the session was iield oa Thursday evening, and was a great success. Mr G. Mclntyre occupied the Chair. The first part' was devoted to music and readings, and the following ladies and gentlemen contributed:—Pianoforte solo, Miss Mclntyre; songs by Misses F. Martin and A. Wade, and Messrs CookMo, H. Clarke, B. Hindle, F. W. Ault; reading, Mr J. Clarke; recitation, Mr A. Henderson. The second part consisted of the farce "Poor Pillicoddy," the oharacbers being taken by Misses Dix, Hawker, and Lister, and Messrs G lasso n and H. Hawker. Kefreshments were then served and the following toaste proposed :—" The New j Brighton Parliament/ responded to by the Premier (Mr H. D. rine) ; " Toe Speaker," responded to by Mr G. Mclntyre; "The Udies," responded to by Mr H. Clarke.

Strs&AY School Anniversary.—A tea u>4 public meeting, in oelebration of the ttveateeath anniversary of the Sydenham Wesleyan Sunday school, was held oh Thursday evening. The tea was largely attended, and the tables were presided over by the lady teachers of the school. The pttbiio tueebing which followed was presided ever by the pastor cf the church, the R«v, W. G. Parsonsoiu The Secretary (Mr Thos. Keiahaw) presented hia report, which showed that tLe number of scholars was 400 and the average attendance 269. There were 34 teachers and officers, 18 female and 16 male, with an average attendance' of 27. The library contained 478 volumes. The financial report was satisfactory. Addresses were given by the Revs. \V. Barrett and Simpson, and the Superintendent (Mr H. Foston) and the Chairman. Special hymns were sung by the children, assisted by the* church choir and orchestra, under the direction of Mr W. A. Hall.

.A Toosist's Gallery. — Messrs E. Wheeler and Son have hit upon a very excellent method of placing belore the many tourists who visit us our places of interest. Their large studio pas now been turned into a gallery in which is exhibited the numerous pictures of lake, Alpine and mountain ecenerv, of which Messrs Wheeler and Son have collected. There is, it may be noted, no P«t of New Zealand which is worth photographically reproducing where Messrs Wheeler and Son's photographers have not been. Amongst the crevasses of our Alpine regions, on the bosom of our romantic lakes—down the mighty livers of the North Island, through the bush-clad mountains of the West Coast, the übiquitous photographer of the firm has carried the camera. The result of these wide spread labours is to be seen in the gallery which the firm are Bow opening. It is, in fact, a panorama on a very large scale of our scenery, which has on .more than one occasion been justly called cur most valuable asset.

Resignation-.-i-Captain E. C Stadholme has notified to the Waimate Volunteers his intention of resigning the Captaincy of the corps, his business engagements not permitting him to give the necessary time to the duties. The Ltederkrakzchen.—The next "At Home" of the above will be held od the 30th mat., at the Art Gallery, and not at the Oddfellows' Hall. A small orchestra will take part in the proceedings, and Miss 1 Freda rfarsden will also assist. Cbibbage.—A match, the Whitebaitecs v the Kaiapoi Fire Brigade, was played on Thursday evening and won by the latter, 10 games. Whitebaibere 5. The Metropolitan Show.—Entries for the Metropolitan Show close on Saturday, 27ch inst. As will be seen by notification elsewhere, tenders are invited for confectioners' booths and fruit etall at the show, on or before Wednesday next. A Returning Legislator.—A public reception will be tendered to Mr G. J. Smith, M.H.R., at the Tuam street Hall, on Monday, 29th inst., at 7.45 p.m. In order to avoid a crush a silver coin admission will be charged. Salk of WoKk.— A. sale of work will be opened on Thursday next, at 2.30 p.m., in connection with St. John's, Latimer square, by Archdeacon Cholmondeley. The sale will be continued next day at 7.30 p.m. Open Air Meeting.—A public meeting under the auspices of the Progressive Liberal Association will be held in Cathedral equare at eight o'clock to-night with reference to old age pensions. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. 08. Hoare, Meesrs H. £~ Rogers, and T. E. Taylor. Hebrick's Home.—The Engineers' Bane have kindly arranged by permission of the Domain Board to play a selection of sacred music in the Domain on Suoday afternoon, the 23th met. A collection in aid of the funda of the Home will bs taken at the entrances with, it is hoped, a good result, as funds are much needed. Musical Examination.—ln connection with the examination in the theory of music held in Christchurch for Trinity College, London, twenty-two out of the twenty-three pupils presented of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, conducted by the Sisters of the Mission, passed. They were as follows: — Intermediate division—Margaret Mary Loader 99 marks, Margaret Genevieve Hannan 99, Ella O'Malley 99, Mary Higgs 99. Rose Richardson 99, Rose Lee 97, Wina Mahar 95, Mary Ann Lee 92, Mary Poff 92, Mary Burke 87, Mary Doyle 73. Junior division —Katie Trenoy 93, Katie Philomena Young 90, Katheriue Mussen 85, Julia O'Connell 82, Annie Doyle 81, Katie Garty 80, Alice Mussen 80, Cissie O'Brien 80, Elsie Lonargan 75. Annie Bayliffe 74, Maggie O'Brien 72, Richmond Methodist Church. —On Thursday evening the scholars of the Sabbath school connected with this Church afforded the numerous audience a great treat when they gave a concert in connection with their anniversary celebration. Root's cantata " Christian Graces" occupied the first part of the eveuing. It is specially arranged for Sabbath school work. The soloists were Misses A. Corrick, O. King, and.E. Kerr, who impersonated Charity, Faith and Hope respectively. The cantata was well sung. A number of action songs were then given. Mr J. A. Jfiesher, who had taught the children, acted as conductor, and was assisted by a small but efficient orchestra. * Misses Hadfiold and Heard presided at the organ and piano respectively. , Richmond Amatbur Swimming Club.— The Committee of this Club met in the schoolroom on Thursday eveniug. Present—Mesers W. Basset t (ia the chair), A. S. Andrews, F. Ward, W. Simpson, G. Stevenson, and G. Milne (Hon. Sec). Mr W. B. Eyre was { uhaniinousiy re-elected etarter for the season 1894-95. It was resolved to alter the date of the annual aquatic exhibition from December Bth to December 15th. The j following new members were elected :— G. D. Pascoe, A. R. Craddock, E. Stoop, E. Snowball, P, G. Beauaioat, G. Laurence, E. Ford, W. M. aud oue -lady. The Captain, Deputy-Captain and Hon. Secretary were appointed a Sub-Committee to draw up a programme for the aquatio exhibition on December Isfcb. It was resolved to hold tlie annual Fifty. Yards November Handicap, 1 on November 15th and a Fifty Yards Junior Handicap on the same date. After dealing with routine business, the meeting closed.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8929, 20 October 1894, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8929, 20 October 1894, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8929, 20 October 1894, Page 6


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