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Properties for Sale. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. AN EXCELLENT GRAZING AND AGRICULTURAL FARM, Consisting of 3764, *.° ■ B s ' Together with a SPECIALLY SELECTED FLOCK OF •45.15 •-•*-••. A MOST COMPLETE PLANT OF IMPLEMENTS AND HORSES, And a GROWING CROP OF 403 ACRB3 OATS. The land is situate in the Ashburton district, and about three miles from a railway stiition. There is a comfortable Homestead and Housjs for th- men. a Woolshed, Stabling for twenty horses, and a large Granary. ___~-■,., The p-operty is sarrounded and Subdivided by weliktpr, live fences, th"J several paddocks bsins. all of convenient bizes. It has been most care.uUy worked during the pat,:, ten wicn a view to bringing it inu> the ■ igueat state of cultivation by a judicious rotation of crop?. . __ . . The whole estate is now in excellent heart, and as an iuteredt earning investment p-o----mises ,a good return on the outlay to a practical farmer, possessed of a moderate capital. It is well watered and roaded, and every acre is suitable far cultivation. __f*ff A ACRES are in English grasses £ i _>*__ and clover 3, most of which has omy been laid down during the past two years. _)aa AORES are in green feed for &\j\J cany lambs A -\*f\ ACRKS are being broken up for -tUU next winter's turnips Aftft ACRES are in oats In years past w v en wheat was a profitable crop it has yielded from 25 to 30 bushels to the acre. . It grows excellent turnips without manure, and as a grazing and breeding property it is one of tne healthiest in the district. The Southdown ewes on it this season h iva 120 per cent, of lambs at foot, comment on which is unnecessary. THE FLOCK~OF SHEEP Is SB followß :— . o IMPORTED SHROPSHIRE /£ RAMS, cost over lOC guineas O SHROPSHIRE RAMS, colonial t*> bred _yft LINCOLN RAMS Tl - »r_ PUREBRED SHROPSHIRE lIU HOGGETS *SO/_ PURKBRBD SHROF3HIRE IOU EWE HOGGETS Af_f_ SHKOPSHIRK EVVJ.3, with 120 _:\IV per cant. lambs "1 "1 KA CROSSBRED EWES, with 90 A_LO\/ per cent lambs __• K. I MERINO •' KWES, with 76 per OO" cent, lambs /yerft CROSSBRED HOGGET 3 Twelve hundred fat lamb 3 were sold off the place during summer and autumn and 1603 freezers have been fattened and disposed of during the past winter. -c a SPLENDID DRAUGHT L _fc HORSM.**, equal to anything in the county fIIHR PLOUGHS, i RILLS. DRAYS, X REAPING MACHINES, HARROWS, /ROLLERS. Sec, are all In the highest state of preservation. It is seldom that a properly in such excsllent working order and carrying such well selncted and high-class stock i- put upon the market; but ie is offered for sale in order to close a partnership account. For terms and particu ars, apply to GEO. G. STEAD. FOR SALE. LINWOOD (Cashe street)-Cottage of 4 rooms and scullery, on good section; in perfect condition. Cheap at £140. AVON. STREET (City)— Cheap Building Plot. Mortgaeees anxious to qui l- . Terms. DURHAM STRKKT (near North belt)— Very nice House of 6 apartments, with particularly gyod section. Main sewer connection and every other convenience. PAIANUI RO*D-The best Building Site left. Near Abbott's Nursery. An acre or will sell half. _ CALEDONIAN ROAD-A nibble. Two Cottages, &. rooms each, with grand garden ground. Weekly rents lis 6d. NEW BRIGHTON—Large new Family House, with every modern convenience, stable, &c. Grand po-ition. . Sections for £50 each in Linwood and just off Papanui road. . P C J. MARSHALL. 54 Cathedral square (near A.M.P. Buildings). - ■ _ . ._ 8677 _ ALLAN HOPKINS, •p O R S ALE, Easy terms cau be arranged if required. AYONSIDE, grand position — Convenient House of 7 rooms, fitted with bathmo n, detached washhouse with copper in brick, and every modern convenience, quarter-acre section in garden and fruit trees. Title L. T. A. Pi ice ye y moderate. M-LROSK STREKT-Pl_tered House of 4 good rooms and scullery; also, / Collage of 4 rooms. Both houses have iron roof! 1 , it-acre section. Price very low. and exceptionally easy terms can be arranged. (165) propertiesTfor SALE By order of the Executor in the Estate of the late H. B. GKISBROOK. VICTORIA STRUKT. corner ot Salisbury street—lS} perches Land, on which is erected a substantial building containing two shops, together with living rooms and every necessary convenience. Price and full information can be obtained on application at office. PAPANUI ROAD, good po_ition-Comfort-able House' of 7 rooms, washhouse, with copper io brick, section containing I rood 8 perches planted in' garden and fruit trees. Note the price. £125. KILMOK.H. STREET and CAMBRIDGE TKRRACE-6 Cottages, one of which bus a good shop front 1 rood 19 perched. Price exceptionally low. This I_9tat-*-_aust) be wound up at once, and my instructions are to sell Without Delay. ALLAN HOPKINS, HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENT, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, Adjoining: Bank of New Zealand. Telephone 437. Bankers, Bank of Australasia Properties to Let. TO LET, with immediate possession, very convenient nine-roomed House 'exclusive of bathroom, pmtry, scullery and washhouse), 220 Gloucester street West; finest locality in city. Apply 218. next door. 7913 TO LET. r*nHE PREMISES in Gloucester street, next A Theatre Royal, lately known as the ALBERT HOTEL, having large accommodation on the ground floor, and twelve rooms on the firs.' floor in addition to bathroom and closet. 3662 HARMAN and STEVENS. ' i> TO LET. THB OFFICES ATPRESENT OCCUPIED BY MR A. E. G. RHODES. NO. 211 HEREFORD STREET. Apply to H. WYNN WILLIAMS, Solicitor, 2785 Christchurch. Hotels. OCCIDENTAL FAMILY HOTEL, LATIMER SQUARE, CHRISTCHURCH. C. BUKTOK .. _ Proprietor. This Hotel, living been entirely renovated, visitors will find tbe Occidental a pleasant and comfortable borne. Terms, two guineas per week. Apartments en suite can be engaged by letter or telegram. Private Sitting-rooms. METROPOLITAN FAMILY HOTEL. CHRISTCHURCHTcASHEL STREET. No License. Home comforts for visitors. Baths, hot, cold and shower on each floor. Telephone an private letter-box.. Night porter kept. Terms 5s 6d and 6s per day, or 30s and 35s per OTToVcHNEIDKR, . Proprietor. TERMINUS FAMILY HOTEL. f*|FPM-TE Railway Station. Christohuroh. Telephone 302 IRJ-DSR-CK SffORKY -"r-pae&.r • ■ . AFACT—J-ydney Oranges. 4s 6d: Seville Oranges. 5-; Lemons. 7* 6d; Good Apples, Se> per ca-.e. -Bast, recipe for marmalade given. Look at the window for retail prices, at Bab-asea'a. Mo-tan's
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
Word Count
1,025Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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