Wbathgb Rbport—Monday, October 1. Wind —S.W., showery. 9 a.m. noon 5 p.m. Barometer ... 29.63 29.92 29.98 Thermometer ... 52 53 61 High Watsb—Tuesday ; October 2. Morning, 5.57; evening, 6.22. Sun rises, 5.35 a.m. ; sets, 6.6 p.m. Moon rises, 6.26 a.m. ; sets, 9.38 p.m. Areived —October 1. Sarah and Mary, schooner, 140 tons, Bushel, from Bluff. J. B. Way, agent. Silver Cloud, barquentine, 292 tons, Heays, from Eiithburg. H. Berry and Co., agents. Sailed —October 1. Brunner, s.a., 540 tons, Todd, for Dunedin, via Southern ports. Union Steamship Company, agents. Kawatiri, s.s., 453 tons, Apstein, for Westport. Uuion Steamship Company, agents. Omapere, s.s., 601 tons, Fleming, for Wellington. Union Steamship Company, agents. Imports. Brunner — From Wellington—27 pkgs. ; From Tarauaki—l case. Omapere — From Dunediu — 8 cases whiskey, 13 hhds ale. 39 cases, 12 wheels, 11 cases tea, 36 fire bars, 12 boxes candles, 39 scks seed, 48 pkgs. From Akaroa—-6 pags. From Tim-ru—l4 bags hides, .lo bales wool, 37 casks. Exports. Penguin—For Wellington —11 hhds ale, 8 cases eggs, 570 sks potatoes, 12 sks turnips, 60 cases apples, 5 sks bacon, 100 sks wheat, 52 sks mangolds, 50 sks oats, 41 cases tea, 25 pkgs ranges, 77 bales wool, 40 sk3 bran, 12 sks cabbage, 10 sks peas, 10 horses, 102 pkgs, For Wanganui—3o cases tea, 8 sks oatmeal, 0 pkgs ranges, 2 rollers, 2 harrows, 5 pkgs. For Nelson—4 hhds ale, 96 sks potatoes, 37 pkgs. For Greymouth —3 hhds ale, 8 pkgs. For Blenheim —2 pkgs. ForPicton —4 pkgs. ForFoxton —2 pkgs. Omapere —For Westport—s2 boxes soap, 25 sks wheat, 25 sks Hour, 30 pkgs. For Wellington—lls sks flour, 7 pkgs. For Greymouth—2 pkgs. Brunner —For Akaroa—3 pkgs. For Timaru —25 sks salt, 38 boxes soap, 7 pkgs. For Oamaru —21 pkgs. For Dunedin—lo casks soda, 140 cases soap, 60 cases tongues, 75 sks seed, 30 pkgs. Taieri —For Auckland—23 cases tea, 10 pkgs zinc, 285 ska chaff, 16 sks seed, 3 cheese, 23l2sks potatoes, 25 pkgs. John Bell—For Wellington—l43s sks flour, 110 sks bran, 10 pkgs. For Waitapu —12 bags flour, 45 sks oats, 15 sks seed, 20 sks wheat, 5 sks oatmeal, 1 ton sugar, 3 cases tea, 20 pkgs furniture, 10 boxes soap, 60 sks potatoes. Messrs Cook Bros.' ketch Comet is at present at the low level breastwork, where she is receiving an overhauling of her rigging. Owing to the fresh south-west gale blowing yesterday the sailing of the steamer Kahu for the Chatham Islands, which was fixed for last night, was postponed till today. The barquentine Silver Cloud, Captain Heays, arrived yesterday from Edithburg with a cargo of salt for Messrs H. Berry and Co. She was brought up into the stream in the face of a stitf southerly breeze and anchored for the night. The brigantine Sarah and Mary, Captain Bushell, arrived yesterday morning from the Biuff. She came up with a stiff southerly breeze and hud made the run in the excellent time of three days. She dropped anchor in the stream till this morning. Messrs Cook Bros.' ketch Reliance left the Bluff at the same time as the S&<_h and Mary, and may therefore be expected to show up at any moment.