Money. MONEY TO LEND. ON APPRO *v"~__ FREEHOLD SECURITIES. At Lowest Current Rites, HILL and SCOTT, Solicitors, 710 19. Hereford street. Christohurch. THE VICTORIAN LOAN, FINANCE AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, 2) MANCHESTER STRKKT CHRISTCHURCH. THE above Company is prepared to Finance and Advance Sums ol M&ney ac Favour * able Rates on all classes of Real and Persona Security. Bills Discounted Daily and Renewals Effected. H. MARKS. SG. Manager. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY (Box 91, P. 0.) IMPORTANT "PUBLIC NOTICE. THE above Company are now Preparad to ADVANCE MONEY In SUMS from £10 to £10,0.9. On Pergonal Security, Bills of S*l_, M-rtgajsi Reversionary Interest under Wills, Or any tangible security of any —.__. Having agents in Australia and London we are prepared to make advances on wills a speciality. f >-.■ Bills Discounted Daily and Re£_roalß*~l-ffected. OFFICES-17- UCHFIKLD _TRE«T. Established 1:61. MONEY TO LEND. nt_a £100, £200, £250, £350, £500, £3000. ebOl/) £3400 and various other sums ud to £10,000 to LEND on approved Freehold Securities at current rates. GEO. B. RITCHIE. Solicitor, 203 Hereford street, 2 Christchurch. MONEY. WE have MONEY~7or IN VESTMENT in Various Sums from £100 upwards upon approved Freehold Security ac Lcweac Current Rates. JOYNT and ANDREWS. Solicitors, -C.Gloucester street, Cm-is tchurch. IHAVE MONEY TO LEND on Approved FREEHOLD SECUKITIK3. W. __ I*. BISHOP Solicitor, 206 Hereford street, Chri-tcauroh MONEY Tol-END. "~~ THE Undersigned has for INVESTMENT VARIOUS SUMS at Lowest Rates of Interest, on Mortgage of Town, Country; or Suburban Properties. Borrowers can pay off the whole or portion of the moneys advanced on giving short notice. EDWD. R. DEACON, | Solicitor/ Hereford street) Chambers, Hereford street. j MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES at and from 6 p<*r Cent. I IZARD and LOUGHNAN, Sn'icitors. 1 Hereford street, Christchurch, And South-ridge. MONEY~ACCOMMODATION FOR ALL CLASSES. IMPORTANT TO* THE PUBLIC. MR S. COHEN, oTthe CITY LOAN and DISCOUNT OFFICES, No. 186 COLOMBO STREET, Nexc City Hotel, Established over 20 years, Has Considerably R-DUCED his RATES of INTEREST on LOANS. DISCOUNTS and PLKDGEB, His Charges are therefore tne Lowest In the City. Weekly or Month y Repayments Taken. All Transactions Strictly Confidential. Private Entrance from City Hotel Rie-tat of-way HIGHKST CASH PRICKS GIVEN for OLD GOLD and SILVER in ANY QUANTITY, Or any other Class of Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Finest Collection in the City of Diamond and Gem Rings. Gold and Silver Watches and Jewellery in General at Half their usual coar. o d For all Intoemation relating to' TRADE MARKS PATENTS APPLY HENRY HUGHES CHRISTCHURCH. Q O OUR TIT BIT SHOES now in Stock in all Sizes and Prices, ia Kid, Calf, Patent, and Morocco. Ky_ and o.her Tan Goods, together with Others up to date. H. CORRICK, The People's Ready Bootmaker, I Colombo street. . i PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS, LARGE VARIETY TO RAND FOR TH— COMING SFASON. LATEST NOVELTIE-TajRRIVING DAILY. KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER&tO, Ltd., l-B HIGH BTBEET. MUST be Sold, a well built, almost entirely new House of 6 rooms, with _ ot an acre section in a good s-treet. bringing in a good rents-. Owner w»nts t** leave th« coloov on account of bis health. Thia ia really a nibble at £U0; £20 down, the rest weekly instalment., ores arranged. J. R. King and Co-16-Licbfleld street. ■ PROVINCIAL HOTEL (corner and Barbsdoes streets} is where Visitors can procure the Best __eca**___odation. Best brands of Liquors only kept at town prieea. Vaesseiss tor a few permanent boarders. Tents very inodarate. Phil Mobs, Proprietor, 9900 ,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 3
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