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Spobmks—The current number of, the Weekly Press and Referee contains a special review of the Dunedin J.C.'e Spring Meetingby "Hotspur." The Auckland Cup and Steeplechase weights are discussed by "Spectator," "Hotspur," and the Anefcland correspondent oC the popular weekly, which will also be found specially interesting to followers of trotting. Cltsricai. Appointment.—The Bishop of Christchurch has appointed the Eav- T. A. Meyer to the charge of Belfast and Marshlands in succession to the B2v. E. B. Otway, who was/removed to Lincoln. The Eer. Mr Meyer will also hold & fortnightly service at 11 a.m. in the German Church, Worcester street. A Cwsan Shebt.—.There is no criminal business to come before hie Honour Judge Ward at the sitting of the District Court on Tuesday nest, but it sa understood that bis Honour will take some bankruptcy cases. What is known as the Mom mortgage case (involving the title to some land ia the Timarn Arcade) will, at the request of counsel, be further adjourned to the January sitting. HosMTAi. B§ar».—Mr John Jackson, one of the representatives of the Geraldine County Council, was yesterday re-elected Chairman of tae Board for the year, and Messrs Sherratt, GiUingham, and-Moore were appointed the Finance Committee. The meeting wa3 only a small one—Messrs Sherratt, Graham, Gillingham, and B. H. Khodes oaly being preaent—and merely routine business was taken. "Stabs" ace Stilt. Leading.—Professor Bickerton says he is delighted with the Special Star Ladies' Safety, and congratulates the v maaufactureira, Adams, Cttbxies and Co., 70 Manchester street, Christcharch. [Advt.J A Bbilsjust supply of Christmas carae, newest designs and iuurainationa, all afe eale prices. A faw pacfeeta of lost year's 9d and 1* Q&, now ofiPdriaeated anal*. BujpsosANO o*a ale, JAdyi.;

E.M. Coxubt, LTOmtTOsr.- At this Court yesterday, before Mr B. Bael ham, 8.M., a &$& ©Sender was fined 6a with the usual alternative for drunkenness. MisiNa. —Mc James Btenlerson, Harefocd street, is advised of the declaration of of 9i per share in the Umted Alpine Quarts-muung Company, Limited, Lyell, payable oa the 10th instant. Jubilee MsaoniAt. Hosts.—A.fe a special mooting of the Charitable Aid Board yesterday morsisg it was resolved to adhere to the previous decision to determine the engagement of the master and matron of tbo Jubilee Memorial Home. Stobkhah Councii. Embctiost. — The candidates for the vacancy oa the Sydenham Borough Council for the Newtowa ward, caused by the election of Cγ. Jac<i ue3 to the Mayoralty, will be Mr T. J. Giedbill, the retiring Mayor, and Mr C. Sainuelfl. ... Bishop Grimes.—The X-smau Catholic Bishop, the Bight Key. Dr. Grimes, is to Ifcftve Chrisbchuroh by the expreae train on Saturday, on a visit to his parishioners at Timaru. His lordship will on Sunday, at 9 a.m., conduct a Confirmation service, for which there are a good many candidates ; he will preach the sermon at the church on Sunday evening, at seven o'clock, and on Monday will diebribute the prizes won by the scholars of the Convent schools. . GteKtowHst.—A tennis match was playpd on. the Glenfcunnel Domain ou Saturday, between the Waddingfcon and Glcatunnel Clubs. Miss ColtUart and Messrs Nelson (2), McMillan. T. Pole and E. Colthart represented the Waddxnston team, and Mrs Woodcock, Miss Wensbell, aud Messrs Woodcock, Weastell, and A. Iteming the hoixe team. The scores were—Waddington, 14 acts (7a cames); and Glentunuel, 4 sets {37 games). The return match will take place early in January. Bosk Show.—The annual rose show, undue the auspices of the Cbristchurcu Horticultural Society, will, be held, to day at the Odufellowa* Hall, Lichfiald street, and will be open to the public from noon till 10 p.m. There will be a fiae display of pot plants in addition to the exhibits of cub bioom3, vegetables and fruit. As this afternoon wUI be a faottttay, those tuac have not been able to attend on previous occasions will have an opportunity oc doing so, and we trust that they will avail themselves of it. It ia expected that a large entry of rosea by Mr Perry, of Timaru, will be one of the features of the show.^ WrcsLETAN Chubch, L-rrrKi/roN. —The annual oonveraazlono in connection with the anniversary of this chui-ou took placo on Tuesday evening. Thece was a large attendance of members and friends. Tne Eav. W« Tinsley presided. There were present—fche iiav. Geo. Bond (Proeideat of Conference), and Sir. W. Billow, Temuka. During tue evening songe were rendered by Mesdame3 H. N. Huskens and Wylie. Misses Dalley aud Bradtey, the Eev. Dallow, and Messrs Joyce, S. E. Webb and W. Austin. Miseae Hendersoa and Bradley acted &% accompanists. An address was also delivered by the Key. G. Boad, a Shakespearian rooiiabioni by a sailor oa board-the Cambrian Princess, and a glee by the choir uader Mr C. A«»ehman. Tea, coffee and light refreshments were diapeaeed, and a pleasant evening was spent. • STONE-GATHEBiKa Machinb. — Among the many interesting exhibita at the late A- and P. Association's- chow was a etoaegabhering aad rufc-fiUingmaehine, invented by Mr J. Andorson, of Emgiora. Since then the machine has bean on exhibition at the Ofeago show, Kirwee and Tinwald. It has been inspected by a large number of praotical farmers, all of whom have expressed their thorough satisfaction as to its capabilities. As its name implies, the machine is intended for gathering stones and filling up ruta .on a roadway. It can also ba used for collecting turnips sown broadcast, for cleaning water-races and sluggish or muddy rivers. The machine is remarkable for its simplicity, and therefore the chance of its parts getting oub of order is reduced to a minimal The, draught is light, two ordinary horses being able to work it. Mr Anderson has been highly complimented upon the utility; of his ingenious invention, which is admirably adapted for the purposes for which it is intended. Pabish o» LkWiefi^ld. —An eiiort is being made in the various centres of this parish to raise a fund for the- thorough repairing of the parsonage, for which a considerable sum of money is required. For this object the Bishop of Christcburch will give his lecture, " Father Thames, in tne Town Hill," Sefton, on Monday next, at 8 o'clock. The leefcure will be uluatrated by lime-li*hb views, which will be shown by Mr J. B. Wilkinson. The resi % dents of Leithfield are working zealously to augment the parsonage fund by means of a bazaar, which is to be held in the Leithfield Town Hall on fche ISfchand 16th instant. It ia antisipated that a large gathering of the people of the district will be fQund afc both the leefcure and bazaar; aud in order that room may be provided for tho large number who for many past have looked forward to the Bishop's visit, there wiil beino reduotad» in the price of admission to the lecture, viz., a shilling, for children. _ Ths AKaaiOAW Wool Markst.-»By the mailju3t to,hand the New Zealand Laan and Metcantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following from their San Francisco correspondents, which [we publish w being of public interest; :— The excitement, of ouc Presidential eleetioa has hardly subaided j euffiuient. .m known to consider Mr Cleveland -the elected Pi-esident from March next. Ihe popular expression in his favour leaves no doubt that the extreme protective policy of the Eipublican party ia disapproved by a majority of the American people. We do hoc believe that any hasty oc radical measures will follow, but that a gradual revision !of the tariff will result j in fact, the proTxounciation by the people has been so determined ac to force the Democratic party, which will eaon be in possession of all the three legislative branches, to take some stsp3 in this direction, and a free Wool Bill is among the possibilities, which especially will be of interest to the Australian Colonies. We hope that such a measured will jtend to increase our trade relations generally and be of mutual advantage. St. STiPHBN'iAsHBtTBTOK.—The annual garden party in connection with St. Stephen's Church, Aehburton, took place in the paraoaage and wat, as usual, a great success. Advantage was takea of making the gather ing .one of farewell to the Key. E. A. Scott and Mrs Scott, who are leaving Ashburton next i week preparatory to commencing their duties in Sydenham at the commencement of the new year,, the Eev. Mr Scott having 1 been appointed to the cure of that parish. The ladies' working party on Tuesday presented Mrs Scott with a large work-fc&ble of nice design, and beautifully inlaid with New Zealand woods. The table was a work of art, and reflected great credit on the establishment of Messrs Bickford and TJndrill, where it was made from designs supplied them by the ladies who organised the presentation. Dunog last evening Ms John Curtis, the Mmißtp's Churchwarden, on behalf of the pariahiooera, presented Mr Scott witfc a weighty purse of sovereigns as a souvenir of the high esteem in which the rev. gentleman has always been held. The Rev. Mr Scott on behalt of himself and Mrs Scott, feelinely acknowledged the kindness that had been shown them, after which three hearty cheers were given, and the choirmaster, Mr. H. A. Gates, led off with " Aald Laag Syne." The gathering dispersed shortly atter nine o'clock, Wben Mf and Mrs Scott had to pass through quite a trying , ordeal in saying good-bye to their many friends. Autistic. •— Edej* Geobge Comeaky, L.mi-ieo, tike leading photographers ot Chrl3te!mrch, are now producing from their new workrooms in Worcester street the moat beautiful and artistic photographic work ever seea In New ZeaUmd. Persons holding deposit tickets .are re minded mat they only remain good until December 31st, and as a great rush 18 expected the last two weeks holders of deposit tickets should slfc early and avoid the crush. All opala and portraits are now finished in a fortnight, as owing to oar nevr workrooms proving such a tafoess we are able to produce IoQO pnata per d a y.—f Ad vt. ] S?an»xsr Pbbbcjs hare i»s6 oompleted extensive alterations to tbeir studio, aad their new dieplay otjfotO' L granUa la well wortU 6

New BetGHTosr Excejino* -»Tfa« cursion to New Brighton last eVenini largely patronised, sis woli.&ied l w leaving the Square. The excurLt? were accompanied by tho StaaeorJT!? ' which played a number of eelectioJri the pier. * 8 °& ' ■ . Cakk and Apron Faib.—A Cake *«t = Apron Fair will be opened at 0 ovi«? ■ to-day in the Durharaf street Weall? ' schoolroom. * The entrance f ee i« nominal one of sixpence. A veiyajw 8 tivo programme baa been prepaid &** no doubt the attendance will bo larea Baptist Association.—The firat Lie 5 yearly meetings of the Baptist Association oE Canterbury aud Weetknd will beheld 1 to-day, ia tho Lincoln road Baotiafc 1 Chuvch, commencing with a devout I meeting at 11.30. At 2 o'clock the seX of tho Assosiation will bo held to lift I followed by a public tea at G, and a pubS I meeting afe 7.30. Largo and iutereatC * meetings are anticipated. & | Npaaea' Hosia. — Tho row Hospital I Board have taken up the matter of tha '■ NurseiJ , Home in gocd earnoat, and iafead • I carrying it to a conclusion. It is intended j to confer with tho Minister and the la- I epector on the subject of the site, aad also 1 with the Doinaiu Board. | A NortßANCE.—Acorrespondonfc writes t-« « Several complaints have boon nrnde hhh j by residents of litchuiond who have htid ? their gardens invaded by stray cuttle ' Within the last week thrco casoa of thU j kind have been reported, and tho vanaet ■ would be doing the residents a gooj \ 3drvica by impounding soma of fc&e I numerous cattle wandering at large. | Vomtntebu Accounts.—A circular fjoia j the Defence Office notifies the offiuora oW manding companies that Regulation 155 i will bo "strictly enforced." It re(jujj es | an annual account of receipts and oxpea" j dituro, duly audited, for tho past yca v ] shall be forwarded by officovs coromaadteg • corps (except honorary) through tm ' officer commanding the district, not Ufcex ; than January Slsfc. LiNOiVBTaa Park Cricket Cmib.—£|a meeting of the Committee o? this Cltsb 4 held last night, Mr G. Marshall, who ius been removed to Napier, tendered fc|j resignation a3 a member. His wae received with refjrob, And Eβ unanimously elected an. honorary $ c member of the Club. Mc Marshall one of tho original mombei-3 of the and has played in the Club Senior Elwess for the last, seven yeave, and his rcsiand will ba a severe lo3e both to the Club 884 the Province. Cantbrbobt Bowling Club.—A agsfc ing of the lneinbere of the ab'.>ve was lisM Inst night, in the Pavilion. Mr J. Sb&y, President, occupied the chair, and tSieia was a good attendance. The sheet and Auditors' report was mtUa'd approved. A strong Committee w,y formed to look after the intore«ta of tis Club during the tournament, and to n&kt all arrangements connected thorewltJi, Several other niAttors wero discussed, aad tho meeting closed with a vote of Umte> to the Chairman. Bible Christian Chdbch.—The E?t. "W. P. James, of South Australia, \?i»o j$ on a visit; to ChdstchuruM, aud who lm given two lectures in the city, and tthS& have been highly appreciated, h&% at tisa ' requeet ,of the Lower High str'aet; Bible Christian congregation, consented to lecture in their church this ovet;.iugoa& " Bsminiscences of his Aiutralias Life," There will bo no chargo for adraisaica, bub a collection will be takes. tk<i bazaar, which hae been held fov the m% two days in the echooirooiu, will bo Gjrta during tho day and also ab tho close- (>! Mr James looture. v SrosNHAM MusicAi .So oiCTir.—Tie production; of Haadoi'a oratorio Messiah" by tho msmbprs of tUe Sydessham Musical Society will take place is l Oddfellowa , Hall, Sydenham, on Tba?s« day nest, December 15fch. The eolos have been allotted to Misa Bonnington and Mica Billons soprani, Mwil, W, Jennings contralto, Messrs rusehtsii ssi Halley taking tho tenor and basa »* spectively. .The rehearsals uader tt« Sooiety'e condjactor, Mr Wellw, hare bm most eatisfacfeory, tho voices, in tb chornses are well blendqd, and «v ea«a*« , fill performance is anticipated. , ( '"'' I>rAMEOND Hakboub Pauic. —%w ■ favourite seaside resorb ha 4 boea tft&ea .i over by Mr J. A, Marahall, who ia prepared to receive viaitor3 oa reasonable, terms. Mr Marshall has mad»J arranjjeuiuttts witU tho owners of the c.a. John Audoraoa, and persons wishing to at Diamond _irnr boar withoub taking a complete hoiidny, will be enabled to catch, tho train foe Chriatchurcu in time...-fo* businuas, fares beiag moat moderate. All wwts of picnics and private parttou can ibe catered for, and special luncheon can bo atraag«s in pa*fc of, the protty grouiu^s. Death of ah Old Cksms&vnt SETTLBa.—Mr A. E. Tentsant, an old resident of Hokitika, died in tl>a Hospital thereon Monday la?t. Tho,H r «t oos4. Times cays :—" lie arrived in CaateruUfy early in the eixties »■ young man, Ml connected at Home, and with every prospect of a brilli&nfr career. the service of the Canterbury Go«?iv ment, he waa transferred to shortly after the gold rush as clerk to iff Commissioner Sale. Oa tho fwamlio«« the first County of Wcstlancl lie held ft position in the County Treasury, and oa county' beeominjgr a province ho fee.A i* »O9itiion in toe Sopenutead«ot'e When tho provinces w*ro abolielicd m obtained aa Rppointmenb under the Gcactp Government in the Stamp Ofiico, kfr times then awepfc over him, and he cop "mitteed !to drift. ,, Mr Tennaat *»,'» enthuaiaetio cricketer, aud was ftß.|M-,' ceJlent tUI-round player. He eeptuw* the Canterbury team which played vtm* the first English HJleven that vieiteiU* colonies. The Kattki Cokfakv.—The DJrcclwf of tbeiiCauri Company, in their report, state that» notwithitanding conditions, tliey ate ablo to thow ft w&Vf tioa during the year of the Cora^i ? indebtodneus of no les3 v sufij je28,29|5. The BoaVd hope, during the $& 1892-3, to make: farther progrew w came direction. The lire, masvtf, *•- officers' insurance and gunmutee r«er« funds have been increj*sod 3a 6d to J61»,689 Is lid during Ifee y-»» The debit balance shown in the ptoui loss account, ' (inoludinif the «*»• of £2500 which stood in tUe reserve), has been carrie..t down auu to the debit balance for tho ptevwmyeff' The Directors consider thafc the •*» shownfor a yeardf realisafcioa in ualftwi»* able maiketa aiay be oanetdowd[on> *-*; whole to be eatietefcory. acting on the principle laid down w *• year's acoounte, have not written <M thing off the debenture expenses or liminary expenses accoaate. iue y^ r - Gold Mining Company -in whwa -; Kauri Timber Coaspa&y uoicß s* Ket-haS produced uiter.etoiy m«» ADDfiTQTow Livffi Stock MABKCT.-i»* demand for fat sheep at the Yards yesterday w «^ f '^/: L local consumptiion, only a uuo or t- • the end of the ml* fiodiae their wsjr tho hands of buyers for export As the market was, however, not a -jwr one. the demand wae equal to the igK; Ld prices were without quotaoto encefrom thoteof the pa,6 tw; The quality of the sheep w»* J cans.--able Vpmnnt on .the Hst were a shade •m*"* o " mwms PR'S* The young cattle cau-tv. • , mj athß-old «teew. AJ I** to ' , U ;, * '-»'- s ; -* f r tTJ cjgS 183 for two-ycur-pld . «■! waa a ready sale f<« ail gW^i bacoaere SSs to 34s- \ -

1 **"*""" iat .iijj Board. —Attbeannual I €~-* lT ff?e Charitable Aid Board yesI -seetinif ** •% was re-elected f ««rdlay- w * t t e s i_th term. I rrewa ba™ '<> 1 foUovuv * club at tbe A_aroa regatta: I UPWW-'S'iig aad Pairs—E. Fantham. I Scullsand Pairs-H. 1 \f. AJ«*- QBa -„s. I * fl ° ' The monthly meeting of I °*?* ?oi* - wiU be beld this evenia 8 I fiora-gVl&ll, when a paper will be I is *»f v Urt r Hoole. I "£3 Salb.-As willi be | CWK*** .- jj on elsewhere, an alteraI i B Ktimeof tbe train from Culver- - feo _ ia w"s l 8 annoonced to meet Stave-iea* °* «*<>«- attending the SuipplNQ Cox*-*..— r n «rv general meeting of the above I Tb » fiSi at the offices of the Company, § £ iU "Jgreeti, on tbe 20th inst., at noon. IHer2»°™ ss wiU be rece ive the report Xu f tSce sheet of the London Board, a ta e'ect Directors and Auditors. ste_iT-_ Boabd.— The annual meeting .*» above Board was held yesterday. t retiring Chairman, Mr W. D. Wood, of the efforts of- several of the H fl having declined nomma***.Jin the Board was unable to rew hi© as Chairman. Mr R. H. Wood elected Chairman for the ensuing ? T'_lt-ST.—The TT«i% Press and iJc/eree comments on last Saturday's play s ? «pj&Blae," who refers specially to 1 I M-sesting contest between the Lan--1 p_rk and Midland Clubs. Comment I ?2a> DJida on the start of tbe practices I„ «c* "°f the ---tcbes- wi -h Otago and Sssie's Bay. ; g-jiEiTiiic-i. Ceicebt.—The Opera Com- ' „ pi a y a match with an Addington fji_b eleven this afternoon, at Hagley Park svl'X on Friday tbey meet a team fian'the Lancaster Park Club at tbe Park, ita commencing on both days at 1.30 ftjD. The teams will be found in another mjttf-—■" Woof. £>__B3.—Pally 300< |j_B have been, catalogued for the woo alea at Ashburton to-day. The preseni «sso_'-is the best grown and conditionec slip yet produced in the district. Most ef %a principal buyers have arrived al iibbarton. IP Dais? I»n*osTax.—rAt a meeting sf the Dairy Association at Dunedin, ii -rgg resolved to urge the Government U ~s send w p-pert to the Chicago Exhibition, H v jtjj ki-cient colonial experience to know m shaJ s'as suitable for the colony, and P tf_tgf-ack specimens of plant; tbat the m. Qot&tßnent he orged to appoint a m SKesHne and practical dairy expert to give If fgjh-ical demonstrations. p Wastos Mischief. —The churchyard of If' git-airton is justly famed for its beautiful li lad cared for appearance. Lately, how- || |f j*-. there has been wanton mischief done S ismss of the finest trees by a few mis- % ihl<;roii3 boys, who «cut off large portions § i tbe bark, which process, -unless speedily 1 will result in their destruction. S f_s" tucambent and Churchwardens' are 8 tesdrsc. to take strong measures to stop 1 ibis outbreak of iamkinism, as' also tbe If -aaciSßt'e which a few lads can cause to § th?**/-~l_ neighbourhood, as will be seen % |ja„ advertisement on another page. If Cg»c__t and Dabck.—As.will be seen 8 |!si?_€re by advertisement, the Loyal § iddsßgtoa Lodge intend holding a concert H tad dance at their Hall, Lincoln road, on § ___(S4ay, the Bth instant, when the good f| programme provided by. the Committee j| tbsii draw a crowded bouse. Amongst i. the tsrJons items worthy of note are I 3teter and Miss Stewart in their new Jf _*sscr_. dance, Professor Moon Eye in his i es_.i~sl lecture on astronomy, and the m first appearance in Chriatcbnrcb of the 1 iati eatitied "To Oblige Benson." which jf -s2J be played by tbe Addington Dramatic 1 tms. - The dance should also be a big 1 fscf£«s under tbe able management of- Mr | t. Johnson. 5 s ASAi-OA Ueoaita. — Considerable pre**, j&tsdons are being made by tbe local js-Aismen who intend competing at tbe .„ J&.m& regatta, and a large amount of I bimii is being taken in the doings of | „« locally owned crtift Given' fine I 's*st!'ct on Sun-lay, several yacht owners I jstc-is- maljing tbe trio round the PeninI ijtg, so as to be in good time for the I >-*att_. As will vbe seen by advertiseI .-sunst' elsewhere f-e Jane Douglas leaves' I fsr Akaroa, on the I5tH instant, at G p.m. I .utiifning _cxc day. The Rotorua will be I '$_*■ ~¥aion Company's steamer running I" lie escur-ion trip on the" 16th instant, I ]&?i_<- > on arrival of the 7.55 a.zn. train r Ifffia Christchurch; and from Akaroa; at I 4.30, connecting with 9.35 ,p.m. train I. itm byttelton. | £_BO_K DAT. D_MpKS__ATIOK. — A | - Bestiag of the Committee of this demonf-- ri*-Uo_ was held last evening, a large | .nialer of delegates being present; Mr [ K.lßallinger in the chair. It was re- |. .ported that the Railway authoritiea'Apro- | joae to start the first train to tbe Race- | m.rm, where the demonstration is to be ; bid, on tho 16th inst., . from the ■ Cbtarcbnrch Station at 9.50 a,m., and j sftenvards at short intervals as required i tatil 12 noon. These arrangements did with tho approval of the CoiaiBittfej, and it was resolved to comnmnifete vjth tiie Railway Commissioner*, gfjsg on them the necessity of timing fceUsi up tiain to leave Christchurch ag .«& p.m., and also saggeafcing that * ti_in at 10 a.m. and 1.30 £si., _a well as all down trains should pp at Addington. Tenders were opened jra telrcshment booths-, and - that of Mr Jatees Eobinson was accepted. Replies recpived . from several gentlemen, *K§*3titig the positions as judges, starters, After appointing Special wsßaiitteea to entertain the children, and -ipsee tbat the sports are carried out to «-ae» the Committee ad joarned. ah_stejs Eovai..—The very successFul tsi of "Pcpita," came to a close last there was a crowded house. opera went very brightly, encores jaogireeuent. The duet "My excellent g*sd Bombardos " and the *« Ta-ra-ra " srere encored over and over again. U-ugbt "The Yeoman of the Gaard," mm is undoubtedly the finest of the and Sullivan operas, will be pro«aceO. The opera has been very strongly Miss Graupner plays Elsie, Miss .;W«MS-_,Mi_B C.Thompson Dame Carjwkns, aad Miss May Pollard Kate. Mr ffca will appear as Jack Point, Mr Bracy Hw-c aelFairfax and Mr Howard .Vernon « ufred Shadbolt. The costumes used a .He prodastion are arcb-sologieally cor--c.ia every respect, while tbe articles loathe stage are exact facsimUies of S«B »a the Tcw er of London. "The *«w_ of the Gaard" will be followed on ■*wfej mg_t by "The Mikado/ which •- 1 ha the farewell producdion of the -^ts-seasoa. %H*S K,a *"- Th * "Wttttly meeting o*f S Comaiittee was held on. Mon2*\ p «sent—Messrs MallhoUaad, Mcand Wball (Chairman). &I»L !an<iers was declared elected a »^ ro£ . the Commi.tee.. The maater's _f"*"f{V eport showed attendances—For J*» *L /, for girls 19 8. Total for month »wL?_!._? ttn *«* The examination j_ t xtoQd was received, and the Jf«uttee w-re highly gratified with the rtesults obtained. In his I £**» the Inspector stated that the! €l!? r lB Qp - ?er Masses was done with thoroughness, and that moch m**®*?? 1 * 3 ** 7 ' of *"S- eommen--Ba_f' Eeaci - n g and arithmetic had W)*! l i I * teworth - F advance. A letter was wi ftott the Bo*"*. that the very Eatisfactory, and that the S2L • rve3 social credit for his Gt-S^! Promoting the efficiency of *S4 t> V* fee P re Par of diagrams SoCh c*e * of a school TO-seum. M_*+^t 11 Was instrric =ed to convey to i.- e v ommifct€e ' s sjaeereappre"mt, I ls €fforts d -nng the past year, «4r2L-^ m ?^ ,late him «athV_aark-d WEST* f &t has bee * made, e-pe> fetSed*^ B ? rdß l t€adi,i * and arithmetic. MftreJ P S charge of the a^-iteit J iard I£ ; r aa favoarabl? ,t^'lS_? on ' Stanaar dl. hadaSo. £ fend rK CasrsklAS - ~ WardeU S«nt« of V' ba^, c received direct ship. Uey h a^ m»d»ls iase . lß:ook s Biscuits. * t - r « m aaemaßostron & -{ADV-.J

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8350, 8 December 1892, Page 4


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