Special Australian News.—la anothai column will be found our Melfeparae correspondent's' budget of Australia news, specially telegraphed from iheßktS , . It comprises a thrilling account of the disaster in Poet Phillip, which resulted in the drowning of fifteen young men return ing from a football match, and a graphw * account of the execution of Deoiaiag, with a copy of a verse of a hyniu %?ri£t;?ii by hini shortly before, hia death. There is also a report of a daring but appareatly abortive burglary which took place $S Sydney. ■ HoBTiouLTtrRAL Society.—The aanasl general meeting of tin Christohuroh Horticultural Society will take place at the rooms of the Canterbury AgricuUarsl and Pastoral Association, Hereford street on Friday evening. . ■; Land Sale at Ranqiora.— Yosterdlay < morning Mr W.Buas at his auction, roosts ; offered 75 acres land in estate of G-. '1. Hanna, deceased, at Sefton, which was sold to Mr J. Baird at JJI7 per acre. A. farm of 455 acre 3at Lob urn was bid to £9, j but withdrawn at £7 6s. . -~ j Inquest.—An inquest was held at the \ EasteruHotelatO.aOo'clockyesterdaym&Hi" ) ing before Mr E. Beethara, Coroner, touch* j ing the death of Mr J. B. Thompson, who | was found dead-goa previous day. Hrß&e % was foreman of the jury, After baarirsg * the evidence, a verdict of death frons c natural cames, namely, fatty dogeneratios g of the heart, waa returned. I Woodsnd.—-On Monday eveaingi Mr & § Moore, M.H.R,» addressed b large uiestinp, | of Eangiora electors in the District School- | room. MrJ, Q. E« Wiaatoe was voted to | the ohair. After going fully into tise | political questions of the day, Mr Moore | answered a number ot questions. Mr C. g B. Moody moved, Mr J. Jud3on seconded, | a vote of thanks and sonfidenee. Mr J* | Borland moved, Mr E. Hayman seconded- | a vote of no confidence. The original g motion waa carried almost unanimously* | and a vote of thank 3to the I terminated the meeting. I THBATRiCAa.—The lovers of amoaoiueat | in Christchurch %vill be pretty well caterel | for daring the next two or three ciontas | affer «bte intorreghum wliica at pM«o» g exists. The Montague Turner Opera | Company opens at the Theatre Boflj.- | for a three weeks'season un Jano-JUM- | They will be followed by Miss U»ii« g Barlow and her Company, who comment® g their Chnstchnrch season on July I««* 1 During this they wiU produce " UW* | Jack Sheppard" and o6he.f pieces oss a similar character. With tbe chftscas oj * | short return trip of Mr Carl Hertz «j | the Empire Company theatre goera «w m have a fairly attractive progr&mma W | tbe winter months. » |s CHEISTCKOBCft POXTiTBT Committee meeting was hold at g Pigeon Flying Club's rooms on blw**z m evening. There was a fall attendance« g members. The President, Mr E. Stooft ,| presided. Tho Secretary reported »» | Mr Charles Lewis had consented to noceF | the office of Judge in tlia special class w l d brown Leghorn cockerels, judged | the American standard of excellcßCC, ■*• g prize being Messrs Bing, Hariris and <A» fe cup, value £7 73. Tfao Art Union W» || mit*e© reported having purchase ■ ' g numerdU3 list of useful artteles. " ** fe resolved to exhibit the goods prior;.» | show. A good liat of special P" 2 *! ,1 connection with the forthcomiag , w« m Avas reported as promised. It ™ aS . 3 % t ij& solved to allot all specials by the of June and circuiate the list f*fL§ breeders throughout New Zealand. **' '|| transacting routine business fcite ir.ecu»f Jβ adjourned. j^ A Big D&ov.— is the **"*£§? householders to lay in a eene for winter use, sis the price has 181 \g| to an abnormally low cud at;prce« M quotations should bo 50 per cont. c fa f g,ft than gas. Messrs WardeJi Bros. &*Xm advertise they arc selling best water *«» oil at 5a 6d par tin, or 10s 6d per |' eight gallons. o rt (v«si^i Frttic Trees. Come and Sec upwards, two to flvo years Choicest kinds in j?reat variety to ?~ aM from. AU well croirn. c « lalog l^# ,Kanglora.-r-iADVT.J . M'
' Cotrwcit..—An ordinary -toeefc9 > of the above body was held yesterday, 18 40 a f&d deal of business was *>»nsW £h:Wsisg Committebs.—The annual iftinss of the various Licensing Coram %mTwill be commenced to-day at, the n*r* Council Chambera, at noon, when the the North-east Ward will ii?t W lO ofcbers wIU * oUow as already { half-yearly meeting -' i* the Canterbury Grand Lodge of Dcuids •U take place to-day at the Temperancw ' Gloucester street, commencing at o'clock. It is expected that the SLs to be transacted mil take the tire day. an 4 ma y ia7olve a 81 fc tin S in | .■*is££fflH* OF AN EKOIHBBL-The of Mr G. Johnston Webster Tl be clad to see that this gentleman's - wiifrv and experience has gained him SSUshlev Water Supply Board, K« he will have to manage and be reeible for the construction of an im- - of water supply and drainK» Si to none that has yet been •rSSitff at the Oddfellows' SllSnight, when Mr Horace Chester clever monologue entertam%e Mr Chester managed most successSSr to«nkhis identity in the numerous "' Titers assumed by him in the proandLng the music well. Mrs ?Sr aided considerably in the success '■•SmS- entertaining by her clever accompaniment of the various songs. . Mr CiSer will appear again this evening, S£uf new programme will be presented. * returns for the city of Christchurch for the month, ended SS 31st show :~Births, males 25, females To total 35; in the corresponding period of 1891 the number was 33. Marriages, 21; SpliO. Deaths, males 10, females 11, gtal 21 j in 1891 the number was 17. Iα SSitcnurcb. district the births ?ere:gSfaS, females 60, total 93; m 1891 Se *ere 112. Marriages, lb; in 1891, « Deaths, males 11, femalea 14, total 25*- in 1891 the deaths were 24. _ • Spbsvjxw School Committee.-The monthly meeting was held on Monday niffht Mr C W. : Comer presided, and all '• Sfe members were present. TheOommitSe decided to vote for MrT W Adam 3 '.Jor the vacancy on the Board of Educa- £ It was reported that Mr P. Parr haabeen interviewed aud was prepared to .-vera a sapply of school requisites, and it ~2, tewed that the Committee should Continue the sale of books. It was arranged to purchase a new wire rope for XT children's swing, and the usual salaries and accounts were passed for Accident.—Mr John Grant, of Willow Bank, Temuka, lost a very Talaabte horse on Monday afternoon in a singular war. He was leading it behind ■ :r aiiiobof Eh'eep, when it turned to bite at s-BWnefiies. In doing bo it caught a prodect»e tooth in the bars of the stirrup ' iionTreared, and broke its neck. The " norsewasof a very spirited though tractable -nsfore. Mr Grant attempted to cut the '.sturop leather, but the whole occurrence ' osJy occupied a few seconds. =~ .Saltwatkb Creek.—One of the most "jtfeasaafc gatherings ever held in this s-Sietfiit came off in the schoolroom on » Friday evening last, when, at the invitalion of the School Committee, the school children, their patents and friends, to the of nearly sixty, assembled to'say good-bye to their teacher, Mr J. H. Baird, on the eve-'of his departure to Broomfield, wiere"~He~has been appointed "master; Eefreshments having been handed round to all present, Misses May Thompson and Linda Hunter, for the school children> presented a handsome and suitably inscribed writing desk to Mr Baird, as a memepto.-of their kindly\feeifcgjs towards binh" Mr Baird feelingly responded; Songs, games, and- dances were then indulged in until 10 o'clock, when hearty chegrsjfor the fate teacher and/ the ComxaiSfee brought the proceedings to a close.' GBRiUHNE IMPBOVEMENT SOCIETY.—■ This Soaiety'3 meeting on Monday even* ing was well attended both by ladies and geatleiaap. The Key. A. B. Todd occupied #$ie chair, and an " evening .with Diokens" ftouf'spent." Mr W: H. Moore opened the • evening with a paper on' fcne "Life*"of Charles Dickens," which was followed by Mr H. B? Webster with a short sketch of Dickens', works and the order in -which; they' were written. Headings were contributed by Messrs Archibald, Wins tone; : H. C.'Orbell and 2>r. Fish, arid several members having given their opinions on the works of Dickens, a very interesting the Society terminated. ? . , . ''<-'K«W CiiOVKE Sheilbu:—Mr" James McVe4gh, of Tai Tapu, has been for some time running one of Messrs Andrews and Beavan's new clover shellers with most results. The machine ie very; . complete, but it was bo minutely described; Jα tie some few months ago, that a -teamtulatton is quite unnecessary. Mir McVeigh began operations 1-bn fourteen • acres, belonging to Mr P. Spencer, which yielded twenty-eight sacks of 2401bs eachj caetunof barely seven hours turning out; eight.iull sticks; and toe *a<that the seed straight from the machine realized; Vβ?? pes* ton is sufficient guarantee .as to the manner in which the machine does its -work. The very unsettled state of the weather greatly militated againet rapidj sliggress .being made. Champion and Limbrick have since} threshed wifh very satisfactory results,; tad Mr MoVeigU has w«k promised to him which will keep him busy for the next sight or ten weeks. * ' ' '' : Uv&icAf, SocrEi'T.--At an adjotorced meeting of persons interested in the formation of a Musical Society at Temuia there was a good attendance, Mr f Winchester, occupying the chair. '-Eacoaraging reports were received from Committee, and the rules drafted were read, amended and adopted. Uie following officern were appointed :— Patron, Mr A. E. G. Ehodes, M.H.E.; Hγ J. T. M. Hayhurst; Vice Mr James Blyth; Secretary, Mr J. TVaitaj Tieasurer, Mr E. Whitehead; Librarian, Mr W. G. Eutlandj: waaavfee, Messrs B. Op% >J. McCarikell ,J\ McCarthy/ Bey. DellpW,: mis- I T. M. Hayhnrst and Miss was resolved to hold the regular praences on each Monday in the month, and * i? Tlte for a coadubfor. J k .St. MATTHSW'e ChUECH, St. AZuBANS.— Aeonjersazione was held last night "in the lansh schoolroom, St. Albans, to com. laemorate the opening of the new class room which has been recently erected. v «55 *l w toom ' which is ab oat 24ft by KHtrhas been provided, as Mr A. f- «aa|peU explained, to supply a fane felt when smaller meetings * -\ c Jbeid connection with *°«jpanah, and also to give more accomaodaUon to the Sunday school. The Key. Sμ i. «^ cha3 and Miss coUected v !* . Dwin S 1891 the present In.nmbent,theßev. H. WUliams, received ja contributions £15 15a and he obrameci in tnfe city amount reaching the .total of lCs. The cost had been £80 to od, wnich had all b#en met. Mr Direy, had satisfactorily carried wi T ort ' ai^ d maD y of tbe parishioners aadffiost willingly contributed labour aria aer. Mr WiUiama presided and among; & tters mentioned that . St. 1 X? !2 s Ohurcb *m ■ -bwli in 1876, m 188 ° ftad 18 86 5 the schoolroom *as baat in ISTB, the parsonage ia ISS3, IJe orgaa built aud paid for in iSSB, and ?*^* he pariah room ia 1892. His j™«p the Bishoo delivered a short SHF?* m wWch be congratulated the ■Sffia , ? c acc °mplishment of its task, ewuaea to the focial and other advantages iL-JJew? ew room - aad dw«dt upon the n!^ for Skater social life in conaection with their churches for friendly Woosne and enjoyment; Addresees rr 6 given of the" visitors, m houl were tft e Eevs. P. Knowles inT : 7 , * Pur cbks, and- daring the evenJSf «wee were, contributed by the Glee by Mr Oomerford. i iSPSCIAL OiTER OF "SrAK, w CYCLES."— §B m & f°,' 8 "Star," eoUd tyre»,.f 15 * on v,^ ad fOl- catalogue, "Star" Cycles, AnAwr^ urchase Jrom 5s JP er weekfgffS;CcETfiis and Co., 70 ♦"yet, Ohristchurch. ■■• Beep's Xeas are direefc frooi the wfr f „*? to 'he consumers, consequently
So?MtHH€oiraT.— Hi3 Honor Mr Justice Denniston sat in Cnambers and Bankruptcy yesterday. The list was only a short one. and did not occupy much time in disposal. To-day his Honour will sit in Banco. There are several cases eefc down, as will be seen by the list appearing elsewhere.
Sakqxoba High School.—lt is understood that the Government has nominated Mr W. Whatman a Governor of the Kangiora High School Board ia place o£ Mr J. Fulton.
POSTPONBJIBNT.--A8 will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, the concerts which were to have been held in aid of the Hawarden Presbytery Fund a t Waikari and on the 3rd and 4th of June have been unavoidably postponed till the 7th and Bth of July. Kkightß op L&boub.—An open meeting of the Knigbta of Labour will be held this evening, at 8 o'clock, when Professor Bickerton will deliver an address on "Man's Relation to Society." The public are invited to attend. Spsih-gfield.—ln our report of the leap year balJ, given by the ladies of Springneld, we omitted to mention that, among others, Mr Pole, a visitor to the district, rendered most efficient services in the matter of supplying the music. The Belfast Freezing Works.—The new buildingo at the Belfast Freezing Works, which are intended to be used for the fellmongermg, which will shortly be added to the other industries already in full awing there, are rapidly approaching completion. When these and the new boiler house are finished the Company will be able, not only to freeze the sheep sent in to them, but also to wa3h the wool and prepare the pelts. KailwatTike Tabltb.-—On the North line the morning train from Christchurch to Culverden from to-day starts' at 7.25 a.m., and will be 10 minutes earlier at Styx ; due from Kaiapoi at 8.22, and Kangiora at 9 a.m. Tiie train from Calverden to Christchurch will start at 2.35 p.m., Waikari 3.50, Eangiora 6, and Kaiapoi 6.28 p.m. Tiie need for some alteration was shown yesterday morning the fact tnat the North train to Kbiapoi and Eangiora was twenty minutes late. It is to be hoped under the new time table the morning trains will be more punctual, St, Joseph's Catholic School, TUngioba..—On Monday the Eight Eev. Bishop Grimes, 1>.1)., paid an official visit to the St. Jqseph's Catholic school at Kangiora, whieli had been decorated for the occasion, and where a programme of music was gone through, Mr C. Flynn playing the accompaniments. An address waa presented by the scholars, read by Miss S. O'JElara, to which, the Bishop replied. He alluded to the fact that the State gave the school nb grant, although it took the people's taxes, and at election time it was advisable to get a promise from the representatives in Parliament that they would grant some consideration to the fact that the Catholic people were educating their children without any coa.t to the State. The school was at the close of the Bishop's address granted a week's' holiday.
Miss Vabtha's Conckrt.—The concert given by Mies Tartha in aid oE~Mr Herrick's Home will take place at the Oddfellows' Hall on Friday evening-. The, programme is a very attractive one, and should, apart from the laudable object with which the concert is given* draw a very large attendance. Mrs McE wen will contribute two vocal solos, Gounod's "Serenade" and Braga's "Serenata," the latter with violin obligate. Mrs Jennings will sing Molioy's "Darby and Joan" Benedict's 'VBock mc to sleep/: Misa Packer will play as violin solos Mozart's "Adagio" and Paganiui's "Mbto Pe,rpe-: tuo." Mr Izard and Mr Hugh Beeves will contribute two vocal solos each. Miss Vartha will play Mendelssphnfs "Fantaaie in F .sharp minor// . selections from the works of Chopin, Padcrewaki, Rubinstein, and; Mendelssohn-Liszt, and with Herr Hirschburg will play two pianoforte daets.... ■', . ........ . .... .-..-. ,■■ *,;;■:..; ■--<:
JPhb Eeozkn Meat TeADH.-—ln Tiew of the probability that Now Zealand will at no distant date have to face very keen and active opposition in the frozen meat trade, the following extract from the circular of H. Fitter and Sons, the wellknown, meat salesmen of London, under date April.lGfch, ia worthy the attention of our breeders of sheep. The, circular Bays: -r>-" At the risk of being thought troublesome,. we must repeat what ire have several, times stated before, that, taking into consideration the improvement in breeding that is going , on in Australia, it is absolutely necessary for New Zealand breeders to go in more for breed, and give up the large Llncolne and Leicesters." • ;
; Salbi of PicTHBE3.-~Tb.ore was a large , attendance at? the rooms of Meesrs Bowman and Sons yesterday, when thevalu* able; aad unique oolleetion of pictures; formed by Mr J; W. IL Blake were submitted Ik> competition. The bidding was' brisk-andappreciative, and the prices realised as a whole , showed' that the' fine arts are well appreciated hereV Tne highest figure in the Bale was brought by a veryiin,e <sattle piece, which made SO guineaa. Another very excellent picture, " Going to: Market," brought 20 guineas,' and a third,, " Cattle," 13 guineas. ;Mr D. Bowman : acted as aiscittitted - himself \ very well. As a whole, the result of the! sale was satisfactory
Twelfth , Jtr&T Gbi.bbbatiow. —• At; a; representative • meeting; of the various Orange lodges Jα ■■'No* 5 Temperance Dis-; trict, held lasfe Thursday, it was arranged; to commemorate the 12th July by a tea: and concert, to be held at tho Baptist Church, Oxford Terrace. At the convert; short addresses on special subjects will be delivered. There I will also be a church; parade Oα the Sunday previous, July 10th,; at 3 p.m., when the brethren from the; country as well aa the town lodges are. invited to attend divine setvice at the L Baptist Church, Oxford Terrace. Pastor Birch has kindly consented to -preach ar special sermon, and Bco.Eev. J. Hoaking,; Senior Grand, Chaplain, will assist ab the: service/>- Pull particulars will be duly, advertised. - ; SIDBNHAM LITBRART QtJll.D.—On MotJt-; day evening the Sydenham Literary Guild; held its usual meeting; Mr J. Stewart 1 being in the'chair. A debate ispok place ; on Women's Franchise, Mr Smith opening; in favour of it end dealing with the subject in an able manner. ', Mr Meiklebam; followed'with strong argument in opposi- • tion, cad a lengthy and spirited discussion followed. After replies had' been made, a division was called, which resulted ia 23 being in favour and 20 against. A heatty vote of thanks. was passed to the two members who opeiaed' the debate, and the meeting was closed ia; the usual way. ■«,*.■«■■♦. Pabish Chubch, Eangiosa.—The first of a series of winter entertainments xn connection with the parish church, Kangiora was held in the schoolroom on Monday•evening.- There was a very large attendance, the room being crowded, and the Eev: W. E. GUlam presided. The ladies and gentlemen who gave the entertainment all came from Christchurch for that purpose, and their efforts to please were most "successful,, every item being appreciated, and many of them redemanded. The National. Anthem was sung at of -the entertainWateb Scpplt Boakd.—The weekly meeting of the Waimakarirx-Ashley Water Sapply Board was iieid at the Baar gioia fituicipal Chamber yesterday morn. fas, present-*-Measre J. Dobjon (cMurS), E. Chapman, T. Pashby, B. WiMar a££-J.-Bn&L- Three appUcations were rMeived for the position of engineer to 2?SSrd. : » O. Johnston Webster wSuSiouslyappoiated. Smmended that en of the Sneer a thorough iaspeccion be made of ?hf whole proposed V**#*J* *%>*%& and WaimWri the and Brown's rocks end Mr Dixon s S»tqTlfc *«« decided to fix the date viaife to be Wednesday As to the question *<*?**« rfS&k it was the Board rfiould meet but had no inteatwa.of Stine offiles. It was decided agreeSnte be made, with the. Secretary bM Soginfeer, aad the usual sureties be found. Macrocarpa, strong, one and 6ldriruit trees of every description. nSseriotive < catalogue -on application. §SS aS road, Cumt-
CKwntn&Vß? TaoTTiNe Club.—Entries for the meeting of this Club dose tomorrow evening at the Al Hotel. City Impbotbsebsts. —As will be seen from a notification elsewhere, Messra,W. Strange and Co. invite tenders, closing on the Bth inst., for additions to their shop, carrying it through to Lichfield street. Messrs Collins and Harmon are the architects.
Lecture.—A lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Sidney J. Baker on "Liberty" ia Trinity Hall, to-morrow evening, at; eight o'clock. The chair will be taken by the Eev. C. H. Bradbury. Pbofbssob Bickketon's Lbctcrbs. — The next of the aeries of lectures iv course of delivery by Professor Bickerton at Canterbury College on " Astronomy " will be given iv the Chemical Lecture Theatre to-morrow evening.
Amatkob Boxing Clxjb. —A meeting of the members of the above will be held as Warner's Hotel this evening at eight o'clock.
Albeet Gthnasitth.—The programme for Saturday next, at the Albert Gymnasium, will be a seventy-five yards handicap for three prizes, the entries for which close on Friday next, at 9 p.m., and a wrestling competition, Cumberland style, for middie weights. Prevention of Crceltt to Animals.— The annual meeting of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will be held at the City Council Chambers tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by the BUhop of Christchurch aud several ministers iv advocacy of the claims of the Society to the support of the public.
The Phonograph.—An exhibition by Mr George Kelly of Edison's phonograph, with all the latest records from America, will be given this evening at the Oddfellows' Hall, Sydenham. Since the phonograph was first exhibited in. , Christ : church, Mr Kelly has introduced a number of improvements, and has also added the records of the voices of several prominent and well known persons in Christchurch and elsewhere.
Thkological Lkctxjbes:—The Eev. John Hosking will continue his theological lectures at the Methodist Free Church, St. Asaph street, this evening. The subject is "The Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ/ , There will be a criticism of Mr Worthington's teaching. Written questions bearing on the subject will be answered at the close of the iectnre.
Thb Sydenham Licensing Case.—lt ia understood that Messrs G-arrick, Cowlishaw and Fisher, the solicitors for the plaintiffs in the case of Taylor and others v Isitfc and others, have been instructed to carry the case on appeal to the Privy Council, and that efforts will be made to bring the case before that tribunal abas early a date as possible. Phonographic Magazine.—Wβ have received from Messrs Simpson and "Williams, the local agents, a copy of the New Zealand Phonographic Magazine published at Dunedin. It contains a good selection of reading matter written in the reporters' style of Pitman's shorthand, and also the first of a series of lessons on fihe art of,phonography. It it very well got-up and is decidedly worth the support of advanced phonographera as well as those who are desirous of learning the system. ■..".■•. Litebabt Societt.-—There was a good attendance at the usual weekly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association Literary Society held at the rooms of the Association on Monday night. The evening,, was devoted itp a "Parliamentary election," Mr J. Whiteiaw acting a<? Returning Officer. The candidates spoke at some length on the topics of the day, among which, were (general Booth's scheme, Women's Franchise, Shop Hours and Taxation Bills., Questions were then dealt with, and the election proceeded with, which, resulted in the: return of Messrs Bosie, Barrett and Stening. Waimakabibi-Asbley . Watbb Supply Boabd.—-The weekly meeting of the Wai-imakariri-Ashley Water Supply Board was held at the Eangiora Municipal Chambers yesterday. Present —Mes3rs „• J. Dobson (Chairman), E. Chapman, T. Pashby, E. Wilder and J. Smith. Three applications were received for the position of Engineer t» the Board, and Mr G. Johnston Webster was unanimously appointed.' The Chairman recommended that on the arrival of the Engineer a thorough inspection be made of the whole proposed system to the Ashley and Waimakariri gorges, the head worke, and Brown's rocks and Mr Dixon's country. It was decided to fix the date for June Bth (Wednesday week), if convenient. As to the question of location of the office, ii was resolved that the Board should meet at Eangiora. It was resolved that agreements should tie made with the Secretary and Engineer, and that the-usual sureties should be found;. :
Colonial Mutual Assubancb Association.—The annual report of this Association has been issued, and shows a very satisfactory year's work; During the year 5900 proposals have been for sums amounting , to .£2,334,672, and of these 4090 were completed, amounting in the aggregate to .£1,589,747. The increase in premium revenue during the year has been J345,524 Hβ Id. Claims have matured by death and otherwise under 318 policies, on 304 lives, amounting, with' declared and intermediate bonuses, to .£99,597 15s 9d, including £15,844 16s 5d for endowments. The addition; to the funds during the year was £175,946 143 ; lld, bringing the total funds up to> .£1,372,361 5s Bd, Ttte new business for the year, exceeded one" million'- and a half (.£1,589,747), making: the total amount of policies in force nearly eleven; millions. The expense ratio shows a'f urther reduc-. -tiott of 1J per cent., making a total' reductiDn ot 4& per cent, effected in the last three . . - UsiQtJS Sals.—-As will be seen py advertisement elsewhere, the L.I.C. are making whafc is "well styled " a startling proposal*'* to the ladies of Christchurch. This is in the direction of making up free .of cost one Hundred dresses which may be tourchaeed during the sale,.starting to-day. The sale, as will be seen, includes dress materials, mantles. &0., and no doubt there will bo a large attendance of those desirous of isecuring bargains during its continutoe Eden Ge6kg« Compaky, Lirtp. fihdtfce opal work too large to finish by tfafc 30bh June, all deposit tickets are extended, and can be used up to September 30tJh. The Dunedin issue Is poatpoded, and as a large stock is arriving for Dunedln, we intend using some of ib up by issuing a ieW more deposit, tickets in ; Christohurch. There are -more tickets wanted than we dare sell, so that early application is necessary, as on no account will these opals bedoa% in Christcijurch ifterwards under d 62 25.-tADVT]. Plaxinexte.—Stakdish and Prkece are exhibiting in their vestibule a beautiful collection of these gems of Come and see the consummation of photographic research.—l AoVT.j
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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8187, 1 June 1892, Page 4
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4,300NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8187, 1 June 1892, Page 4
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