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•«■ . ■■ At t ! ~ Coat. Export.--The export of CD»I P w . ducts, from tfreynioutb, for the wees ending Saturday, w 3975 tow*"*.# coal from Westpoft for Wμ i»W pe noa 3880 ton*, - . t . • BOBOUQU ASBBBBSISNTS.--TO-e*? » ™ last day for sending in <> b J^ tJ fiJf valuations under the Ratio* A et ,f 4!!™ The objections must be mafia In »*■»*"■ providwd to the Courts, and a coW •«« » the office of the Borough CoujwiU ..' Thb Pice BraGADE.-Mr dent Turton bega to ackuow)ed«* *»« thanks, XI Iβ from Mr 1 , . <?- services rendered at the la»« n«;in « Brook** shop, Uiehop'a buildings. l T.MUKA rifle *tat&l*£» nection with the above corps was Sruiw the range oa Thursday afternoon.. Wj conditioue scoring, sevee ahote wh afeSoo ', 500 yarda. The following were tue p«n pointe) 70. Bagler Collins (B) Jf'-jWjg k-ace (3) 63, Sergeant l**i*»M*f>?fb R eant Hobbe (2) 62, Private Nicholas W--58, Private Lavery (5) Sβ, Wβ Bw. (scr) 53. The other *«« Lieutenants Fiodlay and Wt«WW. Eight others competed. „«, first ronnd for Mr J. 0. Itorha , - iproj «J sailed on Saturday afternoon, which was blowing nearly a gale from W N.N.E., proved Ux> much for «*»«■"! last. Tbe r»oe eventually endflAa* undcri -Crest 5h 53mia. Petrel 5U 6omm,-J^ distance behind. Soon after the •»» i, through m accident .he toe ne«^ >»

Tub Waifara Accidsnt.— Mγ O'Con--dl who was thrown from bis horse at the TTaipara Cutting on Thursday night, has JSderably recovered from the effects of iiS T £SxcA L .-Owing to the great *~Lb of "Eob Boy" on Saturday night SHnanagement hare decided to change i - ft* nroeramme as arranged for this evenSJ P 2S substitute "Eob Eoy" for ifjscbelieu." The latter will be produced Superintend ant of the Lyttelton Sailors , Home JSnowlcdg« with thanks the receiptof a ! parcel of periodicals from Mr A. Eose, . Two boys named lames Jackson and Ernest Feke escaped I • tiie Burnham Industrial school on vjAslv Jackson appears to be fond of *Z& away, this beintr hie fourth iXpf to obtoin hi 3 liberty * a fort * ■"fcwsß akd CHEisTiAxm'.-There ««- a large congregation at the Methodist SL Church, St. Asaph street, last even- • Tvilen Eev. John Hosking redehverea l°f fortnon on the "Comparison and &»tnutof Christianity with Buddhism/ jSefcthe first of a series on " The Great Tbe Hope of Cbriafc•fcnreh Lodsre held its usual meeting on SEtoy evening at the Druids' Hall. There was a large attendance, Bro. Anslev CT., presided. One candidate wag initiated. Tho amusement of the evening was the" Question bos," causing _ jpai of merriment and imparting instruc*on also. Bro. E. Long, P.D.G.C.T. Resided at the organ. J Casbbian Societn.—Tne usual gather- j ine m connection with this Society is to be heli on St. David's day, tbe Ist of Harcb. The gathering will, take place in tbtf Provincial Council Chambers, kindly pat at the disposal of the Committee by ilr Marchant. Mr Morgan, the Welsh harpist, will fortunately be able to take part in the celebration. A splendid harp bas kindly placed at his .disposal by Jlr Birch. Kaiapoi Ch JTHiNG Factouy Excursion. —Tbe annual excursion of the hands connected with the Kaiapoi Clothing Factory's Establishment in Cashel street, took place on Saturday, irben they were conveyed in a special train of tea long carriages leaving town at an cftrly hour to the WekaPaaa. The weather •was fine, and the went out with an exuberance of spirits and supplies necesearytomake the picnic one of thorough enjoyment. The Ashi,tjy.—Since the subsidence of the flood a lair ford has been made across tbe Ashley between Eangiora and Loburn. The bottom is good, but the water runs very deep. The Road Board are having the approaches to the traffic bridge repaired. This etructare crosses half the river-bed. It neither speaks much for tbe influence of tbe member for this district or the energy of the local bodies interested that this snould be ■about tbe only unbridged river in a wellgettlod district in the province. Corn Exchange.—The meeting of the Corn Exchange Committee was held on Saturday afternoon. PresentMr C. Lewis, Chairman, and a fair proportion of Directors. The aulited balancesheet, showing a debit balance of £16 53 to Slsfc January, 1892, was adopted. The only other business before the meeting was the election of Secretary, and after jWßßiderable discuasion it decided to advertise lor a Secretary Church of Christ. —An entertainment was held in the above church on Friday evening. The following contributed towards the evening's enjoyment: —Songs, Misses Wooley, Taylor, Florence, Mrs Oakley and Wood, and Messrs Young, McDiarmid and Oales ; vocal duets, Mr Young aud Miaa Florence, and Mrs and Miss Manifold; violin solo, Mies H. Martin; selections on piano, Misses L. Taylor and A. Oakley; recitations were given by the Misses Hawley and Grand, end Afr A, Wi'-son. Medical Association. —The ordinary monthly meeting of the Canterbury branch of the above was held at the Publio Library on Thursday evening last. Dr. Levinjje occupied the chair. One' new member was elected. A long, busy and practical evening was passed. Several papers were read, and clinical cases and •specimens exhibited. Though the evening'a proceedings were of the greatest interest Jo medical men, the only subject of interest to laymen was a paper on cases of couaine poisoning, this drug being used by come persons especially in cases of sea sickness, without its being prescribed for them by a medical man. United Methodist Fhek Church.— On Friday evening a farewell gatheriug took place at the United Methodise Free Church, to take leave of tim Eev. A. Peters, who, after sis years in the district, is removing to tbe Wellington district. There was a large attendance. Mr J. Withers presided, nud addresses were made by the Rev. J. Honisell and Mc J, ,Yqss, Tbe presentation of a handsome cake basket and two salvers inscribed *• Presented to Key. A. Peters and Mr 3 Peters by members of the United Methodist Free Church Congregation, Kangiora, February 12fcb, 1892," was made during the evening, the receipt of which was suitably acknowledged b/ Mr Peters in an affectionate address. Morris Tube Shooting.—On Friday *f«Qing tbe members of the Clmstouurch, Working Men's Club Kifle Class fired the thirteenth competition for the No. 1 series of, prizes, when the following were the highest scorers:—Mossrs 11. C. wells (scr), 83 j A. W. Jones (ser), 33; H. Spicer (2), S3jM. Robertson (ser), 132 ; O. W. Turpin tscr),32; B. v. Joss (scr), 31; J. Hastia (ecr), 31; J. Glanville (scr), 31; W. A. i Caldwell (l), 31. On Saturday evening a special prize of a walking stick presented by a member of the Class was fired for and »oa by Mr W. A. Caldwell (1), 33. The j next highest scorers were—A. W. Jonas (*«), 32; m. Robertson (scr), 32; K. C. Wel»» («cf),B2 } E. G. Frost 32 j C, w. She*woo<i (sgi), 32; J. Lawrence (1), &•; G. Cooksoa (3), 31. Caktbebckt Commercial Travellers' *S0 JVASSUOuskiiiiN's Association. —The jtot examination oi" the Detached Class of «*• Joha A,mbul*nce Association, was held i*~t< ***** rooms on Saturday evening ''W*. i>. Hneon being the examiner. Four candidates presented themselves for ttwsiißation, viz., H. N. Andereon, H. Ja%. A. B. Cbappell and J. Marriner. «»r tbe candidates handed in their ; P*P?*» the doctor examined them in various subjects, including bandaginjr ! aad stietcber drill. After looking thryugh j wieu-papera the examiner, addressing the j candidates, said he had much pleasure in ; jjajffig that all bad passed in a very satis- j *»wry manner; the practical knowledge ! Kiowa by them in rendering first aid to ; we iajured did great credit to their j lecturer, Dr. Jennings. Tne Secretary of j w« Detached Class (Mr F. W. Francis) deads holding practices at the rooau waj Taesday and S&turday evenings. It »to be hoped thai more members of the Asso « a tiou wfll aaaiat in tbis useful work. H. Weir will give ft musicaJe at the Art Gallery, on "ednesdey next. The programme ar*f»«i aa for the oouwion is a very attractive oa* Mrs WUson wUI sing "Timothy's and «shall I wear a white w Misß K. Fairburst "Love the "igrim," Miss M. Bell " Thou wilt return w> wore," Mies A. S. Taylor " Over hiU, wer del*," aod Mrs Edgar "The Crede *<ove Song." Mr Weir's contributione will ttclude •• The Crystal Sea," " Cantu," and .ine Sun wa3 setting." Mr Millar will gag " Wbo shall be King," »nd Mr Hugh ««« " Ho, jolly Jenkins." Mr H. M. will play "Song without •word* ,, *aa Liszt's •• Tne Galte Yeneeian*." PjCKio.—Mesgrs Booth, Macdonald and J* 0 - held their annual picnic on Saturday The party, numbering about 140, left «y thes 8.55 a.m. train for Lytfcelton, thence John Anderson to Khodes' Bay, where ■>V> «s«uiunl games, &«., at such gathering* *ere freely indulged in. The proceeding* uiroughout the day were enlivened by the B»at strains of music from Mesare Truda eros. string band, and after giving three j*arty cheew to Mr P. D. Gardiner for the ose of his grounds the party made a start tor home at 6.30 p.m., after spending a toost enjoyable day's outing, all the Chudren coming home laden with toys a** prizes to the great delight of all the i parents.

'MxßTiNa oir Butcher3.—A meeting of master butchers will be held at Warner's Hotel this evening at eight o'clock. Somnsb Excursion.— The usual weekly excursion to £amner will take place tomorrow evening, when the Addington Workshops Band will accompany the party. _ . Stotxkam Mctwcai. Soctett.—Owing to the holiday co-morrow, the usual practice is postponed until the 23 rd inst. The LTCBirac. —An entertainment -will be given this evening afc the Lyceum, consisting of musical and dramatic items. Rifle Shootino.—The following will represent the E Battery against the Kowai Rifle Club at Sefton on Tuesday, February 16th. Members leave by 7.35 a.m. train: Lieutenant Jackson, Quartermasters Dougall and Fox, Sergeants Were, Henwood, Treleaven, Bombadier Berry, Gunners Lester, Cropp, Hewlett, Higgs. giHBSBLXT.—The Kimberley Domain Board held it 3 ordinary meeting in the Schoolroom, Kimberiey. This beautiful ground has been rather neglected of late. and in consequence has become overgrown by grass. It was decided to sheep graze it, and it was accordingly let for the purpose. The accounts of the Board were found to be in a very flourishing condition.

An Escaped Lunatic. — Christopher Creighton, a half caste Maori, escaped from the Sunnyside Asylum, at 9.30 a.m. yesterday. He is about twenty-eight years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, black hair, slight black beard and moustaches, walks with a slouching gait, well educated, and speaks English well. He was dressed in Asylum coat and vest, ehirt, flannel and socks and private trousers and brown hard hat, fiat crown. Trout.—There was on view on Saturday at Mr W. J. Alpe's shop, Colombo street, seventeen trout weighing 72lbs, they were caught by two Christchurch anglers for a day and a half fishing in the rapids of the Lower Selwyn river. Also one fish v/eiguing l'dilbs caugbt in the Avon near the tramway bridge by Mr K. Reid. Eebfton Gold Sbtuuns. —The manager of the Globe, K«ep it Dirk, and No. 2 South Keep it Dark Gold Mining Companies telegraphed Mr James Henderson, Hereford street, the roturns for the past week as follows—viz.: —Globe, 3050z of amalgam from ISO tons ; l>ark, 560z of amalgam from 52 tons ; No. 2 Dark, 15Ooz of amalgam from 90 tons.

Peculiar Accident. —A peculiar accident took place on Saturday afternoon in Colombo street. A palace car was being driven up the street, when the horses shied off opposite Mr 3 Pope's shoo, and dashed in to the side walk, breaking the iron verandah post off near the bottom. The pole of the car went through Mrs Pope's plate glass window, but fortunately no one was hurt, and beyond the glas3-smashing, no harm was done.

Palgeave Faem, St. Albans.—This rich block of about fifty-six acres of land was an eariy selection made by the late Eev. T. K. 2?i3ber, aud is some of the cream of the richest soil near the city. It is to be sold by auction on oth March by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company aa notified in our advertising columns, when dairy farmers and market gardeners will have an opportunity of acquiring the right sort of rich alluvial soil in a most convenient situation near the city for carrying on a profitable business. EaSTCHBISTCHOBCH SoHOOIi COMMITTUB. —A meeting of this Committee was held at the main school Committee room on tbe evening of the 11th mat. Present — All members except Mr Brunt, who sent an apology for his absence. The meeting was to consider the applications for assista,nt master, and after carefully investigating the claims of twelve applicants the Committee recommended the appointment of Mr Kees Williams. Chbistchubch Rhoatta. — To-morrow will be observed as a public holiday in Cbrietchcrch and Lyttelton, ifc being the occasion of the Christchurch Eegattt on Lake Forsyth. It will be noticed elsewhere that the excursion trains start for Little Eiver and the Lake at 8.53 and 8.58 a.m., and should the executive be favoured with fine weather tbe attendance will be very large. Numbers of large picnic parties' have been arranged to go on to Little Eiver. Without doubt this is the most beautiful spot for holding gatherings of that description. Thb Ashbuuton Fibb.—Andrew Black, jeweller, on whose premises a fire was discovered on Thursday night, was arrested on Saturday afternoon on a charge of arson. He will be brought up at the Court this morning. Constable Hunt is deservedly being given great credit for the prompt action he took and the cool judgment he displayed in connection with the fire. The constable and Messrs McKay, H, Paget, J. McGregor and M. Salek each rendered valuable assistance, and they are entitled to the credit of having saved a large block of buildings and many thousand pounds worth of other property from total destruction. SOUTHBBIDQB TOWN BoABD. — The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Thursday. Present—Messrs B. Webster (Chairman), B. C. Burns, H. B. Brittan, A, Cameron, and T. .Shearman. Corre. epondence was received from the Selwyn County Council applying for the sum of £9 13s 9d on account of hospital and charitable aid, also .£33, being proportion of cost of administering the Licensing Act, It was resolved that the first instalment of £11 be paid on account of coats of licensing. Tue question of tbe purchase ot a iue-bell for the Fire Brigade, which stood over from last meeting, was discussed, and it was fiually decided to obtain » 651b bell from Messrs Scott Bros. Mr Slater waited on the Board, and handed in a petition signed by forty-two ratepayers and others petitioning the Board to open the section between Taumutu road and the railway. The petition was received, It was decided that all rates outstanding be sued for on the first Court day. Accounts amounting to £19 5* 10J were passed for payment, and the meeting adjourned. j&oBBiNo SciTOAT School Boxzs.—At the Ashburton Police Court on Friday, before Messrs H. Fried Under and D. Thomas, J.P»., a young mau named Herbert Cecil St. John, who came to A3hbnrton as a theatrical agent, was charged with the larceny of several pieces oi music, the property of Miss Wildsinith, and 10a Bd, the property of Mr Greenslade and others. Prisoner, who had been arrested on the v»y to Dunedin, pleaded guilty, Sergeant Molier said tbat prisoner had been lodging in the bouse of Mrs Wildsmith, and while there had taken the pieces of music and sent them away to be bound. He had also got at the Sunday eoaool boxes belonging to the Baptiflt church, taken the bpttoins out, and stolen the contents. Between £3 and £4 were missing from these boxes, and he (the Sergeant) had traced the 10s Bd, prisoner having paid for his railway ticket with three penny pieces and other small coins. There was a previous conviction of larceny ac a bailee against: accused, {or which he had served a term of six montba' imprisonment. The Bench, after commenting on the meanness of the theft, imposed a sentence of six months' imprisonment with hard labour.

Suhkkb Bobouqh Cotxsctl.—The fortnightly meeting of this Council was held on Tuesday evening. Present —The Mayor (Mr Hay ward). Councillors Carpenter, Hughes, Watson, Monet, and Taic. Cr. Hughes apologised for the absence of Cr. Pratt. Correspondence—From Mr Q. P. "Williams, M.1.C.8., relative to hie report and estimate for a high pressure water supply for the town. From Mr K. M. Morten, relative to the valuation of his property within the borough; referred to the Valuer. From Messrs Taylor and Oakley, stating that a steam engine and pump would be sent down to test the artesian well for six days, to be on. the ground in abont a fortnight. The Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr R, W. Fereday that the claim would be paid in terms of his previous letter. The Treasurer's statement showed—-Beceipta £13 6* Id, accounts passed at last meeting £19 lie 6d, Bask balance jg79 14e lOd. Accounts amounting to JS39 9s 8d were passed for payment. Mr Jameson asked for compensation for an accident to his trap in Nay. land street on Sunday last. It was resolved that the request could not be entertained. Moved by Cr. Taife—"That the report of the Works Committee be adopted." Beconded by Cr. Hughes, and earned. The meeting then adjourned,

Horsb Tkai!«ng Contbst.—A competition which bas for some time been talked ot between Profeseor Lichtwark and Mr Jabez Lakey, in their methods of reducing untrained horses to submission and useful work, is now likely to come off. Stakes of £5 each have been* lodged, and the trial has been fixed for Friday, February 19th, to fake place at Tatteraall's, Professor Lichtwark has nominated Mr A. Saunders, M.H.8., as his judge, and Mr E. Dombrain will act in a similar capacity on behalf of Mr Lukey. The two judges will appoint a referee.

Comsikecial Travellers' Association. —At the monthly meeting of the Commercial Travellers' Association, held on Saturday evening, it was resolved that a petition be sent to tbe House of Representatives in favour of a provision giving commercial travellers tho. - «;;ie privilege as seamen re voting at I'-nliamentary elections. Tbe petition uu»» lies at the rooms for signature. After several new members were proposed, it was decided to bold a smoke concert in the rooms on Friday next, the 19th instant. Mr Hart has kindly consented to give a lecture at a future date on " Celebrities I have met."

New Zealand Scbnebt.—There will be on view at Messrs Bowman and Son s rooms on Wednesday nest a collection of paintings from the brush of Mr S. H. Moretou, who lately made a sketching tour through the west coast of Otago, securing sketches of the magnificent scenery to be i'ound there. Mr Moreton is an artist of high repute; copies of his pictures frequently appear in the Illustrated London News.

Another large display of opals On view at Eden George's entrance. Everyone has been delighted with results, and owinp; to hundreds now applying for deposit tickets Mr £o£N GKoRGii has decided on issuing 1000 more next monta. Fail particulars in future advertisements. Persons should visit our entrance daily, as we show nearly every order executed. The Earl and Countess of Heath having sat to C. H. Manning for their photographs before leaving foe the Southern Lakes, specimens of them may now be seen afc the Studio, Colombo street, as also those of the Earl and Countess of Ouslow, the Ladies Gwendoline aod Dorothy, tbe Hon. Huia in Maori garb, the late Duke of Clarence, Cardinal Manning, and the usual Brillianc and Artistic IHsplay of Photographic Work so much admired by the general public at this Studio. No one should miss seeing the latest novelty of photographic art now exhibited in Standish and Pubeoe's vestibule High street. —[Advt.'J The best medicine in existence is COLEmane and Son's Eucaiypte Extract for colds, coughs, consumption, bronchitis, gravel and kidney complaints, liver complaints and fevers of all kinds. So that you are not-imposed upon by wood turps, see tbat each bottle bears the Tree of Life and oar signature, Colemane and Sons, Cootamundra, N.S. Wales, without this it is a fraud. Ipor gout, rheumatism, sciatica, try our special Eucaiypte Oil, 2oz bottle Is 3d, Awarded medals and diplomas, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne beatiug all competitors. Sold everywhere

The Hsßoiara of Maniptjb.—The Princess of Wales (says the World) h»s forwarded a cheque for .£I3OO to Mrs Grimwood as the result of the subscription which her Uoyal Highness started for her upon her arrival from Maaipur. The cheque was accompanied by a kind letter from the Princess herself.

John Bright as an An<jler.—Aα ioi terestinpr etory of Mr John Btrigbt'e early angling experiences ia told by Mr Corballis in I hie "Wottyriive Jearaof Sporfc," jaaC published by Mr Bentley. Mr Bright waa recei7ing his first lesson, in salmon fishing from the grandfather of the present Lord Lovafc at the Groam Pool, On the JBeauly. Hβ was told to cast over a spot not more than three yards from him, "and thinking to steady the line, turned it round his forefinger. The result wae that when Mr Bright hooked a fieh, as he did at the very firsb cast, he gave an agonised yell and forthwith tumbled straight into the river. The line had cut hie finger nearly to the bone, and he threw the rod away to free himself. Lord Lovafc. who had a "gaff in hie band, quietly clipped it into Mr Bright's nether garments and held him till'he was palled out) by some friends who were near. ; •

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8093, 15 February 1892, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8093, 15 February 1892, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8093, 15 February 1892, Page 4


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