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V'"''" ' '-''-_■• ;'* iv , mrQ&i£ 'lH_T_ i ii_-TiONy--rTh,e .iasti____-' vttnr-. of the Mayors of C-urtstckureh, Kaiapoi, Sydenham, Bangiora, ' Hsd St. Albans takes place at noon to-day. |fo_-T-__- Boaed. —A special meeting of --__"_?erth Canterbury Hospital Board will • l M' fefeid at 10.30 a.m. to-day for the' 'ijabose of appointing a honorary .taff. £~ £oc_x Posimabtbiis. —Mr Gf. Anderson,' t 2sre_m, and Mr A, .F. Leonards, Lo, Bon's ,s«y, hare been recently appointed Post- & Stutters ia the Christchurch district. ii < Oca Wool ik Ameusica.—On page 3 will. *'$*-onad a very iateresting interview with : aa. American gentleman nrtw in ChristOn'" the subject of the McKinley SSU,"aad the possibiirty of our wool being & 'sSmitted free of duty into America, .. „'As*_sfS CtiKBiKO. —Mr G. E. Mannerat leugth practically succeeded f. j»id_g_b__g to the top of Mt. Cook, returned ar toWwn l_st night. A crraphio deactiption of **£_} trip, as detailed to our special reporter* j: fejjtear_ oa page 5 of this issue. X . .. CouaT.—The case of Brown v and Co. was concluded yesterday, fee jury bringing in a verdict for defeu*.';&»s on &U tbe items of claim except such •t-jpa wen reserved for argument of the legal *-M__ts.- The sitting will be resumed at f - : f&tsaj_i. to-day. f,. **Tb_i Messiah.—The production of the * r Vsri-t_-a~ oratorio, "Tbe 'Messiah/* by *'Ma Motett Society, assisted by Madame jo Barton, Miss Colbourne Baber, Mr..Stock « $*|_, Mr .Bradley, and Mr A. MiHar. will j-4kks place on Friday evening next, at toe », Oddfellows' Hall. Those who desire-to - attend on the occasion should reserve their ■Imtz. j Dahaqb to thb Eakaia Bhidoe.—The • Sakftia railway bridge has again suffered R COffl-iderabla damage from flood, a heavy ?.fresh comiag down yesterday and scouring »sqfe some piles. The express train, was ?--__ta__s to cross last evening, and passenf pt* : - and luggage had to be transhipped to *'. a tram in waiting on the north side. Watbb-r_.ce. —We understand ."" mat there is every probability ofa scarcity t Vw water in thi3 district. As will be seen ,* from an advertisement in another column, -.iiinaa already been, found necessary to the flow of water ia the main «.Haas every forty-eight hours. Last sumL**sr the water held out until the Ist of • Jasraary, and in previous years until Vafcout the middle of February, so the -». $te&ght 6utlook is very serious, especially a is ths auxiliary supply will not be avail-A-japXe. until "about the cad of Pehruary. • ' Sarxox Scsoot. Com-uttsb. — At, a . EBsdsl B._**ißg of the Committee, held en t MoS-lay evening, to arrange the details of iv aid of the prize fuad, which ;weß place on the 19th inst., it was " >< Baa£u_aonsly resolved that the Chairman Jmrchase,a quantity of books and boxes of k -£f&*ing instruments, to be given as prizes .. te the children attending the public school, -: aad that refreshments be also provided ; foe the occasion. One member submitted •ft list of names of gentlemea who agreed s -to give 20s each for a brass band to perfera during the day of the treat, the 34th ', last. The treat will be held m the Seftoja ' r dosoam. Tbe school is in a most satisfac-i r |&y state, and the parents of the children' . have responded well to the appeal ot the Caamittee to enable them to make the occasion a success. ■ ScHooii Treat-. —At Kaiapoi on Anniversary Day the treat to the scholars of f the Wesleyan Sunday school was held at c -Erß. Evaas* farm at the Girder Bridge,' ~ where there was a large number present, local band gave its services. The - -eJ-Jdrea arteadiog the Bible Christ-aa -„Baaday school, with their teachers ; and - frieada, were takea out by a traction i,w pe from Kaiapoi to Mr Stanton's farm 4 at Woodend. The scholars of the Kaiapoi \ *£*$ -Belfast Presbyterian Sunday schools 'Mid their treat at Mr Wiisoa's farm, ***Jn Mile Peg, where there was a large gathering, and ail were amply provided vgf with amusemeat- aad otherwise. The MUfld of St. John's Church at Baagiora «ad a picnic at Chaney'e Bush, in the Ashley district, and the weather being J fine the proceedings were very much ea"joyed. The Free Methodist Sunday <■. ***" at Eangiora held ita treat on the , .Doioaia, where games were carried eat with ,much The Baagiora v fr JWS •^eol.-a_.mve-s_*y-'«6-^awe»e : jaW in Mr J Postar'a paddock, and ;*-**. »«Sely patroni-ed. . : ;

To oub buRAr;IH »PoHs of the Athl-aoClub's sports at Lancaster Park yesterday appear oa yage 3of tMa issue! ' • .-.-.... •*■•' *E__»_uti.£&-_Rie -B.WJ-L of the Canterbury Kilwinninsr Lodge. KJtO-, witt tefce place at Lyttelton to-morrow evea-gg; at 7.30. liT_"_Ss*o.t Linb.—On *&%& after tho 22nd inst., the train.leaving Chiistcburch for Lyttelton at 7.30 ajn. will start at 7-20 ;J b-xo. i -,"T-_.x.e or privileges in connection with the Lyttelton Begatta will be sold by Messrs Tanks,, Norton and Co., at their rooms, on Friday next, at l Kos-Cai. Soci_nrr---The concert of the Musical Society, for vrhieh the cantata "Joanof Arc" andMendelssohh'sinstrumental trio for piano* violinand 'Cello will form the programme, takes place tomorrow evening, at the Oddfellows* H__H. CxcuNa.—lntending competitor- at tho ' Pioneer Bicycle Club's Annual Eace Meeting are again reminded that entries for all '"'- events dose with the Hon. See. «t the Club's rooms this evening at ten o'clock. •.Vf Mkn's Club.—The annual social of the Chri_tehr_r<_b Men's dub in honor of Anniversary .Day was held last night. There was a festive audience in the recreation hall, where the evening was whiled away with dance and ■ song. •• : --'■' ; '■'■'' -'-■■-.-_-• -i . Qs-jaa'ASK B_j__t , MAO*-— A public meeting was held in tfia Schoolroom, ; Qneeiapark, opt 15th, to discuss what steps should be taken with regard to »daily mail; inasmuch ss When, tenders* were called no fenders were' sent in., It waa i resolved to advertised "for tenders, "in order to be ablet to state to the Pbat OfEce : Department (if necessary) what.the cost of carriage between Lincoln and Green- : park will be. Messrs McDonald, Eean-dy, and Quayle were appointed a Committee to •, attend to this master. - ■• . — -.-,.- - > ....u. : jg -Wakanui Ggod Templar* Lodge held" a , jmeceaaful spessal meeting Wakau-ii Schoolroom on 'Monday eve_dng t v ,.srheh . there was a large o£ members, besides a number of visitors from Ashr burtori. ' The■-Bevv^-tfr -linger presided, \ and gave aa - addres^on; Tern- ' ' perance work. After the ordinary business |he __ddge' ;i Weu. if 'i&fo- hfirmbhy,- Said' a jjouple of hours were spent in an enjoyable, manner. Ms . Karsden contributed:, a couple of items ony «he hand bells, and' was heartily enooted; -Jobs?- and-other mmical _i_u!nb_rs werk'-ontOTbuted by" the members of 'the" Lodge aid -^ .visitors. ''"'.". ' - ~ __NTB_tT4IS_.BNT A 2 " gIBWEB. ,T7/On; Friday evening, a, w_4-attended ; co_tcert '. was held in the Hall by the Midland Cycling Crab and ELirwee Athletic Association, Mr ,J." GFongV oecttpyTuag.the^ch^ir.' Items, were'" given by Misses ' Stewart, ; Brown and Meredithi-and Messrs J. H. Pdrker, George, Belgrade, Stewart, and Others, Mlfes Stewart panimehts very nicely. , After the concert a dance ;waa. held in Captain TosswiliV grain' shed, kindly ..nt for the. o_ca_io_|, _-id,,aecbr_.ted ! 'with Sags imd lab_erhe. ; ? Tbfe room' was crowded, and «^cih£ f WaW< v kgßk up 4 tUl the small mda& was snppuecToy Mr Fleming. ! ( Thb : S__sr FbahoisCo Maii..—A ; Wellington, .telegram . - tate% r tbat the Govejrtt : , meat have received'intimation that from' January 2Mb the San Francisco mail will ■ be delivered two days.jearlier than hitherto. One day j?i& be, Atlantic, and one. oa the overland : i journey. Que■.. TB____tngto» correspondent telegrams ' San &_j._iSao - mail service will be quickeried by two* days both '. .ways'.' next 5 .; 'month*-and subsequently, ,f -h_Jti_ig - "days each, way London, to an4^irty;Sv_. days London to Dunedin. No extra charge .wilt foi ''acceleration. The contactors ofiey. if $he five years* contract is "guaranteed th«y will accelerate the service further by two days' without additional cM'argeir ihakihg'' tfcV time one caltead-j m'(^_i;([tmz^iohe^aa2_)' each way between London _kd;4uc!_andi [ : Tub Latb i-l»s. wa^« a crowded congregation at. the Ashburtoja ! Primitive. Methodist Church -On «■ Sunday. -evening, when $HS Met: made, ■Sp-OM refere-ice to' the 1 death of the'iate ' Mrs v his i^st*' a_i eloquent sermon and toade' a-ve-yieeluig reference tathe deceased Ukdy. She had taken a deep and practical interest : in, the work of the church and' Sunday Bchool. Her home _.nd social also been such aa win for het the very highest esteem, and her memory 1 Would be revered, bj, a, very wide circle of friends. Her connection with the church, extended oyer,'fifteen years, and. Ker ipsa would be • very severely felt., congre- ; . gft-ion were raany Oddfellows, the husband of the-deceased-lady-being a prominent member of the Order. *7"-.._. „ "/. . Kibwbb. —Last Tuesday the children of the Kir wee Baptist Sunday-School, with their teachers and a number of friends, under the leadership of Mr Cr__a_3_l,!lield their annual picnicv , They jouriieyed to the residence of Mr Gurcn, a* Jtaceconrse Hill, where- they-met ta- real Highland, W-leome, and from the top of the chill, obtained a splendid view of the surround ing country. The day, eantlyj Mr Gunn, sen., who has seen over eighty summers, assisting in a large-mea-sure. Before leavbjgthei Eev. D. Doioraere called for three cheers for Mr Guxm and family, which were-heartily giVen/ : excteiiibit; to Sumner last evening, coming as it did sit ! the close of Anmveraary Day, was., as might have been^ejqjej&tfed. very;largely, patronised. Nine carloads of -passengers left the Square at the usual hour/accompanied by the Stanmore Band.. The Cave -Bock was illuminated aa before, and in addition, by way ■■ of -celebration -of #ho., day, a pyrotechnic display iwas provided by the promoters,""" cohwalsulg of rockets,' Boman candles, the de'il afaang the tailors, &c The whole passed off most Bucce_B-tt_ly, and the viaitors returned 7 l»---town much pleased with; their evening's arnnßexnei-t. . ■ ». .;.-. . ; AiiAßiiS of Fibs.—About ten minutes to eleven last evening, the house occupied by Mr Smart (of Messrs Bigwood and Smart); in Durham street had a narrow escape, from fire. ; Same clothes -hangr-ag- behind, the door in., the servant's bedroom were. accidentally set on fire by a lighted candle being brought into contact with' tbem. Mr Smart was away from home, but on - "the alarm beinig given 3_Lr T. Leaver, who was passing, rushed into the house and succeeded in quenching the fire by pulling down the burning clothes, and,'; with the assistance of neighbors, throwing water upon them. - Had lit not- been for. Mr Leaver's prompt action, the house would probably have been considerably damaged. As it was, only the. door was chaired. The firebox was broken opposite the, Prince of Wales H6tel»_aad the Brigades 1 were- promptly on "the -scene, but their services were~uot called into requisition.—Shorly sifter midnight- anotherl alarm was given from the indicator (No. 18} situated near the HospifcaLT The brigades from Lichfield and Chester streets were smartly, on the spot, but no signs of fire could be discovered....... ; CyClirNO- AJSD __IS__EN(J ! ToURNAaaEST.-—• Anniversary night was commemorated by. the Bicycle Touring Club in an enjoyable fashion. A tonrnameht was heTd atliieBink, where cyclists and gskafcers rivalled each other for positions. A procession of cycißsts Opened the entertainment by v gltdiug. round a half lit hall with Chinese, lanterns appended to the handles of the bicjcles, After executing a few'figures they gave place to. v .»^.m|l e bicycle race, which was remarkable for the epiUs that occurred. E. Lilly, who is sm adept on the smooth floor, succeeded with a handicap of 10yds in placing tiie f event to hiS Crediti A one mile skate race Went to A. Joss (?oyds), F. Beafcty (25yds), being second." Great fun -was caused by a real-Chinamaa's race. .Three Cei«lt_als sta_t«L The winner proved to b© oomparatively proficJe»t in the art of skating, the second trotted; along in splendid time, to a Highland tune, basfe the third trod the boards with fear and: trembling shown on his otherwise immobile countenance. A bae mile hurdle bicycle race was won by E. Lilly from scratch, aud a polo match between .teams: representing the <^l»te' and the akatera. was secured by t_te latter, but not without" . a.lot of; work. In the intervals stoting, waa indulged in by manj ?|sit-rs, aad the l 3_»k; Buftd aaww wgbfr

, Box»_«--rT_-__e wasT a good •r^ B**8** *&**** "Eheatre Boyal last nltfx% Harvey Combiaatica gave a :cspi|a_ j The comicalities of f«n»Ha-vey Brt-K, tho singing of. Madam© 'Cj_B_*d.t_iedaa<a__g and smalag- of Miss Brandon and Mies Siegfried all received due appreciation. Tc-aighfc th<_ company give another change of progrßunme. _ JjAws jnet TaecS-e.—The Linwood Lawn Tenuis Cinb yesterday played the SbuthheEdge Club at _k>atfabr_dge and the wdmham Club at Linwood. At Soatb.the towa representatives were aua-oesstal-n all the matches but one, and on tiawx own ground the Club managed to win. a majority of the events. In tais *be lady members rendered valuable assistance. .-.) Binder Tbiam.—From an advertiso. ment elsewhere it will ho seen that the Deering Binder has been successful in obtaining »large proportion of the prises awardsd this year in field trials and shows in various parts 6f Australia, GaoBGB Co-apaay, Linsited, ike «**»•* photographers «f Ctoislchwrob, 7nl c novr re d UCß d their prices. Cabinets, 10s per doz; enamelling, 5s per dox extra: any style or position. We are the only photographera* who make no extra charge* to vi*i tore from 6b©; counts?. See advertisement on anotherpage.—{Advt.l His __xpsi____*crr LcasD Onsjlow having honored C. __rM__SrNiiro with a sitting for hia nhotosSraph, specimens of theta may Studio amoQK the usual brilliant display. All patrons can rely pupou their be£ag photographed % O. _$. MA»H__fO ge-sonaay. The a«pe_io_*ty [of his work is universally _a_own and adm_ced.--£ADVT. ; _B. W» Mkbss, Art Photographer. ', \ Popular prices, superior workmanships satisfaction aaaranteed. Children ■ a specialty. Do not -mistake tha address— Meers, 212 Colombo street, Show room iUpstairs,—£A_>vz.) ..--.,. ».'•■,.-_,-* ' A Nich Pbq__s__io_m_& Por_r_v—A ease of obn-ide»b_e ihterest to the'medical profession was heard at Dover County i Court -ewutry/when l-fr.liohg, sUrgeoa, Dover,au.d Dr. Chittenden; retired medical practitioner, for £2% for proTee-ional at-; tendance.. Tha case- arose ia the High CJourt, and had been sent down for trial by Judge Self©. The defendant contended that it Was the custom in the medicaj profession sot to charge each other for attendance...lQn' the question of custom, it was stated by the pLaintiff and another ; medical gentleman that, although it .Was hot usual to charge a man in practice, it was usual, to charge a retired medical mani. ;Wi6htb_a .the Judge agreed, said |udgmkit for the plaintiff, T¥*ith, costs. •'

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7737, 17 December 1890, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7737, 17 December 1890, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7737, 17 December 1890, Page 5


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