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«Ch* Wk«sxt Pbbsb.—Elections come first thie week, and the position of affairs is tummarised in the leading Article of the IfeeH? Press, while tbe epetchw : of Mr Stead at Papanul, arid MrlAjiee at Oxford, are wibUshed at length. The Yecman is foil of "news, and useful information, and we espeeiaUy comtnesd the ensilage articles end letters. Easilage. is beginning to attract the' tbe mo6t r. dass-in the email farmers, Mβ we are gM tb'WA-i The AgriBultutel ' remuitscences ;6f a ffreafc && °? reapers and binde« are *A New Wtinkfe-in i>turj^g- . wlmop js £^L b V<>™ of satatantial value to The JWdies* Magaatne contains anaccountof the fashionable wedding at -TimAru, and also of the hastily improviaed c i>ttt baltgivea. in Dunedinto the officers of t?w Volta. ah excurE eioa.trip to Lake Wakatipu is freshly "de«sribed, and a ; New Zt>aAnd lady teile of her life in Valparaiso in a most interestjog letter. For our artiste there is an essay on flower painting, and for Luke Sharp's great army ot readers there is a. Btory ot caiutioff of anochec tind. - The fidtaon is by George Moorel " ' - ... SaTTiso,—ln bankruptcy jeeterday his Houor granted the order of Jtecharge to Henry D&vie*, late of Spung-

Held. • - - : • ■■ • ■ • ' ■■*-.-■■ Bn*» Saoventa. —Th# B Battery of iArtillery will hoki a handicap prise doa--1 petition at the Hillsborougn range on Saturday afternoon. A conveyance will leave the Post OiSse at 1.30 p.m. for the ~oon vendee of members. '. *i-.'.AseiUJa..r— Ywitora at the. WoLseley Hotel, "Winchester, are having good eporG jiv-fishing. Mr Marciel oa Saturday landed forty two nice fish, and on. Monday t*Bnty-two. Mr Parbury has also been '■'itetf euecessfoL The STalvera Licensing Com-. held their quarterly meeting.Qα , s*ueßday- Present — Messrs Mcllx&Zih V(Gksinnan), Searle,. and Eraser. The r transfer ot the Sheffield Hotel lieenee front - Freeth to -Walter Pearcy was confirmed, the police stating that a great .'/improvement wasr : noticeable in the man> agement of the hot^t'■'.; ■ • > 3m|At l * f fo™ Bbidsjk ejcciir ,jion to the Heatbcoie bridge lawn takes ;**flftee tfcis accompanied by the i Sydenham Brass Band, who will wear their - aew-uniforms; The foot-race, which was *fisrnave been run last weefc, will also be ' '' a k6fcon , fevliight. .' - • J ; ' ; CoKitrtjrßß.—-The; quarterly 'the Licensing Cbmiaittee for | ' Conetchiicch South East was held yeater- j -;iay. The Cfcairniw<fa»w the attention of ' u2£x Inspector Pender .to a complaint which nbad been made to the Committee as to tubuses in the city keeping open after fll<mrß.- ; - X -\ ,: ." : ■ ■ : ■ ' ■ * ri Jffietrtxx Srai'K.—'Tbe fencing of the ?.running "track : has been commenced at The necessity fox this, has jb Jige* proved year after year. Ita completion confer a pleasure on the afficiale, the and the reporters, and the oyubiie, from the terrace, will-have an " taiobstnicted view of- the variotte event? 'fffl the 16th instanti. ' : ■ ' ' * horse atta*&e& "&> a eetrt 'ielonginK to Mr A. E. Tnttkn, butcher, •/Jolted yesterday morning in Armagh street * H«tc Oae wheel of the cart left »;©pposite the tiirie* Hijjh School and the i«ti»t at the corner of JLntigua street, and dragged the body of the cart as T Bi as -I/atiinur square, when the animal t: Mi%i&. f; "'.''*' i!i '■.' ■ : Bcsetlßt.— i*w odontitis named l i £g>ecb Otten and Herbert McCrectie, iomatea of the BarnEam Indu4..teW School, »ere last: evening arrested by - h Detectives O'Connor and Marsaek charged ' wholesaio burglary. 'There are in all iftlf *a-dozen ease»against the accused. ',ste depredations were committed in and The youths, who Were ] «! aereatect in the Chmaman's boarding house,' street, wiD. o& brought; up at h-.l»* vouit this moraing. .; , : _ , ; . biu-*Ii*SQibBJL. hfbss.Asx iNOTirrms,—The' of the Managing - sJ €dßHHittee was held on Tuesday evening, '4fc Q. f BucMiam in the' chair. The Chair- • receipts since last meetri*Pf" to.h&te been.JS72 6a; paymenta, Jf7o e J* 34V Cf. balaace, j£9, 8? 2d. He also ;' •• that, as r authorised by the » > E jocmmittee, he had purchased a new ?ij>iano r from Meaars Miiaer sad jThomp•leofi; for iB6O, which- amount he atad" ~*9M% ;«tfh, taTlng received JSOtowiMs same'from a maaib'ea* as a. loon. : The. oh the building wbtdicl be due, gi Wst moiiiit. Mi , Good. draw attektipn to ~- , jSjejjjkecessifcy foif ; a side' door for egress in «sas of & crosi],. and the matter was , L-esdeeed to be attended to &s saoa-aa funds * ,rwiii: 'permit. ■ The meeting- then ad- ( '••■ - ' - • ;: -■'■ • j!, « TS *fjftjtnßST at CtriVEittussr.—An Inqtieat 1 f on Wednesday, blifdre iftrJU Ooroner, and a jury, of Which was foreman, <»B^ijng;.thiB i of Henry Bat«jon t age<i nineteen, 2«*chon*a» drowned in tb& DoabtftUxiyer oh f X'S2»ursday last. Deceased was with, three *%utile§ crosi-iajr the stream, they all having , ' '*'lkl* I< ** ! '»' pole. The three werewasbea, ?feet, and deceased was vwepb 'and drowned. The witnesses; it • appeared, made for Glen Vfye station, Wftfthiog tkere on Saturday, and on search ; ifleiQg, made on Sunday, the body, was i> *B«fTfflr*i and brought to Oulverdea polios *4h|fel..-;-'A- verdict of "Aceadentally. 7'4foiraed" was returned. The deceased Tttta s native of Torkshute, and had told "whose company lie wasin that b"e Mβ run away from home when, lie J^ , twelve years old and J»ken to a "seafaring life. , • . ■ , ,

Lmooia.— eerrioes in coaliectioQ wa&~the Bftptiat Sunday School were' conducted pa Suadsy, Kovembejr 2S«L Hie tea meeting, which had been , on account of the unfavorable was held on tho lat inst. Alter the tea and outdoor gaiaea had l been u l;h,o> fonghiy enjoyed by the children and their treads, a pleasant evening , was spent. ' Sfetecbes were given, by Beys. Adamgon troDewdney. The Superintendent's: ter V&& shaved an increase of fifteen scholars %jwrjing She year, and the finances to ba "in ►'j»/ tyii'tfwftory ponditaop. the &«muQg.pciae3 veee distributed, ejaeh child receiving one, beside five special prises, which were given "for diligence in school ■work. .'-* 'J ;■■: : Sunday echool aaniver- ■■ twict .on November 30feb, vlten ;M#ibHt pointed addressee-were given by "tteJßer; Bichara^'frote Lincoln, aad Betr. J.&<^lick > the Circtiife liiintßter. 53ie wae held on the 2nd, when i*«#& wa»*good gaUieiittg aad iw«. ; 3Ch* tables were provided by *esdames Wilson, Jones, law, and \«ttdaeil, who were assisted by Mrs Camp- * Wl, th« Jones, Wilson, Watson, Qttdsell, and Linda ey. «ter tea. the yoong people enjoyed the penal out door games. - At the after meetsMg addresses were given by the Reva. J. leß, Qatlick and L&wry of Springston. \Mr iJflpes, the Superintendent, gave the y^atly lißXßft of jbhe school, Which was' very favor-' *«!«. The choir and a few friends gave a from collection, Mies "■■ Watson playing the accompanimenta. ■:"-■ fsKBBUSTOH.—The aoafchly meeting of »a School Committee was held on Monday aOl the members preeent; Mr Fatehett, Ghairxaaa. The lnspectew'e repta* «h received and read. The Com I expressed their surprise and regret ."fbatit'wfts so unsatisfactory, especially ac HWechoolaiaster had worked extxa hard . .^nng,their term of office, and he had not • * or sixteen years. ! v& Mood&y the-teaching etaff held an «twmatTQß of the scholars, as per ayllabue, W*™*B *hat they considered fche most QjScuit qeeecioaeia esoh of this higher waadarde, witii the result that there were ooly two failures. Examination papers *«e_placed before the Committee and f*B«y approved of. The Committee eanse to tjMs eondttdon that the schoolmaeter, ; W&any others, had to meet wtth hign :» beyond syllabus questions for l^ «ej*olM» to answer. On tie whole the Comf^ 8 of °^ tia«t the schooi- «««« b»d given «very Mktiefaotioo ac to 5 8 * 006 *» m » i** with A Tote of-wandeneTia the •—Mag etafl mi carried unaniiaottaly.

Bnufc—Wβ «ro intoraied tiiat th© Union Fire and Marine Inauranc* Company are not affected by tiie fire which took place in Sydney on Tuesday. Foftgoijrr.—Captain Edwin states that there are now evidences of the approach of a period ot hard westerly galea. ■ .., .

Dbuidiw.— The annual meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Canterbury, T7.A.0.D., will be held in the Druids* Hall, on Saturday evening, at 7.30. CmkXttXBLM An> Boabi>.—Mr E. We*-tr-.r>;:s7a!? yesterday re-elected Chairman of the iiorth Canterbury and Ashbertcra United Charitable Aid Board.

WABcuttitmi Bjlbsok BojutD. — The monthly *neeting>of this Board was Held at KaiApoi on Monday last. Present—Mesara Horrell, Smethuret, and Mathew. Tag pilot's report was read, and accounts >87 2s 3d were passed. Inhere being no other .business, the Board adjourned. Ayok Stkak Pacxk?.—The steamer being built by Messrs Scott Bros, for the Avon Steam Packet Company will be teady for placing on the river in about ten days. The hull is completed, and the engine and dredge will shortly be finished.

■ D«#.«ri,TiN<j Jubob.—At the Supreme Court yesterday morning Mr P.Donald, who had been summoned as a special juror in the ease of Geretenfcorn t George, was fined SB for non-attendance, unless cause shown.

AodCHJirr.— A. yonnj? tman, by name G-. Gibbons, was admitted to tLe hospital yesterdayi having broken bis arm through falling out of a dray at the railway station. The accident occurred shortly before eleven o'clock. Gibbons had just unloaded his dray, when the horse, taking fright at a passing train, started off, the result being that the yonng man fell out at the back of the conveyance. It was found on examination that a comminuted fracture of the left humerus had been sustained.

Supbbmb Coubt.—The case of Gerstenkom v George, which is an action for alander, in which .£SOO damages is claimed, was called on yesterday, bu> was adjourned until to day, as an amended statement of claim had been filed,' but not in time under the rules of the Court. The case will be taken at 10.30 a.m.

EjJLS ASSOCIATIOH MIBTDTd. —It, Iβ undeistood that the Union Steamship Company have agreed to give return saiobn ■ passages between Lytteltcn aad Wellington to competitors at the Bifle Association meeting, to be held at Napier, for 80s, Captain Somerville is now endeavoring to make an arrangement about the coach fare between Ekatahuna and WoodviUe, this being the gap the Napier.and the Wairarapa line. . Boss Show.—The annual rose show will be held to-day > in' the Art Gallery, near the Armagh street bridge. The members of the Canterbury Society of Arts have very kindly allowed their collection of pictures to remain on the walls, and thus add to the attraction of the show. There will be a refreshment stall presided over by Jtfesdames Carriek and Wynn-Williams, ;whicb, will doubtless receive marked attention, , and in addition vocal and in strumental music will be given in the evening, so that patrons of the show are not likely to complain of a want of variety of amusement.

Gbbalbinb.—The quarterly meeting oi the GaraMine Licensing Committee was; held in the Court-house, Geraldine, on Tuesday. Present — Messrs A. White (Chairman), J. Biordan, F. Worner and D. i Clouston, The consideration of the police report upon the licensed houses in the dia- { triet was deferred till the next meeting. This being all the bnainesa the meeting terminated. The meeting of the Baupa _ puka Committee, called for yesterday, 1 lapsed for want of a quorum, only Messrs j A. Macdonald and B. Their putting'in- an appearance. Yotrae Chbistiak Association; — It has been decided to hold the annual picnic in connection, with this Association on Hew Year's Day. Drags will leave the Young Men's Christian Association at 9 and convey the party to- Green's \ Booh, Tai Tapu, where luncheon and tea will-be provided. Aβ over eighty meaa bersitend their friends attended the gather-. likg Hat'year, no doubt the number will to conaiaerablj augmented on this occasion. HERS HIRSGKBtfRO's CoNCaßT.—Tonight, at the YJMLC A. Hall, Here Max Hiraehburg will give his first academical concert. A very attractive programme haa been prepared, comprising vocal solos by Mrs McEwan, Mr F. Hobbs and Herr Hirschburg, and pianoforte solos and auartettes by Misses BE. Vartha, ,F. j Weston, E. Webley, M. Davies and Hear'; On tkk cmAm tne latter ) will make jbia <iefrui iiere aa »V vocaiiet, Ma principal vooal item being jSebnberfe weU-kaown soag, " The Bd k \ King." - ■ ; JTOff Skow OoMMiTTBi.—A meeliag of €Ee. I>og Show Committee was held in Hotel last j enoe' was , read, and a special prize was offered by Mr Fodor, of the value of 2a, for next show. The Treasurer's balance sheet was. presented, which .showed a credit balance, after paying all ace-mute, otize money and honorarium to the Hon. Secretary. The memoers present formed themselves into a Dog Club, and a SubGJoomittee waa appointed to draw up rules for the guidance of the Clubi After some<routine boeiness the meeting adjooraed HoJanuary 14th. : The N?w Brighton Loak.-tAt an ordinary meeting of the Avon Boad Board,; held on Momiay,-all the members were, present. Correspondence waa read, oKo» from the Colonial Treasurer, stating that he had approved of the proposed New - Brighton loan, wherenpon Mr Patterson gave notice that he would move at the , next ordinary meeting—" That a special r° .te of twenty-one sixteenths of a penny in, the £ be struck on the •value of the. rateable property in the area affected, to meet the interest." On the motion of. Mr Walter the meeting adjourned until December Bth. •• • > Crctrae.—-News received by the Australian mail yesterday conveys the intelligence of X Hall's arrival in Melbourne: a few hours before the Austral wheel race was run, 4 number of Yiotwaau oyoliete received him on arrival, also several New. ■ Zealandera now resident in Melbourne. The champion had a splendid voyage acrows, and -lost no time in getting into training on the asphalt track, where the races will be held. He speaks highly of the traok, and experienced no | negotiating the sharp oornere, but con-: aidere it somewhat dangerous for very fast pedaling. It may be stated the New! Zealander'a style pleaeea the newspaper writers, one of whom says he will require a lot of watching in the Championship. On Saturday he competes in the InterClub Plate and first-class handicaps, and on the following Saturday in the Championship of Australia and Ladies' Bracelet.' In. fche latter event he has fifty six opponents. The back at Lancaster Park nortr presents a busy appearance daring training hours. Nineteen riders were observed to be on the. track at the same time one evening this week. This ia a i sure sign of the large amount of interest j being »ken in the approaching intexprovincial bicycle racee.

TJhioh ,o» Londos.—-There i» now on view at the Shop of Messrs Fisher and Sob, Triangle, the prizes won by the Can terbary subscribers. The chief of these is a grand picture "A Summer Evening" by A. ''Frew, which was, won by Mr IX Williamson and ifl valued at thirty guineas. The picture is noticeable for the effective manner in which the sunset effect on the hills in the background is managed. The next prize is "The Belletophon Vase," repousse and parcel gilfc on a pedestal of Mexican, onyx. "This waff won by the. late Mr Sanderson of Greta Peaks, and is valued at J615. It is an exceedingly handsome vase, and Iβ well worth inspection. Then there is a handsome parian bust of Apollo, won by3£rPostle; aad a petite ivory bos relW", " The fall of the rebel angels/ , won by Mr Fisher. There is also on view at the shop the set of four etchings to which every sebscriber of one gninea for the year is entitled. These are exceedingly good, and comprise the following subjects, after celebrated artists in the National Gal lery:—«The€ioTOrfield, w by E. Barclay, after T. Barker; "Entrance to Pise, from Leghorn," by 0. O. Murray, after Sir A. W. C&llfiott, fiJL; "House at H&mpsteau/' by M. B. Eoberfaon, after J. Constable, 84.; "A Windmill," by Percy Thoaxae, after John Crome, \

yifeß FaasrcH Wabsbot.—Mr A- W. maps*, acting Vioe-Coneul for J«raneo, received wo*d last night that the Pcench, warship VeJta trfu iyttelfa)il Harbos , on Friday next at noon. Sata o* Cantbbbubt Exnfre.—As will be seen by notification elsewhere, a number of Canterbury runs will be offereJ for sale at the Land Office, Ttmartt, on Wednesday, January 7th. Ttt»ATBB BoTAi.—The Harvey Bros. Minstrel and Burlesque Company* in conjunction with Miss Helen Gord & Cunatd, will open at the Theatre Soya! on Saturday , evening next. sUsostq. —At the last regular meeting of the Canterbury Lodge 1048, B.C. Bn>. Grummett, S.W., was elected as W.M. of the Lodge for the ensuing , year. The installation .will take place oa the, 19th instant.

Thb Bakaia BsiDes.—Active steps are being taken to repair the breach in the Eakaia bridge, and it is expected that by to-morrow the new piles will be all driven. Heantime, owing to the excellent arrangements made by the traffic manager, very little delay is occasioned, and passengers by the various trains get to town within naif an hour of the regular time.

Etna GEozas Coavany, Limited, A* leading phetegraphers ©£ Ckristchvrch, trve now reduced their prices. Cabinets, 10s per doz; enamelling, 5a per doa extra; any style or position. We are the only photographers who make no extra charges w> visitors from the country. See advertisement on another page.—[Advt.] The popularity of Stastdish and Prbbcb's photos proves the appreciation of the Public Studio, 218 High street.— Advt. l B. w. Mikes, Art Photographer. Popular prices, superior workmanship, satisfaction guaranteed. Children a specialty. Do not mistake tb* address— Heers, 212 Colombo street. Show room upstairs. —[Advt.} His ExcKLLKNcr Lord Otfslow having honored C H. Manning with a sitting for his photograph, specimens of them may be seen at the Studio among the usual brilliant display. All patrons can rely SK»n their being photographed by C. H. ANNINQ perßonafjy. The superiority of bis work is universally known and admired.—{AliVT.J. ,

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 5


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