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PtiMlc Notice. r xaBEKAMSM V TORYISM. / '- • ' / ; ■ • ■ v ... -.- : ..■.,' ~ A BtfW PLAIN FACTS FOR PIAIN MEN^ of the most cornmoa tricke of a defeated *nd ff-uJffFT't? party uto CO< ? l 7 »PPw>Prf*te measures which in the past ithaY done #e« best to defeat, ana to lay claim to any credit pertaining to their Pwnfn.i«n«MM KtaUamplrillastratedin the faiWof BogSS Toryfsm! MelearSof long advocated by the Liberal party—have been, seised upon msino Contrast this line of conduct with 'hat of the most clamorous pdlitlciane fa oar own colony. Toese latter appropriate the "name" of Liberal, bat their "acta* aro Tory in the extreme. These affix, with every opprobrious epithet of which their choice vocabulary is capable, the name of Tory to every honorableT citi«n who has thecourage to denoance them ; and yet, judged by their own nalinv— and w«rUfmnn other standard-their acts are not only the reverse of 'tS& bat with those acts of wanton and reckless extravagance the English Llberriparty U continually charging against it* Tory opponents. *»««s»i t»rvy m Aβ you are aware, the present Government have been denounced as a TORY GOVERNMENT, Wβ therefore propose brieEy to enquire into the accuracy of this chance tearing ft to youraelvei, as intelligent men, to draw a just conclusion. First bear in mind that the grand old watchwords of the English Liberal party are PEACE, RETRENCHMENT, REFORM. In what relation then does the present "so called Tory Government" stand to these f With the former we in this Colony have, thank God, nothing to do. With the two latter we have much. Contract under these heads the •ctoof ttie present Government and those of the Self-styled Liberal Government ,BE 188x-87. ■ ■ • Wβ win take first. MINISTERS , SALARIES AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES. THE SELF-STYLED LIBERAL PARTY. Travelling _. Name. Salaries. Expenses. total. Sir Robert Si-out -^ ' - Julius Vogel .... , . Bon. John Bauance .. .. _ Total for - _ .. - 3yeare £6,396 £34,619 m W. J. M. Larnach.. .. £28,223 „ J. A. Tale ' w P.Buckley ..J • THE SO-CALLED TORY PARTY. ._ . Travelling _ |feo»«- Salary. Expenßea. Total. Sir H. Atkinson.. „ ..> . . ■ "^ j. F. Whitaker.. .. .. For2J years 5.025 16,902 , Hon. T. Mislup .. .. .. «13.877 „ T. Fergus.. .: .. • ; n — Richardson. .. .. Estimated*jr last „ EL Mitcfadson .. .. aalf-year of 1889-90 CDS &3SO .. —fisher .. .. ..J £2,775 ■ (Replaced by Captain Russell) '. — ' TotaHor3yeais .. .. - .-. .... .. £20,282 ' Tea will observe the cost of the self-sttlEo Liberal Government under this heading is ■N. 618, that of the Iso-cjj.t,iu> Toby Government £20.282 being a bilance in favor of the pttterof 104,347. That, is to say, in "salaries *nd travelling expenses aloao" the "luxury of a fHMtyted liberal" administrationcost the country L 14,337 more ...•".-. -♦anhave the "so-called Tory" Administration. ■■ Hext, a few words upon PEEMANENT EXPENDITTJBE. . lie amount daring the last year of office of the "self-styled Liberal Government* tr» L2,63T,568, t&d daring the last financial year— viz., 1889-90, under the "so-called Tory" Government, it wa& L2,346,155V Both of these items are exclusive of interest and Sinking: Fond, and the last-mentioned sum Includes certain services paid "wholly- out of revenue" for the ni-st time. Now there is-no "coo Sing" and "doctoring " about such a statement as this. It isjinjlaot what il if in appearana that is, that your present much-abused Government t : Have saved you L 291,410 4&.jour "working expenses/* <■■ A lew words upon the. , . ■ ■ ? . SECOND LEGISLAHVB 05AMBER: ttome alteration " must be made "in the constitution of the above. Upon this Wβ are all 'Jdtreed. The present question, however, is— What did your "self-at/led Liberal Government do lor rpu in the way of reform* Well, ».he answer is simple. ■ t THKTAiHJEn twelve new msmb£Sß to i at an "additional coat" of a year to the country. Wiiat haveyanr preheat "so-oalled Tory Government" done Co effect retorm? raeensrwer iai tuat spire of several deaths THtay did not add onb sotolb meicbbb during the •iqdsUQee of tbe late Parliament, but re.iuced by ayear ib.e 3dl*ried of these tvrelve,- whom .» M eeif-*tyled Liberal party"" translAted. ,, . . Further, this "so-calleo. Tory Government, to show their earnestnes3in aesinng to reform the "jbordV' i traduced a Bill, drawn up by Sir Fredk. WnitaKer on genuinely Liberal lines. It ' "proposed to abolish a nominated Chamber" and eubaticute an elective oao.JllmitljQir its number. Johelf cfae number of memwre of the ljawer House. 1C was defeated by 22 votes to IL The l toejority "agaiaat" it included suca Idoerals (f) as Buckley, Dignan, Martin, Reeves. Snepnard, Si imaki, awansoa, Waik-r. Whitmore, ani Wilwn—all of whom were appointees of "selfnM7led Liberal Administrations." ' - - - Consider next iha ' ; • COST OP GOVERNMENT. The present "so-called Tory Government" RRpocia» thb Governor's Salaby. tfat HONOHARIOM. THEIB OWN SALARIES, AND THE N OMBBR OF MEMBERS. Wβ ask tou if there is any thing very " Tory ' about the above t We'haid'a Jjower House of 85 Members kt a cost of £19,950 a year to govern some 650,000 men, women, and children.-The present "eo-eUled Tory JParty reduced this, spite of tue opposition of the " self-siyled .Liberal Party." to 71 members, who will coat tbe colouy £10,650 a year. And yet there are men (see Sir K. speech) who say this is a " backwai-d step," and " that no poor man can hope to get into Parliament.*' when, a3 you are aware, there are more men in poor circumstances offering themselves at this election than at any previous ode. If a man in poor circumstances dexirea a, •eatin toe Bouse, and has brains and honor, depend upon ie "ioO" a year and a reduced Mouse Witt nut ke p him out. A word or two upon i LAND ADMINISTEATION- ' Remember that a " self-styled Liberal Government." with Bir Robert Stout, the ditciple M- Lftmf Nationalisation—at ita head, and with Mr Joan Ballaoce—the arob-apwtiLe of the dtate Ursenhip of all land—as m Minister of Linda, gave away once and for ail 2,500,000 Acres . JOQie HMland Railway Company. Can any such D 3 bronsut against thejpresent •• soM&ed Tory Government r" JDuriog tne last three years the Legislature has" Kberaiiaed our land laws by givinir settlers the right of choice of tenure a? between deferred payment and Deroetual lease. It, has "increased" the area from to 6.0 acres for deferred payment bolalnear It has reduced tne price to 2Jβ per acre. It has extended the term of payment from 10 to 14 years, It has opened up hill Carina of 200J acres at 10s per acre, and of bectqr claea land «Bt* per acre, it nas substituted the ballot box for theaucaon system. :. ■• SUMMARY OF SO-CALLED TOEY LAND LEGISLATION. : • 1. Since ISB7 bona fide farmers increased from U to 23 per hundred of the populaMon. 2. The t-Town lands disposed of, "not for cash " out on settlement conditions, " hare more fean trebled." ' ' ' ■•..••■■■-.•• -..> i- ■■■:■- .... ■ ■■.",;.■'..;:■■,. ■■■'.■1 3. DurißZ tbe Stout-Ballance " rejrime " 700.000 acres were so settled. 4. During the Atkinson-Kichardson " regime ,, 1.115,000 acres were so eettled. j 6. In 1890 six acres were sold on set lement conditons as against *•one "for cash. InlSß7it •as only four acres as against one for, cash. • " ... _. .V'___-■ CLIn nearly "15 per cenu" of the adult males of the colony occupied tbe ecal; jo 1890 Ifer " 23 per cenu" were settled on the land. ■'■" 7. The acreage under crjp has increased by 93,000 acres: area under grais by 160.009 acres. & Andsjiteof aU thi3 tbe much-abased Minister forLaads has Decreased his DepabtMCESTAX. ExPENDiTCRE by 27 par cent. 1 . rellow electors, is it not pitiable that men, from mere party spleen and disappointed e&rtitton, bare nothing better to do than to denounce worthy servants of the people suoh as tbe prevent Ministry have proved themselves to be ? ' • ' ABdßowwewiUaak t- ; '.-..■• "What did your self-styled Liberal friends do - ' , ' **■■•" ■ ■ FOR SHE 1 LABOB PASTY? WSLtte then Premier—3ir Robert Stout-moved, in the last hoar* of the MWloa «f 1885, W*widely-celebrated bat conveniently ignored . Threats and Molestation Bill, . fcKQwM<sb.:MrSeddondenlftredtobe"an insult to the working men of New Zealand." ac it ; "Steam loKoiMing tn the interests of capital as against labor." (See "Hansard "for fall Wn&t have the present Government done for the Labor party I Well, they hare probably neetve&moie abuse from a few scurrilous sheets and speakers than any other body ox men in . pew Why t Because, after haviug forced through the House, asraioat much opposiThe Truck BUI" and » i Th'sE(nployers T LiabiliwßiU'M which Bills Sir Kobert spout, in a Wxt to the Press dated November ldth, 1890, sneered at as " so-called Libor Bills," tbe Second ratember, p nly by means of those " added to it by the eelf-styled liberal paxty," rejected MM mewuret, waioh were promoted by the Maricimo Council t vo, workiog men, where is your gratitude I A EETEOSPECT AND CONTRAST. Seeall the state of your credit in England in ISB7 and now. name of your Colony was a by-word and reproach for mismanageaienb and ■UrtOi exnav&gauce. ' %£?* "I*1» re •pected by every colony ani Government throughout the empire. Then " it was doubtful if a loan could have been raised had occasion required it " .. "iiow n your Colony has a prestige second to none of the coioaiea. and tfeis hooorablo poslbeen gamed for you by the despised so-guled tort 00 VKRNMffirc , . . "JVBow eiecLors," we have brought these matters thus pointodly and briefly before you ; fgW*e, for reasons, the truth is being twisted and distorted to suit the exigencies of ™*~adf-e.yled liberal party." , Wβ have shown jou that so far from this demoralised and ■J*™ , *** B«rty» which will be utterly routed in the course of a few days, having been tree to «ew»teliwords of BS9SENOHMENT AND BETOBM, J*!S£J?* TB shamelessly abandoned both. Honorable citizens are denounced as "Toriee," ' fn!? 1 capitalist?, and, in an offensive sense, rnnholders, squattera. Bane agents, as enemies of . •utef&rm. all iuatice, all fair dealing. Men whom wa have known from our youth up, whose coamct«ra wiu bear the light of day. are represented as beisg animated with some fell design ■ f^?™?*." 16 classes. Every man who does not see eye to eye with them is cailed your leaat auetnpt to protest against the folly aad incapacity of the men Who have •«Jfi - l »bof party is shouted down. Persons whom no one knew a tew months since Pciaitnedes your true friends—your tried representatives—and those who have borne the ««» asu burden of the day, and scorn to pander to the passions and prejudices at present "NJuig. are reviled with every contemptuous title envy and hatred can conjure op. We, thereSr*iJf D ? - liu>Be * uoa 8 y° a wno *re desirous of judeing ail men even as yon yourselves J ad K°4 : w h» believe that all the hoaor and all the honesty to this city are oot covered by the c<*t of the class and time-serving politician, and we believe that «veaa*yoa rallied to our appeal in the year of grace 1887. when we smote this pseudo Liberal ££^Jr p < & ?~Ji hi ? a » Toa will again rally to the standard we sow unfold, one upon whose iwff » inscribed, " JUSTICE TO A&L, OPPEESBION TO NONB. 2 ■■. ■ ~,..,.: •■■■....r. ; .;- .:. ' ■-~..,,_..,,. • •. ~,-,..w»_ k 1M&99.1

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7726, 4 December 1890, Page 3


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