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"~r - ~ Mm ■■•■■rtnif inf- ■"~ i r- -~ i t , ■■■.?■, 3JIBERAIJSM V TOBYISM. A FEW PLAIN FACTS FOR PLAIN MBH. j • . '• ■ TTffiLtOW-ELECSTOBS,—One of the moat common tricks of a defeated ao< Jβ tiesperate party is to coolly approptlato.meaeares which In the past It has doty ifee beet to defeat, and to lay claim to any credit pertaining to their eventual success This is amplT illustrated In the history of KngUsh Toryism. Measures of reformlons advocated by the Liberal party—have been seized upon, when resistance was n< tonler possible, by the Tory leaders, and all thevfdarr attaching to each measures becoming the law of the land loudly claimed by their party. Bat in one respect uN« English Tories are at least honestTfor, though found passing Liberal measures, they never claim to be other than Tories, Contrast this line of conduct with that of the most clamorous politicians In on own colony. These latter appropriate the " name " of Liberal, but their " acta" an Tory in the extreme. These affix, with every opprobrious epithet ol which their choice vocabulary ie capable, the name of Tory to every honorable cltlsen who hat the courage to denounce them; and yet, judged by their own policy-and we claim no other standard-thelr acts are not only the reverse of Liberal, bat analogous witt those acts of wanton and reckless extravagance the English Liberal party Iβ ooa tinaally charging against it 1 * Tory opponents. ' Aβ you are aware, the present Government have been denounced as a TORY GOVERNMENT, Wβ therefore propose briefly to enquire Into the accuracy of this charge* le&vln* it to yourselvis, as intelligent men, to draw a just conclusion. First bear in mi a ? that the grand old watchwords of the English Liberal party are PEACE, RETRENCHMENT, REFORM, In what relation then does the present "so called ToryQoTero«n*nt"' stand t& these? With the former we in this Colony have, thank God, nothing to do. With the two latter we have much. Contrast under these heids the acts of the present Government and thoae of the Selt-atyled Liberal Government of 1884-87. We will take first, . ' MINISTERS' SALARIES AND TRAV£&ZfIN€fr EXPENSES. THE SELF-STYLED LIBERAL PARTY". Travelling — . Name. Salaries. Expenses. Total dlr Robert Stout « ..-\ „ Julius Vogel .. .. I Hon. Joha Bauance .. ..I Total tor - „K. Richardson ... .. \ 3 years £6,308 «34,6» W.J.M.Larnach.. .. f SS%m " J.A,Tole .. ..I - 2 P.Buckley .. ..J THE SO-CALLED TORT PARTY. Travelling ■ ■ Name Salary. Expenses. Total* SirH. Atkinson.. .. ..\ - mMt ~ F. Whiwker For 21 years 3,025 18,809 Hon.T. HisUip .. .. .. £13,877 „ 1". Fergus.. .. .. ■ „ —Richardson .. .. Estimatedf jr last _„. .. E. Mitcbclsoa .. .. Half-year of 1889-90 60S 8,3» ~ — M»t»er .. ~ ..J . £2,775 (R-placed by Captain Russell) ■< ""Z£'ls Total for 3 years .. .. .. .. .. .. £SO,tsi You will observe tho cost of the SEXF-STYtBD Liberal Government under this heading tt £34.619, that of the :so oallhd Toky Government £20,282 being a balance in favor tic ito* latter of LU,3i7. That is to say, Iα "salaries *n<l tMvelUn* expenses alone" the "luxury Ola self-styled Liberal" administration coat the country , . L 14,337 more than h&ve the "80-called Tory" Administration. Next, a few words upon PERMANENT EXPENBITUBE. The amount during the last year of offloe of the "self-styled Liberal Government" Wβ* >* ; 1.2,637,588, a nd daring the last financial year- viz,, 1389-90, under the " so-called Tory " Government, it ws, L 2,846,158. Both of tnese Items are exclusive of interest and Sinking Fund, and the last-mentioned s«tt. incWdflS certain services paid "wholly out or r»ve«nse"Jor Uie flwt *%"*£* "cooking" and "doctoring' about such a statement as this. It Istfnjfaot what it to in appear* ance, and that ie, that your pi eaant much-abused Government , . Have saved you L291,41Q in your "working expenses," • A few words upon tho : ' ' SECOND LEGISLATIVE OHAMBEE; ' Some alteration "must be made "in the constitution of the above.. Upon tola Wβ •Tβ ftft Rffrecu; The present question, however. Iβ—What did your ''seU-at/led Liberal Oovernmantdo |or you in the way ot reform 1 Well, the answer i 9 aimpic; _ m ' They addfo twelve nbw members to U at an "additional ooet" or £3,529 a year w t ho country. Waathaveyonrpreuenc "ao-oalled Tory Government" done to eifdot nilorml j« Tae answer is tuat spire of eeveral deaths THer wo not add one single usxbkh during the existence o£ the late but reduced by £1320 ayear the e&Urios ot eoese twelve, whom a "seU-etyled Liberal party ,, "translated." , , . _. , » "Further, this "so-called Tory Government, to ahow their earnestness m deslrlag tq.retom the "Lordn/'i.troduced a Bill, drawn np by Sir Fred Jc Whltateron genuinely Liberal lines. 11 " proposed to abolish a noniinated Chamber" and auostltute an elective one, Umitinu its QuniWH to tuuf the number of members of the Lower House. Xt W&9 defeated by vi votes to XL Tm majority " against" it included auch Liberals (I) as Buckley, Olgnan, Martin, Reeves. Shephard Shimsid. avvanson, Walker, Whtunore, sal WUeon—aU of whom were appointees ol "sell styled Liberal A dminlstrattone." Consider next the OOST OF GOVERNMENT. The present "so-caUsd Tory' Government" Rkduord thb QovßiWOß'e Salabt. Tq» Members' Honorarium, own Salaries, an» thk Npmbbb or Members. vV c sste you it there is anything very ** Tory ' about the above t We had a Lower House ot fls Memeer* at a cost of fii9.«su a year to Kovern some 650.000 moB, women, and children. The pro9Qia| "so-oaied Tory Party ''reduwdthis, spite of cfto opposiitoo. of she M seU-eiyled Liberal Party." to 71 members, who will cost the colony £10,650 a year. And yet there are men (see Sir K. Stoutfs speech) who say tbie Is a " bacJcward seep." and that no poor man can hops to gee Into Parliament," when,- as you are aware, there ore more men in poor clrcumncuncespnarlßa themselves at this election than at any previous one. If a man in poor cirouxnetaaces d**ir«i« seat In the House, and has brains and honor, depend upon it ** 4&0" a yeas and a reduced iioust will not &eip him out. ;, A word or two upon LAND ADSONISTEATION. \ Remember that; a "self-styled Liberal Government.'' with flir Robert Stoat, the diSJlpi of Land Natlonaliaation—at its head, and with Mr Joha Bellance—the arob-apostie of the 4Ut» ownership ot all land—as its Minister of .binds, gave away once and tor all " 2,500,00p Acres to the Midland Railway Company. Can any such charge ba brought against the present" s> called Tory Government?" During the last three years the Legislature has liberalised otaf land iaWsW giving settler* the right of choice of tenure as between deferred staymentt au perpetual lease, it has "inoreaeed" the area item 320 to 6*o acres for deferred paymeaj holdings. Ithas reduced tno price to S'te per acre. It has extended the term of payment froff 10 wUyeftrs, It has opened up hill terms of 2000 acres at 10a per acre, and of bettor olass la* at?2VB par acre, it has substituted the ballot box tor the auction system. SUMMABY OF SO-OALI.ED TOBY LAN© LEGISLATION. I J. Since 188? bona fide farmers increased from 14 to 23 per hundred of tho papulation. 2. Toe.Grown lands disposed of, "not for oash" but on settlement conditions, "haveaww , than trebled." • . , 3. During the Stout-Ballanoe " reßlme " 700,000 acres were so settled. . f>--''"4J During the Atkinson-Richardson •• regime " 1,116,080 acres were so settled. fc 5. In 1890 six acres were sold on set leroeut oonoitons as against " one " for cash. In 1887 tf was only four acres as against one for cash. ... ~ ,«* 1 0. In 1887 nearly "15 per euni." of the adult males of the coiofly occupied the soil; Iβ W over "23 per cent/ were settled on the land. 7. The acreage under crop has increased by 92.000 acres: area under sra-w by 160.000 «»<«•»_ 8. And spite of all this the raacb-ahueed Mialater for Lande has Dwuuueafir hi* DBPAKV MKNTAi ExPELNpiTURa by 27 par cent, 5 . , _» , . M . , *,v >ellow electors, is It not pitiable that men, from mere party spleen aad disappoint** ambiUoa. have nothing better to do than to denounce worthy tecvaaia of the people sttca a< th» present Ministry have proved themselves to be f I Ahdnowwe wlUaafe What did your self-styled Liberal frieni* d© LABOB PA&TY? : " Well, the then Premier—Sir Robert Stout-moved, in taa IMb Junui Of tb» malm af W* the widely-celebrated but conveniently ignoted I , Tlireatß and Molostatloa Bill, a BUI which Mr Seddon declared to be "an insult to the working men of New Seafood," asj| "meant legisletlng In the interests of capital cm against labor." (dee "Hansard* lev fall discussion.) • Wlmt have the present Government done for the Labor parry I Well, they nave probftblf received moie abuse from a few scurrilous sheets end speakers than any other body of men n New"Zeaiend. Why! Because, afterhavloK forced thruugh the House,.analogs mucb «?ppw , tion, " The truck Bill" and "The Employers , liabittty BUi'Mwhioh BiUs Sic ftebsrt Stool* in I ! letter Oα the Press dated November 19th, 1890, sneered at Bβ "«o-oalled Lftbor biUs," the Booom Gbamber, pArtly by means of these "voces added to it by theseif-styted Übexai Pftrty," MfeeMf theee measures, wnioh were prouiOJted by the Maritime Council I ■ ' Oh, working men, where ia your gratitude I , - A SETEOSFEOT Am> CONTBAST. Recall the state of your credit in England in 1887 and now. . <. . „* " Then" the name of your Colony was a by-word and reproach fop assOamanaftawrt aaft wanton extzavagance. , " Now •" it is roepeoted by every colony and Government throughout the empire. "Thea "it was ooahtfolif a loaa could have beea raised had ocoaaton required it ~ _ . "Now " yonr Colony has a prestige second to none of the colonies, and this honombl* fOO, tioa has been gained for you by the despised eo-a&x&sD *q*x aovsamssirr. m . ,_ ' " Fallow electors," we have brought these matters thus faointedly and briefly eeftfe m becauae, for obvious reasons, the truth is being twisted and distorted to suit e&s extg&tcm ojL the"seU-etyledHber<apautty." We have afeovm you that so far from tills demoraiisedaw disgraced party, which will be utterly routed in the course of a few days, having beea enwv Uie w&tch words of . ; . I ESTEENOHMEHT MH) RBFOEM, They have shamelessly abandoned both. Honorable citizens are deseaaceS as "Torlsft? bloated capitalists, and, in an offensive sense, mahoidera, BaaK egente, m ea«ra<Mt« all reform,; all justice, ail fair deaJing. Men -whom we have koown from ear youth up. characters will bear the light of© wpreMiated «s being: animated with come ted o«**i» to crush the working classes. Every man who does not see eye to eye with them to c&Uea foes foe. The least attempt to protest against the folly aae incapacity of the tarn »»»«« miJed the labor party is shouted down. Persons whom bo one knew a few ebohhls ssf&i are claimed as your true tried representatives—and. those who &&¥« horns %m heat and'burden of the day, and scorn to pander to toe p&ssslons aad prejodtoa» &£ raging, are reviled with every contemptuous titta envy and hatred cos c&ajure up. <*&**&' tare. Aopesi to those aoaoag you who are desisousof would be judged; woo believe that all the honor and aSHhe honesty to ta& cl& ar» *» necessarfiy covered by the coat of the Ciaesand ttoae-eerviag politician, and we beStej© even as you raUled to onr appeal in the year of grace 1887, when we emote Shis pseudo IfMna party hip and thigh, yon will again naly to t&e staadard WQ now uofold, otto npm wawr : , .. . , "■"■ * smm - - . • •.: .r ■ " -:~ ovmxmioia to . mom ~ ***** - '■'-'-. i ' ,' ' '-'''* ~;■■> J** , " , : :-.- '''■*'•*• - ~-.■-• . * . r ~; ~ ■•,.

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 6


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