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Baimt.—-The rain in the northern diafck» yesterday morning only lasted tor an hoe! Ou the downs and hilla it fell heariU arid has improved the look of the croni^ JUnchoba. Court.—There waa noefahL of the Magistrate's Court at EmS yesterday. , *"■!•» Giklb' Fbiindlt Sooiktt.—The annual meeting of the above Society was heM yesterday, when officers were elected fn» the succeeding year. It was announce in the annual report that Mra Jaliae h*S eacceeded Lady Jorvois as President*? the Society. TOS r . SkbiiKton Pound.—Oα Monday M t 0 Skeviugton unearthed a human akeletoa on his farm, near Waikuku. The jbo&M. presumably those of a Maori, wen mL moved to the Kaiapot morgae, for holding of an enquiry. , . ■ ~ Midland Cycuno Club.—ThJa Ohlh received the splendid total of aij;ty-thila entries for the meeting afc Kirwea on SI lath mat. The handicaps will be i«j!l in a few days. m^r* Tblbphonb Excuanok.—Wβ have UL requested to state that on Friday jS telephone and telegraph offices' wdl ,&» open to the public until midnifflit, ,! - .'■ Stbvbdobing Association.—Mγ Rfr Barn?, the Secretary of the Qanterhjij. Stevedoring Assooiation, has secured ofly. , ; in the establiahtnente of Messrs alumv and Co., in Lyttelton and Ctirietchujmh where the businesa of the be carried on, and where all iufort&itfta respeutiug the Association c&a fc* obtained. . -! meeting of the Lictmaiug Ohristchursh North-eaet was hold yesa> day. The report on the hotels in the with the exception of one case of alleged Sunday trading, was favorable. There were only eoine formal applications for transfers.

transters. BvpaßMß Qouet.—The oase'ot Gerttek« kora v Ueovpre, which Iβ a case for&U&der. ia which the plaintiff claims . £500 damages, will be heard before the ijtaprega Court to-day. Mr J&ppenbergw, wjil appear for the plaintiff, and ic. j$ xaisfr stood that the defendant will coudoaHte own caae. ' ' ' ■ Rangioba Litbbabt ajwd DsiiTJ?(j Socibtt.—On Monday evening Pwfeiaoe A. W. Biokertoa delivered a locate the members of tiiie society in the,lqesi« tute, Bangiova, xra the enbjeoi «| *• Altruism." There was a good *tt<m&» iance. Mr T. Keir oaoupied the oh&ir. After the lectuve Mr T. W. Eow>, MX, moved, Mr R. Bell seconded, 4 vote bf thanks, which was unanimously agreed k . Akatbub Athx,btjo3.~-Ecferriag Press Association telegram giving ticulars of the rale passed by the A%s> land. Club, enabling the Committee £o reinstate professionals, the New fcatatd Amateur ■ Athletic Asadciation has telegraphed as follows to Mr Coatee, Preeitefe of the Auckland Club :~"Club« <mU reinetate professionals. Association's j&go* tion. Will you ccc Auckland Club ea behalf of Association, and get them to rescind rule referred to in Press teL&« gtaui." ' ■ Cantjbburt A, A. Ctt7B.—lfifcentof competitors are. reminded that entries tot the above Club's sports close on Batoirsaj|r. Mr D. Wood, the Hon. Secretary, will U glad to receive them ab any time dicing the week. There ia every cbaaoe dUs H. W. Batger, of Wellington, $e'ff& Champion Hurdler, competing ai tfcs sports, as he hoe signified hia intention of attempting .to beat the world's record>i 120 yards over hurdles, which etasuSlM 16seo* . ' ■ i, Kancuoba Douaiv Boabd.—A mee!Je| of 'the Eaugiora Domain Board vrt&.kiW at the Boad Board office on Tuesday.' JN* sentry-Captain A. Parsons (OhsAmifk Messrs J; Lilly and A. Ivory, AMter w*s received from the North Cant&Mjs? Bioycle Club asking permission to <soarsrt under the water tanks into » drosefeg room with shower bath, the espeate W« borne by the Club. This was agree* *»> From the Sporta Committee, aefctofffttf »* use of the grounds, which was ap«sa » A letter was received from the Bsw&gws Cricket Club, asking to be rilomi the ig of the room under tho graad «&** also to fix a. looker to keep, materia* J» Referred to the Chairman to arrange. CANTBBBOBT CbXOKKT Ai3BOCIATJOS,**I. meeting of the Committee of fcb® O.w*a. was held at the Secretary's office oa m* day, the let inst. Presentri-Mesm J. ■£ Hartland, L. Cohen, W. N.PififbJ.e.J. Helmore, J. N* CaygiU, and the Bw*W' It was resolved that the Senior <SJ oricket match be suepeadefl wtu «•*«■ January next. Permisaion was graoSe<l h the M.0.C.0. to continue their roftWh wj« the U. 0.0.0. on Saturday, the «hj» cember. The Junior Cup »n« Fce S?«i Cup matches will be coatiaued on tae ew and 20th December. A SiLio o» th» Pact.—A jety_.fa» resting discovery of a record of we y>« took place this morning, -when thel «* meu en«aged in the now building lor J" D,IIC. demolished a cottftge i» •' ta S,u known as Kivof'e rigot-of-w*y; MJ ooneieted of a email pieoe of one side, which had been nailed »P,»J2 roof of tbe cottage. On this is w»W» » pencil, which is as fresh as thoujfli «K*J yesterday, the Iβ erected by Walter Lloyd and J. ferjj the month of February, ISW, ft»/«K Bailey. Ten .per ™&>*Z cottage was for some time »» WM>,*%, tion of Mr Jaboz Khodee. The wUefll *J past is now in tbe pooseasion of Mr «' v> Brown, the manager of the D.1.0. A COJIOBBSATIONAI. ApPOliraMß s *** r^* Tftcanqy in the secretariat of eational Church Aid and Hoin« WWW Society by the resignation of.the *■• Andrew Moarns, who henceforth, ds™**» hie whole energies to in London, has beea filled by the g*j mentof the liev. William V. Oiwtajj Birmingham, who was nated to fcbe office ab the recent CWJ at Swansea. Mc Clarkeon.. *W son ef one of the oldest "«gjg; of the London Missionary b««g ;ie an alumnus of New Opil**^ I John's Wood, and **»*»**%£, 5 London University. For some yjg^ 1 has beett minieter of the Churob, Bdgbaaton, B«»»i>f»»» , »j*23 taken deep interest in the edw*M»«s. poUticall&e of that Cent member of its School j tbe Liberal patty. He is *•» 2£*il hie advocacy of the tefP^ffiStt l, ! U author of the popular Edg!«w»B »o* oftracte. 2 IS* E»KK G*o»gb CoMpaar. krv* now reduced their prtee*. W 10» per doz ; enaineUlne, «P*f!f« J any style or position. We »rei^^i il3 visitors from the couuttfj* ??i tisem«at on euother The popularity of SrAjJJJJJ^jei Art »gBSK Popular prices, superior « eatWctioa KMWoteed. JgJßJ^rj. Siecialty. Do noc n>»» eers, 512 Colombo etreet. tobow rw etalra.-{ABV<c.] Aw«AtP-l*^! brllftant display. »pon being .^^SWiA}

by notification elsewhece, gooda£jta|ffis . oa—aofc -fee, forwarded soothaq£,flanVaide. until tbe damage to the Bakaia bridge caused by the flood is repaired. It ia expected this will be completed on Friday

next. Pofulab Spoets.—Those intending to take part in tbe athletic and cycling events connected 'with the above are reminded that- *Q*r*ee for*&. hftntKcajj** eloeewitathe "*<?»ti&y ti the Bp<%; on j Saturday next/ ?~h 10 p.ui." "'** ' Fdbnitdkk Trade Union.—A. meeting of the above will be held to-morrow in/ in the Trades and Labor Hall, high street, at 7.80. . _ SniiNsa Excußßios.-rThe wjiekly «&&, onrsion to Sumner last evening again afforded an enjoyable outing ;to the seaBide. About 400 availed themselves-af-the"" opportunity, and tbe Stanmore Band played a .well selected, programme. The illumination of tbe (Jave Sock was 'aritep: oMonal attraction, a<id the scene with the ' rock covered with' tbe visitors and lit .up ; was very picturesque. .' l ...*"' Musical.—Herr Mas Hireohburg'e first academical concert will be given afc the ■ Ball of .the Y.ii.OJL to-morrow evening. The programme is a very attractive one, and will include songs by Mrs McEwan, •Hri'rank Hobos, and Herr Hinjohburg; ' *iano solos by Misses Vartha, -pavie, 'webley, ana Westori, and Hew Hirschburg. Judging from the programme the '' lovers of high class music ■ should have a grealj treat. VV . r. Salb of Work.—The ladies of the Working - Society hold their annual sale in aid of the Sunday-school today in tbe schoolroom. An nniiantiftlly attractive programme has been provided, :cOtaptißßtg ■ Christmae" , "tree, , -palmistry, vocal and instrumental music, the operetta "Eose Queen" by the members of the Merivale Temperance Guild, recitations, and a Caudle lecture by a popular readeE. In addition, the ladies have provided the t'jpgnai nplniber of articlea of children's wearing apparel, articles of Vortu, &c, which BDould find a ready sale. ? ' OaANbiasa?.—The 'Monthly meeting of No. 1 No Surrender, L.0.L., Ladies' Orange Lodge, -was held in the Orange Hal), Worcester street, on Friday evening. There#stJk^ft Metofl»pei. afePrendent, Sister Willie, in the chair. A Large amount of business was got through. One new member was initiated into the Order. It was decided to hold, a social evening on Tuesday evening, December 16th. After other baeiness the meeting closed in due iorm.

Liercrßß.—Professor Biekerton gave an interesting -i lecture on . % Science "y last Friday evening afc the Tennis Hall, *Sumner. The lecturer treated his subject in a popular manner, and illustrated it with experiments. Some members rof ..a glee club kindly contributed some songs daring'th»" evening, and Mr Morrii also gave twp.yiolin solos. Sir J. <j. Allan playing accompaniments. Likcoln. —The monthly meeting of the Lincoln., School Committee was held on Monday ~ J. W. Bartram, W. Jenninge/e? MePherson, A. McNae> and . ,P..,sod. , Correspondence wa«t received "Board oi Education relative to • tkaßCtioot hooks to :be ueediu -the school. Also master's report, showing the averajre attendance to be 131.4. A unanimous vote of thanks was paused to those ladies- and gentlemen who helped at the late concert in aid of the children's prizes, and to Mrs Hanghton for the efficient, manner in which the had trained- the -ehUdren--in- ■■> The tdtstt receipts of the concert were 13s 9d, which waa considered satisfactory. ... Sakds o* eeteion of the B&Bi of Hope in connection with the Cb«rch of Christ, Durham - street- §outh, .'jSosftd nightV. There was * a -~»«oed afct«daace of members and frieada, Mr Qiimonr presided, and aa l enjoyable programme wa*» gone througi., A. hearty tote of thanks was tendered to Miss Clemente and Messrs Hepworth and Jackson for their, assistance. .The monthly laeeting the" Notth Belt f Pfeebyterian Band of Hope was held on Horidsyeveriing-, when there was a good The President, Mr W. Tre- ' Bayncj was is the chair, and an excellent frogt&mme was given by the members and fneoas. Becitations on the Temperi»ece qneation were given in good style E. BatterfieMi May Hall, €X E. Mtugafqve, MJ and Jtotera E. Botterneld and G. Butterfield. Qhe Eev. B. Taylor also delivered an titerestiiig address. Miss Bane presided at the organ

Masonic Installation.^—The' annual * installation ceremony of the Thistle Lodge, *Jfoi" §|7, S.C., took place at the\£shburton i Maaonlc Hail on Monday! evening, when * there was a very large gathering of memCraft, including "visitors from Somerset, Si John's, Sb Andrew's, <6oath*rn Cross, and other Lodges. The i ffc#Jl).G;M." Bro. •"■-' Louissori, • and the S.T>J>.GM. Bro. Gourley, were present, and ably assisted by P.M. bro.. W. Sparrow, installed the following officiate't—Rl. B*6: Jpsfph.Sealy, E.W.M.; Bro. Potter, LPJ£.j &».»& Sattraj, B.M»j PJkL.Bro. Wm. Malcolm, S.W.; Bro. A. Orute = J.Wi 5 P.M. Bro. W. Sparrow, Treasurer; Bro. B. Minnie, Secretary: P.M. Bro. ThonW MWmau, S.D. } Bro. Mecleam, J.D.; Bro. % ißnnuey, D.S.; Bros. <T. ■■ Norgan «4 W. Patterton, stewards; Bro. yf. M&Bae, 1.G. ; Bro. B, Cttllen* tyler. , : The BUiittcal portion of toe,ceremony was given by a strong choir, with Bro. H. A. Gates presiding at the, organ, a noted feature being the of - , thine ear," by Bro. Alfred. Harrison. Bro. |iealy» the , neifrly ; jnswled master, recsived"the warm* congratulations and hearty good wishes of- the brethren for himfug, And .the- continued prosperity of the TOistle Lodge. The gathering was a most taceessfoi and«njojable one, and after the Lodge was closed a couple of, kQW i were i»?J3nony; dnriog which tZ& ioeual feasts were honored and some capital jopga given, a specially enjoyable number Sic" " Slave Ship," sung wifii moch fathos by Bro. G. H. Flower. Ekafsb and Bindkk Teial.—The trial of reapers and binddr* in connection with-, the Murrumbidgee Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, took place on October 29th, Seven machines put in an appearance for mi Hornsby, McCormick, Buckeye, Howard, Deering, Massey, and the Waiter A. Wood. The .fogj selected : l for the trial, says the' *** "i httYy fleld- of vjrrowing oats, l Wreieging" nearly -4ft feigiv -and esti-j to .an four, tons, to the Acre. The time allowed to tut the Hinted epnce (two acree) , was two hours. J&^sSart' was aade at one o'clock/.and Wtt of leack maobine was < carefully watchei, great incereet in th* work beine shown by all present. It j was soon evident tha£ ; the trial was a tevere one, as crop was Verygreen, heavy, and, in some parts, lying Mm. . the time was called it w»» sound that {here"were only three machines up to time,~ Tte., Diering, "Hassey, •ad Howard. Tbe judges, who had during i fixe whole of the trial carefully noted the 1 poiata" of the different machines, then •xaniined the sheaves, stubble, and general »«k done, and afterwards minutely in» ipected the machinery. After determining the awards the report was - handed • to the secretary, wba read it" to the teeemblage. - The report was as follow* j— vinrt,Deering,4sspoints; second,Maasey, point* 1 third, Howard, 895 points. 3&e decision seemed to be thoroughly in 1 •ccordance with the publio opinion, aa «»e cheers were immediately given for Sw irinner, Tib Deering machine is jgiwarkabiy light of iraf t, simple in con■***etion, and very easily managed. Mr w* Me»on, who is ue sole %ent for this reports a very large sale fox them ■asauw..- .■ -i v..' .-;■ . -. ■-■■ v;. Lawk Tshnis.—The opening of Aβ B-agley Park Lawn Tennis Courts takes pace to-day, and should the weather prove* favorable thcie will doubtless be a very l**ge gatheriug of the friesdt «*dj«ip» "porUrre ~f the popular red oolbrlL. A con£tu«;rable uunibr of courts have been l&arked out ready for play, so that Opportunity will be afforded to chose anxious to get a game during the after«*on ;wbile th* less wfSj&Sn the shade ana up the cup waioh cheers will not be forgotten, as a number « lady friends of the members have kwdly undertaken to dispense afternoon itli

ftgffttion, and is being largely stfemi* •«ij% BoroegE Coaaeil to obange the name of Park's toad. Addington, to White's road.

N«w Brighton Tbahway.—A cheap excursion to Ne«r Brighton, leaving the Bqoare at 7.16, wjll take plaoe to-night The Stanmore Band vffil aocompany the excursion.

■ Cwm'i Cota.9SW.-~The annual cricket plukpd tq<iay on the College ground, beginning at cc , . >_a i> dock. The following will represent the Old Boys.—The Bey. H. Et Mathias, Messrs K. Aidred, H. CotteriU, T.D. Harnuwß, G. Harris, J. F. Hartland. 8.1md0,-Bi B. Matbiae, A. BoUeston, B. Boat, C. Wigley. Lord Omslow's Son. — A Wellington "Kfees Association telegram says :—"The Mayors of Christchurch, Dunedin, Auckand Wellington have intimated to the Premier'their approval of the euggeetion that the Queen should be asked to become godmother to Lord Onalow'eaon. Another suggestion on the subject on which much stress is laid is the bestowal of a Maori name on the child.* , '

Thb Taket*. —There seems a singular unfairness r (saya the Church Nnbs) in Charging customs duty on Sunday-school i pictorial cards. Yet this is done to the tune of 25percent. What Sβ worse, the leather cases, in which prayers and hynme are encloeed, are taxed also; the &#fcs are' free, bnt the covers are assailed under the heaaing of " Fancy goods,*' β^oie "it our succeeaiul members of the coming eleo turns ought to' move in the direction of getting thisin justice remedied.

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Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIL, Issue 7725, 3 December 1890, Page 4


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