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Masonic.—The ordinary monthly meeting of the St. Augustine Lodge, 609 E.G., will be held this evening at the Hall, Manchester street.

Chubch Woek Society.—The annual meeting of the above will be held at Hobbs' Buildings this evening at eight; o'clock. The chair will be taken by the Bishop of the Diocese, and several addresses will be given. Societt of Arts.—A special meeting of the members of the Canterbury Society of Arts will be held at the Public Library to-morrow at 3 p.m. to consider a proposal for the incorporation of the Society under the Companies Act, 1832. Postponement. — The meeting of the Zealandia Sick Benefit Society, which was to have been held this evening in the Druids' Hall, .has been postponed until tomorrow at the same time and place.

" Sam Wkllkk Swaeet." — The ninth anniversary of the Christchurch Working Men's Club will be celebrated, as is customary, by a " Sam Weller Swarry," tomorrow evening, in the Recreation Hall of

the club, at eight o'clock. Appointmbnt.—The many friends of Mr E. W. Seager will learn withpleasureof his appointment as usher in the Supreme Court, a post rendered vasant by the lamented death of Mr J. B. Sfcansell. Mr Seager is one eminently fitted to discharge the duties of the office efficiently, and from his well-known courtesy and urbanity those who will be brought officially in contact with him will have no cause of complaint, r '-■■■.■'; J': * , : ■ . ■ ' Ambulance Costume Concert. —The rehearsals for the concert in connection with the St. John-Ambulance Association, which promises to be one of the moat unique ever given here, are progressing , ■very favorably. The programme will be of a most attractive nature, and as it will introduce entirely novel effects, no doubt there will be * large attendance.; At the meeting of the"City Council" , last night it was resolved that the patronage of the Mayor and City Council should be accorded to;the concert."

ASHBtTBTON LICENSING COMMITTEE. An adjourned meeting of the Ashburton Licensing Committee was held yesterday. Present —Messrs J. G. Besfcell (Chairman), C. Braddell, D. Thomas, E. Alcorn and J. C. Duncan. The meeting was held for the purpose of considering an application made by Esther Butler for a license in respect of Butler's Family Hotel, the application lodged at the recent annual meeting having been informal. Mr Crisp appeared for the applicant, and pointed out that, if necessary, he wae prepared to lead plenty of evidence to nhpw thafc the bouse was needed and wae well, conclucted in every respect. No evidence was* "called. The Bench retired, and, after an absence of ten minutes, returned into Court, when the Chairman said it had been decided to grant the application, the hour of closing to be eleven o'clock p.m., the same as in the case of the other hotels in the borough.

Tkmttka Amatkub Dramatic Society.— On Friday evening last, th» members of this Society gave a minitrel end dramatic entertainment in the Volunteer Hall, Geraldine. The performance throughout was a capital one. The dresses of the performers were"very good and the songs, choruses, jokes, &c, had the charm of being almost entirely new and fresh. The music was of the best that can be got in Sooth Canterbury. Mrs Poster presided at fcbii plane, ?f r K. Wootf, violin, and Mr J. Andrews" clarionet. The local Trite were very numerous and very happy. The performance concluded with the farce "Rum'ns from Home," which evoked roars of laughter from the audience. Mrs Foster acted a* musical conductress, Mr A. W. Gaze as stage manager.

Theatbe Royal.—The production last night of the new programme by the Hugo Minstrels had the etfect of packing the building from top to bottom, every available corner being filled to overflowing. In the first part several new songs were introduced. Miss Priscilla Verne was good in her medley, and the songs allotted to. Misses Tessie Cleveland, Liilie Warren; and Connie Devereux were capitally sang. Mr Hugo was, as usual, exceedingly funny, and Mr Tracey in his Irish character song and dance with Mies Verne was loudly applauded. The Australian Tom Thumb gave a very clever act on the slack wire. Miss Verne introduced a character eong, " O'er the Bridge," which, though good, is by no means so entertaining and bright as the one in the previous programme introducing the melodies from " Little Monte Christo." Miss Cleveland's waltz song and a funny farce, in which Mr Charles Hugo created roars of laughter, concluded 1 the programme. The company appear again tbie evening.

Monkt Club.—The of the Ivy of Llhwoda Money Xj£v*K be held this evening at the Eoval Hotel at eight o'clock. * Addimoton Cbickct Club. A meeti of the members of the above Cloh will?* heldtrt-W.W. Betel-ftfa * eight o'clock on important business A Laboe Fish.—A very large ekate waa to be teen in the window of the Zefllftadii Pishing Ooinpany, Victoria day. It measured Gft 4in in length ovX all, and sft 2in across the "winga" 2 broad part of the body. It was caughtb» one of the; Company's own beats, aboiifc eight miles outside the Heads,

The Charitable Aid Bill.—At last uight'B meeting of the City Council the Charitable Aid Bill, now before the House was referred to the By-law Committed report. Cr. Gray hna gW eQ noticed * motion that the Council disapproves offfi* provisions in the Bill for handing over fo City Councils the powers now exeroiaed hv Charitable Aid Boards. "

Suprbmr Coubt.—The civil sittings of ttte Supreme Court openpd yesterday mor&IS before hia Honor Mr Justice DennUtaS and a common jury of four. The case of Collier v Wo.od, Shand and Co., ia which the plaintiff claims .£350 for injury nja. taineJ through a collision by one of t& drays of the tirrn driven by their servant was commenced. The plaintiff's case was* closed, and several witnesses examined for the defence when the Court adjourned until 10 80 a.m. to-day. .

Salvation Army, Temuka.—The fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Salvation Army in Temuka has been celebrated with much vigor. Special eerricee have been held for the past three days, and concluded on Monday by a tea meeting and after services. The principal speakers were Major Hammond, Captains Gunion and Bates, and the local offioeW. A source of attraction wae Hallelujah band, ; which. psraos4, oV Monday. x>

The Weather.—Very heavy rain Bet in at Dunsandel on Saturday evening, and continued until Sunday. The tain on, Sunday was accompanied with very cold wind. Stock haa wintered fairly well until the present "cold snap." Heavy sno* commenced at Oxford at noon on Saturday, and oontinued till late on Sunday. .'There are now six inches in the bueht, aud all work ia suspended. On the low lands (he snow has nearly disappeared, as the eterL finished up with heavy rain.

Entertainment.—The third of a series of winter entertainments was given in the Free Methodist Schoolroom, Selwyn street, Addington, on Wednesday evening last when a capital programme was presented Ainonqst the items was a reading (jy U r ' Sraeaton entitled " Spectacles m Ohuxoh," which kept the audience iv roars ol laughter. Mrs Patterson sang a selection from " Maritana" in good style, and Mra McEwan gare "Twickenham Ferry"and " The Eiver Dee" very well. :

Hunt Club Theatricals,-—The rehearsals for the amateur theatrical performance in connection with the Hunt Club are progressing excellently, and there is every prospect of a capital performance on the occasion. As alrealy stated, the principal piece selected i> W. S. Gilbert's beautiful play "Py*. malion and Galatea." The piece has been very strongly cast, • and it is intended to put it on the stage with every attention to detail a« to dresses, scenery, &c. A performance in connection with the Hunt Club would be incomplete without a sporting piece, and accordingly the projectors have arranged for the performance of the well-known farce " In the Pigskin. , ' :

Woodend Band of Hope.—The Woodend Band of Hope held their monthly meeting on Friday evening in the Odd* fellows' Hall. The itev. D. J. occupied the chair. Mies A. Little pre» sided at the organ. The programme included the following items.—An addresa by the Chairman; solos by Mm Ayere, MBa A. Little and Master Gh Morriss; duet by Mrs Ayere and Miss A. Little; recitations by Mr H. Burgess, Masters Q. and D. Morriss, Stokes, Chinnery and Hunter, and Misses Zuppicich, Hewitt and Judson. A dialogue, entitled " Miss Swindle's Lodg* ings," by Misses Little and Ayere end Messrs Thomas Rudd, Burgess and JudwJß was well rendered. The choir sang at intervals.

The Sydenham , Gymnabibji.-—At' tie close of the Eev. F. W. lsitt's lectors leafi night the Rev. Mr Dewdney, in moving a vote of thanks, took, occasion to refer i» & letter which appeared in yesterday morning's Pbess, signed "AHomeEaler/'havinir relation to the Eev. L. M. Isitt an4.the Sydenham gymnasium. The Eev. , Mr Dewdney eulogised the step which tho minister of the Sydenham Wealeyan Church had taken, and denounced the letter in very strong language ac ecumfora and contemptible. The Chairman endorsed the remarks of Mr Dewdney, and said he hardly knew how to express his contempt of such a contribution. The observations of both gentlemen were received with applause. '"

Palace Skatimo Bn«.-'The Kingsley Bros., whose clever performances .as ,bicyclists have already been referred to, mft'd* their first appearance at the Palace Bink last night, when there was a good attendance. Their performance was preceded by a procession of bicyclists, which had a very pretty appearance. , The, fe»t«'jserformed by the Kingsley Bro9. otx wt bicycle must be seen to be appreciated* They are wonderfully clever, and all the most difficult things are done with an ease and grace which makes them seem to the onlooker quite simple. Amongst other things may be noted the describing of circles on the bicycle whilst at the side of the machine standing on one pedal,-the carrying round the rink by one brothet <rf the other on his shoulders without toOflfc* iug the handles or pedals. They are ceftaxnly by far the cleverest artiets we MftW had here, and are well worth seeing. They will appear again this evening.' ; '

Pbizk Dmtbibotios.—On Friday after , noon last the children attending -the Pleasant' "Valley school received tnei* prizes, which were gained at the la** examination. The presentation wai ateße by Mr K. Brophy, Chairman of the Ca»* mittee. Mesdames Dtralop and Altfcen, <& Geraldine, acted as judge* of the ** V P§' ■for%hich they gave special prizes, ac did also the schoolmistress, Miss Miller. The ,qnalityof the sewing wai much lsy&nd the average, and the judges had some dmcultyin awarding the prizes. MiseMUkr -was accorded great praise for the ems had taken with the girls io thia'nobipct. The following is the prise liat tprSttuderf V.—Kate Iffsaght, 1 r Annfe 'Vwri* Standard 17.—Oarrie Webb, 1; Louifla Gregm and Philip Beet (equal), r 2. Standard 111. — Geo. Campbell, It J' Holmes,.C. Mulvihill, and M. Kennedy (equal), 2. Standard ll.—Mary Qttsid, 1 1 Mary Brophy and Mary Bennett, 2. Standard I.—William Kennedy and J*hD Gregan (equal), l> Patrick Bropkf*ni John Campbell (equal), 2. Three W&* were also given in each of theeauaoarae for sewing, in addition to three J* B ?*** prizes for button-holing competed «#;;*>/ aUthegirie. Ajcaroa.—-Our correspondent wrifcei-""" For the past month or two Jfchwa M* been quite an erodns from here. Not OBjy are the single men aU clearingf»*«* **j North Island, but a gopd few families ew leaving as well. They are mostly tee laboring claes. The reason seems to W the scarcity of money amongst the variow public bodies, there being no works tff* , *?, consequence going on. The fact ol «* many people leaving ie Viking bneing people grumble, and bad times w0 S. Watkine haring cold his property he*b and being about to leave for Cnnstchnrcß, a nmnbef of friends invited him to a well supper. Thia wae held at Mr »> Bayleye. hotel, the table £&*lS >£?* thfrty. Hie Worship the Mayor acted W Chairman, and during the ««""*„?•£ poeed the toast of &*- - O* IS, Mr S. Watkins." In doingjp bejj ferredto the many different »<*»££! in which Mr Watkta* had taken. e leada»£ part duriniflus lone residence mAk«w». Mr Watkins replied in fceliß* ,*£«•. Beve»l other'toasto ja» p£%sgg}. them being "The old settlers *4miasula,' ? eoapled Messrel?Narberand G-H. J"^^.

i tt ie.~sDr D. Wiright, who Me** JWg the work of aa &**"*£!? Sover New Zealand, begins t this evening. eciftl services e very night learn that the wvt« Department here have reWorks.l£pw d „ k »«4«<»njJjfS%Wiit.» Theinnountains ror »" wil j provi< jed ■tractions; «c aWe-bodied demen" wto "* Tmem " Bosoooh Cqukciiu— This S******? and in addition transacted the to the roubne ™£> d The In . BpeC !f JTftepremises of a dairyman who to houses in which typhoid There were also two same fever in the milkman's bouse.

kroDWX to a Cobokbb.—The other j-TaSorth Island coroner (Mr Gresham) held an inquest on a man who had been «n*ib> • ia & of earth ' and after the Sir was over he probably thought that hehftd seen the last of the subject of the £rnirv However a≤ he was riding home he had the misfortune to be thrown off hie WaTwhich rolled on him, and injured vter The unfortunate coroner was so Sα hurt that on the next day he had to t« conveyed to the township on the same [roUyasVas carrying the corpse lately the jubjectof the inquest.

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7357, 9 July 1889, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7357, 9 July 1889, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7357, 9 July 1889, Page 4


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