Thi Australian Mail.—The s.s. Manapouri, with the Australian mail, arrived at the Bluff yesterday morning. It should be delivered in Christehurch to-night. Political.—Messrs H. S. Fish, A. Loughrey and McKenzie, M.H.R.'s, were passengers to Wellington last night by the s.B. Wanaka, to attend to their parliamentary duties.
Thb Nbw Zealand Exhibition.—Exhibitors are reminded that the applications for space close on July Ist, and as the Committee are desirous of ascertaining as soon as possible the amount of space required for Canterbury, early application for space is requested.
Pigeon Match—lt will be seen by advertisement in another column that a pigeon match has been arranged to take place in Lyttelton in a paddock kindly lent for the purpose by Mr J. G. Garforth.
Papanui Horticultural Sociktt.—The adjourned annual meeting of this Society will be held at the Public Library, Papanui, to-morrow evening, at eight o'clock.
Polios Court. —At the City Police Court yesterday morning, before Mr W. Langdown, J.P., two first offenders were each fined 5s and costs for drunkenness.
Wbathkr Forecast.—Captain Edwin telegraphed to the Harbormaster at Lyttelton, at 2_ p.m. yesterday, as follows .— "W. to S. and S.E. gale within next twelve hours, glass rise, and weather very cold.
City Council.—The meeting of the City Council last night was remarkable in that there was no correspondence, no reports of officers, and no reports of Com* mittees to be dealt with. Had it not been for a few questions there was no reason why the meeting should not have gone by default.
Ch_taTCHtracH Draughts Club.—This Club is still well to the fore, and the interest taken in its welfare by draughts players generally is increasing. On Thursday evening next, the Lyttelton Club will try their strength across the board with their city rivals, when a close finish is expected. To facilitate matters, a full attendance of members ib requested for tonight, when the team to meet the Lyttelton Club will be selected.
Sm___e Court.—The Court during yesterday was engaged with the trial (before his Honor _r Justice Denniston and a jury of twelve) of the case of Ward and Co. v Burgess, in which the plaintiff sought to recover certain sums of money alleged to have been paid and lost by plaintiffs, owing to defendant not carrying out an agreement entered into by him for leasing the City Hotel for ten years. The case was only partly heard, and will be resumed to-day at 10.30 a.m. Tha Maiii.Sh_.vic_.—A word of prai3e is due to the Union Company in despatching the English mail from the North for Southern stations. Since 4 p.m. on Saturday the s.s. Wanaka has been constantly steaming, and has not stopped, with the exception of a short delay at Taranaki and 45min at Wellington, and, nptwithstanding the fact that the Wairarapa was leaving Wellington yesterday afternoon, the Wanaka was despatched without any delay. Consequently merchants and others now have plenty of time to answer their correspondence by the outgoing direct mail on Thursday from Wellington.
The Bootmakers' Trouble.—A deputation from the Bootmakers' Union waited on Mr H. Toomer yesterday afternoon, and submitted to him the proposals which the Union had decided upon. These proposals were, to Mr Toomer's mind, an attempt to introduce in another form the letters he wished unconditionally withdrawn. The deputation were engaged for an hour in discussing the proposals, and in the end found that Mr Toomer had decided to make a firm Btand. The deputation state! that they had to bring up a report to the Union, and no doubt the question would be again opened. Mr Toomer informed them that one more chance would be given to approve of his proposals, after which all negotiations must close, and the firm would strike out a course of its own.
Concert at Pleasant Vallet.—A concert in aid of the funds of the Pleasant Valley School was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening last. The building | was taxed to the utmost by the large audience present. Mr Dunlop, of Geraldine, occapied the chair. Pianoforte solos were given by; —le • Misses "BusselL end Menzies, and songs were given by Misses Andrews, Miller, Menzies, Dunlop, Conand Gregan/ and Messrt Aitken, McCaskill, Cochrane, Menzies, and Cooper; besides whic_ Beveral part songs were given by the children, under the baton; of Mr Menzies. The piano used was very kindly lent by Mr Mar_ham,of Geraldine. Great credit is also due to the teachers (Mr Menzies and Miss Miller) for the way in which they instructed the children in the singing. A dance was afterwards held, at which a large number attended. Bible Christian Church.—On Wednesday evening last a tea and public meet* ing was held in the schoolroom. Marshland, in connection with the Bible Christian Church. The tea was given by friends in the .neighborhood, and was largely- attended. Mr W. Dunlop presided at the public meeting, and the speakers of the evening were the Revs. E. McGregor, of Kaiapoi, J. Crewes, and W. Ready, and Messrs Reid and Rapley, The'soiree was way; successful. Services have been established: on Sunday evenings in the Marshland school by the Bible Christian Church, and they are being well attended. 1 An entertainment was held in the Bible Christian Church " Bohoolroom, Lower Hig_ street, on Thursday evening. Songs were given by Misses Orchard and Hamilton.and'Mr Oata. Miss Snell also Slayed apiece pn the piano. The —cv- J. irewes gave a lecture on " Fhrenology," and afterwards manipulated a number of heads. The entertainment was largely attended, aad was very successful. Sale of Fish.—A new fishing company has just been inaugurated " in Christehurch. It opened business —1 Viotoria street on Saturday evening, and the result is said to be satisfactory. The object of the company is ito keep the market, supplied with fish at a uniform price. To accomplish this object it is intended to obtain a refrigerator, and to supply the Melbourne, and Sydney markets. At present the Company has but one flahing boat out, and for supplies depend upon it and the market generally. But it is intended atan early date to purchase a couple of small steamers, which will bring in fish go meet the morning trains. It ia the intention of the Company to work economically, and if possible to make the undertaking a success by. modelling it upon tbe system which prevails in like eases in Canada. Ths Late Alex, Wn_osr.--On Monday morning, tne 24th inst., there passed Away from amongst us another old identity in the City of Christehurch, in the person of Alex. Wilson; late Sergeant in the Canterbury Police. After having served with credit and distinction in the Irish Cons—_—_ry Force, the deceased exofficer came to New Zealand and joined the Canterbury Police Force. He was sworn in a constable by Inspector Fender on the 6th. of January, 1867. On the Ist of August, 1868, owing to services rendered, he was promoted, and was further advanced on the Ist of March/1860, and then, on the 24th of June, 1872, he was again promoted to the rank of Sergeant, which, position he held until he retired. Beneath what many thought a rough and austere exterior there was a vein of kindliness in the late Sergeant Wilson the force of which many have felt. The/ deceased was a member of the Canterbury Lodge, 1048,.E*0.> of E. and AJ_. The funeral takes place to-morrow. .'....■ Chw-tch—s_i Hounds.—On Thursday, 20th instant, the hounds ; met at Mr Wt T_mer*s,*C!ourtenay, ai.very popular meet; bat to their being no tfain on that day these were not so maiiy out at usual, and the hounds had to go all the way by road. Mr Turner"* has always been jfcoted for good sport, __d~Thursday proved no exception to the role, there being throe good runs—the—rat one as good a gallop as one could wish to* see, nearly all grass, the fences'easily jumpable, and the hare, after making one ring, going very, straight for a"co_pleof milesl)eforeshe waa__led. Mr and Mrs Turner were kindness itself ; and an hour's rest at their homestead was much enjoyed/ man and beast being so well taken care of that they were enabled to face the long journey home with a light heart.
Extension ;os TiW jS byadv«r_9e_-nCS'_r*! a ? ai *»ZB tenders in the estate of Tj!_- t " l «--*» and Co. has July 9th, at 10 aS. * W# Lecture.—The Rev M n Pdeliver his lecture, " «E to the Pulpit." *h*W Free this evening.. ,„ -^°V^^«fe2| ; CHRISTCHURCH GOLDMIHTK« pi I The adjourned shareholders « the above Co-SS I" held at Warner's morrow evening at 8 o'clock Magistrate's Covet. -alanm ~ IT Court yesterday, before C. __tJ*W Mayor, and J. L. Wilson, Esq were given for plaintiffs in -U"SSf J v J. boloinon, _J5 7a s andTfc» *#-' Brison, Bs. r "*?» Football.—A match was til r Saturday between the Lyftelt^? l tfjf' first fifteen and College ieJ__?l«fc \ grounds, and resulted in a draw in ♦**■' the Juniors. College secured **<i kicked from a free kick by w.u Wl -iX^nSn-: 168 ' "T* <£» Football T___.-The C_at_A___ I lege football team arrived by *«*?* 6*l the South lost night. They several members of their gratulated on the success they _ri£_**# the match with tho Otago TJuivS'I*l*!'1 * I *!' A Dangerous Bank.—The AW I b-nk between Fendaltoit and Wa&> r seems to be in a bad state. A_ta!l_r* over it on Saturday and cart He had a somewhat t **_;' escape, but was rescued by Bo ffl9 wm*% who heard hia cries. The h<_» got out, and the cart was terday. ww **§§
Stdsnham Borough Conssen. *-. Sydenham Borough Council met UgTj* ing. Several lengthy debates tookJß which were at times son-whit-**;*/ The Council sat three hoars! __f£_? considerable amo'int of b___) _Ju5 l the estimates, was held wtaSrfrW meeting. *"*•*»& Public Meeting.—The Bsv n. » gregor, of Edinburgh, the of the Church of Scotland to (XTS? 1 of the Presbyterian Church ofvJSS 1 will address a public :_eet_g at __ffi fellows' Hall on Friday eve_nSf n chair will be taken byMir John ■&£* Musical selections will be given b» tS choir during the evening. * *™
Plating with a Pißtol,~P r, w , ' son of Mr Favel, baker, a«i__wj_!S » himself in the left thigh sHf'*"s < had to be taken to the ?? d | bullet was extracted .;5 9 % to which'it entered. out with his father's cartd_Y«_R .»_ P round Sunnyside, got play_ dog revolver which he was catrying "ft. $ weapon went off and inflicted the. i,™™ f mentioned, . Favel's brother ! , but fortunately he received no injury, * BuWaloism.—Last evening, ;'s usual weekly meeting of the Koyal P«_, |' gorean Lodge of Buffaloes, held &% "'■ Sydenham Hotel, at the invitation of Bn - Heath, the brethren of the Lodge,niti "it several ladies and gentlemen, took put isf ? the celebration of the fiitieth birthday l"' the host. A very excellent supper to f ; afterwhich singing, and dancing made the evening pass $& I ; santly. Several toasts were honored, _ [ .'• eluding that of the host, aad genet-i \ '" those present spent a very good tune. ? c AcciD-RT AT Geraldin.. — A p_j_£ accident occurred to Mr Angus s_f donald, of Waitui, Geraldine, on Satut_;| * morning last.. He was going down Lil garden for the purpose of throwing (milsome rubbish, when he slipped, tract—g \g c his leg below the knee. Doctors Pisaeil Hayes were in attendance at toft si , possible and set the injured limbj aad fe| . sufferer is now doing fairly well. It _jf be mentioned that the __ortaa_« geatte| ' man is only just recovering' from _£- ' effects of a,broken arm BMteiaed tosj-; • time since, and which makes hit pc__rj- ' all the more painful. |■; San Francisco Mail.—The »,a W__dp' with the inward English x_ail m _<|
Francisco, ex the s.s. Mariposa, aimed _j Lyttelton at eight o'clock _si u\sft,_tsj a run of seventeen hours from-Wetiingtai, or a total of fifty-two hours fro_ ttehunga. Postmaster Allwrlght tos a attendance on arrival of the Steamy til
no delay was occasioned in the ir_*_*f-' si on of mail bags intotn__> wM„ vs)l in readiness to receive them, the sorliuu &c, being done smartly. The B—__| portion was Bent on to Christcbar— tjfe| , 9.35 p.m. train, where a epeqisl ; -, readiness to convey the Ouago their destination. The —ad ia apprfe"' tioned as fdllows:—Christchnroh ■. telton 2, Sydenham 1, Duned- «,_#" other Southern stations 27, total 98 \>*&-p Duns—hdb-.—Our correspondent w_ss §=: "We have been having some very _*»!$ able weather this past fortnight, „t«s|| frost, snow, rain and foga. It -fqa-ijt novelty to Bee the sun. Daring last rAfg the frosts were heavier than they-.'|; been for about six years (sc old readsm say). - Farming operations are gefag s|j,' > Very slowly, more especially iv tha mst of wheat. Bain set in on Satnrday3S«| ing, and continued all day without &«?£' mission. Up to the present stock dif descriptions are wintering veryw—i —? - maintain fair market prices. It ia —— L hard for farmers and others whs M , horses suitable for police parpos- &»i ij they cannot dispose of thera to th» *} '< specter of Police in the Can~rbMJ&l»~ tricfc; but I understand, from a aeat-fia.. of authority, that such horses have to »r. imported from Wanganui. A me—u ign: the Cricket Club was held on FridwWf" Members present—Meesrs A. Irrfeu* {©aa • man), J- 8. Robins, G. Sheal, H.B-VU Irvine and F. Lill. On the _„tk_sp G. Sheat, seconded by Mr F. lOU* 1 " - resolved—" That a letter of 4y«p-%|- t > condolence be forwarded to Mr _-^; ; - Wright in reference to the rees_:c_«s»: their son,Mr E. Wright." This &&£*»•, • the business the meeting adjon—ie- " ' s,.
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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7345, 25 June 1889, Page 4
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2,226NEWS OF TEE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7345, 25 June 1889, Page 4
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