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Bxudjiess Notice. —gT■- ~;- — ==±aam ~7*m%L SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT AA* Cheap* c cs complaints. * " -A^ o ADOPTED BY THOUSANDS EP Bfr <FjuM*e->ul--i flfi ■«-fk j mBBHKBISiiBi -with ths a EfrTCTUAi. ItCMEOYe most signal success. IMMEDIATE RBLTEF. ___ SQ iffl' *■ j » a lt The Most Palatable Specific Known, r\) tS3 ' FftKE f^ oll Pabegobic, gw W&J&' no child refusing to take it, whilst S »*» effects are marvelloua, m a^ Established over a Quarter of a H a y\y j^^^ , _s7y j p JiWWffiWfl Century, and patronised by ail ranks P w* Highly Extolled by Members _^^^^ejii''Wß^\ , S^^^^^^^^HmßßwMedicax, Legal, and Clebicax IIIRBSfiRYKRSH pbo^ions. mMB « a " There is scarcely a town in New Zealand in which some extrarUff CQUvHO. JKWB ordinary alleviation and prolongate A<;tuma tion of life has not made:itpopular, gf- DBDWCHITia* ZiSTHmA -. JaBSESK and its marvellons virtues have HfJAaSENESS.WHOOPfNG already secured for it one of the I DIFFICULTY OP BseATHMG . MHblh highest positions in the annals of |__* J * rr V* ul " ,T P, *4BmmmmWm medicine. The "Lung Presebver,' OF THE LUHCS.aHWB|W by virtue of its balsamic and sooth- | BRONCHIA, iRMSfiXJk iARYWXaaffiHK »«K properties, cannot be exceUed as I ?■ SBRSKs a soother of pulmonic irritation; \a *o«. r*»-mm» «,™«. okr.*,~m c -WBH nor does it, like most of the trashy V KtWMEairnmfa&aHElSmWXgHgm patent pectorals, with opium for ! PWJtjKAMSS, gHsWH their base, allay irritation and t ' ■ iBBHKB vital activity at the same time, '* ™ry easy thing, to da R - ■" "tBswSS The effect of opium is to proV osniarn ctuv hv JtBBPJIaBB dace a torpid condition of the I *' v wrY« w Ifflffirall organs, and if given in a case of » «# < s» *ir JBax£} hronchitiß. for instance, would in SvEOICAi. HAU.) VICTORIA duce a condition very dangerous to SsW cuniSTCHOBCU si' t mWjuSSFX life. Persons suffering from bron m I cbial affections who taSe the "Lima Pressbvsb" will find the speedy mm m. x. -l. j- m s««« m of -nain nwinif to Bubdued inflammation; and free and effect to l^ n . ufc fl l^°L^ e < i w i membranes are stimulated to throw easy expectoration; fl i^ fc is adapted to thin the discharge SOLD BY ALL PATENT MEDICINE VENDORa ' kW IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS. _ *~ =»n «i«t each packet of Lung Preserver offered for sale P ra h the -oral « Baxter's Lung Proserver, Christchurch," are blown on the bottle. Further, that the wrapper ofeach.packet oi // . ' "LUNG PRESERVER" _ . fc /s£%&< A*4 *SdQWrTh Bears the Proprietor's Trade Mark and Auto- fj fWU ■; < 7f?^Ct^M Refuse All Others as Countbbtbits. ' < _- --' BAXTERS ALTERATIVE ELTXUI "gAXTER'S COMPOUND QUININE THE CURE OP _^_ sfflwsa^r-aiasfayj to a «^;»«-S condition of the blood, as Scrofula, Scor- DebUity—and the whole tram of symp butus, Acute or Chronic Affections of the toms induced by debility and weak Joints, Rheumatism, Syphilis, Gput, Ab- neaa 0 f organs of digestion and secre scesses, Ulcers, Whitlow (or Epideniic % . Finger), Blotches, Boils, Carbuncles, "* Shingles, Pimples, Glandular Bwelltags, The almost unprecedented and daily inRickets, Goitre, Secondary Symptoms, BaA erea3imr demanc f for Sm3f and the Legs, Itchiness of the Skin, h euloKiams expressed in their behalf j Ecsema, Scald Head, ta »™»_f C has isr exceeded tie moat sanguine cx r Scalp, Face Grabs, Spermatorrhoea, otc, of tne proprietor, and he feels See., &c, and for -.-.-L-™-,-.,«r.-i more confidence than ever in recommendINVIGORATING & STRENGTHENING ing tnen , A very brief trial will prove THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. that, UNLTKE' many of the Quack Nos- . trams of the day (pretending to cure, all £s 6d and 4s 6d per Bottle. diseases and curing NONE), Baxter's Oompouad Quinine Tills are of sterling BAXTER'S ANODYNE LINIMENT, W Tbeir success is entirely attributable to for ________~..„__ their Tonic oi? strengthening power. CHILBLAINS AND RHEUMATIC They assist Nature to do what; through PAINS. weakness, she cannot do unaided.. They tar Immediate Relief. Speedy Cubs, increase the energy of the stomach and ■ •• „ am appetite, facilitate digestion, thus product A Sovereign Remedy for healthy nutrition of the body, and Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Con- restoring the patient to pristine tracted Muscles. Stiff Joints, Swollen . HEALTH AND ENERGY. Knees, Sprains, Neuralgia, Feeble Circu- ' __ __ _ RILLS^ 15 ANTl - of the Kidneys and Liver. •- •, -M. .: BILIOUS PILLS. 139 A F^ 8 A^enremYnen^ida^^Sr NOT BE EAUiLLIkU. both sexes, being gentle in their opera* N.B.—A teaspoonful of this Anodyne tion and effective in their results. Perrubbed over the seat of pain affords imme- s 6ns subject to bilious attacks will diate relief, and by repeated applications find a dose of this medicine taken at (see directions) the pain will be entirely bedtime (occasionally) to ward : off the unf dissipated. ■ ■ pleasant symptoms; and to those suffer' ■ -— ~ from Bilious Sickness and Headache In Bottles, 2s each. . ~ tbieir operation will act as a charm. -They are qmte free of the griping properties common to most of the-Pills now sold; OAXTER'S ALTERATIVE OUST* boxes, la, Is 6d, and 2s 6d each. _D ■'•'- MENT J ■■■.■■■ . -.-■• •■••••■■■.•■ FOR SKIN DISEASES) r -, , TIAXf Bft*B MQUIP BLISTER This Ointment, used according to dlrec- Jjb ~ jfoß tions, will be found a powerfuT agent :to H O R S E S, 1,16 ?"?. 0 a v f °r avtors ° ALTERAOTF Admitted to be the Best Blister Known, NO Pain Attachedjo Its Application. Ointment will soon be seen. Itchiness of I have aaed your bUster, and find it the the skin is quickly taken away by theuse Dest I have tried. It jjccasions no pain of this valuable unguent. As a Family and raises the blister within four hours. Salve it cannot be excelled. Try it. and ■:. ■-. '_ Lswra Cbosbie. prove for yourself these assertions. In October 30th, IBBH. To be obtoined fee Each. AUSTRALIAN [ ,^^.w^mmmiL. MUTUAL PROVIDENT jjr '.%m. \yi ■ bley, SOCIETY. TUNER And REPAIRER Established 1819. - . or ths * THE OLDEST MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE IN PIANOFORTE. ORGAN, &c,. ; 0 "" to VISIT KVERY STRICT IN Head Office, Custom House Quay, Wellington. CANTERBURY during the current year. . The M.L.C 1 '" 'V/rP&a^TOW,"^''.^":.',^ (Chairman) . " „ ' _ __,_ . . EVERY BESORTPtION, OF REPAIRS °V^a^ J Seetter **' <Pwaiy.Ohalma«| y undertaken and Satisfactorily The Hon, George M. Waterhouse, M.IaC. . V. - Executed^ f Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq. r ■'.'-—■■•■■• Medical. Officer : Orders may be left with any of the Agents of Dr. W. G. Kemp, M.R.O.S. Kngland. the Press Company,' or forwarded to mc AVwnAT.DIVIiioN OF PROFIT.,". addressed Chr^hurch. rwvHlQ profits of the Society are divided ;,-;•, ,v : RESULT OF THmTYNTNTH YEAR (1887). :',•.-.' %)^^M-»i After making unusually ample reserves, the • .- '^^SjwOiJEJS^^^^ Cash Surplus Was £875,343; a larger amount <A'Js^/^^mM^ of profits than has ever been realised or divided fysMtfje/ in ONE year by any other offloe in the Britiah . 75fe^&^-i»*eJ»sfl Empire. _ ejP^S^'^ae'^^aSjß^sS The Invested Funds exceed .. £7,468,246 J^^^^^^^l^^^CSV The Annual Income ia upwards _ ,_, _, ««RX^S^^^^^^e^?w^ of .. £1,423»585 The Society has more than 82,105 l&l JUI /_w»« VS_SV. Policies in force, assuring up- /&^SkKsir wards of (excluding Bonuses).. £29,222,233 WlTOi During the last 39 years the So- SSI J, BsatLini dB« ciety has paid for Claims and • ~~** fliiS^aa. Matured Endowments more M&sJsß '■ The Society has divided among its members • /h ■ • Cash Bonuses amounting to. upwards of £3,222,557, yielding Reversionary Bonuses exceeding £6,400,000NEWBUsrNESS. .....,:.,.. The new business of the last flve years has 188 HEREFORD STREET, ' exceeded on an average £3,000,000 per annum— a LARGER amount annually than has ever fn,i.| a f/.linrAh been transacted By any other Life Office in tiie Lhrlstchnjcri. Britiah Dominions. The cost of management, . .. including commission, ia unusually low, being ' only ai per cent, of the total receipts.of the , . r t t> w-oat tj o t\ r» w-o year. This rate of expenditure is less than any j/W .«.#■ ttfir Aitt.o. uust *v other Life - Assurance Institntton either id ■ ■'* Europe or America doing a correspondiag PROMPTLY.- -'*' amount of new business. . . .. i . . _..:: ... ■-,-■ *-'■ -__■.- UNPARALLELED ACCUMULATION OF t > FUNDS.. . • Excellent Workmanship. Low Charges. The Accumulated Funds now Exceed -.-■- , - Spectacles a Speciality. 2314; Assure- your Life in the AUSTRALLaN " ' MUTUAL PHOVIDKNT SOCIKTY. and so- - •"•••-. ■-". ' . .. i cure an ANNUAJC BONUS or DTYTDKND."a T HE , G RE AT EST Beeareiultbat yon select this Society, aad .s do not be misled by the similarity of nameof TIV. •TTW'T ' Bomeof the other younger Australian Offices. A. This Society can be considered ouite as much . ........... a New Zetland as an Australian institution, nnHAT can be offered is Best Quality ot seeing that all moneys received in the colony A Goods, at LOWEST" PRICES, which are invested here in advance on mortgage on can be obtained at tLrst-class freehold securities, loans to members ...... on eesurtty of their policies, Government ' f> \XT "Mr A T?T>Tn m l debentures, and freehold branch office pre- -Ej. VV. IYAAJvXVAV/ A A mises; and the Society is thus assisting in de- . V :' " . L <:..., veloping tbe resources of tbe colony. AND COMPANYS. . THE SOCIETY HAS ASSETS IN NEW V,, _. h ' h -_- l ftt ' their 2a toa ZEALAND SKCUBITJJS AMOUNTING TO Wh °.':: Should• ddlo. thi « & TEA £L 064,742. Complete PRICK LIST, of GROCERIES T__: •"- ; " :1 "' Revised Monthly. _. JS T oother life Office in the colony can give Orders Solicited end Goods .Delivered Daily ypu such LARGE, BONUSES ag the ACS- ' < • '—■ TRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT 80- > CDITY, and• the effect of aa -Annual Bonus, - OnlyAddrees— which can be taken in Cash, wUI be to reduce --, xnn- n/ri nnr/\rivn -athe cost of assurance tothe lowest possihle , ,X, W.- MAKRIOII 1 minimum. _ . : - - l - •• T • if you are already sufficiently assured your- AND COMPANX self, induce your fnends to follow your ex- r , security afforded by this Society m CASHEL STRBBt VaaaedbytX^°£ «OPPOSITB THB CAFE). The Society has RAISED ITS LIMIT on a SINGLE FDJST - CLASS LD7JS to Pnapeetnses, Forms of Psoposal, and the W* 6 * * X? T . last AnnnaLßeport, and aU. oth« jtoftoaaejian MUBSaWYMANL SEEDSMAN. FLORIST. nuybeobtainedonapjaicationtothsßeaident AlU> FRUTrGROWKR. Secretary. Wellington, or from any of the Ornamental Shrubs. Pbmtsfbr SOoteCv^Agan|a __._•_.v«*«r-» •-■■- TabiegeeafaaottalwayßOahand. . EDWARD W.tOWTB, Cut Flowessv LadW aad Gent's Buttonholes. Beatdent Secretary. seal gaMa- Bowrttete,-Wreasa. ■---*:--, . . '- Se^sopßliedonthftShortestNotice. H. B.CALDWELL, Agent,- C^niafflaßlaoms.&a>.inseason.. , CATHEDRAL V^oy MW ' msMM IWBiaVYWQQtaatoJtirMkrarirta^OTa

BAXTER'S COMPOUND QUININE PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Indigestion—Liver Complaints—Wind in the Stomach and Bowels — Nervous Debility—and the whole train of symp toms induced by debility and weak ness of organs of digestion and secre tion. The almost unprecedented and daily in- . creasing demand for these Pills, and the high euloginms expressed in their behalf, has far exceeded tne most sanguine cx r pectations of the proprietor, and he feels more confidence than ever in recommending them. A very brief trial will prove that, UNLIKE • many of the Quack Nostrums of the day (pretending to cure, all diseases and curing' NONE), Baxter's Compound Quinine Pills are of sterling worth, .-v.. Their success is entirely attributable to their Tonic or strengthening power. They assist Nature to ao what, through weakness, she cannot do unaided.. They increase the energy of the stomach and appetite, facilitate digestion, thus product ing healthy nutrition of the body, and restoring the patient to pristine ~ . HEALTH AND ENERGY. BAXTER'S APERIENT AND ANTIJBILIOUS PILLS. These Pills will be found a nsef.u Family Aperient, eminently adapted for both sexes, being gentle in their operation and effective m their results. Pers6ns subject to bilious attacks will find a dose of this medicine taken at bedtime (occasionally) to ward off the un* pleasant symptoms; and to those suffer' mg""from Bilious Sickness and. Headache) tbieir operation will act as a charm. -They are quite free of the griping properties common to most of the' Pills now sold; In boxes, Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d each. yD AX9ER*S LIQUIP BLISTER . ■ H..O'R'/SJ!.;S,.' ■■• Admitted to be the Best Blister Known. No Pain Attached to Its Application. TESTIMONIAL—. I have ased your blister, and find is the best I have tried. It occasions no pain and raises the blister within four hours. Lewis Cbosbie. October 30th, 1888. In' Bottles, 3s'-6d Each. ■ LOOK OUT FOR HIMi JJ R '. 'yyEB LE V, ;; TUNER AND REPAIRER ..•-...■':■■ OF TH3 » PIANOFORTE. ORGAN, &c, ; Proposes to VISIT EVERY DISTRICT IN CANTERBURY during tne current year.) . • Not only TUNING, but . ' EVERt. DESORTPtION. OF. REPAIRS Will he Undertaken and Satisfactorily Executed* • .' Orders may be left with any of the Agents of the Press Company,' or forwarded, to mc addressed Post Offloe, Obrifltchurch. ■.'„• r" -; •, ~,■■:. ■„•; ■~•.,..■■„■•■, .., ,; , 188 HEREFORD STREET, Christchurch. BEP AIRS D ONE ~,.*.) '■' 'promptly. Excellent Workmanship. Low Charges. Spectacles a Speciality. 2314 THE GREATEST THAT can be offered is Best Quality ot Goods, at LOWEST" PRICES, whhm can be obtained at E. W. MARRIOTT .. ,_,... '~ AND COMPANYS. All who, have not tried their 2s TEA • ■-■•' should do so.'- - Complete PRICK LIST, of GROCERIES .-.. .;- T- • ; .. _ Orders Solicited and Goods DeUvered Daily • - % '■ Only Address— , E. W, MARRIQTT 1 AND COMPANY. __■ ?71 CASHEL STREET. 10 PPOS IT B THE OAIQ. i»■ r . ; j : i . . i ■_ ,i.r -j. vii"""' l ' TOTL £1 IX, BLET -T> -'■'-■ NU^S^YM^S^D^^FLOBIST. OrttameotalShrnhft.Fernsraad-Po« Plants for Tfrftto jPoßßtattoaiaHrayß oa band. '. Cut Flowen, Lsdw aad .Gear's Button-holes. Wedd&ig.raeU ami sa*le- Bowroete,-Wreaths. &c_ sopnlied on the Shortest Notice. CamefiaeJßlooflas,.&fl~_uissssonw-_, Ninawifes Wiuiliilisii Valley nsneii lta»irf??4lgc*oatos^reehnarJttahtMTa

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7245, 27 February 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7245, 27 February 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7245, 27 February 1889, Page 2


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