fflK elected President 2- sew It wag decided to £or afternoon with a open the W*" *^^ ic ? t *ifSi--BMSI».--After a someof this Board on S2j£rS»*« * c ambers-Messrs fsS&iSs«.«id B. JJriek-handed bold a Iresh, election to fill the Cadets.—A few more recruits ««f required to bring No. 1 Company, Cadets, up to the required stan!&nfcaf numbers, Thoae who- may desire Jtjoin can do so by attending at the drillstreet south, this evening it half-past seven o'clock. "Wxathkr Fokecast. — Captain B. A. 3Eswin telegraphed from Wellington to tkc'fl&rbor-Ma-ter at Lyttelton yesterday ifterjiooa—Noith-west to west and south, jbaiTj gate with au» *n& glass riss within &U&twelve hour*. ; - -»A. Hkw far. Mklboubot.—<S2l*wbere will be found the report of an interview between Mr John T. Matron, Vho hae just 'returned from a visit to - J&nitzalia, and the special reporter of the The Interview will no doubt be jm4 with interest. -..SinrDAT Skbvtcbs.-—Mγ J. T- Smith is secaounced to preach in the Sydenham ?W«rieyan Church, on Sunday morning, at *nd the Bey. L. M. Isitt will take tie service in the - evening. At the DurIjirn stieet Wesleyan Church, the Eev. Mr Laws will preach in the morning, and the Eev. W. J. Williams in the evening. Ortsusa Dat. — To day will be 'par excellence a day of openings. The aquatic season of 1888-89 will commence at 2.30 pjtU'VJ£h the usual procession of boats, ■ feßowed by scratch races. ; The two Bowling Clubs in Christchurch — the Christchurch and Canterbury—have determined to start their respective seasons this afternoon; and last, but by no means least, tie cricket season will be inaugurated on ftuscuter Park, r EuiJorCBiCKSTrCmrB. —A meeting -was held at the Borough Chambers, Kaiapoi, on Thursday evening, Mr G. H. Blackwell, president,- in the chair, when five new members-were elected. It wee decided to bold, the opening game on Saturday week, and to practice in the paddock kindly taafed at the disposal of the Club by the 4*e«iaent. ' SfrlfTQS Daiet Factoey.—The plans propoeedfcy Mr A. J. Carmichael, architect, of Xe&ttn, for this factory, to be erected in ™wuaity to the Seftou Railway Station, £atede a substantial building, 36ft x 26ft •«la, with a stud of 9ft. In this will be a r weeiring room, office, workroom (19ft x and storeroom (9$ 6in x 20ft.. will be an engine-shed. It ia exipected that the work will .be put in hand without delay upon the 'site of two acres a&ained from Mr McLean. . j ii-tTma Twxxahkt Cavalkt.—The annual : tt*taing of the Xlanterbury Yeomanry MJfcvalry will commence to-day on the new. ; Show •Grounds at Addington, All the are complete, a regular camp «a a small scale having been formed on, the ground. Application has been v ode to Mr i&rtßf, the manager of the tramways, for a special tram to run on Sunday afternoon to the Show Ground, «o as to enable those fwhe may wish to do so to pay a visit to the j Camp. During the stay of the cavalry it is =?Bteßded to hold a smoke concert, to which rttte other branches of the Volunteer serl TM» will be invited. . ',- AktWetoit EtoepiTAi. Boakd.t-A meetiagof the Ashbnrton Hospital Board was hSd yesterday. W. C. Walker (Chairman), A. Harrison, H. Fried<3K&der, and J. Scaly. A Teportfrom Mr 3L Bird, with reference to necessary repairs at the Hospital, was read. Amongst other "i7Wt*' w * Mr Bird reported that there were '#e?eral cracks in the building at the back ■at the fever ward, the damage having proiebly been caused by the recent earthqs&fce. It was decided to execute certain 'eecessary repairs in and about the Hosi ßft»l, and the Chairman was authorised to See what was necessary to be done to repair the damage reported upon by Mr Bird. ■ Xueroir Quorr Clcb.—The annual «aeral meeting of this Club was held in iSprJßg's Hotel, Leeston, on Thursday bright, Mr N. Q> Lunn occupying the ''dmir. The Committee presented asatisf'rs report, and the Treasurer declared sait balance in favor of the Club, election of ofScera for the ensuing Jtm resolted as follows:—Treasurer, Mr TB*Lodaead; Secretary, Mr G. Gosset; - sOeecaittee, W. G. Lunn, J. Bennett and J. MeYisnie. A vote of thanks was passed $t> lfcessrj Matson and Co. for the graJ tttttwiß''us« of their paddock &a a playing jgiowid. x Floqbwatib at Mkthvbn. —*JL wejl •tta ded meeting of ratepayers in the - JpCoBXt |3ntt district was held on October 4ft, teneeive the report of r£. Pobson, •C3ti-«iHa» scheme of turning the flood- %**«• : froro the Methven district into the Bakaia EiTer. The report having been £9d, after some discussion it was resolved jg'Tßifrt fee County Council be asked :-*- S3. To ascertain the names of those owners of land damaged directly by the storm - wier. proposed to be diverted. 2nd. To fatal a 'drainage district based entirely on that information, which should be rated to p*y the interesi, &c., on the cost of some effiejptt plan of drainage. 3rd. To deterextent those in the line of country not benefited by such a scheme contribute yearly towards the-«x-paeeei* <joasequence of the expected improved state" of the roads, and consequently of a smaller rate for repairs." It was re•elTed to send Mr Dobson's report, together with copies of the resolutions, to. the County CourfcSL ' LnrwooD Bictcxe TocEiK'a Club.—The ipoßtWv general meeting of this Ciub was held oa Thursday evening. There was a £003 attendance, and the Captain (Mr H. rbompson) presided. Messrs McGee, C. Toon, B. Seville, A. Ayers, H. Townend, E. Barlow, J. Gulleford, W. W. Laurence, and H. Stewart were eleeied as active taeiubecs, J. Patterson as honorary *asyaber, and VIT. J. Fenerty as a Xica? ftesident. The runs for the month were acanged, and it was decided to start from «U;to-rocan at 2.15 on October 6fli,"l3th »a 20th, and that on the .27th a tour to Oxford was agreed upon, returning to jChuwtchwch Monday morning. It was *■* decided to have evening runs, starting from the Club-room at seven o'clock on Jaesdays, October 16th and 23rd. The w Church parade of the Club wflT be held on Sunday, October 14th, and the Jnea>berg are nequested to meet at the £&Hpoui at 9.a0. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the meeting. St. Savioub's, Stbxnhak.—On Thursday evening & meeting was held in St. Saviour's Church schoolroom, Sydenham, ™r tto* purpose of establishing * Young Ma's Church of England Society. The «T. R. B. Cocks was in die chair. After some discussion it was agreed to call the Soaety the •* Sydenham Church of England Young Men's Society," but that this wjte should not exclude older persons who 3»gbt take an interest in it. The object ofthe Society is the religious and intel*«teal improvement of its members. It also agreed Chat the meetings should te-monthly, and sbould be employed in the **gisg -of papers on, and discussion of, fflfflecteTreliiions, literary, and social. The «v. B_ B. Cecks waa elected President, Mr T. M. Gee Vice-President, Mr S. Benhen Secretary and Treasurer, and Messrs i Bette, C. Skelton, and A. Large, to«eft«r with tiie President, Vice-President, «? Secretary, to be a Committee of Management. It was also resolved that all meetings should open and close with f&jer. he President gave notice that he would at the next meeting read a paper m* , Christian Evidencee."
*"'' Ettlb 6j>ehing match of-the Christchurch fiifle Club ■win take place at the Range to day. " Land AKDSBAi"—The current number of this periodical contains a very good portrait of the" Mayor of Christchurch. The paper contains a quantity of interesting reading matter, and appears to be growing in popularity. ' Eaot Bjslt MtrrijAi, Ixpbovzhsst eociATioK. meeting on Thursday evening was taken up by the gentlemen members of the Association who contributed recitations, readings, songs, &c.. A recitation entitled," The Jlaniac," given with much expression by Mr Potts, was greatly appreciated, an 3 all the items on the programme were'well received. Mr C. ■S. Howard occupied the chair. Tint DoNAiDsoK Br.oTHEEs. management of Mr P. M. Clark's All iStar Company, now playing at the Iheatre, have issued invitations to the medical profession to a private performance by the Donaldson Bros, this afternoon at the Theatre BoyaL Those who have seen the really wonderful performances of these artists will agree that, from a scientific point of view, such an exhibition as that proposed will be remarkably interesting. Thi Late Empeeoe of Geehasjt.—On the occasion of Mr J. T. Matson visiting Australia recently he was the bearer of a a letter of condolence from the German women of Christchurch to the Empress Victoria, onthe death of the late Emperor Frederick. Mr Matson presented it to Herr Peldram, HJ-G.M. Consul-General for Australia, who the feeling of interest felt by h™ at receiving so touehiog a tribute. , Thxatxs Boyal.—The second perform ance of the All Star Company was given last night, when there was a good house. The performances of Sylvo and the Uonaldsan Brothers were deservedly loudly applauded, and the other portions • of the prrt-jmmmo «eemed: to be highly appreciated by the audience. The company appear again this evening. Bazaak.—The bazaar in aid of the funds of the 6t. Aseph street church was continued at the Oddfellows' Hall yesterday. A fair amount of business was transacted, especially during.the luncheon lours. In the evening a number of attractions were provided, and a goodly amount of business was done. The bazaar trill be continued to-daj from noon till 10 p.m., and great inducements in the way of bargains will be offered to visitors. Dog Show. —A meeting of the Committee of dog fanciers was held at Warner's Commercial Hotel last evening, Mr E. F. Dombrain being in the chair. After settling several matters in connection with the forthcoming show, it was resolved to hold a general meeting of fanciers on Friday next for the purpose of choosing judges. The Sub Committee appointed to canvass for prizes for the Art Union reported satisfactory results. Bible Christian Church. —The anniversary of the Bible Christian Church at Halswell will be celebrated to-morrow and on Tuesday. To-morrow Mr Glass will preach in the morning, the Eev. E. Erwin, M.A. (Presbyterian), afternoon, and the Bey. J. Orchard in the evening. On Tuesday there will be a public tea at G p.m.; and a public meeting, after to be addressed by the Eev. W. Beady and the circuit minister, Mr Miln presides. A brass band will be in attendance. FoaxsTZßS.—The quarterly summoned meeting of Court Thistle of the Forest, No. G494, was held on Tuesday last; i .K. Bro. Tacon in the chair; JBro. Forest acting as S.C.E. There was a large number of members present. The Woodwards reported no members on the sick fund. • he C.E. read a letter from Bro. Gapes, District Secretary, informing the Court that the next meeting will be held at Courtenay, and candidates were nomi-nated-for the different offices. Bro. Hodd .was elected S.C.B, in place of Bro. Eobertsos. The valuation report was left over until next Oourt night for consideration. One member was admitted into the ancient mysteries. After a pleasant evening, the C.R. closed the Court with the usual formularies. Daiet Peoducb.—For Mr Job Osborne's special prize of .£5 5s in connection with the Ellesmere A. and P. Association, there were thirty-five entries received. The prize is offered for 61bs of table butter suitable for export to the London market, the butter to be made up in lib rolls or squares. The conditions are—Butter to be placed in hands .of Secretary three weeks prior to ! show; exhibitors to state fully process of handling milk, cream and butter, quanti- j tieo of salt or other ingredients contained ' in same. The prize has proved a great stimulus to entries in the dairy produce. All the principal dairies in the district are represented, and as the butter has all been made during two days' hot nor-westers, the ! keeping capabilities will be tried to the utmost. Pbbsehtation.—The ratepayers of the Waipara Boad Board, wishing to publicly tfon-pk- Mr T. Sanderson for his labors in their behalf as a member of the Board during a quarter of a century of honorable and efficient service, presented him on Tuesday with a coffee pot, tea pot, cream jug, sugar basin, and not water dish, in silver plate. The Chairman, Mr J. D. Lance, M.H.8., prefaced the pres ntation with a few appropriate words, and briefly sketched the histoy of Mr Sanderson's connection with the Board. Mr Sanderson thanked those present, and on resuming hie chair was loudly cheered. The plate was supplied by Mr M. Sandstein, and was considered very handsome. &KMHTS of Labor. — The monthly meeting of this body was held at the Druids' Hall, last evening, the Vice-Presi-dent, Mr Caygill, in the chair. There was a lar c attendance of the public in response to advertisement. The reports of the various Commit ees were submitted and approved of. Correspondence from and to the Miners Union, New South Wales, was read and commented on. A letter on the subject of a State Bank from Mr Verrall, M.H.E., wa3 received and tabled. The report of the Committee of inquiry on the state of the Bank of New Zealand was read and discussed. The i question of what steps should be taken to celebrate the anniversary of the Asso- ; elation in November was left to a Committee to decide. The Entertainment Committee produced a programme, which was proceeded with. "The City Hotel Libel Poem " was read, and also other skits on the same eubjeat. Recitations by Mews CaygilL Boardman, Douglass and Watkins were given, and songs by Messrs fialiam, Hill, Jones and Boardman. Mr Boardman, in proposing a vote of thanks to the Chairman, announced that the Enter tainment Committee, proposed giving a series of free entertainments especially for working - men and their families. The meeting then terminated. EHTMTAUOMEST AT LTTTEI.TOJr.— On Thursday night an entertainment was given in the Oddfellows' Hall by the members of the Lyttelton Literary Association for the "benefit of the widow and orphans of the late W. Sinclair, who was lost in the schooner Mimiha. The hall was filled in every part, and the pro- \ gramme, as submitted was well received by an appreciative audience. The following ladies and gentlemen contributed to the evening's amusement. In Part 1, the Bey. G. Bond gave an excellent address. Mr G. Callin's " The Fisherman and his Child," was well sung and encored. "Only Dreams," by Miss Milsom; " We'd Better Bide a Wee," by Miss Watson; and songs by MXs3 Hollis, Messrs McLean and Batten were all nicely rendered. A piano solo by ! Miss C. Allwright was executed nicely. The address by the Bey. J. Hill was ; appreciated, as was also the trio, un- j accompanied, " Ye mountain lands, fare ! well," by Mesdamee Fairhurst, Gilmore, and Miss Kenner. A duet " The Sea of Glass," by Miss Webb and Miss Kenner, was prettily given. Part 2 was opened with a piano solo by Miss C. Allwruht, who delighted her "audience with the exquisite rendering of "Victoria" in a finished style. The following songs were encored:—" The Golden Shore," Mrs Brown; " Auld Bobin Gray/ Mrs GUaiore; "The Little Hero," Mr Collins; "Sweet Violets," Mrs Mugford ; " Polly," Mrs Batten. The trio, " Winds Gently Whisper," by Mrs Webb, Miss Kenner. and Mr J. W. Batten, was prettily given, and received a well-earned encore. The singing of the .National Anthem brought to a close one of the ost successful entertainments which has been given "been in Lyttelton. j
T Thtb Fibsd'at Hbnr»lir"s.—Mγ Superintendent Tucboo wishes toaefcnewledge with thanks a cheque for £5 and a letter of thanks from Mr Amyes, of the Al Hotel, for service rendered by the Brigade by successfully coping with the fire on his premises on Wednesday afternoon. A. and P. Association.—The Committee of the Canterbury A. and P. Association at its meeting yesterday transacted an amount of routine business in connection with the forthcoming show. It was decided that hunters, when being shown over the jumps, should carry the weight specified in the classes in which they were shown. It was also resolved to ask tor Meadows, the English butter expert, to act as a judge of dairy produce, and to ask some of the leading makers of separator butter to exhibit at the show. Amateur Oechestrai. Societt.—The third concert of the season of the above Society will be given at the Oddfellows' Hall, on Thursday next. The vocal items will be given by Mrs W. P. Townend, who will sing Barnby's "That haven fair" and Tito Mattel's " Dear Heart," and Mr A. Freeman, who will sing " Honor and Arms" and "If doughty deeds." The instrumental items will comprise the following by the orchestra —Rossini's overture "La Donna del Lago," Suppe's overture "Dichter und Bauer," Haydn's " Surprise Symphony," a selection from " Girofle Girofla," and one from "Lucia di Lammermoor." Mr Mohr will play a cornet solo, " Air Varie." Addlnoton Bible Chkistian Baku of Hope.—The usual monthly meeting of the Band of Hope was held <jn Tuesday evening last, in the Jjelwyn street schoolroom. The attendance was fairly good, considering the other attractions of that evening. The chair was taken by the Eev. J. G. W. Ellis, who gave a short address. Mr J. Down presided at the organ and the choir under his direction rendered several temperance melodies. A dialogue by Lily and John Ciiegwin caused some amuse meufc, as they were children of very tender years. A recitation was given very nicely by Miss G. A. Hore, but the piece of the evening was a dialogue given by the following ladies and gentlemen : —Miss M. Hore, Miss M. Martin, Mr J. Freeman, Mr J. L. Freeman and Mr A. Manhire. A solo, sung very sweetly by Mias M. Hore, and the pronouncing of the Benediction by the Chairman brought the meeting to a close. The Late Firk.— As will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, Messrs Hobday and Co. have made arrangements pending the erection of their new premises, to carry on business in the buDding recently occupied by Messrs Twentyman and Cousin, Cashel street west. Concert.—A concert will be given to-night at Lodge's Tetaperance Rest, when a vtuy ruocl progrciinme will be presented. Notice to Jurors.—The special jurors In the case of Finlay v Oxford Road Board for I hursday next, will not be required to attend. Kaiapoi Rifles.—a match between the right and left half companies of the Kaiapoi Kifles takes place at 1 p.m. to-day, on the conipany's range. New Brighton".—A public meeting will be held at Mr Serton's store, New Brighton, on Wednesday next, to consider the advisableness of forming New Brighton into a borough. Avail yourself o£ the tine weather, and have your photograph taken byStandishandPreece. High straet.-[ADVT.]
A Stsameb Sunk in Collision. —A ■disaster occurred thirty-five miles southwest of the Start early on the morning of the 12th August. The barque Abbey Town, of Liverpool, fro n London to Australia, with cement, was beating down Channel, when the captain found himself about a quarter of a mile from a large steamer which was trying to make the Start, the fog having prevented her from being seen before. The captain of the barque shifted his vessel, in hope of bringing her to the wind; but the result was she went crashing into the steamer, whifth proved to be the Bosphorus, of Newcastle, t'aptain Smith, from Alexandria, witii grain. The steamer was struck on the fore part of her poop, and began instantly to settle down, The crew of the barque, however, thinking their vessel was also sinking, clambered on board the stea . er; but when the true state of affairs was ascertained the steamer's four boats were launched, and her crew of -twenty-seven men, with one lady passenger,, got aboard the barque. The latter had an immense breach in her bows, but the bulkhead was 'shored up, and she safely reached Plymouth daring the afternoon. The crew of the steamer lost everything, and the lady all her property, including i&OO.
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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7172, 6 October 1888, Page 5
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3,318NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7172, 6 October 1888, Page 5
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