«-- :'..;-■ Bttrinass rToticas. r ~~BAXTER'S oir _ qnUVUIIiSIJ PILI-V SOU TH- CUR- OF _ | j J -j ß acn-_tver Complatats-Wl^to^ 1 ■"IS.Scaa-d Bow_a-xNervous !**__*_ S__X_Twnol» tram of «-_*«__■___£? |fl— pi—lXl. ——X unmnnw* •""• miiiiv- *"" *-**"**-■»■"■■ r , B____U_U>- Warn. oC ** r Pf^ u __?_S» f ffcta-nce, xxoix tonru, umxu xn <_„* r - _o__._to__x_ ot we_riB ___ad____*ii_u*ixia«>«_____! j! __ or loos* *Qa).u,«nt__ ot _j__ititfi- -Ucra-uta, lfcUd «"<" taste, pjr-ns or * a^_r_7V t _u*o or ui__- ____ _na loot, or O-uxh* Bess, auxin-- vi bx_-w irre___x T-WJx, noises xn l * or __ec pulse, __iixorno las * r _rr___t or unuer u_ pailia in taa re_i'J*> «* Ba _ocaaou, nervous U_t__er-o_ne,»»c«*»™ __a__i_ry vision, &__, xrrii_i>xixii <* «* ! - , *' ec -J- _—-a*--*" *- a -"^-"cre-* T_eaixao»tux»iw»«___ ,__, j^u tag a—xuuxu. lv uu~r utxu.—, xi—» x—x tuii_l— x_ A V tc _r_ tfltf .iiim. e.pvcuiuuiia exceeaea U» _- moK: co_u_ciica Uie XToprxetor. •__ iuue ___ (i ulwU _ ,_ v .;ry P* 31 . wCVTu-«i, U-NX__wi'> UIAUJ-Ot brxaLrxal *"^__, o r u_ cai (picitnaxi-a lj _, c •4uacl____ l c __oij .>v;.M.i, X>AJtl_Bd CUX__dttX»»«__ aat ___ { - 0 oißi< . iU x_ Coxopoa-a •* u r_^.nL_—t jkU_.t>u_»oia iv Uxtir Tl4elr * ,,C S——uicxixu_ power. luey a_»—l Toaxc **_T>rn»t, uxroix_n weu-ue—>, aue Kamre W *____ llu: y xoci -ease uiecn__f e * aftW ___lcaJi-d aLptsUic, lacUit-te dige* ** *!i,_rproiac__ iicalUx} uutr-ioa of mc P"k. ?_i tS—r-u ixxe iiauent to posiine »-*!»•■" j____ili _NU liMvlw„X. Patent Me—-aine Vendoraia Boxes m* B * m ~ _t lsiidandj- tidKacn. BAXTER'S LUNG Piii-bERVER, (_EO— Tl—U—>), torn COUOBS. BJUW--" 1 -** a»t_si_, Hft-R-e H_» »-OU_B, UimcuLW o-r j_..t. JU_» -xJ- A««x«,l_io„o OJf XJiJt UUUAM rHruHV"'-**! Xxr«Cn»i«i *AU A_—N—. l£—l——U.N—VUi Irmnßev. uxx_». __.-«„*., «* elUngton, (XttWJKI \sUI*a*MUUXWiI. Tout i>Ur«u rxu»>—x % —x. —uuruou xuy wife _ux c—il—rexx <_xxxusk li—ixicuxa.i* rcnef In Cuug—i <j__3, —ua 111—ujr U> wxiuxu 1 —_X tue p.e--__e ot rccwxixut—.uxug jour ape——o i—.vo ol it —i xuv—.uttuic. In v— —bto, wuen _rerr rezaeor uxeu w—s i*wer«— to give rxflnf a_o cuogxx «»'iX3 <io t_—x-c—ux_;, txie urat ffl_ef« jour *•'''•«•"• «—a i-ust enecUve. in |ire>a.«- eaao l»ore tnroai; a cure was do soon roavnt aftout uiat vie puUent resolved to take w __g ei me in tutuxe. BAF-. °** w P__A3ANT, KKFECTUAL, _jab» a- Patent Medxcine Vendors In Botjles "** w v fid. ia 6d. ta tid. l_»__ch. Alterative Elixib __;_ *>xx_—U j-J-U>l__N_, o__t* r i_u_u_-— ■»•>* of the Cl.»iirnn _ xr—x» tt viu*UMw_i|iim co—dx--5_70( l_e "i»*«« '** O—»U*l.X_., SCO—UUTL'S), A_W_ OXt CiXXWA.U A¥i>—UXXv/Asi OF TU_ JaKIS, iut»ii."*t_x-x«*—, ~K*M_—L3, XiOUT, _—- _x~*-«»» **ttXXXXXW io_ _1-I___lC rnaiUii, —-oxxuxx—, xioxx_. t'__ii«tL_, __Uot,r-S x-"xjtx-— »), Ui—lutj—B ovy_ —_nut>, S__;_. UUiiiUS &_CO.N___lf _k__Tt»_i, "rT_"l, iTCHX.N«aa Olf X„_ __!.■,-, JJIiX SSmW. H.CZK*" k < HKAX), i_Hl-rAT10„ : STr-BSC-U*. FaCK UKUBs, tif_tt__XO_K__A, |s^_3OB ATINa AND STitENGTHENIN •"'""yiii -JBitoVoua _i._x___ " v SsfidandlsCdperßotUe. ..">' -• BAJ-'i'J-li^ ALTEEAIIVJi UUSTMENT For Skin DiseaseTbllOliLtment, ixmsu.—cuuxoxxxg io direcUoua 4i_oafuux_. _ puwfc—.iu «_aai. xor tue roiuov<U «M IWwrmnru <_ t_o ——v. 1_ xuuai ct—«4 £&_a_—ii -_.x_it_.xxv_ ituxiH ouuaid -.te BHaxncunjuuc——x wxtu uxo ulM'___sX. ino—c3o£ Cuut d_a Xixuiaas, uxe l——ixng pro- -•—_•» ot —us oumxiexit will noon oe aeen Itebin—»<x( Uie —_n — <jtuxu_iy taken away oy ,I_i uaeol t__i V—liuuxlo unguent. As a 1< _nuly 6*Jto it Co—not ue x—ccoiloo. Try it, and prova Jwroon-li" Uiese aaaertion— In Una, Is eacn. <{b h obtained only of Uie Proprietor. -yfTTKR-a ANODY_T_; UNIME-TT ••0-CHII.RI.AIN3 AND IiIIEUMATIO Xnl>o. J - T " 't*xa_r. Spskdx Ct7_a, = BJpmM-lin*-, — ■ _u—_auo Con XJi T—» oix—, _ox_u —MU__u_, -_____. 4JI tl— iSrOMAU—, i. AIM _( XXtK—— UXO_ Jv"~ _rxxxxixvxx>.Mi;xß 4.>_x_vji_. • " _*» Pain _xtwr_uxx_—* tt C-uxxot ooexcellad. Ji-J.— _.Us»»pl>o__uX_:uu» __udy_ n ruoua^ over Uie seat of p-ia a—orv— xxiuu—x—,t« relief. and or repea-eU apyli-xa—xs (009 dxrectiourt ttie pa—l will be —iur—J a——paced. In Bottles, is «ach. I ; BAATEKS •C Prr.T^ *.-_ . . «x» ll&DOT-iR-U'C. NXOBALGIA, TOOTH ' **- • Afctltt i'AA.»C( —Jl XXX_ «_A II __;_( lACI, GOUT, SCIATICA ANU —Wax<__uuu r . ——— •.' * -JWHBPUTAB-K TJfiSTB_ONIA_S. «-'__S*_.A*_,». —>*>-X_<t »<XXi_. <Ulw ., K. w l Sf**** mt ** eir -" A *^ vo x«»w_—i-__ sa your r_» Ut.-svw-Ai »___cxrs irwu Xao-xj__|j. J_«_»_ lav1 au i 0l Wlxoxui u-uevfuuve oeeu 4 !, ,{ffiff f «»-«- M* CU____, NorwicH, writes- . ia,ux wxux_l__iV.B4_A>U,__£ "i-__l_-__T. IS. WATMOUGH. iUpl tt y, wata--Jtty aiMigauir »_terea xruxu Xxc very se ver_F _-t. J - ,^*« a » ai6 - , » vl * n nai£-_u-_o_r by your -rUs. —t—J aca aa_c-raba rexnedy. fi ottor au i*at«—tj_e<ucxne Vendowm tw__moaeavu. ' ' i c: __J-_ER'S FEMALE PILLS, _a»tt, Ueruui. anu Auoctuai «-mcdv fnr D_oru»n» ommnia ie H'oauxoa. ia oo_w_, _f «_ee> . ... ""- 1 BAXTER'S APERIENT Ai»_ixi__ioUS PrLLS, '-»' **»"» *•■" ■« "»»»**»*• * usex-ul ____» —«_—_W <___<__» 11-tKMt lite OOU» Bcl-L Le__K-iUci_ui_rwx>— "___j »_l tuiocuvtin U—_Rsa—._. .eR-X-.aUXXjom.uj u_i OU!i _,__.— WUioutt a ttoeo ot uu» xucuxcixie __._. _f_S __*J«C__XVMi_UiJ U» WtttU OU __ uuu!^,^^ «i_.l*-u_; ana u> ui-. »iui ell __ _-o_T_iiiolJ: S_____aauUeaOAx-e t*«r cporauon sa&cn-rux. xuey _r« iiuxuj iroc _; _, properui- oonxxuou W mow oc the Px_Tno_ |Ota. In boxes, is. la bd, ana aad eac-T^ & KMOI__KN_ -u-ix-iANu, and. J___utx . __N- U-Jh a__ft. - - 1, This Elegant Prep-cauon will bo_»__t «_. Wiuaxrtswt l_uxppod it_uu«, -yj*, _ad_itx_" a __ou S _n«-»of moaJun. *>«uc_S_yi____^; l-.j " ' InßotUealseacb. r .... IMPOKTAKTIwi INVALIDS. KOOK__ _l__XlC~to 6d and So «d _» 1 . botxis *^ j-yO-Ji-d PILLa, laperbox oItOWKS ACAC__.\______i,_.g_ UVJ_tt lNVUiol__l_K, 2s 9i i I iJJ<*«>Vi**3 RKSIO-AiXV_^_S-_U__N T WO_XJi__x_ BALM. a» 9_ par HKttBAL OINT_-_*T, 2s 3d per |«&OWJf_ -Ii£N"Sv*ATING PH.iA _|91 p_, > J*AS__ C-vTArSiHCUR-; ta tt per box .^u.sx—,l* Oxvu_„-. tft><>iiiiiM»nio>x ivi—l g-ywtiMiwj win oe protupa> t_c_uu«i and fur■<_f*? }° l Cnn.acaarcU --uway _ta_on «•» of cbarga.
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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7171, 5 October 1888, Page 7
Word Count
821Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7171, 5 October 1888, Page 7
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