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To Our Readers. —A quantity of read, ing matter of general interest aa well as news of the day will be found in the inside pages of to-day's issue of the Press. On the sixth page is a short story from Truth, entitled " The Great Pottlebury Advertisement." Other articles which will probably be read with interest include a sketch entitled " Among the Short "Whist Players," from the Melbourne Argus; "The Harem as It Is," from tho Saturday Beview; " Literary Gossip," " Notes on Athletics," a review of English cricket during the first half of the season, &c &c.

Theatre Boyai..—The Lynch Family of Bellringcre, who will be remembered here with pleasure, will commence their season at the Theatre Royal on Thursday evening next. In addition to tho bellringers, who are a host in themselves, the company comprises some excellent vocalists and dancers.

The Rabbit QnEsrioN.-Onw X day evening next the rabbit oni,«vV* d «i P bo discussed at a meeting Sl ll place at the Agricultural 5 andll_*Bl Association's rooms. Delegates Wpresent from tho Chambe? ottoS toS | and the A. and P. Association U * M, *2l K-OI.ISB FiSH.-Mr■ Catchpolo %fc Jever to the foro with novcltW 7 ho $_ attractive display of tlsh in _u'_«s <«_ Among tho inanimate mamlW ln <W| tinny tribe are English $* turbot and soles, which have hS o * B ' veyetl here in the freezing eWh^ n . f <fc s.s. Tongariro. lamD ersofj^ Musical SoriK-Y.-There was a I. muster of mstrumenUllsts *> I.M.C.A. Rooms on Thursday £*,*-» and a good practice of the ''fcii" 0 "*. was the result. There are thUtVJS* strumentahsts taking part in the »_* *>• that the platform accommodation 3*> Oddfellows' Hall will be taxedtoiJ? !** nients not hitherto known for concM* l "- --poses. Altogether there will r» ** siderably over 100 persons takin* iL_* the concert. B wtij

Band Social.-The Sydenham ft_ I Band cave a free social I the Oddfellows' Hall, Colombo. roSft** I evening. The nftair was vervsucwiJff 1 a large number of young people aviSh! l, 1 themselves or the invitation Issued. IV 8 * 1 ing was freely indulged in, the I being supplied by the hand, who, iS* f under the charge of their band-raw* I Mr McLean. Songs &c;., wereinter»»3 with the dances, and altogether nn mS? s able time was spent. * CmusTCHiriicH Bicycle Cu-n. •_♦!.. & Club held a very successful smoke eoniS "* last evening at their Club room Tw! II members turned up in great nmtiW and a very enjoyable evening was t«S with the aid of some songs and dnrt. ! from the following gentlemen—M«S i Strunton, Glaiivllle, Osborne, Ltmnni "' Turpin. Mr A. Scrimshaw presided » 1 the piano. A vote of thanks to the chxu ' concluded the last snioko concert ofthi season. *-* ■

Canterhfhy Ostrich M will be remembered that some little U_! *i back the D.I.C. sent home a qaanut! -I of ostrich feathers, the produce of hu* I reared by Mr J. T. Matson, at Papain? *"f Some of these were selected to form {_» il for presentation to the Queen and Princ_! f*' of Wales. Tho others were intended h _> be made up for sale here. Tho latter ban !» just arrived from England, and aretto» on view at the D.I.C. They comprise lo_ , feathers, aigrettes, and tips, and certain]? * are really beautiful feathers, ■ ',{ The LatkSir Julius yon Haaßt.~T_ if funeral of the late Sir Julius yon Haast '*' will take place to-day at 2.15 p.m. 'fv, . interment will take place at the Avotuidi I cemetery. The procession will IncladetS 1 Board of Governors of the College, tt. B f>rofessors, lecturers and officers of the Cbt m ego, the graduates and undorgraduattt, B the Museum and College attendants, ft. fi members of the Philosophical Institute. _f tho Masons, tho Mayor and City Com> W cillors. Inspector Pender and the pollt* « the Industrial Association, &c. Private B carriages and those who wish to follow fl but who are not included in the order ol I procession, will assemble in Antigua street 1 fronting tho Museum. I Kaiapoi Signal Station. — Yestw-, I day morning, Messrs Moore (ChairmanC [ Brooke, Fraser, Mathews, May, Oram, and i Revell (Secretary to the Walrnakariri I Harbor Board), accompanied by Mr ' .1. Sims and Mr Humpherya visited the site of the Signal Station at tha bar of tho river to docido upon the position for a flagstaff and semaphore to replace those washed away by the flood oi ' July fltli. After a consultation with thi pilot (Mr Day) a site was approved, and a permanent apparatus for signalling vessels over the bar Is expected to be put In hand i without delay. Tho weather was delightfully sereno, nnd the party had en f enjoyable boating trip. The Puulic Lihbauy.—lt Is gratify- ; ing to noto the great additions which have recently beeu made to the nura- i bcr of magazines taken in at the i Public Library, as such additions have for I some time been urgently needed, mow especially since the reduction in the subscription took placo. Tiie membership has increased by over 700 since the reduction was made. Tho new magazines received by the last mail are Bclgravia, Tht English Illustrated, and the Family Herald. There are also to arrive by the next mail Tlw. Athcnwum, Eclectic, Fortnightly and Queen. Extra copies oi all the magazines previously taken hay» also arrived, and in many cases as many as four copies aro token. Many more new books are also bought now, and altogether the Library is well supplied with the latest literature. It now remains for the public to render such support as will encourage V the Committee to continue as they are V doing, and this can best be done by trying to get as many new subscribers as the; can.

The Opening of the Waiau Biume.Those who took part In the cxtrcmolj pleasant trip to tho Waiau, at the opening of the new bridge built by Messrs J. and A. Anderson, will bo pleased to learn that Messrs E. Wheeler and Son, of Cathedral square, have succeeded in securing Home capital photographs commemorative of the occasion. One, a picture of the bridge, measuring 20in by IOIn, is really a masterSiece of photography. Not only is every etail of the flno structure brought out with the greatest clearness and fidelity, but from an artistic point of view the result is a handsome and striking picture. There are also photographs of the guests assembled on the bridge during the ceremony, and afterwards grouped outside tho marquee where the luncheon took place. Some capital views have also been taken of the snow clad hills seen from tho Waiau Hotel, of the Waiau Gorge and river, Marble Point and other objects of interest seen on the route. We have no doubt they will be eagerly sought after «*•' mementoes of a very enjoyablelioliday. TiMARtr Racing Club.—At an extra* ordinary meeting of this Club last night the question of rescinding the resolution passed at lost meeting, that the South Canterbury Jockey Club's letter affecting amalgamation be received, was considered at great length. Mr Elby proposed, and Mr Gunn seconded—" That the resolution be rescinded" They said that it was bats matter of mere courtesy that the Timarß Racing Club should meet tho South Canterbury Jockey Club and tal!c over mattert at least. Mr Mahoney warmly opposed the proposal. Ho was surprised to see ; such a large attendance, and Haid outside influence had driven them to attend the meeting. The Chairman (Mr E. Smith) deprecated personalities, and after some more discussion tho motion for rescinding was put and carried by nine to s«\' c J|* Messrs Melton, Scannelf, Collins, and B, Smith were then appointed the Committee to meet the South Canterbury Jockey Club deputation and talk the matter over. Conckkt. —The concert last night at the Theatre Royal in aid of the Engineer Volunteers was well attended, and the concert, as a whole, was a very excellent one. In consequence of Mrs Wallace being unable to sing, owing to a sore throat. Mr* Westmacott was pressed into the service. In the llrst part she sang "Tho beating 0* my own heart" very nicely Indeed, and 10 the second "Killarney." Tho latter Was given with much effect, and evoked an en* thusiostic encore. Miss Dixie Bang Pinsuti's song, "A Maiden's Challenge, and Glover's "The Captive Greek Girl. Miss Buchanan gave Dolby's "I Can Wait" in the first part and Foster* "Good-bye" in the second. The latter was one of the gems o£ the evening, being very artistically sung. Mrs J. P. Kelly* contributions to the programme included Millard's "Waiting" and Watson's "Unlinked." Mr Millar, who was in good voice,sangCalcott's"Friend of thoßrave,--in the first part, and " Jack's Yarn" and "My Loss in the second. He responded to an encore for the former with "The Outpost," which was well given. Mr Josephs sang "My Queen" and "Come into the Garden, Maud." Mr Wallace* violin solos were a great musical treat. In the first part he played a brilliant fantasia by Vieuxtempa, and In response to an encore gave a cavatlna by Raff—a beautiful composition full of harmony-— which was most artistically interpreted. In the second part he gave a fantasia by Sainton on Scotch airs, in which the pathos of " Auld Robin Gray " and the lively reel measures were admirably contrasted. His playing of this was excellent, both in tone and execution, and In response to an encore he gave some more Scotch airs in a way which evoked enthusiastic applause. Mr Arthur Towsey acted as accompanist in his usual excellent manner.

Northern Agricultural Snow Giwusd. —The Committee, in accordance with the resolution of last general meeting. Invite offers of sites for a suitable exhibition j—wind. Tahleaux "Vivants.—On Tuesday evening next» grand Exhibition of Mrs Jarlcy's waxworks or Tableaux Vivants and a concert will be held in tho Oddfellows' HaU, Sydcnbanvin aid of St. Saviour's Church choir funds. The tableaux, which will be ehown for tho last time, consist of scones from Shakespeare, Dickens. and others, and somo contio scenes. The concert is to be interspersed with the tablcanx.aua will consist of songs, duets, &c.. In which some of tho best Sydenham amateurs will take part. Sydenham Baptist Church.—The Rev. Mr Walker, who was formerly of Spurgreon a College, and who has just arrived from London per Tonttariro. will preach at the above church to-morrow at both services. .. Kntektainment.—A concert and dramatic entertainment in aid of tho fund of tho Hlng, moa Lodco of British United Order of Oddfellows will be held In St. Michael's schoolroom on the 30th inst.

— * notice referring to for gr. ;jo3> -• the Lincoln Branch »■««-■_- T«e- 11 -'. Kll '« : 'f. I vSw -The fourteenth SX, = oT'the *-7- Shippimf __.*_ af the head offices. HereC****. £ somber Snb. »» noon, when __* £_iria£? balance-sheet will be preof « ___-»rin the place of the Hon. J. _. t*ar_cr. "-Rough At chemists and *__SS- ok Itch."— "Rough on Itch" cures rTwnß. tetter, salt fact. ch_bJ_fr_, itch, ivy po-00, Heh. b—rbcr'a w

FtrX-RAI- OF A CHARnST LEADER.-The -__*ins of Mr Joseph Linney, who died it Wolverhampton, at the age of seventy„__L and who took a prominent part in SC_artist movement, were »_ terredin Jheß-ston Cemetery on June 34th. The foneral service was conducted by the Key. _"_r\'eiil. of Birmingham, who, with Mr Thomas Cooper, of Lincoln (now ia his ___tv-third vear'i, was imprisoned in St_f|___aol at the same time as the deceased Ewtbepart he took in the Cbartist moveSent. After the funeral _fr ONeill deB—sred an address to the assembled friends. He referred to the hardships and imprisonment which Mr Linney had borne in supsort of Chartist principles. He had rendered valuable service to his country. The deor_*ed, he remarked, was born in the -__ofc former Jubilee—tbatof George 111. __od be had died on the first day of the present Jubilee week. B_n.--AYs in Vic-roiUA.—The Mcl boarne correspondent of the Sydney MaU -writes as follows on this subject:— * I tana to fane v that we in this colony are the spoiled children of fortune. Just think tf a Treasurer expecting tobegin the year with a cash balance of £——',197, and findtoe it to be half a million. Not only so, bat after making provision for an expenditare of -7,445,440 during the currency of the present financial year, he anticipates -carrying over a surplus of not less than _*ju,ot~to the next. But the most gratifying item in the financial statement was that the income from our railways is so steadily on the increase, that, after paying __ working expenses, and defraying the tat—rest on tbe loans contracted for their i coßrtructiou, there will be. It is estimated, a-orpins of £100.000 on the 30th June next., 'to be paid into the general revenue. No sore striking evidence could be afforded of the wisdom and sound policy of taking the aa—age - tent of tbe department out of the Jmb-s of tbe politicians and placing it aVUr the control of an independent board. So long as it was under the control of the * farmer it was a place of refuge for needy aad asedv place-hunters, who lounged afagot the' railway platforms and ate tbe bread of idleness. Now we have changed _B that, and tbe result of the figures I have jast quoted." This picture is a wonderful contrast to the lines in this colony, where -re find a falling off in miles run, a heavy ___*g off in goods carried, aud a decrease ia amount earned. This state of things w—l no doubt continue until we have a Y—_l change in the present system of man-■ff-wnT ________________

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Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6835, 20 August 1887, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6835, 20 August 1887, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6835, 20 August 1887, Page 4


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