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Post Office Clock. The Post Offioe clock will be stopped during Thursday for alteration and repairs. A Visitor. His Honor Chief Jaßtice Way, of Adelaide, was present in the Supreme Court yesterday moaning and occupied a seat on the Bench. Holiday.—The Mayors of Kaiapoi and Banglora notify that at the request of the tradesmen of these boroughs, a holiday will be observed on Thursday, being the occasion of a railway excursion to Lyttelton. Legal.- His Honor Mr Justice Johnston sat in Banco yesterday, and disposed of several cases on the list. The sitting will be continued this morning, when the case of Porter (appellant) v O’Connor (respondent) will be taken. Musical Society.— Tbe annual meeting of this Society will be held iu the practice room on Monday evening next, when the report and accounts for the past year will be presented and officers elected for the* ensuing year. Horse-taming.— An exhibition of horsetaming was given at Rangiora on Wednesday by A. LeFleming, who was successful in about two hours iu quieting a young horse belonging to Mr A. Ivory. During the time he managed to quiet it so far as to allow him to ride it barebacked, and made it lie down at his bidding. There was only a moderate attendance. Benkfic. —An effort is being made, which appears likely to result successfully, to get up a benefit for the widow and family of the late Signor P. Luisetti, who hate been left in straitened circumstances. Mr F. Arenas has .taken the matter in hand, and has enlisted the sympathy o! a number of prominent citizens. An application has been made to the members of the Christchurch Operatic Society to repeat “Madame Favart” in aid of the fund, and it is probable that it will he acceded to. With such an attraction and a moat worthy case for aid, the theatre should be filled to overflowing on the night that may be selected.

Coursing Club.— A mating of the remaining members of the North Canterbury i Coursing Club was held at Roberts' Junction Hotel, Rangiora, on Tuesday. Mr Buck ham, Treasurer, made a statement of accounts which was adopted. It was then decided the Club be closed, and that the : balance of money in hand, '£2 ss, be handed to the Lyttelton Orphanage. South Baxaxa School Terat.— On resuming on Monday, the children attending the Bouth Rakaia District School had their annual treat in the school grounds. The weather was very fine, and there was a large gathering of children and also a good sprinkling of adults. Supbkkb Court.— The young man Ell, who was before the Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday for refusing to answer questions regarding a deed of assignment over his father's property, came up again yesterday morning. The Official Assignee reported that he hod refused to answer questions or to sign his depositions. He was therefore committed to Addington. Pkssonal.— Tbe Melbourne Age of December 28th, in notioing the performance of the " Messiah” in the Exhibition building, says“ Mrs Palmer's music was delivered by this lady as probably no other artist south of the equator can deliver it. Every note of her bravura sir, ‘Rejoice greatly,’ her larghetto Bong, * How beautiful,’ and tbe sublime devotional rhapBoUy.' I know that my Redeemer,’ was as audible in the furthest recesses of the auditorium as in the orchestra.” The many friends here of Mrs Palmer (Miss Rosina Carandini) will be pleased to read such a gratifying criticism of their old favorite. Geraldine Rifles.— On Tuesday evening last Major Newall held a Government inspection parade of the Geraldine Volunteer Rifles, in their Dsillshed, there being thirty-seven present, inoluding offioers and the members of the Volunteer bras 3 band. Btaff-Sorgeant Major Jones was alsopre* sent. At the conclusion of the parade a meeting was held for the purpose of electing a captain in the stead of Captain Moore, who had been raised to tbe majo rity. Lit utenant R. H. Pearpoint was unanimously chosen to fill the position amidst the cheers of those present. It was decided to hold over the election of a Lieutenant for the present. Tai Tapu Band or Hors.—’The monthly meeting of the Tai Tapu Band of Hope was held on Sunday afternoon last. The attendance, as usual, was very good. The President, Mr R. A. Forbes, occupied the chair. The programme consisted of selections from “Crystal Spring,” song by Miss Mangels, trio by Misses Watson and Mr J. F. Watson, recitations by Miss Agnes Leney, Mr J. Sinclair, and Albert Forbes, in address was delivered by Mr E. W. Marriott, which was listened to with marked attention. Additional pledges were taken. The Chairman stated tnat in future the meetings would commence at 2 p.m. Thbatbb Royal. —“ Jim the Penman” .was repeated last night st the Theatre Royal most successfully. All the points in the piece were most enthusiastically taken by the audience, and tho principals were recalled at the end of the third act. Mr Anson received special attention from the large audience assembled in the pit and stalls, they groaning and hissing him most heartily, a very high compliment to his acting as the Baron Hartfold Mibb Thomas, as Mrs Ralston, was charming, the pare being played with a finish and leaving nothing to b® desired* Messrs Titheradge, Maltby and Cates were also good, and a word of praise is due to Miss Taylor for her clever impersonation of the part of Lady Dunscombe. The piece will be played again this evening, and is well worth seeing. Want of Cars.—A striking instance occurred, at the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday morning, of how plaintiffs frequently mismanage their cases, and of how, sometimes, they are made to pay for their carelessness. A person residing at Alford Forest attended in answer to a summons. The plaintiff did not appear, bat sent his clerk, whose only knowledge of the debt was an entry whioh he saw m his employer’s book. This put jvn end to the proceedings tot the present, ' "without a word from the defendant, and the option wae given to the plaintiff’s representative either to have the case thrown oat or to take an adjeurn--1 meat. He took the adjournment, and had to pay the defendant’s travelling expenses ana day's wages, in all <£l 10j 6d, ; in addition to the adjournment fee. Considering that the debt was only J8414i the ’ plaintiff thus finds himself already muloted of a sum equal to a considerable portion of i f , simply because he did not present his claim with ordinary care. North Cahtrrburt Rifle Club.— At a , special Committee meeting of the North Canterbury Rifle Club, held on Monday evening, it was decided to acoept a challenge received from the Christchurch City Guards to fire a match on the new Sandhills range on Saturday next. A letter was received from the Christchurch Rfie Club to fire a match at Rangiora, twenty 1 men aside, on the above date. It was rei solved to accept the same, subject to its taking place after the N.Z. Rifle Association’s Meeting. It was reported that the rifle of Mr A. Josling, who made the highest Bcore for Mr Fulton’s trophy on 1 Saturday la»t, was tinder the regulation i pull, and it was resolved to disqualify him, i and to award the prize to MrF.Baker. The following are the names of the team j chosen to fire against the City Guards on ; Saturday next: —Messrs Baker, A. Josling, J. Josling, G. Gulliver, F. Gulliver, C. . Tyler, J. Sansom, F. Humphreys, sen., J. Johnston, and E. d’ Auvergne. Temoka Presbyterian Church.— The annual meeting of the above Church was 1 held on Monday evening. The Rev. W. ; White, Moderator, presided. The report congratulated members on their improved financial condition, but expressed regret ' that the Church was still without a pastor. The balance »heet Bhowed the total receipts to he £555 8a 9d. After paying all : expenses, including a debit from la3t year of J 289 17s, there remained a credit balance of JE23 17s. There was a debt of J 8250 on the manse still standing. The report and balance sheet were adopted. The following were elected a general Committee for the MSuing year:—Messrs J. Austin, R. Daniel, J. Cooper, J. Brown, J. Anderson, J. Guild, P. McCafikiU, W. Coltman, E. Waddell, S. McCullough, D, Shaw, and R. Wilson. It was also agreed that the members of the Church resident at Weitohi should send two representatives to the General Committee. Mr Rout moved, Mr Austin seconded, and it was carried—” That Mr Guild be appointed Treasurer and Mr Cooper Secretary.” A hearty vote' of thanks to the retiring Committee brought the proceedings to a dose. Rifle Association, —An adjourned meeting, fojr the purpose of taking steps to raise funds towards the support of the forthcoming meeting of the New Zealand Rifle Association, was held in the Provincial Council Chamber last evening. Hie Worship the Mayor occupied the chair. Lieut.-Colonel Lean explained the objects of the meeting. Captain Sommerville, the executive officer of the Association, had requested him to take the necessary steps preliminary to the hdlding of the meeting in Christchurch. The speaker then gave a history of the Association, and went on to say that the amount of money required frern Christchurch was not large, and the ideas in this respect appeared to him to be exaggerated. The Government gave a subsidy to the Association, which was spent In prizes. Mr C. M. Gray pointed out that the prize for the Christchurch match was stated in the programme to be .£l2O, and this amount at least cught to be raised. After some discuision, taken part in by the Hon. Colonel Brett, Lieut.Colonel Leaa, and Mr Gray, the following resolution, proposed by Mr B. J. Leahy, was put and carried” That a Committee, consisting of the Hon. Colonel Brett. Lieut-Colonel Lean, Captain Ayers, and Messrs F. Guinness, C. M. Gray, Anderson, R. Linn and Hibell, the mover, the officers of the Canterbury Volunteer Corps, be appointed, with power to add to their number, for the purpose of canvassing for the necessary funds.” It was decided to adjourn tbe meeting for a week and to meet at the same time and place. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the meeting. During the course of the meeting the Chairman received a letter from Dr. Jas. Irving apologising for absence and enclosing a cheque for £2 2s towards the Association’s fund.

Newspaper CRiCKETiBB.~On Saturday next a team representing the Timaru Herald office meetß one composed of employes o! the Press Company. The match Hakes placs ati Ashburton, where both teams, the names of the members of which appear elsewhere, are very likely to spend a jolly afternoon. > Disturbance at Timahtj.— The Salvationists caused a disturbance at Timaru on Tuesday. The captain and band landed and harangued in front of tbr< e lotels, and some persons inside responded by beating dinner gongs, Bounding fog horns, and ringing huge bells. These sounds, together with the ories of the mob, the music of the band, &c, caused a fearful din. The captain refused to move on, and held his ground at pleasure. An information will be laid. Annat.— The anniversary services in connection with the Annat Presbyterian Church were held on Sunday last by the Eev. Munro, of Cast, to a large congregation. On Tuesday evening a tea meeting and concert was carried successfully through, but the attendance at each was only moderate. The Bevs. Raply, Munro and Maxwell gave addresses. Several local ladies and gentlemen gave their services in aid of the object in view. Proceeds from the tea and concert will bo devoted to the ministers’ stipend fund. Balcairn Schools.—' The following i* the list of thoswwho obtained prizes at the examination held last week by Mr Malcolm, Principal of the Training College, for which, on the motion of Mr Waddell, he was specially thanked at the gathering held in the schoolgrounds on Friday. Standard VI —John Foster and Charles Sutherland equal, Beubeu Simms 3. Standard V.—George Lister 1, Robert Lundy 2. Standard IV.—Boys, Jameß Cameron 1, Andrew McEntee 2; girls, Mary Sutherland 1, Catherine McNamara 2.. Standard lll.—Boys, James Dean 1, John O'Connor 2; girls, Eliza Ashby 1, Ada Johnstone 2 Standard ll.—Nelly Reid 1, Dora Alfeld 2, Marion Cameron 3. Standard I.—Boys, John Harper 1, Robert Bailey 2; girls, Fanny Frame 1, May Frame 2. Chairman’s prize for highest marks, Mary Sutherland. Mrs Waddell's priza for beßt sewing, Annie Fitzpatrick. Sowing prizes were also awarded to Mary Dron in Standard 111., Marion Cameron in Standard 11., and May Frame in Standard I.

Fatal Accident at Ltttelton. —Oa Wednesday night, about ten o’clock, Wm. Lane, ship's cook of the R.M.S Rimutaka, when in the act of going on board that vessel fell overboard, and was drowned. He vi as a native of Plymouth, aged fortyseven years. His body was picked up at midnight and conveyed to the morgue. Dr. Harrion attended, and found the deceased had got a severe cut on the forehead, probably from falling against the wharf. An inquest was held at the Mitre Hotel yesterday afternoon, before R. Beetham, Esq., Coroner, and a jury, of whom J. B. Hall was foreman, touching the death of the above. John Tweedy said he was a steward on board the Rimutaka. He and deceased went on shore on Wednesday night, and had some drink, and returned to their ship about halfpast nine o’clock the same night. The deceased was not perfectly sober. Witness went up the ship’s gangway first, and getting to the deck he beard deceased fall into the water. Search was made for him, but he could not be seen. Other evidence was given, and the jury returned a verdict of “Accidentally drowned,” adding a rider-” That for the safety of life a net 10ft long should be placed under the gangway of all vessels at the wharves, and that a copy of the rider be seat to the Harbor Board.” Sumner.— Our correspondent writes:— Sumner has scarcely known such a really gay holiday season as that now drawing to a close. In addition to occupants of the houses and hotels, there has been a large number of young fellows under canvas, who have tried, and successfully to, to get up some very jolly musical evenings. As to entertainments, these have been on a moßt extensive scale, due in the main to the very liberal generosity of Mr P. Cunningham, whose family have been resident in Sumner for the holidays. The number of people journeying up and down has been very large, which Bhows what a paying concern the tramway, which is proposed via Cashel street and the canal reserve, ought to be. The vicinity of the Cave Rick, inside the bar, has been lively each morning with bathers, and numbers of old College boys have shown their prowess in the deep waters of the channel. It is a pleasant sight to see a number of them take a high plunge from the pier into the deep and safe water, free from any danger of breakers or sharks. The band performances at the Cave Rock have been such a decided suoceas that they will be continued.

Ashburton Volunteer Inspection.—A daylight inspection parade of the two local companies was held at the Drillshed on Monday evening. There was altogether present eighty, about fifty of the Ashburton Rifles and thirty of the Ashburton Guards, a very oreditaole muster, considering they are in the midst of harvest in the district. The parade waa under the ermmand of Major Douglas, assisted by Captun Fooks, the Adjutant. Major Newall waa the inspecting officer. At the conclusion of the drill, Major Newall informed the members that ColorSergeant Hayes of the Ashburton Riflio had been promoted to Sergeant-Major of the South Canterbury Battalion. After the parade, the Rifles held their annual meeting; Captain Dolman in the chair. The Chairman read the balance-sheet, showing a balance of a little over JB2 to the credit of the Company. The balance - sheet was adopted. Private E. J. Fooks was elected Secretary, and Lieutenant Mueller Treasurer. A Committee was also elected. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded to Ma j r D mglas, Captain Dolman, and Sergeant-Major Hayes, and it was decided to expend JSIO Kb in providing souvenirs to Major Douglas and Ciptain F«oks of their connection with the Company, and that a sword should be presented to SergeantMajor Hayes in token of their appreciation of nis services as Color-Sergeant of the Company ; also, that £5 5s be expended in a souvenir to Captain Dolman. Lieutenant Dunn and Private Paul were re-elected Auditors.

Fendalton School District. The School Committee met at the school on Monday evening. Present—Messrs Ellis (Chairman), H. Amos, J. Connal, W. Wray, J. Pepper, S. Bremford, and T. H. Bruce. The Chairman reported that the accounts and balance-sheet had been prepared and forwarded to the Auditor, who had returned them certified correct, the receipts for the year being £358 19 j 81. It was resolved to forward to the Board of Education the name of Mr John Connal, of Fendalton, as a candidate f r the Board. A letter was read from Mrs Bullock, stating that as requested she had examined the sewing for prizes, but the work in some of the standards being so nearly equal, there was a difficulty in awarding the prizes in order of merit, and suggesting that, to meet the difficulty, a second prize should be awarded in each standard. It waa retolved to comply with Mre Bullock’s suggestion if the funds would permit. The Chairman reported that the school bad been examined on 22ad December by Mr L. B. Wood, M.A. The report, which waß now very satisfactory, waa accompanied by a congratulatory letter from the Board of Education. The following resolution was carried unanimously" That this Committee, living perused the Inspector’s report and Mr Yeel’s letter accompanying the same, stating that the Board is well pleased with the satisfactory results of the late examination, endorses the Board’s opinion, and takes this opportunity of thanking Mr Bullcck and his assistants for the success achieved and for his satisfactory conduct of the school.” Christchurch Bih-lis. The annual general meeting of the Christchuich Rifles will be held this evening at the Orderly Boom at eight o'clock. Faith Healing.— A mission condncted by the Rev. J. A. Dowie and Mrs Dewie, of the Free Christian Tabernacle, s’itzroy, Melbourne, will commence on Sunday next, at 6 30 p.m., at the Oddfellows' Jb all. Blue Bibbon Mission.— The opening of the new hail recently ereoled by the Bine Bibbon Gospel Temperance Mission in Worcester street will be celebrated this evening by a tea and public meeting.

Working Min’s Club.— An entertainment in connection with the Christchurch Working Men’s Club will take place in the Recreation Hall this evening, * Fuat Brigade Picnic.— TtA'annual pic--12) 0 o th« Chrietohuroh Volunteer Fire Brigade to Tai Tam will take place to-day. Every precaution has been taken (thanks kj *^ e telwrteeriag of many old members of the Fire Brigade) to provide assistance mease of a fire taking place during the abseaoe of the Brigade. T

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Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6660, 27 January 1887, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6660, 27 January 1887, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 6660, 27 January 1887, Page 2


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