Cbowdbd Out.—Owing to unusual pressure on our Bpace we have been compelled to hold over repsrte of Saturday's cricket matches and other matter. Bo s* Bsiqadb—The Christchurch Liedertafel have presentfd a quantity of confectionery, &c, remaining from their social on Saturday evening, to the Boys' Brigade. Ihquest at Mount Sombes.—Oα Friday evening Mr Baddeley, Coroner, held an inquest at Mount Somers on tfle body of the infant daughter of Mr Scott. The child was apparently iv good health when put to bed on Wednesday evening, but was found dead in bed in the morning. The jury returned a verdict of " Death from natural causes." Lxctubs —Miss Ada Campbell delivered her lecture, •' The Cross and the Crescent,, , at the Hall last sight. There was a large attendance. Mies Campbell's lecture dealt with an historical comparison of the two religiose, and as an oratorical display the lecture wa3 a great success, being loudly applauded throughout It is intended to continue the series of lectures at tbe same place on succeeding Sunday evenings. Sal* of Wobk— The annual sale of work in aid of the bunday School of St. Mary's, Merivalc, is announced for to-day An attractive show will be made, as the articles to be submitted for sale will be both useful «nd ornamental. The Christmas Tree and Melaneeian stall should prove attractive to the little ones; whilst in the evening some lady parishioners have organised a series of tableaux vivants. It is notified by advertisement elsewhere, that the money oharged for admission will be deducted from purchases made.
A Ska'.omable Geft—Tbe Secretary of tbe Hospital Board has received a letter from Mr Hong Nain, Chinese storekeeper, who is leaving for China, enclosing £2,9, subscribed by himself and some of his fellow-countrymen, as a donation to the funds of the Chriatchurch Hospital, to show their gratitude for the kindness and attention shown to their fellow-ceuntrp-men who have been patients. The letter was accompanied by an expression of regret that, owing to the badness of the times, the sum was not a larger one. Stbakgb Conduct.—Jl labouring man named Hugh Douglas was arrested yesterday on a charge of misbehaving himself on the grounds of the Sunnyside Asylum that morning. It appears that Douglas has a large family of little children and his wife is an inmate of the Asylum. Some time ago he took hie children to the Charitable Aid office and demanded that they should ba taken charge of, which demand was not complied with. Testerday morning Douglas went to the Asylum, and while some of the patients were on their way to church, went up and attempted to bring his wife away. It is alleged he used threats to the warders and brandished a knife. He was, consequently, given in charge of the police.
TbjcJSbw Zealand Shiffino Courier •—la. the Australasian Timet and -dnaloJiW Zealand*, of sth to hanlttij S»n Francisco mail, the latest prioi tf eharee in the New Zaaland Shipping Com pauy is quoted on the London Stdck « 60s, having risen fromSOii* 2Sth Ootoherto 60s on 3rd November MAaiBTKRiAi..-At the Evident Marig. trates Court, on Saturday moieST before Harare G. Booth and J. V ]££ Patrick O'Donnell, alias Comer, wae charged with obtaining on t« * from E Baker,by mZiof avJffi lese cheqae on the Bank of New Zealand Southbndge j »Uo with forging andnfcE/ ing on August 2nd, to Bank of Newzffi/ Bouthbndge. Inspector Pender safari prieoner bai only just arrived riJS; Hokitika, where he had bSTLS? and asked for a remand. TheprieonwlS remanded accordingly till December Musical SocrarT.-The final *&£*% of the" Messiah." ta be performed tett? Drill Hall, Cwhel street" tak™ tfJJ ft morrow evening in the Hall, wW«£ necessary etaeing, &c, will beaW*f fitted. The conductor, at the luTwSl tice, expressed h\a wish to eommen<»to». work at 745 p.m. punctually,and this itffl be done for the convenience of all <»■. cerned. On thie occasion, none but Aim* b*rs will be admitted to the final reheareS" The aoloa have been well dutribttteaaad several new voices will be heard in oratorio for the first time. We trart that the determination of the Society to make such a email charge for admission oa Thursday evening will meet with the liberal response it deeervee. Union Bowjs* Clttb.— The noes fw the Junior Pairs in connection with the Union Bowing Club were held on Saturday. Some good contests resulted. Thefinal heat will be rowed this evening between Lowry'a and Dais's crews, and a close race is anticipated. The following are the results of Saturday's racea:— Fim heat, J. Daly and J. A. Nathan beat HL Calcutt and G. H. Lake; second heat, IL Lowry and £. Patten beat £. Ooe and J. Bonnington; third hear, W. Munday and A. H. Brooks beat H. W. Clare and C. J. Styohe; fourth heat, Daly's crew beat C. Percy and A. E. Craddook; fifth heat, Lowry*a crew beat Monday's ore v. Inquest at Lyttklton. —An inquest touching the death of Frederick Firmatone wa? held at the Mitre Hotel, Lyttelton, on Saturday before E. Beetham, Eeq , coroner, and a jury of six, of whom Mr T. McDonald was chosen foreman. After hearing the evidence, a verdict of death from mortift> option of the bowels caused through rap»< ture was returned. Yesterday the corpse was conveyed in the s.b. Akaioa to Pigeon' Bay where it was interred. The funeral procession started from the Casual Ward, and was followed by the Lyttelton Oddfellows and their band, j>ll of whom proceeded to Pige?n Bay in the steamer to be. prevent at the interment, I Temperance Sermon.—The annual sermon on "Temperance," preached in accordance with a resolution of the New Zealand Wesleyan Conference, was delivered in thi Durham street church yesterday morning by the Key. Geo. Bond. Iα forcible language the preacher pointed oat the absence in the Bible of any countenance-' to the drink traffic of the present day. Instead of approving of the traffic, the Bible in a number of instances, vetoed the giving of strong drink, and pronounced emphatic woes upon those who gave drink to others. The sermon was interspersed w th numerous illustrative instances of the debasing effects of intoxicating liquors, and contained some very striking statistics on the magnitude of the drink t»m>, and the amount of poverty, crime, and wretchedness which it occasioned. Proposed Mayoral Bahquht—A meeting of the Committee formed for the pur* pose of carrying out a banquet to Mr A. Ayers, in honor of hie re-election to the civio chair, was held on Saturday evening. There was a fair attendance, and Mr #. Guinness presided. Correspondence wms; received favoring the movement, and V letter was read from hie Worship tit*., Mayor, suggesting the advieableaeae t& postponing the banquet till alter the Christmas holidays, or until the opening* of the new Council Chambers, as everyone was busy now. On the motion of Measr* Capper and Leahy, it was resolved to reeoind the resolution, fixing the date of the banquet for December Slefe, Several members spoke in support of the moUoo, and regretted the original intentions «c the Committee could not be carried enL ; It was left in the hands of the Chairman to oill a meeting to fix another date ft* the banquet. The Secretary, Mr Fonter, was instructed to inform puiohaeera of tickets of the postponement. A vote of thanke to the Chairman terminated the I meeting < HbathcotkPaeisb.—TheannualfeetiTal of this parish took place on Annirereur Day as usual, on the grounds of Mr a. Hillary, at Woolaton, that gentleman having kindly lent them for the purpose. Th». arrangements on Thursday were complete, and exceedingly creditable to those who made and cisried th>mout. Thespaoial feature of these wae a long and commodious bootb, partitioned off into a number iof comfortable stalls. At one lend' of the booth was a well-stocced .produce stalls and at the other one equally well supplied with refreshmente. Between these were etalla for fancy and other goods, toys, &c., and a gipsy tent, ia which the f ortonw of those anxious to know what lay before them were reteVed to them by a lady visitor, who kindly came from Chnstcbnrch for the purpose. This tent seemed to her* a special power of attraction. Two bran pies occupied the attention of the junior members of the community for a consider* able time. The sports consisted of the merry-go-round, archery, pony riding, and quoits, all of which were well patronised. A baby show also took place. The ladies of the jparish will, we are sure, feel amply rewarded, not only for their patient industry for months past, but also for their urntiring energy on the Festival Day itielf, when they learn that the re-ult of their efforts is a sum of upwards of .£B3. The Woolaton braw band wae present, and enlivened the proceedings by some good selections o/ music. Chmstmas Oaedb.—lnno department of what may with truth be called art btf such improvement taken place as in the cards which it is now the fashion to mm to friends in commemoration of the festive season oE Christmas or the opening of » new year. Amongst the displays wbi» are now being made in the oity that » Messrs Whitoombe and Tombs ia entitle to very high rank, comprising, as it doefc not only an almost endless variety, bat some of the most charming novelties oils* season. Prominent amongst these are to* hand painted devices on potoelain, momttW, o i cushions of green, blue, or old got* plusn. These comprise daintily ntmtw flowers, charming girl heads, and lea* ,, scapes. Ivory Blabs of all kind*, alsohand paintoi and mounted on plow,, are exceedingly pretty. A great novelty* , , even amongst those displayed in tw varied stock, is the pluah pocket Ctrl' This is a card is the shape of a wallet, OB the flap of which are embossed Qoneth whilst the cards themselves ue very excellent specimens of art. Satin cuehioM of all colors, with charming landeoapafc. fiinged with different colon and bora***™ with pearls, are to be seen in g** B * variety. Another very artistic card » * steel plate, enclosed in a moaceawg* colored oever. Of the ordinary ««• there is a large assortment, ment amongst which is one harp with the music of a song printed iasJae.. Then there are landscape and flowers ea olive-green mounts with bevelled edgefc beiufcifnlly worked silk cards, embossed flowers, and silk fringed caide itt alaw# endless varieties. The loe*llf m*» painted cards and colored are aJaj exceedingly & make a very nice souvenir lot at home. In the children's «M« Mesas Whitcmbe and Tmba hare a variety of the quaintest conceits, wM» cannot fail to interest and amuse w* a»» folks j whilst for those whoeu arete « friends is a large one, the packets eoataising from thirteen to fifty cards are a"*'*™ otcheapneea.asweUee being exceediDgy pretty. Taken as a whole, the whO»*"J lection which Messrs Whitcoobe «« Tombs exhibit is well worth a »»*«*?; spection, being replete with very *™fC examples of ai&shion which Ude fair to 6* enduring.
I ** to fcwrm to-noCTQw. Hie J_O«r 140 eotriee h»ve been ■Siii 7 -- Xrte i? Ti ? ?f2i SlSZtotttPil- TWektUtafjaek of erntrka erer reoeited for a oeetzsff in Hew Zeatead, aad be added to The colony ia well w|»»TZJI and Baagioraboth ihowwaswell i» tfeie reapeet, bet of eoozae aeppliea the lag mMJaatr. «*ooJy race •*>*» the localrMeta w* m .-daoHty »,«tianfe to aay, the mo«t imof eeetitg, »*-, the Woomt;s Tows Boabo.—An ordinary ajfaaaedneetißcof thia Board waa held 1- tfceirUi jaat. Pteaect—X««n Bow. mbu fjiiiiTTj*, Sichardeoß, XeDiaßßid, mI J. H- Hopkins, riiwrman Apologia van reorired fer nos-attaadaaoe of Mnsra Ocsac* York - Mt Wm * ABderaon MBefoieriag to ropplj dog ooOara for the mm 1887- Beaaived-That the offer be Mealed. Mr Hoptina informed the Board Ma*~hehad interriewed Mr Dobaon a* to STposttuA of fenoea aad baildinga, Msrte atreet. and that the *treet wonld reZStK to be asTTCTed. Beeolved—That the Sllar be left in abeyance for the preasnt. Jtt UeDiMrmid reported on behalf of Ye*> CocnmiUee aa to the atoppage in in Hargood atreet. BeaolnoVSet tti> m*U*r be left ia the hand, of Ike Worta Committee to atteftd to, aad H«t tie Heatheote Eoad Board be eon«aKed in the matter. The meeting then
Aβ* of she Woodend Horteeottaral Sjdety takw piece oa Wedne»day next. WboDBXD hn»t».—Aβ attracbYe pro ■*\ «an< for Ukeae epocta, to be held on the * &iteol the T«e» it publiahedin thia luiiiri *"-— »« bo fewer than thirty-two --" »«««, and a literal lategiren. . , Hbatbcjtx B&czs—Owners of June* B wain led and eafcne* the Msnaer Meeting ni«y»j«stset, clew at 9 pjtt «s Wednesday, the tJbd instant, £s.p re Hotel. Chrutcharek. Snea will be fftrea earn* time. Tor fall ■Vtieala?* tee advertisement. Terantahw Si b»»i terafcefcei for Fljis* Handicap, Mi dant tor Trots. tfjEvAxattiaiic.-Tlie E*t J. 8. Smalley #nßoasee*\ tohoMeT»ag*hj«Ueaepic*a MTii Tape from the 19th to tlie «no*, aa4, Sa^ritaa&omtaeaMtotlwlßhiß- 1 S Buuur Asuarl—**l e*re, w wrote • ,V. mam feti* «6 * frJsad* **|o to efcareh. or ■'• temtilmrlt what te« wwe or tec- «;. txtawaaahoat." It*** a *W» ©Mβ of vrrou ktaawy, prodseed by want of aetfoa of the fiver and diswftve orejß* . flhewaa peonadad to toy AAeriea Oo'» B<» BitSOT, asd bow ah* wrrtee t—"V.ov Sklltre&t «ed bright we Mnaoß* u»i I«cUuat aow, gad bow glorious the w-ii-ld we Steiais! Dr. Soale'e Hop Bitten are in 4tad a> blessing to mc." JSotioe.—FAdtt. J ffw vtmirsrm SxsPKKT. —Like the hr»z n kader lifted &£l* a» aieht of the perkhint loUowere. SbWtiwarw«eMTOafetandeMh, the ilfciiiiMiii iif iTriiii-m Hap Bitten hare ajaeed before rnSeriae aiiinc TnaaWnd. a> nawdV widen enabteTttem to fight oieeaee «Mk eoefuriar adwato**.—f abtt ]
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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6628, 20 December 1886, Page 2
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2,250NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6628, 20 December 1886, Page 2
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