jBUn.wAT Exctosiok.— The railway exoundoa to Wiimakanri Gorge and Oxford takes place to-day. Pojjct ijHAKfIW. —. Serjje&nfcJlajor Maeotr; of Eytteltooy hae received iaettuotione to proceed to Ashbtirten to take charge of the police in that district.
Axvbi Shmp Faib. — This fair, at which Messrs H. Mateon and Co. will submit a number of aheep, will take place today at Culverden. A special train It avea at Sagoo, "? h*' ? ?■; : * '■;,- ":-
BxsxbVb Cobps.—The prises won at the recent price firing in connection with the Reserve Corps, will be presented at the Drill Shed this evening, by the Mayoress, at.eJght o'clock, , £ : Ashlht BrvHß.—So far has the drought affected thia river that the ford at Kynn'e Hotel, between Bangiora and the Ashley township, on Tuesday, was perfectly dry, on incident nererfprstiouely noticed. i CHRitrPummcH Qabbibow Libbabt.—The
' buainesa -to come before the next meeting on Friday evening is matter* connected with the Volunteer Bifle Association, and jto consider the advisableness of holding a camp of instruction prior to the Eastes encampment.
Ah UKTpBTDjrAia Swßiauri.-r.Byt a private telegram received in .town yesterday ire learn with regret that the whiteflea ova are all dead. Mr Parr, who sent the bad news from Wellington, wiU remain there till the lonic comes in with the new shipment of salmon ova. oo board. : . f Eifh Shootiho.—The following rwillW -the team to represent'the E Battery of Artillery in the match with the Opawa Bine XSub: on Saturday next .Martin, Sergeant-Major; Sinclair, Quarter-, master Sergeant DougaH, Sergeanta Jack-; sou and Coefcley, Bompadier B!err,t}unners;' Aulaebrook, Fraser, Sherwood, and Tait JBcaergencies—Corporal Brieu and Gunner Comer. A conveyance wifl. leave the Scotch Storee at 130 p.m. sharp. . -•■■?.
Entebtainmiint at Waddikqtow.—An entertainment in connection with the Malvern Band of Hope took place at Waddingtdn on Tuesday evening. Therewae a very good attendance) Mr W. Eutam occupied the chair.' Several gentlemen addressed the meeting, 7 and a number of children eacceeefully eang and recited. Arrangements' were' afterwards, made for a similar meeting at Ansat on the 19th met., to aaaist the Bind there. ■■
. School Tr«at.—The annual treat of tie Church of England Sunday Sohool at Bangiora was held on Friday last. The j children assembled at the parsonage grounds in the morning', and spent the day in. the ordinary amusements'- of a children's party. The teachers under Mr WateratoD, the superintendent, werehusy in leading the games and in providing refreshments for those in their charge., After tea, the Yen. Archdeacon' Dridley distributed the priase gained daring- the year, and> the children then dispersed - to their homes. '■■''"'
Thoutkb BoTAt.—The.bVy Ifltrtall ?they ; come" aa regards the; audiences at tie Theatre, and the laughter and applause I*as hearty stu} frequent as on the first night of the .production of "The Private' Secret tary." . Indeed,- it could hardly be otherwise with the inimitable acting of Jgesers Thornton and Harwood, admirably supported as they are bjr. the other ladies. and gentlemen of theY oogttPanj', ThepieeS last night went will be repeated to-night. - The season cloaca cat Saturday, when the company leave loathe] North.' ' ' ' " t^nf^S^BS.-.-x-"- 1 _J3ta>-C-**Bs" ee *"*~ " - fcejr "oocnttK—The artlsHe and musical attractions at Simpson's building*, under the auspices of this Society, stall continue to be well patronised by the public The attendance Let night was specially good; when an orchestra, composed of several members of Mr Wynn Williams* family, under the leadership of Mr Corricfc, played various selections. The duets, for piano and violin, by.Mica Hamilton and Mr Woodgate, were listened to with rapt attention, andelidtedhearty applause. This evening, a mosical entertainment will |t>e provided by the following ladies and gentleman : — Miss A. 8. Taylor, Miss L. Taylor, Mies Inglia and Mr Hogg. I":: '.IT; j
~ Ambkbt.wt Tjlcsswjq Cohmttm.—The first meeting of the newly elected Committee was held in the Amberley Courthouse, at noon, on Wednesday, the 10th inst, all the members being present. Mr Chamberlain proposed that Mr Purchasbe Chairman, seconded fcyMr Mc Adam, and carried. Mr Purchas briefly thanked the meeting for the honor conferred upon him, and took the chair, after which.the business of the quarterly meeting was transacted. The police report on the licensed houses of the district was read and considered satisfactory} and, after Fome minor matters of detail had been considered, the nesting adjourned.
- PtCNic—A very enjoyable gathering took place at Kaiapoi on Monday last, when the night staff engaged in the locomotive running ehed at the Chriafcchurcb Railway station, accompanied by their 8 weethearts and wives, proceeded thither in a well-appointed dreg. They were, on arrival, kindly shown through the Kaiapoi Woollen Factory, and thoroughly appreciated the vieit to I&ri establishment. Subsequently they adjourned to the Domain, where an onslaught was made on the provision baskets, and during the day numerous games were indulged in, to the intense delight and satisfaction of everyone. A return to town was made in the evening, all being in high spirits, having thoroughly enjoyed the outing.
: . Thb Mission at Mjeivals.—The Bey. E. G. Mason commenced his labors in the parish ef St. Mary's, Merivale, yesterday. At the afternoon service the nussioner delivereda short, though practical, addees?, for the benefit of Choroh workers, demonstrating' that all work, to be. successful, should be quietly performed, and urging hie hearers to peacefully and quietly go about their work. At the eight o'clock service there was a large congregation, the missioner taking~for his text, "If any man will come after mc, let him deny himself, and take lip his cross-daily." The main pjint touched on was the quality of selfdenial, the : preacher] contending that without the possession of it it was impossible to lead a Christian life. At the close of theeermpn the miesioner gave a short instruction lecture to ; the congregation, and extended a hearty welcome to all present to come again to-day, entreating them to bring more men with them, as Tie desired to see the church filled with men. The services tc-day will be repeated at the same hours as yesterday.
SjttWiM Cocn!pi Coracn,.— A epedal < meeting cf the Council was held yesterday i at 10.80 a.m. for the purpose of making several special orders altering the boundaries of the Malvern and Waimakariri water-race districts. There were pre- | aent—•Messrs MoMillan (Chairman), Enye, Jones, Peryman, Anson, JJennie, and Westenra. The formal busiseae having been transacted, an ordinary meeting was held, when the Council went into Committee to consider circular letters from the jWairarapa East and Waikato County <Jouncila relative to local government, finance, and charitable aid. The Committee considered that the proposals of the ' former County Council were not suitable to [the requirements of this county, and I Messrs Jones and Weetenra were appointed I to draw up a reply to the circular, also to ! the one from tbe Waikato county. The following resolution was agreed to: " That in the opinion of this Council the present system of providing the contribtztiona from local authorities for the hospital and charitable aid fond is partial in its application to the ratepayers* in consequence of the exactions being limited to one class of property only, vis., ' rateable properly, , and that all classes of proparty should contribute to this fund." After transacting some routine basineea, the Council adjourned. <
Malvxkh.—Oomplaints are prevalent amoog the water ratepayers about MaLvern that during the last few days the water has been ont off from several farms, presumably by being tampered witb, as the main race is running. Steps are to be taken to ascertain who thoeMprit U, and if successful a prosecution - WtsuKAH GmBXKa. — ± * fmimfrm ~nir j-M ia Wesley Church, feast belt. Oft'ttoeeday evening. Tea was provided at aivai pjn, to which moat of the member* o? the chusoh and many, of their friends eat down. Ample justice having been done to the gocd thingsso bountifully provided, the rest of the time was spent in Statute, testimony,; and prayer, under tie leadership of the pastor, the BeY. George
ArrxAi. Cabs-—The Commissioners ap- j pointed to iear the «ase of the Amuri County Council against to.c rate levied by 1 the North Canterbury Hospital Board, gave j their judgment They said,] *bey had considerecl the appeal. afeTlfhadf: come to the conclusion unanimously that the resolution* passed by the Board most be confirmed, Q£ ; course they only gave thia opinion ao«oat-of oouiteey, ac it was tiheir duty to report to the Colonial .-ecretery. They said that the allocation of the -rate by the Board on tfce basis of the rateable value of rateable property was 1 proper basis, and therefore the resolution o< the Board would be confirmed. They did riot think then was any question of cpste. i Eaiapoi Foal, Grain, akd Boot Show. —A meeting of the Managing Committee of the Kaiapoi Foal, Giain, and Boot Show was held at the Club's chamber on TuaEday evening, Mr B. Parnham presiding. The catalogue was- adopted, to include light and heavy foals, grain, roots, dairy produce, collectionsl of vegetable?, potatoes, and apples. Judges were nominated and Claes Stewards appointed. It was resolved Ito hold the show on Thursday, April 8 th, the exhibition of etoek to be in Mr Blackwell's paddock, "and She show of grain in t&e Oddfellow**. HalL Messrs Coup, Fashby., the Chairman;'and Secretary wew appointed a Sub-Committee to carry oat Bumdry arrangements. It was decided that all cffcrs of special prises must be: njade before l£*ifch : 16tb with the Seer©tary, so that the same might be duly ad> vertised. The meeting then adjoerned- '
: Football. —The fourth annual meeting of the Merivale Football Club waa held last sight and well attended. MrW.O? I Ghutaxi (the y captain) presided. Thirty. new members were elected. The re--p6rt and ,b»lanoe sheet* which showed * ciedit balance of 143, were of a satiafactdzy nature, and were unanimonely adopted. A letter of cordial thanle was received. liqm Mr H. Evans for the, present the crab had made to him. The election of officers resulted as under r—President, Mr F. J. Garrick, (M.H.)j Hon. J. .T. Peacock and Mr A. E. Q: Ixodes t Captain, Mr W. J. Garrard; Vioe-Captain Mr A. Gapes; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr V. L. Poczi; General Committee, Messrs H. Nuttal, C. Curtiss, and ft Evans; Selection Committee, Mr F. Evans with the Captain and Vice-Captain; delegate to C.R.IT., Mr W. G. Garrard. It was decided to erect a pavilion on the ground, and to make no distinction between senior and junior members' subscriptions. Votes of tnanke to the officers of the j>aat year and the chairman terminated the proceedings. : ;Btd«ihaii FooTSFAitCEttß:—The annual general meeting; of Football club;-will I*' held: tai? eveniiMt, at the Sydenham Hotel. ?. : t , r WoßKina M»»'e Ciitm.-i-An enterta'nment will be given this evening* b> ink Working Men** Club variety, an* combination troupe, ia the Becreation Hall. >' ■■-' •' Lxnrnr. Sxsvicxe.'—As- willba eeea by advertieement elsewhere, the Bey. G- K. Mason, one of the Miesioners from Englan<Ji will deliver an address in the Gather dral every week day during * Lent, commenting fcom to-day, at half-past twelve O'clock. . ■ ■' <; .J ' ■ '•■.-.;..-3-• . ''■'■'■ '■>■ Moen-ru-— The House Steward begs to ackeowledge, with thanka, the "receipt, of;fruit and vegetabjel from All /Sumner), and tit. Barnabas^ ; flßendalton) Churches; fruit from Mrs GholmbiSdeley, airs Botheiford and A'Friend; and a basket of trout from Mr Mama, 'Garlton. EumniTAiNJrtNT.—A tea meeting and entertoiament, in coaneotion with St. Paul's Litexary Association, will be held this evening in the old Church, Lichfield street. ■..:.,; ...... .' ".'... ;:.":.'
Her Majesty's Penal SettleinentJßritaah Ouianat June 25th, 1881.—"Gentlemen,—I think it only a doty to Ist you know that your *Terebene Soap' i* flic only sabefcanee ot any kind I nave ever met with to allay the intense irritation caused by, the bites and stings of mosquitoes, sand-fiiee, bitem-raagea, and other tropical ineecte. I speaks wilh some authosity,ae I have resided several years in the tropics, and have tried all sorts of powders, lotions, and soppc; until I had begun to despair of all specifics. Now that I have found one in your Terebene Soap, I think it only appropriate to let yon know the fact.—Younr truly, Ch.B.Sto'J'xbth (Chaplain). Messrs Cleaver and Co." The above speaks for itealf. P. S. Cleaver's Patent Terebene Soap is unrivalled for preventing and allaying eruptions and irritation, and producing a smooth skin and clear brilliant complexion. Manufactory, 82, S3 and 9i Bed Lion street, Holborn. London.— [A»vt.l - ■■'-■■
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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6388, 11 March 1886, Page 2
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2,026NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6388, 11 March 1886, Page 2
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