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"'""'-...' ........ Fnblle Motto— . .'.',. ■'■*%, ' CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEffSZ COLOMBO STKBBT, CIHBISTCHUBCH. ■^*-a JOHNGrOODM A X H*iA^#_S*^T to _^aS^a^«^^onAV-?_!^i be find to see his _umen-a coa-Uttteute, whea they wiU ™..*• »lii FIND THE GOODS OKBAPEK XBJJs BVBfc, JOHN GOODMAN, " COLOMBO BIIIIT, OHBIBTOEUB QJ_ *"•■«_ ■'• A DBRANaBMByT OF THE Um^ THE CAUSE OF DISEASE stomachTTcidneys AHn *•*' NEEYOUS SYSTEM. BELOW will be found a brief summary of a Lecture upon the Liver, ddlmm- v____ <"" the Eclectic CoUege of Medidne, by Bt I>R. J. HAYDOCK, The Liver has been known as the great blood-maker and blood-trarUler n» __ Circulation. Frem its sise and spongy structure, it plays a most important nt_4.» i__ animd economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Food token to the raoirt* _!_» acted upon by tiie digostive orga_B of tho stomach ia oonverted into duo__-_j peptone, and in these forms enters the portal vein. Here, by the action of tk_K»_r these substances are converted into a form of sugar, and pass out of the liver b*___ vein, called the hepatic vein, into the general circulation. The new mate_i_l___ formed serves two purposes, vis., the maintenance of heat in the body and -____+i__ l __ the cdl growth of fliesTßtom. w «s_ttj>, i* Dr. Murchieon says, " The composition of bUa, and its secretioa ia very oomd__ ■'<_ ia constantly being secreted by the liver, and, in—easing suddenly Wow !_____? rradually decreases as Boon as the appetite is satisfied and feeding ceases.* Nr__v_ this most important organ of the body becomes torpid, or the pasaage rfKtl tfate____. witb, emaciation and disease ensue. I note eight marked peculiarities thatßaw___f and which we aU know oft— ~***** 1. The patient complains of a feeling of weight and fullness of the stomach. ' S. Distc—don of tho bowels by wind. 3. Heartburn. 4. A feeling of weariness, pains in the limbs, and great deepiness after ntsak. ' -' ■ 5. A bad teste in the mouth, especially in the morning, and furred tongue. 6. Constipation, with an occasional attack of diarrhoea. 7. Headache in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and great melancholy, with lassitude and a dia_«o-___» _. leave everything for to-morrow. '"**'"" AU of the above symptoms go to shew functional derangement of the liver t and _~» comes the great importance of any error mado aa to the condition of the"• Bhould immediately provide himself with a LIVER STIMULANT, the mosttta___S form of which is a Fill. Daily experience shows that this, when tbe Pill ia toa__tS_f properly, ia the readiest mode of inciting and promoting the action of the tevmrfmSfß , be almoßt always relied on. I have devoted many years of my life, as many of -*_r_— before mc know, to compounding a Pill that will act readily and _y.tematied_j' ■___. , Bilioua Bemedy. Ido not beUeve in great purgatives, and therfore havemadea am > one of whioh is an active and thorough dose. I nave called it ■ Dr Haydo€k*s New I iver Pill (Sugar Coated); 1 One PiU is a Do« 3! One FiU is a Dose I One PiU is a Dose. « ! For aU Diseases of the Sidneys, Dr. Haydock's New Liver Fills are a perfect tana ' One PiU will Batiefy the most sceptical. .. J?" ' a For Fen_do Diseases, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General LaarituaVwaaJ... I Appetite and Sick Headache, Dr. Haydock's New Liver Fills will be found anraSftß | Bemedy. • •^ T "™v* ' They are nnivonal in their effects, and a cure can almost always be guaranteed. •'■ r Each vial contains Twenty Pills—One PUI is a Doee, Price Twenty^veCein-; ;^ [ FOB SALE BT ALL DBUGMHSTS. P i Every PiU is Sugar Coated. If your Druggist dooa not keep them, we wfll ' j_a_ tj_fc I free to any address on reodpt of 25 cents. Five vials for Idol. BUT AT ONGB/dS [ NOT DELAY. , CAUTION—To secure the Genuine Hatdock-'b Pills, observe that the rigsstto tt [ J. H. Frauds, Agent fox the United States, ie written on every packages.! ifa, . chase none without this. ,- i As Dr. Haydock'B Liver PiUs are entirdy dlfferunt from the 212 kinds now it _« market, say sceptic can have a sample bottle cent him free on receipt of hia "«-* S > 00 4549 HAYDOCK * CO. New York, vi." •

HERBAL REMEDIES. _PbOFESSObO» -A a .DBOWN'S Acacian Bdaam. Liver Invigorator Blood Purifier, Herbd Ointment , Woodland Balm, Bestorative ABsimilant | Male Fern Vermifuge, Renovating Pill. Dr. Lane's Catarrh Cure, and the Complete Herbdist May be had to any quantity of my Agent, MB JOHN BAXTEB, Chemist, 21 Victoria street (corner of Durham street), Christchurch. Professor O. PHELPS BBOWN, Chandoe street, London. 4ST The- Shakespearian Almanac for 1885 may be had gratis on application to my Agent, Mr J. Baxter. 3-SO N.B.—The Trade suppUed. 1850 TfOB COUGHS and COLDS BAXTEB'S J_ LUNG PBESEBVEB is Unrivalled. Try it. SOBE THBOAT quickly yields to BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB. Try it. ~.;.. . From BEY. CHABLES PENNY, Beefton (late of Chriatchurch). March 17th, 1884. Your Pulmonic Elixir afforded my wife and chUdren almost immediate relief in coughs and colda, and many to whom I have had the : pleasure; of recommending your specific have spoken of it as invaluable. In one case, when every remedy tried was powerless to give relief (the cough waa so distressing), the first dose of your Elixir !>roved most effective. In another case .or© throat) a cure was so soon brought about that, the patient resolved in the future to take nothing else. From W. B. SCOTT, Esq., Builder, Ac. : i " Peterborough street, Chriatchurch, December 4th, 1883. Some years ago I was recommended to try a bottle of your 'Pulmonio Elixir and Lung Preserver/ for tightness of the chest. I did so, and from that time I have never been without it in the house. I have found it answer in every respect for coughs, colds, and sore throat, and would strongly advise those that are Buffering from such complaints to try it." From Bey. T. Whitmore Lritt, "Bdclutha, August 12th, 1872. I have derived such benefit from its use when suffering from excessive speaking, that I shall certainly resort to it in case of a renewal of the more serious affection.You will, I suppose, know that the Bey. Beed (now of Dunedin) uses and highly commends it." IN BEONCHITTB and ASTHMA BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB affords immediate relief. Try it. G. D. Lock-art, Esq., - " Chrißtchurch, July 24th, 1885. Your Lung Preserver has on several occarioha effectually relieved mc when'suffering from a severe attack of Bronchitis." From Mr Albert J. Abbot, late Manager of Gimblett's Nursery. " Longbeach, July Bth, 1884. I have had a severe attack of Bronchitis, for which ailment I have always been obliged to engage the services of a doctor, but on this occasion your Lung Preserver has cured m» in much less time. XJIOBWHOOPINGCOUGH BAXTEB'S Jj LUNG PBESEBVEB is a speoifio. Tryit. .. F CONSUMPTION _3AXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB has been dfpiaUysuccessfuL Bee " Book for Every Home." IN CBOUP its effect is magical, the expectorant and otherproperties affording very speedy relief. Try it. From T. C. Moorhouse, Esq.., " Belfast Chemical Works, Canterbury. We have used your Lung Preserver for ordinary Coughs, and found it invaluable, and have also given it to our chUdren for Whooping Cough, and have been pleaaed with its speedy action in checkiag the severe pardxyema of coughing common to this complaint. Moreover, being free from the nauseating properties common to most mixtures, it deservedly merits ite present popular podtion as a therapeutic agent. Fran ISAAC ALLEN, Esq., Commiedon Agent:— " Hereford street, Christohurch, December stb, 1883. — I have great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of your Lung Preaerver,* having proved it in my family to be a specific for coughs, colds, Ac., a few doses invariably subduing the nasty harassing cough, and while reUeving tbe throat and chest, it does not, like other nostrums, disorder the digestive organs by inducing nausea, constipation, headache, loss of appetite, Ac. I can heartily recommend it as the best, cheapest, and most palatable mixture known foi coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, Ac. So highly do we esteem it that we always keep a supply on hand." ' BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB is a Pleasant Bemedy. AXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB is a Potent Bemedy. BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB is supported by high-class Testimonial-. BAXTEB'S LUNG PBEBEBVEB ie highly recommended by members of the Medical, Legal and Clerical Prefe: dona. BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB does not disorder the Stomach.

BAXTEB'S LUNG | not constipate the bowels. ' ' AXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB <_» not produce headache. ~ ' BAXTEB'S LUNG PBESEBVEB dm not contain Paregoric, Opium, ft SquiUs. A AXTEB'S LUNG PREBEEV-B i admitted to be tho Cheapest aajk Beat Cough Mixture. _^ To be had of aU Chemists and 9ka> keepers, in bottles. Is 6d, 2s 6d, 4s Od HA 8s each. . t; tar Furchaßera are requested to -*kjht Baxter's Lung Preserver. Be —imna against being put off with some other —*fr due which dealers may recommend aWSf \on the ground of having more profit ~ T\B BOOZE'S MEDIO IHBfl T\B. EOOKE'S OBIENTAL PJLU " T~|B. BOOKE'S SOLAB EIdZZS These weU-known Family Mediciaci-Hs had a continually increasing sale thtoaA out the United Kingdom and thelbaH. colonies aince their introduction in -St. andareeepecially noted for their streagtinß* ing and restorative properties j banes wm invariable success in the relief and cv» r sf indigestion, Uver complaints, artlttsji bronchitis, pulmonary consumption; 'i»» matism, gout, scrofula, general defcSft, land all diseases of the nervous ayWBU whether arising from a sedentary moosm life, unhealthy occupation, __at-_rt_*i climate, or other cause whatever. , ( . * DB. BOOKE'S OBIENTAL FR3B are sold in boxes at la l_d and 4f-*J each. ,- • B. BOOEFs SOLAB EJJ3JMA Boldinbottiesat4B6dßPdlla-W. B. BOOKE'S MEDICINES va%t% obtained of all Chemists and Eatkß Medicine Vendors, and' of J. !_-_-. Christchuroh. ' *-"'? TTVB. TOOOKE'S A NTI-X ANqfj 1 . AU who wish to preserve hedto, a-_£jg prolong life, should read DR. BOOEW ANTMjANCET, or HANDY QJISDaWO DOMESTIC MEDICINE, which OCB$?» 172 pages, and is replete with aaeowM sketches, biographical matter, jwrtran* ** eminent men, Ac. ' , llu TV*" T? 00KE ' 8 A BW]\*)XW Mfty be obtained Gratis of MB JTRU&fSi Christohurch and Oxford, or POST Iff" of DB. BOOKE, Scarborough, __giani_ D _. R oo__._™_~« Concerning this book, the late eatMg author, Sheridan Knowles, obß.m«-__ wiU be an incalculable boon to every pe-» who can read and think/* '-__ The Tram Care stop at the «_*!_** Durham street each trip, tormeeoavm enoe of paasenge-V. Eooke*s Elixir,« » and 10a «d per bottle; pills, la 3d and _ W per box. J. Bi-XTF-iTcHEM^^^-i COBNEB OFDUBHAM AOTTODTOT^ BTBEETB. CHBISTCHUBCH,,^ BATEFUL. EpPSJeTCOCOAI BBEAETABT. ._ " '£L " By a thorough knowledge of *"_#»_» laws which srovmrnthe oj»_afS_*__f «J tion and nu&ition, and byftflarara__R cation of thefiaesropertfesof —U|__sg| cocoa, Mr Epj*_as provided our w_2S tables with a delicately flavored towgj which may aave'us many heavy «"J»r& ! bills. It ie bjr the judicious use <_*_ 1 articles of diet that a constitution WJ i gradually bailt up until strong g >otl |££ resist every tendency to disease. Httß 2s of subtle maladies are fk»tir_ s»uW| ready to attack wherever there M*_« point. We may escape nw_yaj»___ by keeping ourselves weU toxwmwQ Euro -lood and a V*operls *&«***£: rame."-See article in the "Civfl Saw Gazette." _ • . m Jm~ Made simply with bo—ing waser PJBSa Bold in Hb packets, by Grocer*. UaW~ JAMES EPPS * CQ-i! Homeopathic Chemur-. -_ .is lon^n;ekqlani>^_3 "MOUNT SOMEBS AND WU'SvaW BOYAL MAIL COACH, -.f A COACH BUNS THUBSDAY, and starting at Noon from Hood's HoteLHgJ Some-, and there coMecfing with Di_PaCofte_ ~<- Methven, ret-tniM same evening* -—BBS I Springbum, _»i return Ba. Alford Forest, 4si return Sa. _-» day trains bom Cbri^urch wFsFSg. even morning at 9Ma.m. Also to Walaß every Mordayaudwi^ day, ret-ruinr on days fa time to cstoh the 440 PJB, "■ * Chrißtoburch. T DE B^CTjft2_^S

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Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6246, 25 September 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6246, 25 September 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLII, Issue 6246, 25 September 1885, Page 4


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