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Wanted. ANTED, a few Lads to Bun the "Telegraph" about town. Apply at-he!hibli-h-_gOffioeat4p.m. 5-8 5103 WANTED KNOWN—Miss Mitci___.i_ Dressmaker, 167 Manchester street, has removed to 201 Kilmore street West, between the Normal School and Victoria street. 8-4 8403 WANTED, a Mistress for Port Levy School. Present master leaving September 30th. Applications to be sent in prior to the above date. B. Flkhinq, (Commissioner Port Levy School. 7-18 7792 WANTED, Tenders for Ploughing, Harrowing, Drilling, and Boiling about 50 Acres of Land at Springston. For particulars, apply to Bennetts Bbos., 196 Cashel Btreet. 8-11 8639 WANTED KNOWN—That the celebrated Home Bush Coal can be delivered for 20s per ton for cash anywhere within 11. miles radius of the depot. Orders addressed to Mr Henry Williams, at the depot, South Belt, Sydenham, will be attended to. J____s A. Mcllbaith. 6-26 7023 -piGEONS, PIGEONS—WANTED, in any quantities. Pkppkebll, Poultry Dealer, Montreal street, close to Bailway Gates. 8-9 8592 PAPANUI DISTRICT SCHOOL. — WANTED, a Head Mistress. Applications will be received until the 22nd instant. W. Goodland, Chairman School Committee. 8-9 8542 TUAPEKA GOLDFLELDS HOSPITAL. APPLICATIONS received by mc up till MONDAY, 20th August, for appointment of Wardsman and Bispenser to the above Hospital. Salary, -£100 per annum, together with board and lodging. JOHN THOMPSON, 8-11 8658 Hon. Secretary. .Lost and Found. r»-i "BBWABD — LOST, from Upper cV-L Biccarton, on July 3rd, one bay MARE, with black points, thin blaze, and rather projecting forehead. Any one returning the, same to J. E. Hanson, Upper Biccarton, will receive the above reward ; or a>y one detaining the same after this notice wiß be prosecuted. 8-11 8671 -Licensing Notices. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I WILLIAM J-TmES GUTTRIDGE, 9 of the City of Christchurch, being the holder of an hotel license in respect ef the house and premises situate at High street, in the city of Christchurch, known as the Langham Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch South, on the sixth day of Septembernext, APPLY fora TRANSFER of the said LICENSE from myself to Henry Allen, my appointee.—Dated the eighth day of August, 1883. WM. J. GUTTRIDGE. ,- 18-10 8620 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I JOSEPH ORAM SHBPPABD, of 9 Highi street, Christchurch, being the holder, of ,a Hotel License in respect [at High street; known aa the White Hart Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch South on the 6th day of September next, APPLY for a TRANSFER of the said LICENSE from myself to Cecil Louisson, my appointee.—Dated the 9th day of August, 1883; J. OBAM SHEPPABD. 8-10 8619 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB TBANSFEB OF LICENSE. IBOBEBT VTNSEN, of Sumner, 9 hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the heuse and premises situate at Sumner, and known as the Cave Bock Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Boad Board office, Ferry road, on the 7th day of September, 1883, APPLY for a TBANSFEB of the said License from myself to JOSEPH SEDLEY, of Sumner, hotelkeeper, my appointee.—Dated the 18th day of July, 1883. B. VINSEN, By his Attorney, the Standard Brewery 8-8 8537 Company. Limited. ■ _a Religious Services. ST. ANDBEW'S CHUBCH. TTEV. J. M. SUTHEBLANB, M.A., .__** North Taieri, Otago, will conduct Service TO-MOBBOW at usual hours. ' 8-11 8635 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. LECTUBES FOB* THE TIMES. ANOTHER of this Series of Lectures will be given in this Church TO-MOBBOW EVENING, BT THU REV. J. ELMSLIE, MA. Subject—"Christ Weepingover Jerusalem." 8-11 Service at 6.30 p.m. 8688 CJFECIAL MEETINGS (n.v.) by Mr CT W. COBBIE JOHNSTON — Oddfellows' Hall, Lichfield street—Week-days: Monday, August 13th, and Nightly till Friday,l7th,at7.3op.m. Theatre Boyal—On Lord's Days of August: Afternoon at 8, "The Lord's Coming and the Church;" evening at 8, " Help for the Helpless. All invited. No collection. 8-11 8690 Aft Union. YDENHAM POULTRY, PIGEOnT AND CANARY SOCIETY. ART U-tIONwisTING NUMBEBS. Prize. Ticket Prizo. Ticket. Prize. Ticket. 1 49 21 1123 41 962 2 1253 22 474 42. 1174 3 435 23 265 43 1780 4 1776 24 1124 44 814 5 257 25 469.. 45 689 6 83 26 1358 46 161 7 202 27 701 47 869 8 1098 28 949 48 1182 9 1351 29 1165 49 607 10 1778 30 676 50 219 11 822 31 472 51 1278 12 271 32 1096 52 351 13 452 33 519 53 1256 14 5 34 1375 54 808 15 453 35 700 55 829 16 1794 36 901 56 (814 17 '267 37 460 57 163 18 749 38 1936 58 304 19 155 39 IU 20 603 40 433 _.. OM _ 8-118693 Aeetlngs, Ac LINCOLN PLOUGHING MATCH, 1833. A MEETING of the General Committee will be held at Bartram's Hotel, Lincoln, on MONDAY, 13th August, at half-past 7 p.m. E. TOWNBHEND, 8-118659 Hon. Secretary. CANTEBBUBY CO-OPEBATIVE FREEHOLD LAND ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. FTTHE ADJOUBNED HALF-YEABLY X MEETINGof the SHAREHOLDERS of the above Association will be held in their Office, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, the 13th INST., at 8 p.m. H. WAGSTAFF. Secretary. Hereford street Chambers, 10th August, 1883. 8-11 8686
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Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5584, 11 August 1883, Page 1
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882Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5584, 11 August 1883, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5584, 11 August 1883, Page 1
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